Spectral DNC-N nanoxidil


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What do you guys think this is exactly, like what does Nanoxidil contain? Do you think it could actually be more effective than minoxidil? Been on it a few weeks or so myself. Anyone seen anything happening on their scalps yet?


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Headsup said:
What do you guys think this is exactly, like what does Nanoxidil contain? Do you think it could actually be more effective than minoxidil? Been on it a few weeks or so myself. Anyone seen anything happening on their scalps yet?

Well to be honest i feel as if I'm losing hairs, i put it on today and got some loose hairs on my finger, this never happened with spectral DNC-L i don't have massive hair lose anyway and now im worried if i can actually make my hair fall out even more then it suppose too by using this stuff? i might be annoyed that i only have a small receding hairline but i would feel terrible if it got worse.

Not sure what to do, any advice? :dunno:


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Has any one got a reply from DS labs or got information from some other source as to what exactly is Nanoxidil 5%.
Ds labs site is still not posting anything about it, although i have started using it coz i am desperate but i would like to know what am I using, if its going to give me an enlarged prostate, hernia, wrinkles, popped out ear drums or going to turn my pubic hair grey!!
Please share if you know anything about Nanoxidil 5%.


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I wish you guys the best of luck I really do, but honestly I for one think DNC has some sub par products that are wrapped in a lot of hype. I always hear about people complaining about them messing with their formulas and you never seem to know what your gonna get. I only use Min because it works but hate the sides. Hopefully you guys get solid results.


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Headsup said:
What do you guys think this is exactly, like what does Nanoxidil contain? Do you think it could actually be more effective than minoxidil? Been on it a few weeks or so myself. Anyone seen anything happening on their scalps yet?
Im getting some new hair ^^


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Jojje said:
Headsup said:
What do you guys think this is exactly, like what does Nanoxidil contain? Do you think it could actually be more effective than minoxidil? Been on it a few weeks or so myself. Anyone seen anything happening on their scalps yet?
Im getting some new hair ^^

Jojje, tok du bilder? I haven't seen any Regrowth yet.


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karan1 said:
Jojje said:
Headsup said:
What do you guys think this is exactly, like what does Nanoxidil contain? Do you think it could actually be more effective than minoxidil? Been on it a few weeks or so myself. Anyone seen anything happening on their scalps yet?
Im getting some new hair ^^

Jojje, tok du bilder? I haven't seen any Regrowth yet.

Didnt take pictures, just got a crappy phone camera, could try though. close to hairline shows well, alsow have some that is where i have not had hair for years. No flash on my damn iphone :S


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thanks jojje, Any one else has anything to report on eye bags, puffiness, wrinkles, hair regrowth? thanks.


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you will not get baggy eyes , puffy face or wrinkles etc using this stuff as IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MINOXIDIL !!!

ive been using it for just over a month now and this week shedding has increased a bit more than normal but my head is covered , and i mean COVERED , in stubbly hairs , especially around the crown area , not so much on the hairline but its pretty exciting !

ive been to see my sister who i havent seen since before i started using dnc-n and asked her what she thought - she said there is deffo regrowth starting and my hair was looking thicker than normal -result !

i really think this stuff is working and there are no side effects at all thank you god so ive just ordered 3 more bottles and will go long term on it

good luck fellow users and please post some updates as to how your doing...


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hey gang, just wanted to share my short experience with dnc-n.
I;ve been using it since around 2 weeks, major reason being the mad rush i was getting from rogaine foam or dnc. recently, after applying rogaine, i was loosing skin on my skull up to the point of bleeding.i tried to change shampoos, applied rogaine to skin on the arms to see if the side effects persist (strangely-they didnt), but skin on my skull still looked terrible. that was kind of strange, as i was successfully using rogaine foam around 2 years ago for 6 months or so with great results and no side effects. hence, i started to look for substitute and this is when ds labs just started selling dnc-n.
so, initial impressions: stuff is greasy and makes thin hair look terrible, unless you blow dry it. i am mostly using it in the evenings, with revita shampoo in the morning. what is most interesting - i get irritated skin and flakes after revita (it may also be the after-effects of few weeks of rogaine regimen), however applying dnc-n soothes the burn. go figure.
obviously, i can't comment on hair-regrowing properties so far as it has been only few weeks so far. this blank will be filled in few months time.
oh yeah, i am residing in germany currently.and bought my first month supply from biovea (eur 38, ouch). however, just found a shop in uk selling for eq. of 28 eur max and shipping to EU free of charge. just bought 3 more bottles from them.
so far thats it. hopefully, it will answer few questions about side-effects of dnc-n. though we are all different hence what works for me might not work for someone else. will keep you updated on my progress.


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Svetliy said:
hey gang, just wanted to share my short experience with dnc-n.
I;ve been using it since around 2 weeks, major reason being the mad rush i was getting from rogaine foam or dnc. recently, after applying rogaine, i was loosing skin on my skull up to the point of bleeding.i tried to change shampoos, applied rogaine to skin on the arms to see if the side effects persist (strangely-they didnt), but skin on my skull still looked terrible. that was kind of strange, as i was successfully using rogaine foam around 2 years ago for 6 months or so with great results and no side effects. hence, i started to look for substitute and this is when ds labs just started selling dnc-n.
so, initial impressions: stuff is greasy and makes thin hair look terrible, unless you blow dry it. i am mostly using it in the evenings, with revita shampoo in the morning. what is most interesting - i get irritated skin and flakes after revita (it may also be the after-effects of few weeks of rogaine regimen), however applying dnc-n soothes the burn. go figure.
obviously, i can't comment on hair-regrowing properties so far as it has been only few weeks so far. this blank will be filled in few months time.
oh yeah, i am residing in germany currently.and bought my first month supply from biovea (eur 38, ouch). however, just found a shop in uk selling for eq. of 28 eur max and shipping to EU free of charge. just bought 3 more bottles from them.
so far thats it. hopefully, it will answer few questions about side-effects of dnc-n. though we are all different hence what works for me might not work for someone else. will keep you updated on my progress.

which site?


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I got an email back saying that it is a similar structure to minoxidil with a lower molecular weight and one fewer carbon chain, I don't really know what that means or how it's significant though, you guys can give me an opinion.


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hey headsup, thats good news that its similar to minoxidil, cause that stuff works, and its clinically proven. with regards to underlying chemistry-no idea how it affects anti-hairloss uqalities. they claim better absorption though, which makes sense if molecules are smaller. otherwise, fingers crossed and lets hope it works!


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Hi! Im new to this community so nice to meet u all !
I would like to ask a question to the persons who they wasnt satisfied with minoxidil and they have some better results with nanoxidil...
Did u use minoxidil with tretinoin or just single minoxidil before u go to nanoxidil??