" Sorry, I'm Not Into Bald Guys. You Should Try Approaching A Bald Woman."

Wolf Pack

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I was in the company of a family member last week, where she made her usual, predictable comments:

She: How's your hair doing?
Me: Still shedding a lot (pulled back thin, long bangs to expose receded temples).
She: My hair is soo thick that I have to have it thinned out every few weeks. And when I comb it, I don't lose a single hair.
Me: Means nothing. Women thin with very little shedding too.
She: Silence.

I have always preferred the company of men. My best friend in high school was a guy, and my closest friend now is a guy. I'm not cutting on all women (I do have a few in my life whom I love), but in general, men just seem to be kinder.

Good reply without getting aggressive, you got your point across. And I know you will at least be a match in terms of looks if not much better!


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I didn't see that comment Joan, holy sh*t, how obnoxious can a person possibly be? It's like me going to a friend who's open about his ED, without even acknowledging his problem "Well mine's hard as a rock within seconds, and women are on it more now than ever!".

If we are to generalise, I can see where you're coming from when you say that's more of a female reaction. In the oddest way, men being expected to live up to this incredibly high standard of being practically emotionless decision makers has made us more emotional as a reaction, and in turn more sympathetic. Females sometimes have this blissful superiority where nothing outside their sphere really matters, and that conversation is exactly what I'm talking about. She didn't think to even pretend to be sympathetic, she talked about her own hair "success" so matter-of-factly that it didn't even dawn on her how that would come across to you, and as WolfPack said, great reaction, because it's true.

I would say however I notice this more in older women, past mid 30's into 40's, not that it's exclusive to them but I don't see it quite as much in younger girls, and I'd also say it's definitely a minority of them- but it is a trait I don't see in males as much.


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I was in the company of a family member last week, where she made her usual, predictable comments:

She: How's your hair doing?
Me: Still shedding a lot (pulled back thin, long bangs to expose receded temples).
She: My hair is soo thick that I have to have it thinned out every few weeks. And when I comb it, I don't lose a single hair.
Me: Means nothing. Women thin with very little shedding too.
She: Silence.

I have always preferred the company of men. My best friend in high school was a guy, and my closest friend now is a guy. I'm not cutting on all women (I do have a few in my life whom I love), but in general, men just seem to be kinder.

this is complete bullsh*t. I have actually dated TWO women in the past three years that have pulled the same crap on me. "I am losing my hair" responded to with something like, "if it makes you feel better, my hair is too thick and it is very hard to style, blah blah".. TOO THICK?!?! God, to know what that's like... must be f*cking torture to never see your scalp.


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I was in the company of a family member last week, where she made her usual, predictable comments:

She: How's your hair doing?
Me: Still shedding a lot (pulled back thin, long bangs to expose receded temples).
She: My hair is soo thick that I have to have it thinned out every few weeks. And when I comb it, I don't lose a single hair.
Me: Means nothing. Women thin with very little shedding too.
She: Silence.

I have always preferred the company of men. My best friend in high school was a guy, and my closest friend now is a guy. I'm not cutting on all women (I do have a few in my life whom I love), but in general, men just seem to be kinder.

lol what a b**ch.

Fred, that's how you do a comeback.


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Females sometimes have this blissful superiority where nothing outside their sphere really matters, and that conversation is exactly what I'm talking about. She didn't think to even pretend to be sympathetic, she talked about her own hair "success" so matter-of-factly that it didn't even dawn on her how that would come across to you, and as WolfPack said, great reaction, because it's true.

this is complete bullsh*t. I have actually dated TWO women in the past three years that have pulled the same crap on me. "I am losing my hair" responded to with something like, "if it makes you feel better, my hair is too thick and it is very hard to style, blah blah".. TOO THICK?!?! God, to know what that's like... must be f*cking torture to never see your scalp.

If Fred or I had written these things, these posts would have been labeled as misogynistic by you two. Just sayin.


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In my observation women who treat other women like that are just jealous or threatened by you. Men can be bitchy and snidy with each other too. We have this competitive alpha male thing, especially when it comes to competing for girls.

I disagree.

I think that when the hair-privileged women found out that the hair-challenged women were concerned about hair loss the hair-privileged women concluded that they have a powerful advantage over the hair-challenged women. Then the hair-privileged women rubbed the hair-challenged women's noses in it in (about how great their hair is) to make themselves feel good by pointing out that they have better hair than the hair-challenged women.
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If Fred or I had written these things, these posts would have been labeled as misogynistic by you two. Just sayin.

No they wouldn't, stop being so full of sh*t. To think that you are accusing me of exaggerating attitudes towards females, now you are exaggerating how much of a "white knight" I am.

I've never pointed at things you've written for being misogynistic, because you can be misogynistic if you want, that's your right. You completely missed the f*****g point of my thread about women hating on here, I wasn't attacking anyone for it, I was simply saying it's not a healthy view to hold. Show me where I'm persistent on labelling things misogynist.

Even when I was talking about Fred going hard on Parisienne, as much as I hate him and will expose him as much as possible, I didn't really WANT to mention his name when it came to misogyny, you dragged it out of me as you wanted examples and links etc. But I didn't care to expose him on that topic, because he can have misogynistic pre-dispositions if he wants, it may reflect an unhealthy mindset, but I'm not really attacking him on having it, that's just how it is.

You forget losers and incels, too.

Is this apparently something I write? Could I see an example please?


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If Fred or I had written these things, these posts would have been labeled as misogynistic by you two. Just sayin.

nah, I don't label people on this forum because I don't know them. I simply defend myself from other people's judgemental bullsh*t.


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That's cool. Me neither.

I was talking about women who make judgements about our baldness, not forum members.

I was quoting captain foreheads comment. Not you, you are one chillllllll mofo!! :D


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In my observation women who treat other women like that are just jealous or threatened by you. Men can be bitchy and snidy with each other too. We have this competitive alpha male thing, especially when it comes to competing for girls.
Jealousy or feeling threatened aren't always the reasons. Some people just seem to feel good when they put down others.


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Good reply without getting aggressive, you got your point across. And I know you will at least be a match in terms of looks if not much better!
Thank you, Wolf Pack. It's better to be happy with or indifferent to your looks like the woman in question, though.


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Why are we even angry at people for telling us to hang with other balding people?

Hair-privileged people have no chance of understanding us. Of course they're going to rag on us.

Some of the balding people at this very site rag on other balding people at this site so even some balding
people can act like rat-finks.


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Why are we even angry at people for telling us to hang with other balding people?

Hair-privileged people have no chance of understanding us. Of course they're going to rag on us.

Some of the balding people at this very site rag on other balding people at this site so even some balding
people can act like rat-finks.

this is truth. However, I have a feeling some of out closest family and friends may understand out struggle once they see it. Those people in my life that tell me, "just shave it" will be the same ones who drop their jaw when I do and give me sh*t for it. It's a cluster f*ck of a catch 22.


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this is truth. However, I have a feeling some of out closest family and friends may understand out struggle once they see it. Those people in my life that tell me, "just shave it" will be the same ones who drop their jaw when I do and give me sh*t for it. It's a cluster f*ck of a catch 22.
Very true. They just won't be able to help themselves.


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In my observation women who treat other women like that are just jealous or threatened by you. Men can be bitchy and snidy with each other too. We have this competitive alpha male thing, especially when it comes to competing for girls.

Oh, I see men try to out-tough each other all the time. Sadly, this exists even among friends of mine and can even be shown in the most subtle ways. I think a lot of times people can mistake kindness for weakness and then try to take advantage. For instance, a guy who tried to act tough around me at the gym would never have even looked at me twice had I not confided in him about certain things and showed my kind side.


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I don't know what your signature refers to but maybe that's why the roof caved in at the old Metrodome in 2010, haha.
Very good, F2005. I love your take on it.


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Jealousy or feeling threatened aren't always the reasons. Some people just seem to feel good when they put down others.

True, but either way it comes down to insecurity on their part so I'd try not to let girls like that get to you. Bitchy girls can appear strong characters on the outside but are often covering up deep issues themselves.


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Oh, I see men try to out-tough each other all the time. Sadly, this exists even among friends of mine and can even be shown in the most subtle ways. I think a lot of times people can mistake kindness for weakness and then try to take advantage. For instance, a guy who tried to act tough around me at the gym would never have even looked at me twice had I not confided in him about certain things and showed my kind side.

Yeah men can be very subtle with this type of thing. When you get a group of young guys together they'll waste no opportunity to have a laugh at anyone in the group if they are balding, fat, has a big nose, ect. They will call this friendly "banter" or a joke but really it's just a way of showing who's the dominant males in the group.