" Sorry, I'm Not Into Bald Guys. You Should Try Approaching A Bald Woman."


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So I was at a bar last Friday and a woman that I approached actually said this to me which caught me off guard to say the least and then she quickly walked away to the other side of the bar.

I know that as a bald guy, you need to have thick skin but that comment really stung especially because I'm in good shape etc and I've had some people that I pull off the bald look fairly well.

How would you react if a woman told you this?


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So I was at a bar last Friday and a woman that I approached actually said this to me which caught me off guard to say the least and then she quickly walked away to the other side of the bar.

I know that as a bald guy, you need to have thick skin but that comment really stung especially because I'm in good shape etc and I've had some people that I pull off the bald look fairly well.

How would you react if a woman told you this?

I would not find myself in that position because I basically do not try to get involved with women at all. I know what they think of my hair loss. I think she gave you some good advice. I think you should ask a balding woman out. I hear EvilLocks is in the market for a balding guy who would wear a hairpiece.

Do I hear wedding bells?

Ding Dong!
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My Regimen
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So I was at a bar last Friday and a woman that I approached actually said this to me which caught me off guard to say the least and then she quickly walked away to the other side of the bar.

I know that as a bald guy, you need to have thick skin but that comment really stung especially because I'm in good shape etc and I've had some people that I pull off the bald look fairly well.

How would you react if a woman told you this?

you're going to encounter people like this in life. I am not trying to judge, but she sounds like an inconsiderate brat. You shouldn't take things people like this say to heart. No man ever says, "sorry, but I don't date fat women"... wait, actually I am sure that some do, but they are immediately judged as heartless dousch bags.


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There's only one way to respond to that brah



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you're going to encounter people like this in life. I am not trying to judge, but she sounds like an inconsiderate brat. You shouldn't take things people like this say to heart. No man ever says, "sorry, but I don't date fat women"... wait, actually I am sure that some do, but they are immediately judged as heartless dousch bags.

Do you think that they are though? A man declining a woman for (99% of the cases) choosing to be fat would be what you mentioned?
I don't get these fat vs bald comparisons. One is almost entirely within your control and the other not so much.


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I admit that I appreciate her honesty. It beats being lied to.

I wonder if she would have been as honest if a documentary crew had been there recording her to make a TV documentary about baldness and she was being interviewed for the whole wide world to hear her admit that she excludes bald guys?????
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I'm no expert on "the game", but women who have even a semblance of confidence will find something to try and shoot you down with on a cold approach. It's brutal and as you probably gave off a shocked negative vibe she judged you as unworthy and that was the end of that. If you had come back quickly with something along the lines of "Sorry, I thought you may be bald, just not on your head" you may have had a chance.


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I'm no expert on "the game", but women who have even a semblance of confidence will find something to try and shoot you down with on a cold approach. It's brutal and as you probably gave off a shocked negative vibe she judged you as unworthy and that was the end of that. If you had come back quickly with something along the lines of "Sorry, I thought you may be bald, just not on your head" you may have had a chance.

So then she might really dig bald guys and she just said she doesn't like bald guys to see if he would come back at her with some sexy misanthropic manly comeback, which would make her hot for sex with him.


That Guy

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Said before, will say until the end of time:

"Confidence" is just a lie men tell themselves and each other to make themselves feel like women don't judge them in the same way they judge women.


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Said before, will say until the end of time:

"Confidence" is just a lie men tell themselves and each other to make themselves feel like women don't judge them in the same way they judge women.

And the women know they can get away with it because they know that men are already telling each other the lie about only needing confidence.

When I had my hair I looked good and like everyone else I had my ups and downs. When I was down my confidence was low and the women would come to the rescue and pick me up. When I had my hair and my confidence receded women didn't care that my confidence was diminished. All they care about is that I looked good.
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The only kind of woman who does not care about confidence and personality is one that is looking for a one night stand. You could have a full head of a hair and strike out 100% of the time if you give out a shitty vibe. There is so much negative re-enforcement on this site it is unhealthy.


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I'm no expert on "the game", but women who have even a semblance of confidence will find something to try and shoot you down with on a cold approach. It's brutal and as you probably gave off a shocked negative vibe she judged you as unworthy and that was the end of that. If you had come back quickly with something along the lines of "Sorry, I thought you may be bald, just not on your head" you may have had a chance.

It wouldn't matter. Her mind was made up. She was clearly repulsed by the sight of his bald head. No amount of pseudo-confidence could save him... because you know, confidence is bullshit. It's all physical attraction, especially when you're first introduced where you only have seconds. Besides, women know if they'll wanna sleep with you in the first few seconds of looking at you. Confidence...??? Completely irrelevant.

In any case, he dodged a bullet... if she's that disgusting of a human being within the first few seconds, just imagine what she's like later on. Even if you weren't bald, would you really want to be in a relationship with a woman so full of herself? She sounds like a Kardashion. I'd rather be bald than end up with a shrew.


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The only kind of woman who does not care about confidence and personality is one that is looking for a one night stand. You could have a full head of a hair and strike out 100% of the time if you give out a shitty vibe. There is so much negative re-enforcement on this site it is unhealthy.

So then you're saying that if we all lie to each other and pretend that women are crazy about bald guys this will make us all healthy. Is this correct?

That Guy

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The only kind of woman who does not care about confidence and personality is one that is looking for a one night stand. You could have a full head of a hair and strike out 100% of the time if you give out a shitty vibe. There is so much negative re-enforcement on this site it is unhealthy.

This is reality. I know it waters down the delusions, but at some point you have to take the red pill. I have seen the biggest douchebags be incredibly successful because they are good looking and women often think they can "change" shitty guys.

Sexual attraction is a requirement of romantic relationships.

When I ask a woman out, I do so because I find her attractive and based on my first impressions of her, she seems cool. However, just about everyone seems like a decent person when you first meet them. Likewise, a woman is only going to agree to dating you if she can see herself wanting parts of you inside her at some point. Regarding confidence, no sane individual wants to be with someone who isn't confident, funny etc. but it's also assumed they think said partner is good looking to them.

As you lose hair, women who previously may have seen you as attractive will see you less so and put you below the "would bang" line - It doesn't matter how great you are as a person, it won't put you over the line.


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lol @ going to bar as a bald man

what the fck did you expect, really?

if you are bald you are VULNERABLE, any people can just say SO WHAT? YOU ARE BALD or AT LEAST I HAVE A HAIR and you cannot reply anything back

you cannot win any argue, remember how @FredTheBelgian was arguing with his muslim friends who claimed that dinosaurs didn't exist... eventually when he was lack of arguments he just said to a fred: "AT LEAST I HAVE A HAIR" and won the debate


My Regimen
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It wouldn't matter. Her mind was made up. She was clearly repulsed by the sight of his bald head. No amount of pseudo-confidence could save him... because you know, confidence is bullshit. It's all physical attraction, especially when you're first introduced where you only have seconds. Besides, women know if they'll wanna sleep with you in the first few seconds of looking at you. Confidence...??? Completely irrelevant.

In any case, he dodged a bullet... if she's that disgusting of a human being within the first few seconds, just imagine what she's like later on. Even if you weren't bald, would you really want to be in a relationship with a woman so full of herself? She sounds like a Kardashion. I'd rather be bald than end up with a shrew.

so positive - baldness weens out the superficial b****s.


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you cannot win any argue, remember how @FredTheBelgian was arguing with his muslim friends who claimed that dinosaurs didn't exist... eventually when he was lack of arguments he just said to a fred: "AT LEAST I HAVE A HAIR" and won the debate
Well, mate. Come on... I think any observer witnessing this debate would of realized that the "dinosaur denier" did not actually win the debate.

He has just played the bald card because to get out of a sticky situation. He made the ultimate cheap shot, which, to any smart person would indicate that he has well and truly lost.


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I admit that I appreciate her honesty. It beats being lied to.

I wonder if she would have been as honest if a documentary crew had been there recording her to make a TV documentary about baldness and she was being interviewed for the whole wide world to hear her admit that she excludes bald guys?????
I would love to see this!


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I remember reading some posts on here of guys who were actively dating and having fun with women while Norwood 2 and under. Fast forward when they started having advanced baldness the women would tell them 'they are not as interested as they thought they would be'. These are the same women who fooled around and semi dated these same guys. These poo blokes were hesitant about netting up five years later but did anyhow. Nothing like biting the reality bullet.

I supose it was there lack of intuition and confidence that made her feel this way though