So Close To Using finasteride. Need Some Positive Experiences To Finally To Do It.

Mr. Prince

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hey bud, I rarely login but felt compelled to give a tip I got from here:

There was a Japanese study done where 0.2mg of Finasteride daily gives nearly identical results to taking 1mg daily. Graph: View attachment 61357

the plus side is that your meds will last a lot longer as well. Also be sure to get off of this stuff in advance if you're trying to conceive children at any point for a period cause I've read about birth defects (micropenis being one).

Thanks for the tip. I think I'm gonna go with 1mg until I regrow enough to the point where I'm fine with just maintaining what I have. After that point I might take 1mg every other day or cut it to 0.5mg or 0.25mg.

Mr. Prince

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2 week update:

Hair feels stronger. Not thicker or more dense, but stronger. It's hard to explain but the frontal area of my scalp is very thin. When I try to pull hairs from that area I would feel nothing. Now I can actually feel the sensation of some hairs being pulled! Might be in my head, but it feels good nonetheless. I started getting the watery semen that everyone talks about. Don't really mind it. My orgasms and erections are still fine. Speaking of erections, yesterday I had the strongest morning wood I've ever had this whole year. Reminds me of mid-puberty morning wood. Again, feels good.

I read many stories in many different website about finasteride sides. Most of them occur during the second and third week. If I get through the third week with no major sides I'll be really happy.

Mr. Prince

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One month update (33 days):

No noticeable sides. Hair looks thinner but the texture and feel is much better. Did not notice many hairs shedding. Generally don't feel any different. Safe to say that I'll probably continue using it for at least a year. Watch me jinx it haha


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New to this site. Have been losing hair since I was 18, (22) now. Noticely balding, still have hair on top but you can see I'm almost bald. Is this finasteride something to take or am I too late? I got in contact with some services in turkey to get a transplant but they say I need to wait till I'm 25 as I may bald further? I cannot fully bald. I'd rather shoot myself in the face.

Mr. Prince

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New to this site. Have been losing hair since I was 18, (22) now. Noticely balding, still have hair on top but you can see I'm almost bald. Is this finasteride something to take or am I too late? I got in contact with some services in turkey to get a transplant but they say I need to wait till I'm 25 as I may bald further? I cannot fully bald. I'd rather shoot myself in the face.

You still have to take finasteride if you do a transplant otherwise your nontransplanted hairs might thin out post surgery and your hair will look weird.


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Am I just better off just super gluing a fkin wig. Can't believe there's nothing that can be done to keep my hair on my head.

Mr. Prince

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Am I just better off just super gluing a fkin wig. Can't believe there's nothing that can be done to keep my hair on my head.

You need to lay down your priorities for yourself. I assume you value your hair a lot because you're posting in a hairloss forum so I believe finasteride is worth the risk. I've been using finasteride for more than a month and don't have any problems.

Bone Saw

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First post, but I think my story is relevant. I took finasteride for 5 years. Started in 2012. I was 25 at the time. In that 5 years, the side effects have ranged from benign to f*****g scary. The first side effect, (which is not advertised) is the quality of sleep. When I was undergoing training for TBS in the USMC, I had a streak of days where I had horrible insomnia. I didn't link it to the drug then, just figured stuff was weird, until it made its awful and reoccurring appearances. Keep in mind, the training we do in Quantico is beyond taxing, yet this rat poison finasteride was strong enough to keep me awake for 3 consecutive days during one episode.

Bone Saw

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Second side effect: High blood pressure. I routinely would have 157 BPM or so, despite being in fantastic shape. I could feel it at night, my heart was beating too quick, too quick for the amount of exercise I was doing. The doctors at the naval clinics would inquire about it, but would write it off as stressors of my job. (We are now into year 3) Third side effect: Brain Fog. I just came to live with this side effect, as it wasn't too bad. Fourth side effect Small balls coupled with testicular pain and crazy PC muscle contractions. I figured it was from heavy squatting and Deadlifting. When I asked other powerlifters if they got taint muscle contractions, they looked at me sideways like I had a dick growing on my forehead. The ball pain would sometimes wake me up at night. I thought that maybe my adductors in my thighs were squeezing them, after all I have very large thighs.

Bone Saw

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Year 4, the beginning of the dreaded ED. It happened December 2015 two months after I returned from the Middle East. I was hooking up with a beautiful woman, just absolutely sexy. But for some reason, I wasn't getting hard. I thought it was anxiety, and I didn't equate it to finasteride. Well later that night, I had some sample v**** pills. I took a quarter of a pill. My dong acquired its mighty strength and the night was saved, however I was bewildered. The dreaded ED was off and on, and became more persistent with lovers who became relationships. The urge and excitement of new women every once and while would overcome the ED. And p**rn was always able to get me up. I just figured it was a p**rn addiction, or I was some kind of crazy mysgoginyst and needed new women partners to keep me excited and hard. Well, enter year 5. I was taking 1.25 mg of finasteride, (proscar quartered). When one day I woke up and felt.. I don't know how to explain it. I felt some type of shift in my hormones and realized my c*** wasn't receiving or transmitting signals. It was like rubber, useless f*****g rubber. I panicked. I absolutely lost my mind for a few horrible moments. I didn't realize how important my sexual health was until that moment. I quit using finasteride that day. The side ed went away. I thought, "oh great, just a temp side effect" so I lowered the dosage to 1 mg. This strategy worked for exactly 8 days. Boom, ED back and worse than ever. I stopped taking it altogether. This was 5 days ago. The first 2 days my c*** wasn't completely dead, but it wasn't getting hard (with p**rn, with manual stimulation). What was worse was the hormonal crash. I didn't realize how much finasteride was increasing my testosterone. With the crash, came low test levels which are absolutely a nightmare. A simple task like running the dishwasher was comparable to fighting the Japanese on Iwo Jima. Just no motivation to do sh*t. Day three, my hormones started to kick back on, with waves of brain fog, extreme fatigue and general anxiety. Day four post finasteride, life is starting to normalize, and now Day 5, c*** works again, balls have returned to a size I have not felt in probably 2-3 years. c*m has returned to its thick white serum, versus the watery and paltry amount of ejaculate. The downside is the return of hair loss is already happening. My muscular build is getting smaller each day. I again want to emphasize how much finasteride was increasing my testosterone. I guess maybe 15-20% bump.
So, to all you would be Finasteride takers I would caution you. It could strike fast or years later like me. Either way, once the sides start it is absolutely terrifying. Like, 'is life worth living?' type of terrifying. I get it, being seen as unattractive is a b**ch. The loss of female attention is a b**ch. The treatment of others and the quick glances from strangers to your hairline while holding a normal conversation is a b**ch. But none of that petty sh*t compares to the very real and terrifying possibility that your dick may just one day stop working, and not ever return. Not a week, not a month or 5 years down the road. You have to willing to play Russian roulette with your sexual health, and that is an extremely large bet to place. Good luck.


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Year 4, the beginning of the dreaded ED. It happened December 2015 two months after I returned from the Middle East. I was hooking up with a beautiful woman, just absolutely sexy. But for some reason, I wasn't getting hard. I thought it was anxiety, and I didn't equate it to finasteride. Well later that night, I had some sample v**** pills. I took a quarter of a pill. My dong acquired its mighty strength and the night was saved, however I was bewildered. The dreaded ED was off and on, and became more persistent with lovers who became relationships. The urge and excitement of new women every once and while would overcome the ED. And p*rn was always able to get me up. I just figured it was a p*rn addiction, or I was some kind of crazy mysgoginyst and needed new women partners to keep me excited and hard. Well, enter year 5. I was taking 1.25 mg of finasteride, (proscar quartered). When one day I woke up and felt.. I don't know how to explain it. I felt some type of shift in my hormones and realized my c*** wasn't receiving or transmitting signals. It was like rubber, useless f*****g rubber. I panicked. I absolutely lost my mind for a few horrible moments. I didn't realize how important my sexual health was until that moment. I quit using finasteride that day. The side ed went away. I thought, "oh great, just a temp side effect" so I lowered the dosage to 1 mg. This strategy worked for exactly 8 days. Boom, ED back and worse than ever. I stopped taking it altogether. This was 5 days ago. The first 2 days my c*** wasn't completely dead, but it wasn't getting hard (with p*rn, with manual stimulation). What was worse was the hormonal crash. I didn't realize how much finasteride was increasing my testosterone. With the crash, came low test levels which are absolutely a nightmare. A simple task like running the dishwasher was comparable to fighting the Japanese on Iwo Jima. Just no motivation to do sh*t. Day three, my hormones started to kick back on, with waves of brain fog, extreme fatigue and general anxiety. Day four post finasteride, life is starting to normalize, and now Day 5, c*** works again, balls have returned to a size I have not felt in probably 2-3 years. c*m has returned to its thick white serum, versus the watery and paltry amount of ejaculate. The downside is the return of hair loss is already happening. My muscular build is getting smaller each day. I again want to emphasize how much finasteride was increasing my testosterone. I guess maybe 15-20% bump.
So, to all you would be Finasteride takers I would caution you. It could strike fast or years later like me. Either way, once the sides start it is absolutely terrifying. Like, 'is life worth living?' type of terrifying. I get it, being seen as unattractive is a b**ch. The loss of female attention is a b**ch. The treatment of others and the quick glances from strangers to your hairline while holding a normal conversation is a b**ch. But none of that petty sh*t compares to the very real and terrifying possibility that your dick may just one day stop working, and not ever return. Not a week, not a month or 5 years down the road. You have to willing to play Russian roulette with your sexual health, and that is an extremely large bet to place. Good luck.
Keep us updated while you're recovering... Some scary sh*t.. I have my batch of finasteride ever and I'm scared to try it now damn, also did the size of ur dick(no homo) decrease while on finasteride?

Bone Saw

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Keep us updated while you're recovering... Some scary sh*t.. I have my batch of finasteride ever and I'm scared to try it now damn, also did the size of ur dick(no homo) decrease while on finasteride?
Well, when the ED stuff started happening absolutely. But that was due to just erection quality. It has returned to normal though.
I will definitely keep you all updated as this rat poison leaves my system.


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I wish i would of responded well to finasteride :/

Bone Saw

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Let me also point out this: if you are prone to finasteride sides, nothing can mitigate them once they get going. It only gets worse as the time goes by. Take me for example:
31 now, 6' 220 lbs. I'm a Marine Corps Officer who trains 6 times a week. I squat 500 lbs and run/swim/bike, in that order, every week. I also have done PE for my c***. Manual Jelqing, stretching, etc. This stuff works and does increase your eq/c*** size. All of this didn't amount to sh*t with finasteride. It completely nullified all of those potential stop-gap measures to prevent ED. Yohimbe didn't work, Maca didn't work, Agmatine and L-Arginine, test boosters didn't work. Nothing. If these sides strike you, good luck Chuck is all I'm going to say.
Also, at first finasteride did in fact make a positive impact on my sexual performance, but that was due to increased Test levels. That too, reversed course and took a turn for the worse. I had literally every single positive measure you could have to mitigate the potential negative effects of finasteride and it still drowned me in sides, the way IRMA drowned the Caribbean.


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Let me also point out this: if you are prone to finasteride sides, nothing can mitigate them once they get going. It only gets worse as the time goes by. Take me for example:
31 now, 6' 220 lbs. I'm a Marine Corps Officer who trains 6 times a week. I squat 500 lbs and run/swim/bike, in that order, every week. I also have done PE for my c***. Manual Jelqing, stretching, etc. This stuff works and does increase your eq/c*** size. All of this didn't amount to sh*t with finasteride. It completely nullified all of those potential stop-gap measures to prevent ED. Yohimbe didn't work, Maca didn't work, Agmatine and L-Arginine, test boosters didn't work. Nothing. If these sides strike you, good luck Chuck is all I'm going to say.
Also, at first finasteride did in fact make a positive impact on my sexual performance, but that was due to increased Test levels. That too, reversed course and took a turn for the worse. I had literally every single positive measure you could have to mitigate the potential negative effects of finasteride and it still drowned me in sides, the way IRMA drowned the Caribbean.

Do you regret taking finasteride?


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I've been on the fence about it as well. One thing I keep coming back to though, is that I believe I've heard it mentioned that any doctor will advise that you get on Finasteride anyway if you get a hair transplant to retain the hair you have and prevent further loss. So it seems that Finasteride isn't really one of the "big 3," but rather part of 2/3 of the big 3. So it would seem that in order to treat your hair loss in almost any way, you'd need to take it.


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Hey I'm new here, i've been lurking this forum since the beginning of the Brotzu's thread and it's f*****g sad how times just pass and don't see any news for treatments I can't imagine the pain for those guys whose has been waiting for a cure in years , but today i made a decision to stop this desease, OP let me tell you that you encouraged me to take my first pill. I'll be posting if I get sides here.

Mr. Prince

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Hey I'm new here, i've been lurking this forum since the beginning of the Brotzu's thread and it's f*****g sad how times just pass and don't see any news for treatments I can't imagine the pain for those guys whose has been waiting for a cure in years , but today i made a decision to stop this desease, OP let me tell you that you encouraged me to take my first pill. I'll be posting if I get sides here.

Good luck. I really hope you respond with no sides. I wish I can follow my own advice but you should really stop visiting hairloss forums and such after starting treatment. Just try to be as stress free as possible.


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Hey I'm new here, i've been lurking this forum since the beginning of the Brotzu's thread and it's f*****g sad how times just pass and don't see any news for treatments I can't imagine the pain for those guys whose has been waiting for a cure in years , but today i made a decision to stop this desease, OP let me tell you that you encouraged me to take my first pill. I'll be posting if I get sides here.
Its important to research all your options first. Mr_Prince is right about just taking the pill and not coming back. Give yourself at least 6 months, perferably a year before making any assessments of effectiveness. Im 9 months in and still losing ground fast, but ive done my research and added something else into my regiment. ( hope things work out this time )
The bottom line is (literally) try not to overthink, be diligent and be patient!

Bone Saw

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Do you regret taking finasteride?
It's too early to say. Right now, everything has returned to normal for the most part. It hasn't ruined my course through life, so I don't regret it so far. If the post finasteride sides start occurring around the 10 day mark, then the answer will be most certainly yes.


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I find taking Finasteride to be extremely terrifying because you can never tell how your hair will react to being on it or if it will attack back aggressively if you decide to stop taking the blocker.

Everything is down to hormones and how they regulate hairloss so if your hormones don't respond well then there might be no going back :(

I am currently in an anxiously scared emotional state of trying to figure out if continuing to take it is a good idea.

Its been just over a week and along with an itch i think i might be shedding today because i have noticed alot of hair falling on my desk when i brush my hand through my hair.

If you decide to take it, good luck :(
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