Smoking Weed & Hairloss


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Yeah none of us will ever know the true impact, but I'll put in my experiences.

I started regularly smoking bud around 4 years ago, when my hair was at its worst. I was using minoxidil at the time, but afraid of hopping on the finasteride train. My anxiety was at an all time high and I hated seeing myself in mirrors as I was an NW3 at 21. Felt like I didn't fit in with my peers at all and always stood out as someone different. I didn't smoke pot to reduce these feelings at all, I just smoked pot to smoke. I felt like a bigger loser for having to apply rogaine 2x daily on my head in my 20's.

I did notice in certain social situations, like a house party around people I knew but should have known better, in a well lit room, I would become excessively anxious. I would usually slip away to smoke with a buddy and return to the party and think my high would overcome these negative feelings. Instead I would be paranoid, most of it attributed to my hair; can they see my scalp under these lights, why won't girls approach me, why don't I have cool hipster hair like everyone else here? So moral of the story is I think weed actually helps you discover your unconscious and deal with it your way, instead of providing an escape like most people think it does. I truly think it was all related to my balding and now that I am on finasteride, I don't worry as I know my look isn't radically changing anytime soon. Am I 100% happy with my hair, no, but the fact that I am not balding and don't have to try comb overs and other stupid looks in my youth has ridded the anxiety and returned some of my confidence.

Even on finasteride now I'll notice if I have an overly stressful day at work, or have many other things on my mind, I'll get that old shiny scalp and wispy thin hair, with a bad itch but no shed due to propecia. If I have a few days off and can relax and watch some football, smoke a lil bud and have a beer, my hair looks much better and the itch goes to nil. This lack of anxiety will carry through to the workplace and I find my first few days are great until something else causes me stress. So I do think anxiety plays a role in my hairless and weed may have an affect on this. Again, not very scientific, but its what I have to report.


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My Regimen
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I personally think that some CBD oil is really good for you and it helps with hair too. What do you think about it? It helps me a lot, personally, and I like taking it a lot. You should learn more about it, if you are interested in such supplements :)
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