Smoking Weed & Hairloss


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Who here smokes bud, and what do you think it has done for your hairloss whether it's a positive or negative effect?



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Pot lowers DHT and can cause Lethargy and gynocomastia. I have seen so many dudes with huge heads of hair that are stoners, it makes you passive man.


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I've smoked the herb once, and it did wonders for my hairloss.

I forgot all about it!


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Stingray said:
I've smoked the herb once, and it did wonders for my hairloss.

I forgot all about it!

I have been a huge pothead. I left those ways behind me, but from about 13 to 26 (28 now) I was stoned half the time. I dont believe it has affected my hairloss, or even my mental capacity too much (If anything, pot makes you stupid because you dont get any practice using your brain, not because it does any damage). Only thing I worry about are my lungs. But would my hair have been any different? Nah. Its still a very slow diffusion, so it really couldnt have accellerated it much.


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What about smoking regular smokes? Does anyone know if smoking has any role in hairloss? I have about 6-8 per weekday and about 12 on a Friday or Saturday night. Is this adding to my hairloss?


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Jude said:
What about smoking regular smokes? Does anyone know if smoking has any role in hairloss? I have about 6-8 per weekday and about 12 on a Friday or Saturday night. Is this adding to my hairloss?

Jude I have heard conflicting opinions on this. Some seem to opimistic that smoking is bad for your hair and can excellerate hairloss. Although whether or not this is true, I dont know. I'm sure someone will claim that anything you do can cause hairloss at one time or another. And the fact that their are millions of heavy smokers who have great hair seems to lead me to say no.


I have smoked at least two joints a day for a long time and so have all my friends(it's probably why I still do) It's a hard thing to tell whether it is helping because I'm on propecia as well.

BUT. I have a buddy who's smoked with me all these years and his whole family is bald as Sh*t, every one nw7. His brother at 18 was nw3 and at 22 was full nw7. My buddy takes no treatments at all, and he is now 25 sitting at about a nw2-3(he wears a hat a lot so it's hard to get a read). Most likely genetics, but it is interesting to see him holding onto his hair so long, because he also started to bald early.

I have read a study that it does prevent androgens form clinging to receptors. Making it dangerous for pregnant wmoen to smoke it because it might hurt a male fetus form developing.

Healthy Nick

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I am positive that my pot use triggered the hairloss in me. I'm not saying the pot itself physically did anything to me, but the effects definitly did. Pot doesn't make me chill out, it makes my mind race and I think think think think think. Pot combined with the problems if teenage life did it for me. I wrote about this in more detail awhile ago, so I don't feel like thinking about it anymore and typing, but I will conclude that pot wasn't a good thing for my hair. Don't get fooled by any stupid myths like "pot is good for your hair". yeah f*****g right :lol:


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Well, I wasnt sure if weed anything thing to do with my hairloss but I recently found a high school graduation photo w/ my cap off and I didnt notice it at the time, but I was starting to thin at my temples. I didnt start smoking weed til about a year after graduation, so I know weed didnt have anything to do with my losing my hair. Some could say it might of accelerated it, but I dont think so. If anything, I would say that excess sugar, caffeine and fats, accelerated my male pattern baldness more then anything else.


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thers just as much a link between pot and hairloss as wanking and hairloss
no link what so ever


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I would say that excess sugar, caffeine and fats, accelerated my male pattern baldness more then anything else.

Interestingly enough, traditionnal Chinese medicine , for what it's worth, claims that sweet flavoured food and fats are detrimental to hair growth.
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wanking it just might!!!!

wanking may not but the end result (ejaculation) just might have something to do with it!

And my Doctor told me that it didn't but that Nicotine and Caffeine does. I hate this entire hairloss thing! I don't think anyone knows what causes it and what fixes it. Or how to stop it or how to prevent it.

Oh, I was also told that antioxidents are good for hairloss...helps reduce DHT.

Now, on another note...two people I workout with (male and female) sya that lowering DHT does in fact help in speeding up recovery time after a workout.

Mad Woes

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Wow so many balding pot smokers. Glad I am not alone! Anyway, I have studied the marijuana literature rather intensely (sh*t makes me paranoid! must make sure I wont go crazy!) so here is what I know: THC has been shown in several animal models and in some (not all) human studies to decrease the level of a pituary hormone that stimulates the release of testosterone from the testes. However, this effect is short lived apparently, and hence reversible, but more importantly it appears that heavy users develop tolerance to the inhibitory effect of THC.

So there may in fact be some decrease in DHT levels due to smoking marijuana after you first smoke it, but this probably wouldnt be a viable hair loss treatment strategy beacause it either doesn't last long enough in casual smokers or doesnt happen at all in heavies. Which is too bad because if it did prevent hair loss I could get a prescription for medical marijuana.



The Gardener

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This thread is another reminder that there are too many people out there who think that the human body is some sort of predictable machine... reduce this, and it helps that... cut back on that, and it will help you with this.

The human body is an active system that has many means to keep itself self-regulated. One time activities such as pot smoking or drinking a cup of green tea, or whacking off are, on paper, known to have certain effects on certain hormones. HOWEVER, one must not forget that whilst one may partake in certain habits, hobbies, or routines, the human body is actively counteracting the effects by doing whatever it has to do to keep itself in hormonal balance.

That being said, although one particular activity might be shown to, say, reduce DHT, one really does not know how this will ripple through the system and what effects it will have. Sometimes, some substances said to quote "reduce DHT" only result in the body converting the excess free testosterone into estrogen, resulting in some very unfavorable side effects. Other substances might quote "reduce DHT" but only result in the body adapting to this and increasing the rate of testosterone to DHT synthesis to compensate.

Only chemicals that have been proven by the FDA to reduce DHT AND keep this reduced DHT environment stable over a period of time are worth talking about.

In a nutshell, don't speculate or experiment on anecdotal evidence. Rely on proven products that have been shown to have a real and positive effect on male pattern baldness.

That being said, I must admit that I really enjoy the occasional joint. Marijuana is far less damaging on the human body than is alcohol. Alcohol causes morbidity in most all internal organs of the human body, and when one uses alcohol in excess and goes to sleep or passes out, it induces the body to enter a state more similar to a coma than sleep... whereas marijuana inflicts FAR less morbidity and damage to internal organs of the human body. And, when one 'overdoses' on marijuana and 'passes out', the state is far more similar to sleep than the coma-like effect that alcohol creates. Alcohol, in excess, depresses the most central nervous system functions of the human brain. Neither substance is good for you, but if given a choice of the two, marijuana is preferred in my opinion.


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Jude said:
What about smoking regular smokes? Does anyone know if smoking has any role in hairloss? I have about 6-8 per weekday and about 12 on a Friday or Saturday night. Is this adding to my hairloss?

Well smokes has nicotin .. causes white hair.


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i think if pot stopped hairloss , no question it would be legal and we would all be on it.


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drugs r bad, mmmkay.......

Anyway, I agree with what gardner said. People really try to over simplify the body's workings. The human body is so tremendously complex that even the most accomplished physicians will admit they know very little especially when it comes to immeasurable things like minute cellular changes that cannot be measured with current technology.


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Marijuana is already a good inhibitor for infections caused by superficial cuts, bruises, rashes, and minor skin irritations. But that doesn't make it good enough to be legal. It would have to be good enough in the form of smoke, which it's not as shown in consistent studies.
