Smoking Weed & Hairloss


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Shcestec or whatever the f*Ck your name is.

Why would you be bald, rather than smoke weed. Weed is pretty good. Yeah it's pretty sweet. Yeah it's sweet. Sweeeeeeet.

Are you serious? Yeah it's fairly sweet. Sweet.


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Yea, id have to agree with Bob Marley, i mean weed is pretty good and it is sweeeeet. I smoke everyday and I love it! :p


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ChiaHead said:
Yea, id have to agree with Bob Marley, i mean weed is pretty good and it is sweeeeet. I smoke everyday and I love it! :p
hope u get caught cuz i dont want your high *** hitting me with a car.


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Schestev: You seem like your scared of weed or something man. I personally don't choose to indulge in it much but once n'while its nice to lay back and smoke a fattie. I don't see why you have such a problem with it. If your going to critize people that smoke weed you might as well critize binge drinkers cause that causes as much if not more damage to your body.

In regards to getting caught with it. At least where I live in Canada it's really not that big of a deal unless your distributing. In fact last I checked they were working out legalizing it.


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schestev said:
ChiaHead said:
Yea, id have to agree with Bob Marley, i mean weed is pretty good and it is sweeeeet. I smoke everyday and I love it! :p
hope u get caught cuz i dont want your high *** hitting me with a car.
Sounds like someone has some personal issues.... :freaked:

George Costanza

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Yet another thread that's done got long in the tooth. :doh:


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schestev said:
ChiaHead said:
Yea, id have to agree with Bob Marley, i mean weed is pretty good and it is sweeeeet. I smoke everyday and I love it! :p
hope u get caught cuz i dont want your high *** hitting me with a car.

Schestev, then you'd rather be bald than drink alcohol too? :roll: .


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considering i've had 3 cousins committ suicide from weed, i can't say i'm a big fan of it. do what u want though.


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Give me a F*cking break. Committing suicide because of smoking weed. You're an idioit or just incredibly naive about drugs or the "drug world"

What a conincidence 3 cousins dead because of weed. Dive a little deeper into the situation and you would find all of them were probably depressed/emotionally unstable people to begin with and just happened to smoke weed. Or they used cocaine/heroin and you just think they only smoked weed because your'e young and naive, with parents that did not teach you well or uncover the whole truth about your cousins.

Sorry to hear about your cousins, but definately educate yourself and ask bout your cousins. I'm not saying it's impossible that weed was the cause, because I've found anything in life is possible, but unless that sh*t was laced with PCP and heroin it was not the WEED.


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schestev said:
considering i've had 3 cousins committ suicide from weed, i can't say i'm a big fan of it. do what u want though.

Sorry but no chance would weed make one commit suicide. Quite the opposite.


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Bob_Marley said:
Give me a F*cking break. Committing suicide because of smoking weed. You're an idioit or just incredibly naive about drugs or the "drug world"

What a conincidence 3 cousins dead because of weed. Dive a little deeper into the situation and you would find all of them were probably depressed/emotionally unstable people to begin with and just happened to smoke weed. Or they used cocaine/heroin and you just think they only smoked weed because your'e young and naive, with parents that did not teach you well or uncover the whole truth about your cousins.

Sorry to hear about your cousins, but definately educate yourself and ask bout your cousins. I'm not saying it's impossible that weed was the cause, because I've found anything in life is possible, but unless that sh*t was laced with PCP and heroin it was not the WEED.

you give me a break. They were always happy people and suddenly they start smoking pot and that becomes there life and they lose their family, job etc. because of pot and then they get depressed. This will be my last post on the subject, I'm just against it totally because of some bad experiences with it through my cousins. It's your choice.


like everything in life, moderation is key. smoking dank in moderation does no harm just like consuming alcohol in moderation is alright.


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Schestev: I'm sorry about your couzin's man. Anyone who turns to pot like your couzins did and uses it as an excuse to let their lives deteriote clearly has a reason for doing it. Maybe weed allowed them to blunt the emotions they didn't want to deal with and one day weed just couldn't do the trick anymore. Personally i feel blaming it on weed is a scapegoat and although their death is a tradgety maybe you should look at the more important things that caused it. Weed generally doesn't have the grasp to addict someone like you described.


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But getting back to the topic, "smoking weed and hairloss". I can tell you now, the reason I smoke weed is because of hairloss. Seriously.


MidnightFlyer said:
But getting back to the topic, "smoking weed and hairloss". I can tell you now, the reason I smoke weed is because of hairloss. Seriously.

i think drinking alcohol would be the better substance to use if you want to forget about hairloss for a while. Weed might make you over analyze the situation. If you're drunk, you just won't give a f***.


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Smoking weed and hair loss

Not sure on this. Ive smoked everyday for like 15 20 years now, just turned 34. I never lost any hair until 33 so i dont think it causes more loss. At least When using in moderation. I only smoke one gram at night after work.