Six's Story - (Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.)


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I started balding when I was 15. I'm 17 now and obviously it's gotten worse. I haven't taken any action at all yet, which is why I'm here. I just need some recommendations.
I'm a spitting image of my father who started balding around the same time I did. He's in his late forties and hasn't lost all his hair yet. His hairline is pretty average for a guy in his forties, and his hair is thin all over. Mine is starting to look like his. I need to do something about it now.
My hair is very thin at the crown, and in direct light it's thin all over the top. My hairline has receded pretty badly. If you could, just take a look at the pictures and give me some ideas. I know the quality is pretty low but you can get an idea. Thank you for the help.






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Re: Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.

hmm. recommending the big 3 is gunna be pretty hard + unpopular given your age. you're catching it early enough that it'd probably help but who knows what the consequences of using finasteride that early could be? maybe a topical anti androgen-- i think RU is the topical one? definitely start using nizoral or a generic keto shampoo.


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Re: Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.

kthxbi said:
hmm. recommending the big 3 is gunna be pretty hard + unpopular given your age. you're catching it early enough that it'd probably help but who knows what the consequences of using finasteride that early could be? maybe a topical anti androgen-- i think RU is the topical one? definitely start using nizoral or a generic keto shampoo.

I'm not worried about side effects. After reading a bunch of threads and hearing other people just a little bit older than me saying "I haven't experienced any side effects," I feel pretty comfortable with anything.
Am I able to buy finasteride and nizoral at a local pharmacy?


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Re: Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.

you need a prescription which you will be able to get from a dermo if not your gp. im 16 and on finasteride btw, had some sides and quit for about 2 weeks but now back on and everythings fine. its worth it trust me. also get some minoxidil 5%.


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Re: Age 17, balding like crazy. pics.

Six said:
kthxbi said:
hmm. recommending the big 3 is gunna be pretty hard + unpopular given your age. you're catching it early enough that it'd probably help but who knows what the consequences of using finasteride that early could be? maybe a topical anti androgen-- i think RU is the topical one? definitely start using nizoral or a generic keto shampoo.

I'm not worried about side effects. After reading a bunch of threads and hearing other people just a little bit older than me saying "I haven't experienced any side effects," I feel pretty comfortable with anything.
Am I able to buy finasteride and nizoral at a local pharmacy?
i started just before i turned 19 so yeah, i'm probably one of those people you've read. i'd say get fincar from inhouse and generic nizoral from a pharmacy. cheapest way to do it.


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All right thanks guys. I'll try to get this stuff soon and I'll keep track of my progress and update maybe once a month or so here. Thanks for the help, let's hope I can turn this into a success story.


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I have a quick question. Will I need a prescription for finasteride? Or do the strips sold on unitedpharmacies work just as well? And should I go with 5mg or lower?


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Hopefully your Doctor will give you a script for proscar. However, some won't (like mine...and I'm not sure why). If that happens to you, then here's my advice ... pecia.html

I've been taking Finasteride from them for the last 3 years. My hair loss went from 200 hairs a day to about 25, so I know it wasn't just a sugar pill or something like that. They have online support for questions, and they told me this: "We have more than one supplier for the same medication and we ship out according to the availability of the stock. We carry generic Propecia manufactured by GenPharma, Sunrise, Cipla and Intas Lab Pvt."

If you're worried about budget, then I would suggest going for 90 1mg caps first. If you don't have a problem with sides then make your next order the 5mg caps and you can quarter them (1.25mg) to save some money.

Use the promo code Q52EM37T during checkout for another 10% off. That's my promo code that I got for being a return customer, so feel free to use it :)

Here's my story, so you know that I'm trying to sell you on the product...not the website :)


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thanks again Combover and Rawtashk. I'll be ordering some either tomorrow or tuesday, and I'll start tracking my progress with pictures here, updating every month or so.


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I just bought 40 tablets of Fincar 5mg, some generic nizoral 2%, and generic minoxidil 5% so they should be here in about a week.

I took these pictures to use as a reference for later on. I'll be back when I get this stuff in the mail.




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Captain Combover said:

You say you have only been balding 2/3yrs. With a bit of luck a lot of your follicles will still be active and not dormant. Are you going to be using ROGAINE? If you are Kirkland Rogaine is generally the cheapest. Looking at your hair i think you need to be using both FINasteride and Rogaine to get some really good results. Good Luck!

I did buy some generic rogaine called Mintop Forte 5%. It was $19.50 for a 60ml bottle which sounds ok to me. Thanks for the encouragement man. I'm really excited about this.


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Just popped the first pill and applied the shampoo. I'll be using the minoxidil in a little bit. My parents lectured me against this for maybe ten minutes straight. It's a little discouraging but I still have faith in this.


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I hope you didn't pop the entire pill....? The only reason we buy the 5mg tabs is to quarter them and save money. If you're going to bring out the big guns like that, then you might as well just start on Dutastaride. More potent, but less % of sides than 5mg finasteride.


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Rawtashk said:
I hope you didn't pop the entire pill....? The only reason we buy the 5mg tabs is to quarter them and save money. If you're going to bring out the big guns like that, then you might as well just start on Dutastaride. More potent, but less % of sides than 5mg finasteride.
No sorry, I should have said I cut it into fourths.


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I use Ketoconazole every day, why i have much dundruff, for me is great.


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good luck brother, keep us posted.


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Yeah good luck man, you've gotten on the big 3 so you're doing what you need to do. You also did great catching this early on. The top of your head and temples seem to be only starting to thin, it's the crown where I think you need the most attention, just be sure to apply the minoxidil there twice daily and massage it into the skin a bit.

Given your age though, I'd really recommend seeing the g.p. before continuing on with the finasteride. There's a good chance there's nothing wrong with it, and in many cases I don't think it's bad to subvert the g.p. to get finasteride, but for you at 17, I'd check in and get the official diagnosis of male pattern baldness, especially if you're still covered by your parents' insurance and can see the Doctor for free or cheap. Most likely he'll do what we all did - take one look, hear about your father, and confirm male pattern baldness, but he may order a blood test to check for any heightened or deficient metabolites or existing hormonal imbalances, and this information is nice to have if you're serious about tackling hair loss long-term. I understand the rush to get into treatment, but I really think you should get in to your GP's office. Hopefully your parents will be supportive of your taking the right route to a safe and effective treatment plan, and it may win their support (morally and financially) for continued finasteride use. I now get generic 5mg proscar from the local pharmacy for the same price as inhouse, with no shipping, waiting, or worries about quality. I know it's a PITA, but it's the right thing to do.

Best wishes on your treatment plan, keep us updated!


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What a prick of an ailment male pattern baldness is. 17 year olds shouldn't have to worry about hair loss.

Good luck man, it's a tough road ahead.


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2 and a half week update

Feels like it's been longer. I haven't noticed anything yet. My crown looks like it might be closing up. I guess I'm just getting anxious because school starts in a week and i want my last year of high school to be good.

taken while my hair was wet, and in direct light




dry in direct light

dry in normal light


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man, you're all good! in the direct light pic you have a great looking head.

Hair loss or not, you have a solid dome. You've got the perfect cut for it, you're not thinning in any one place or in a well-defined pattern, you look totally fine and you should enjoy the hell out of that last year of high school. Don't even think about it one bit. I'm sure I overlook guys hair loss like yours all the time...kept buzzed like that you really can't tell unless you have fuzz only in the horseshoe pattern which you don't, and other people really aren't as alert to male pattern baldness in high school as they are in their late 20's and on. To me, you would pass under the radar 100% unless I was really examining your head. (Not saying it's not male pattern baldness, you should definitely stick with a treatment plan and talk to your Doctor about finasteride and/or topical spironolactone use, but definitely don't let it affect how much fun you're having this year - you only live once, male pattern baldness or not!)