Should I Make A Move On This Girl At Work?


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It's called marriage!

Yep. Don't marry. Subject yourself to emotional abuse to an ugly hag for th remainder of your life, or try and free yourself with a divorce and The state will make your life a living hell, epsecially if you ever have kids.


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I always love reading these generalizing posts about women from guys who spend more time talking about women than talking to women.


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I always love reading these generalizing posts about women from guys who spend more time talking about women than talking to women.

Well, after all, you're on a forum filled with insecure guys likely suffering from depression, anxiety, body dysmorphic disorder, and the like, who are also bald. I'm not that surprised.


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Well ther's a lot of know it all's on here. Some guys act like they know everything about everything including women but in real life they're possibly hopeless with them. They're complicated creatures I admit.
I think some of the "generalising" posts you refer to are slightly tounge in cheek though.


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Yeah, finding the right time/situation to make a move in a workplace environment is difficult. It's all too easy to make a fool of yourself or worse - look like a creep if you do it wrong. Even if the girl takes it well you can still become the subject of office gossip.


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If she's good looking and you are noticeably bald forget about it. Save yourself the hurt and embarrassment. Pop some finasteride and lather that minoxidil then try your luck at a bar where girls judgement will be impaired, much better idea and its easier to blow off if things don't go the way you hoped.


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It's funny how peoples advice in this thread has gone from "go for it, what are you waiting for" to "forget about it, it's not worth it". Lol.


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It's funny how peoples advice in this thread has gone from "go for it, what are you waiting for" to "forget about it, it's not worth it". Lol.
I want to PM you with further information about my experience.
Finding time to do this is the problem though.


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Id just really try to strike up general conversation with her a few times first to feel it out. Does she talk with ANYONE else there?
bit of personal advice though, I never sh*t where I eat.