She called me an egg - online dating realities

I wont lose this

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Yeah full headed Chad will get the one night stand any day of the week over chrome dome. As people get older this is no longer fulfilling though & (most) people want a secure long lasting relationship when their 30s are coming up - especially women. So the "beta provider backup plan" becomes an option over ducklips J Bravo

I'm not saying I was a Chad but since my mid twenties after a hair transplant & gymcell I got my body count in the double digits pretty quick through mainly dating apps & some clubs/bars. By no means is it gratifying to look back on, now 30 is approaching
One night stands are trash though. At least that's what I think. If I want to do such a shallow thing, I'd rather spend time on pornhub. Incredible sex I had was with my ex, who I loved. The one night stands after were pretty boring


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you forgot tosend dick pic with your request^^
some might confuse a dicks head with a bald head, though... in case youre tired of being compared yo an egg, there may be worse^^