Scarrreeeedddd! (about liver flushing!)


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Ok so I've decided to try to flush all the bile out my liver. As I've said I think my liver is toxic for some reason which caused my intolerances, skin problems and hair loss. I wanted to gradually cleanse it with ACV, Humaworm, Colloidal Silver etc but I'm running out of time here and although I have Eucapil and minoxidil ready to go in case this doesn't work... I just have to do it.

Why haven't I flushed out my liver before you ask?

Mainly because I was scared. Whenever something really stimulates my liver my whole intestines HURT and my body freaks out and flushes their contents away (giving me diarrhoea and stuff). I don't know what's freaking my body out so much but I think either my liver isn't breaking down my food, or SOMETHING in my bile is really quite bad. So what's going to happen when I flush it? God knows and it might really hurt even though it just HAS to be done. I might build up to it slowly though, with smaller methods (it's all on CureZone and tried and tested and safe don't worry, it's just one of them is a bit of a TMI!).

This isn't just for my hair. If I pretend I'm ok and just shower treatments on my scalp, my whole life will suffer. I won't be able to eat at restaurants anymore easily because I'll have to ask if anything contains egg every 5 minutes, my skin will never heal and my body will continue freefalling. I need to do this, but I'm just scared :(



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monty1978 said:
I've got another blood test on the 24th. I'm doing a flush after that so I can test again and see if it's actually made an differenc! Right b**ch to do though by the sounds of it! Don't know if I can actually be arsed!

Well, there are many things that help. Coffee enemas, as odd and unpleasant as that sounds, seem fantastic at emptying bile out of the liver, but apparently don't do so much for stones.

I do know what you mean but like I say I really believe that liver-related problems are THE number 1 culprit when it comes to male pattern baldness. Liver flushes and coffee enemas and stuff detox it like crazy, and if this is correct will be closer to curing someone's Androgenetic Alopecia, not just putting a band-aid on it! :)

EDIT -- Also bear in mind you can play with the flush formula a fair bit. For some it is very useful to parasite/bacteria cleanse or kidney or colon cleanse before it, depending on the individual I think. Epsom salts, not 100% essential, certainly not essential to take quite as much as suggested. Grapefruit, not essential but useful, apples/malic acid are not essential but very highly recommended. I'm gradually experimenting with all this more as I learn more :)


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monty1978 said:
Well look at these results. :shock: and I am not a regular drinker!

I'm 12 stone with 8.2% body fat desptite the low thyroid

I have a test on the 24th to confirm them again. On that day I will be starting the liver flush text book. Still figuring out the best way to do it. Parasite cleanse and all that. I will also be quitting smoking! (again)


Protein 65g/L (61-79)
bilirubin 16umol/L (0-20)
ALT 143iu/L(37C) (10-40)

Plasma test 11.7nmol/L (10-27.6)
Estradiol 140pmol/L (73-172)
FSH 2.2iu/L (1.3 - 19..3)
LH 3iu/L (1.2 - 8.6)
SHBG 25nmol/L (10-50)


free T4 10.3pmol/L (7.5-21.1)
plasma TSH 2.00mu/L (0.34 - 5.6)

I was looking at your sex hormone levels and I do notice slightly low Testosterone level & high estrogen level. Are you using propecia at the moment? Also your thyroid functions seem normal slightly low though.


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I have slightly low thyroid function as well I'm starting potassium iodide supplement soon. So why did you stop the finasteride/avodart? Did you experience too much side effects?


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dAMNNN. Atleast have you maintained what hair you got with the dutasteride? I quit finasteride after using it for some time took me year to get my optimal bedroom performance back.


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hm I drank the whole grapefruit and olive oil mix this time and didn't really feel much to be honest! I'm getting better and more confident at all this though, I just wish so much I knew what was going on in my digestive system. I'll keep liver cleansing and stuff and hopefully I'll hit it on the head at SOME point...


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idontwanttobebalding said:
"If it were a snake it would have bit me" American saying meaning it was right infront of my face but I still didn't see it. Sorry!

That's a great expression I like that!

But yuppers I'm feeling confident right now! Did a SECOND flush this morning with another ~220ml ish of olive oil and grapefruit, and as well as other bits and bobs I've been using, my diatomaceous earth came in the mail today... it slices and dices parasites in the digestive tract and absorbs toxins and bad bacteria! Should go with my oxy-powder and psyllium quite well to make a great colon cleanse!

The second flush seemed to do more, I could hear and kinda feel my liver going at it lol

(I've gotta wait at least a fortnight before my next flush now but that's fine)

I'll start coffee enemas soon too - sorry for the TMI but they're ALL over the main alternative health board I frequent and they seem almost equal to liver flushes for liver detox! My digestive tract is goin' to the cleaners! lol


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Successful flush! Got loads of green bile globules, white globules, yellow, all sorts! Plus a fair few "tomato skins" which apparently are dead liver flukes >.<

I got a bunch of other stuff probably too but it disappeared down the loo!

So yeah, good lil detox there and something I will definitely continue to use within a wider detoxing plan :)

I still understand WHY I was scared, but I won't feel the need to be anymore :)


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What is your citation that diatomaceous earth is good for your colon or anything else inside your body?


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hairrific said:
What is your citation that diatomaceous earth is good for your colon or anything else inside your body?

I'm not sure if I can really link to it but DE and Humaworm are... pretty much the top two anti-parasite treatments on CureZone... aside from maybe Rifeing and zapping.

DE has more of a physical effect on parasites than the poisonous effect of Humaworm - it's sharp edges knock chunks off the bugs while leaving you unscathed... somehow!!!

I've seen a fair few signs of parasites including flukes, so while I'm on the Humaworm cleanse I may as well chuck in colloidal silver, DE and zapping to give it a kick! Die lil bugs! hehe :)


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Ugh I am worried about those "tomato skins" though. I mean... if there ARE flukes in my liver (which a liver flush resulting in lots of these things practically confirms according to CureZone) then that could be one possible explanation for my problems.

What I'm going to do is try to omit tomato skins and other similar looking things from my diet so I can confirm that all these things I'm seeing are in fact dead flukes.

Of course, creepy and a bit daunting as this would be, in a way I hope it's my problem as at least then I have an obvious and visible enemy.

Anyway, I'll omit tomato skins, and see if these damn things keep showing up...

(oh, if anyone is wondering WHY I appear to have generated a liver fluke genocide, it's probably the Humaworm cleanse I'm on which is the number one parasite cleanse on CZ!)

EDIT -- Mine usually look like this (copied from CZ) -


which apparently means they've been dead for some time and I'm simply expelling the skins.

This is all very interesting as another guy said that he had acne that he thought was due to flukes. And ofc acne is affected by androgens but of course perhaps more significantly this reinforces the idea that a sickly liver causes hormonal changes. Hell, perhaps these little critters are actually to blame more often than I'd previously considered, particularly judging by their reputation on CZ.


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I'm planning on doing a liver flush next weekend when I have the ingredients so I'll be joining in on this experiment. Even if it doesn't help my hair I feel like it would clear up some of my acne so it's worth it for me.

Could you tell me what you did Hoppi? So far the materials I need to get are epsom salt, grapefruit, and olive oil but I'm not sure if there's more to it.


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Mjotter said:
I'm planning on doing a liver flush next weekend when I have the ingredients so I'll be joining in on this experiment. Even if it doesn't help my hair I feel like it would clear up some of my acne so it's worth it for me.

Could you tell me what you did Hoppi? So far the materials I need to get are epsom salt, grapefruit, and olive oil but I'm not sure if there's more to it.

Well, perhaps the best way to explain is to tell you what each component does.

Olive oil makes the liver flush.

Grapefruit juice squeezes the gallbladder.

Epsom salts opens the bile ducts and helps expel everything after the flush (although I much prefer to use Oxy-powder the morning afterwards).

Malic acid (in the apple juice or ACV that most people drink for about 3-7 days before the flush) softens stones making them easier to flush.

Parasite cleansing before the flush is recommended as many people have parasites in their liver and if you have signs of hormonal imbalance it's probably even more likely!

Here is the original Hulda Clark flush (that most recommend):

I use that, but I often also take advice from Dr Group's flush: ... eanse.html

Hope all that helps! Flushes can be scary but they're not too bad if you're careful! Oh, also, try to ensure your gut is fairly empty before the flush - you don't want all that bile (toxins, dead parasites and all) just being dumped into a constipated colon, TRUST me! Water, psyllium seed husks, oxy-powder and ACV are great for cleansing the gut if needed :)

Hoppi! ^_^


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Thanks for the information. I didn't know about the parasite cleanse beforehand. Would it be bad if I skip this because I don't really want to buy all the materials and wait another week until I can do the flush?


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Mjotter said:
Thanks for the information. I didn't know about the parasite cleanse beforehand. Would it be bad if I skip this because I don't really want to buy all the materials and wait another week until I can do the flush?

I was asking this too. To be fair I mean, it's a coin toss as to whether your issues if they originate in the liver are caused by parasites or cholesterol/stones, so really whichever you target first is going to be worthwhile, you know? If you're not having upper right abdomen pain in response to fats that makes parasites sound more likely and fat less likely.

In summary, it's up to you man, but you won't be losing out either way :)


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I don't have any abdomen pain when I take in fats so I guess it may be a parasite issue. I'll probably skip the parasite preparation and just go on with the flush. I read that you can get sick if you skip this but if the sickness is just an uncomfortable stomach for a day or two then that's fine with me. I'll report back whenever I do the flush, hopefully next week.


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Mjotter said:
I don't have any abdomen pain when I take in fats so I guess it may be a parasite issue. I'll probably skip the parasite preparation and just go on with the flush. I read that you can get sick if you skip this but if the sickness is just an uncomfortable stomach for a day or two then that's fine with me. I'll report back whenever I do the flush, hopefully next week.

Well, I think that depends on the person. I have heard horror stories of people's experiences during flushing, which as many say probably is caused by particularly large toxin release. You'll probably be ok without a parasite cleanse yeah, but if it were me I'd do at least 2 weeks (of a typical 4 week cleanse) of Humaworm first (and let's face it if there ARE bugs, Humaworm is capable of killing them - so you would see them in your stool - within DAYS).

But yeah, if you wanna flush first that's cool, and do let me know how it goes :)


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Humaworm? That's the thing I hate about this liver cleanse, there are so many things to take into account or ingredients to buy. If I don't get results or if I get bad side effects the first time then I'll start taking the other stuff like parasites into consideration.