Roll Call For 40something Losers Never Married No Kids


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Roll call for 40 something losers like me that never married nor have any children. Another new years eve approaching and I will either be with:
A- no girl as usual
B- fat girl
C- crazy girl on disability or some sh*t due to emotional issues.
And the thing is, I try. That's the sad part.


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Work on yourself and your hobbies. If you want a hot girl be a hot guy. Work out, eat right, and be interesting. Would you want to date yourself if you were a girl?

If you want help let me know. Honestly, the best thing you can do for your dating life is to take care of your body and do interesting stuff.


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Work on yourself and your hobbies. If you want a hot girl be a hot guy. Work out, eat right, and be interesting. Would you want to date yourself if you were a girl?

If you want help let me know. Honestly, the best thing you can do for your dating life is to take care of your body and do interesting stuff.
May take you up on that.


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Vast majority of women lower their dating criteria when they are in 30’s and 40’s, so you don’t have to be a top model to date decent girl.Just have a normal body, be clean, be decent person, don’t be lazy and you will have plenty of girls who will wants to be in relationship with you.


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Roll call for 40 something losers like me that never married nor have any children. Another new years eve approaching and I will either be with:
A- no girl as usual
B- fat girl
C- crazy girl on disability or some sh*t due to emotional issues.
And the thing is, I try. That's the sad part.

Do you have any money? Good job? What's your situation like?


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Roll call for 40 something losers like me that never married nor have any children. Another new years eve approaching and I will either be with:
A- no girl as usual
B- fat girl
C- crazy girl on disability or some sh*t due to emotional issues.
And the thing is, I try. That's the sad part.

50% of marriages end in a divorce anyway. If you were not a "loser" and got married earlier in your life there is a big chance that you would be divorced by now and probably broke.

Don't call yourself a loser just because you haven't been married.


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First of all, completely wrong place to post about this.

Secondly, although hairloss can impact a young man’s confidence, I take no pity on someone who’s allowed the loss of HAIR to dictate their f*****g life into their 40’s and 50’s.

Grab life by the f*****g balls and own it dude. Improve your physique, get some fashion sense, put in the work and enjoy your life.

You are the creator of your own reality. What you believe, becomes. If you work on your confidence you will be a lot more attractive to women.


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A nice head of hair is a great thing to have, but it doesn't beat charisma or having a likeable personality. Furthermore, there are other physical attributes besides hair as well.

I am a 30-year-old guy who has been balding since early 20's. On top of that, I have been "blessed" with a receding chin (I wish someone had told me to close my darn mouth when I was in my teens). Not the best combination to have. However, I have a hot 24-year-old girlfriend and we have been together for 3 years. She loves me and I love her. While I may not be Brad Pitt, or whoever is considered hot these days, I do think I have a good personality. I make her laugh and take her out on adventures she would have probably never done alone. These are the things that really matter and make a woman fall for you. Oh, and she earns more than me as well, so definitely not a gold digger. :)

What's the moral of the story? Pull yourself together, forget about your baldness and show the world the better parts of you. There is someone for everyone, no matter how cliché it may sound.

That Guy

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We're on "personality" copes again on this forum? What is happening to this place?

The fact is, your life will be different bald and you will be written off as a potential partner from the majority of women.

Imagine the prettiest girl you can think of. Now imagine her with rotting teeth. Do you care about any of her other features anymore? That's what baldness does to you.

What's the moral of the story? Pull yourself together, forget about your baldness and show the world the better parts of you. There is someone for everyone, no matter how cliché it may sound.

So that's why every mentally-handicapped person out there winds up in a successful long-term relationship, right?

The real moral of the story here is this: Hair matters, sexual attraction matters, and you should do whatever you can to keep your hair as long as you can, as well as working out, dressing well, etc. — you need the whole package, today more than ever.

The fact is that if you go bald, you will almost certainly have to lower your standards, and by a considerable amount. For every 1 bald guy who can still get with a lot of above-average women, there will be 1000 more who cannot.

Nobody gives a sh*t about your "confidence".



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We're on "personality" copes again on this forum? What is happening to this place?

The fact is, your life will be different bald and you will be written off as a potential partner from the majority of women.

Imagine the prettiest girl you can think of. Now imagine her with rotting teeth. Do you care about any of her other features anymore? That's what baldness does to you.

So that's why every mentally-handicapped person out there winds up in a successful long-term relationship, right?

The real moral of the story here is this: Hair matters, sexual attraction matters, and you should do whatever you can to keep your hair as long as you can, as well as working out, dressing well, etc. — you need the whole package, today more than ever.

The fact is that if you go bald, you will almost certainly have to lower your standards, and by a considerable amount. For every 1 bald guy who can still get with a lot of above-average women, there will be 1000 more who cannot.

Nobody gives a sh*t about your "confidence".

View attachment 107901
I've generally agreed with your posts here in the New Research section, but you've apparently been hanging out with Fred a bit too much lately.

That Guy

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I've generally agreed with your posts here in the New Research section, but you've apparently been hanging out with Fred a bit too much lately.

what the hell are you talking about?


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We're on "personality" copes again on this forum? What is happening to this place?

The fact is, your life will be different bald and you will be written off as a potential partner from the majority of women.

Imagine the prettiest girl you can think of. Now imagine her with rotting teeth. Do you care about any of her other features anymore? That's what baldness does to you.

So that's why every mentally-handicapped person out there winds up in a successful long-term relationship, right?

The real moral of the story here is this: Hair matters, sexual attraction matters, and you should do whatever you can to keep your hair as long as you can, as well as working out, dressing well, etc. — you need the whole package, today more than ever.

The fact is that if you go bald, you will almost certainly have to lower your standards, and by a considerable amount. For every 1 bald guy who can still get with a lot of above-average women, there will be 1000 more who cannot.

Nobody gives a sh*t about your "confidence".

View attachment 107901
Think you're taking this hair loss thing too heavy.

To be fair though, this guy is a really special case because to have hair loss THAT severe at 19 is very rare. He had to have been losing it since he started puberty, and even if he had his hair, this guy is all around just unattractive.

He already looks old in the face, so his hair loss really doesn't help here.


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Ok guys well thanks for the replies...well most of them anyway. To answer your questions, I make 60k per year and have masters degree. I picked the wrong profession to make money that's for sure. I am on a few dating sites and ususually attract either fat girls or girls 4 or 5 years older. I workout and have good hygiene. I've tried lowering my standards but I just don't get the spark that I need to make a relationship work. Believe me, I've tried many times.


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Relationships in 2018? All I can say is LOL.

You just need some quality poon dude.


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We're on "personality" copes again on this forum? What is happening to this place?

The fact is, your life will be different bald and you will be written off as a potential partner from the majority of women.

Imagine the prettiest girl you can think of. Now imagine her with rotting teeth. Do you care about any of her other features anymore? That's what baldness does to you.

So that's why every mentally-handicapped person out there winds up in a successful long-term relationship, right?

The real moral of the story here is this: Hair matters, sexual attraction matters, and you should do whatever you can to keep your hair as long as you can, as well as working out, dressing well, etc. — you need the whole package, today more than ever.

The fact is that if you go bald, you will almost certainly have to lower your standards, and by a considerable amount. For every 1 bald guy who can still get with a lot of above-average women, there will be 1000 more who cannot.

Nobody gives a sh*t about your "confidence".

View attachment 107901


To all the young guys on here, that are scared shitless because they’re losing hair, don’t listen to that dumb motherfucker.

A sh*t attitude like that instantly makes you less attractive than the lack of hair on your head.

No, not all the same women will want you/find you physically attractive without hair. And no, you might not have a different model hanging off your arm every week. But some of the most beautiful and kind girls I’ve ever met are dating fellas with far less than full heads of hair.

Why would you even want a girl that doesn’t love and accept you for what and who you are anyways?

There are plenty of things that a bald/balding man can do to improve his physical appearance. These include:

-Growing a beard/facial hair
-Scalp micro-pigmentation
-Training for a better physique
-Teeth Whitening for a nicer smile
-Learning how to dress

I would be SHOCKED if a man who did all or most of these, who also had an interesting personality, could not pick himself up a nice lady.

That Guy

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If you are an ugly motherfucker you're not getting with the 10s you guys dream about. It's that simple.

Keep on living in your delusions that just being a super nice guy or rich will net you true love with the instagram models you jerk off to. It won't.

Play within your league or else you'll find yourself making threads like this at age 40

@Hate da Bt dislike away, your homosexual opinion counts for literally nothing in this thread.


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You don’t need to net a “10” to be happy in this life dude. That’s what you’re not getting.

I’m willing to bet a vast number of the guys on here (myself included) have not and would not be banging 10’s every week with a full head of NW2.

That’s not an insult, that’s just the way life goes.

Find someone you love being around. That is what’s important.