Roll Call For 40something Losers Never Married No Kids

That Guy

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You don’t need to net a “10” to be happy in this life dude. That’s what you’re not getting.

I’m willing to bet a vast number of the guys on here (myself included) have not and would not be banging 10’s every week with a full head of NW2.

That’s not an insult, that’s just the way life goes.

Find someone you love being around. That is what’s important.

The issue is that being significantly bald will write you off to a majority of women, even those who have no business having high standards. Difference is women can get away with it though because things that are unattractive conventionally (like being fat) are fetishized on women. Women have their pick of men, not the other way around.

Especially as a young guy, at optimum child producing age. You do not want to try and bank on finding a mate when you're like 40, and there's an entire list of reasons why this is a bad idea.

The whole, "don't worry about it because personality and stuff" is straight up cope and causes a lot of guys who'd be much more attractive, and have much more success with women, to make stupid decisions about their appearance (like doing nothing about hairloss) and then denying its obvious role in their failure.

Every man is capable of understanding the female affinity for aesthetics: Women dominate interior decorating, makeup, fashion, hair, etc. industries and female opinion is trusted on all things beautiful — but strangely, whenever some bald fat guy with bad skin wants in some 22-year-old with big tits, perfect hair, expensive clothes and full makeup on an already 10/10 face's pants, it's "chicks are different, they don't care about looks bruh!"


The worst fear that men have is that women judge them in the same way they judge women.


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The issue is that being significantly bald will write you off to a majority of women, even those who have no business having high standards. Difference is women can get away with it though because things that are unattractive conventionally (like being fat) are fetishized on women. Women have their pick of men, not the other way around.

Especially as a young guy, at optimum child producing age. You do not want to try and bank on finding a mate when you're like 40, and there's an entire list of reasons why this is a bad idea.

The whole, "don't worry about it because personality and stuff" is straight up cope and causes a lot of guys who'd be much more attractive, and have much more success with women, to make stupid decisions about their appearance (like doing nothing about hairloss) and then denying its obvious role in their failure.

Every man is capable of understanding the female affinity for aesthetics: Women dominate interior decorating, makeup, fashion, hair, etc. industries and female opinion is trusted on all things beautiful — but strangely, whenever some bald fat guy with bad skin wants in some 22-year-old with big tits, perfect hair, expensive clothes and full makeup on an already 10/10 face's pants, it's "chicks are different, they don't care about looks bruh!"


The worst fear that men have is that women judge them in the same way they judge women.

I can see the point you are making, but I also think you need to realize that everyone’s opportunity costs are weigh differently in this matter.

I’m by no means saying you shouldn’t put a solid effort in to preventing hairloss and avoid available treatments. But we have to be realistic to the fact that the available treatments are not effective for everyone.

For those that don’t respond to treatment, what is it worth to be stressing constantly over something you have little to no control over?

I look back on last summer when I was around Norwood 2.5 and CONSTANTLY stressed about my hair, to the point where I would spend hours trying to style it and would end up staying in due to anxiety. Finasteride unfortunately gave me sides and I was emotionally defeated.

Looking back on this I’ve realized that not only did I look fine, but I would have had a much better time out with my friends if I had stopped f*****g worrying so much about something I can’t control.


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You guy think that women are just like us. You are wrong. They are not and they do not think like us. There are many studies (and it's an understatement) showing that women are far less into your pretiness than men and for good reasons: the nesting instinct is what guides most women (unconsiously or consiouly, it doesn't matter). That's why they value a lot more the social status of the partner than men. They want security and prosterity for their kids and them (in this order). At most, baldness sends 3 or 4 messages to a woman: "the male looks old, so less fertile", "this male does not look healthy, so less fertile", "this male looks like a poor man (because of the representation of bald people on the media), so my kids will be less secure with him as a father", etc. All the studies show that you can compensate with other advantages.

I'm oversimplifying this for you and I blame Finasteride for making you think like the weak person you constantly show. BTW, soon enough, you will be able to understand this nesting instinct as Finasteride is turning you into a fine diva.

Bonne année !
Maybe so, but they look at a bald man and think “ewww, I don’t want my kids to have the bald gene” same reason why short girls don’t want to date short guys because of the kids. Women will always try and seek out the best mate to procreate with!


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Your problems are not because of the hair but in your head. I have a brother and he is bald. He is 24 years old. He has a lot more women than me. But I'm full head of hair. He is simply more sociable and charismatic.Girls like that. He absolute don't care about his hair. You just do not have confidence. You idolize women. They are people like us

Why are you here ?


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Ok guys well thanks for the replies...well most of them anyway. To answer your questions, I make 60k per year and have masters degree. I picked the wrong profession to make money that's for sure. I am on a few dating sites and ususually attract either fat girls or girls 4 or 5 years older. I workout and have good hygiene. I've tried lowering my standards but I just don't get the spark that I need to make a relationship work. Believe me, I've tried many times.

But that's the same for me, and I still have most of my hair


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If you are an ugly motherfucker you're not getting with the 10s you guys dream about. It's that simple.

Keep on living in your delusions that just being a super nice guy or rich will net you true love with the instagram models you jerk off to. It won't.

Play within your league or else you'll find yourself making threads like this at age 40

@Hate da Bt dislike away, your homosexual opinion counts for literally nothing in this thread.

Homophobia has a detrimental effect on your credibility and authoritativeness


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Such anger.

Two points of views that changed the way I dated in life.

1. I had just gotten out of a relationship in college. I was single and didn't have the confidence I once had. My friend saw this and had a chat with me. He told me that I would be surprised about who got the best looking girls from his roommates. It was the lanky, acne filled, buck tooth roommate. I asked how? He said he just goes and talks to women he finds attractive. If a girl rejects him he just moves on and goes to the next. Literally playing the odds. He was extremely comfortable with being rejected. He wasn't desperate and if it didn't workout he was totally fine just being friends. Those friends he made would then invite him to parties. He would then play the odds again with a new batch. Always comfortable, fun, and engaging.

2. This super hot girl was at a party. I went up to her. Did the usual lines and I then asked for her number. She told me to ask "Casper" as in Casper the f*****g 400 pound dude that was wearing a baby blue jump suit. He has was just sleeping with her and she wanted a relationship with him! I was blown away by this. At that point in time I had a six pack and worked out everyday. I couldn't imagine what she found attractive about this guy. I was obviously way better looking. Turns out this guy was the most out going person you could meet. Personable and always doing something fun. I started to emulate that. Worked well.

Change how you act and how you present yourself. Be confident. Be interesting. Be kind. Don't be a creep.


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A nice head of hair is a great thing to have, but it doesn't beat charisma or having a likeable personality. Furthermore, there are other physical attributes besides hair as well.

I am a 30-year-old guy who has been balding since early 20's. On top of that, I have been "blessed" with a receding chin (I wish someone had told me to close my darn mouth when I was in my teens). Not the best combination to have. However, I have a hot 24-year-old girlfriend and we have been together for 3 years. She loves me and I love her. While I may not be Brad Pitt, or whoever is considered hot these days, I do think I have a good personality. I make her laugh and take her out on adventures she would have probably never done alone. These are the things that really matter and make a woman fall for you. Oh, and she earns more than me as well, so definitely not a gold digger. :)

What's the moral of the story? Pull yourself together, forget about your baldness and show the world the better parts of you. There is someone for everyone, no matter how cliché it may sound.
I can guarantee that you have a big frame and skull.


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Go to Asia. Come back a year later with an attractive wife 10 years younger . Problems solved.


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If hairloss had no real effect on your social and romantic success

None of you would give a sh*t about losing it.

Saying that it has no effect on your social/dating life is a lie, and i do complain allot about it (IN THE RIGHT SECTION OF THE FORUM btw).
but saying that it cut you off from any woman is also not true.

Forget about dating apps or anything were looks matters, you wont be getting any from shallow Stacies, also forget about hook ups in general because only your physical appearance matters for that. Focus on your friend circle, work,.... women who you meet regularly and have the opportunity to know each other .

Willis 84

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Roll call for 40 something losers like me that never married nor have any children. Another new years eve approaching and I will either be with:
A- no girl as usual
B- fat girl
C- crazy girl on disability or some sh*t due to emotional issues.
And the thing is, I try. That's the sad part.
Forget the pretty girls mate, go the fatties yewww!


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GUys.....shallow gals worry about hair.. Laughing is more important. Good sex is VERY important. Dated a baldy for 18 years. He wore these awful wigs and obsessed over his hair. His gut was far more unattrative and interfered with good sex. SO, I tood him, no gut no me. THe gut was gone. I begged him to shave off that frair tuck fringe but he was so emotionally attached to it that it affected his total being. How stupid. You are what you are. Relish in the great assets you have. If you are obsessed about the hair...that (and the inferiority complex YOU LET GROW IN YOUR PSYCHE) will turn off a gal sooner than hair loss. How many times have you seen a great looking gal (or guy) at a party and smoozed nearby. And, finally, you two talk. Egads (s)he's only great if they keep their mouth shut. Or they turn out to be mean, or a thief is so empty. I talked to some friends who have seen my (thief) ex and they and their friends were laughing AT him because he wore a wig and you could tell I went on a blind date once and the (rich) guy wore a hair piece. I fet like telling him to take off the wierd hat.........


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Another 40-ish loser checking in , and I can totally relate to tomj.

For those who say he needs to work out or work on his personality, that will make ZERO difference for many bald guys. Believe me, if a good personality could get me laid I'd be the most wonderful human being on the planet, and I'd be faking the whole thing of course



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GUys.....shallow gals worry about hair.. Laughing is more important. Good sex is VERY important. Dated a baldy for 18 years. He wore these awful wigs and obsessed over his hair. His gut was far more unattrative and interfered with good sex. SO, I tood him, no gut no me. THe gut was gone. I begged him to shave off that frair tuck fringe but he was so emotionally attached to it that it affected his total being. How stupid. You are what you are. Relish in the great assets you have. If you are obsessed about the hair...that (and the inferiority complex YOU LET GROW IN YOUR PSYCHE) will turn off a gal sooner than hair loss. How many times have you seen a great looking gal (or guy) at a party and smoozed nearby. And, finally, you two talk. Egads (s)he's only great if they keep their mouth shut. Or they turn out to be mean, or a thief is so empty. I talked to some friends who have seen my (thief) ex and they and their friends were laughing AT him because he wore a wig and you could tell I went on a blind date once and the (rich) guy wore a hair piece. I fet like telling him to take off the wierd hat.........
Thanks for chiming in and supplying the female perspective....maybe you can respond to this: a while back I was in a long term relationship and the girl would refer to a picture of my bald grandfather on the wall and say that I'm going to look like him. I knew she was referring to going bald but I kept my cool and responded yes, cool, I'm fine with that he was a good looking guy. I felt like if I even mentioned going bald that it may make me look weak, so I didn't. She mentioned this 2 or 3 times without ever saying I'm going bald but I knew what she was getting it. Did I handle it correctly? I wonder how she would of responded if I did say something about going bald like my grandfather? She was clearly trying to open up communication about it.


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To all the young guys on here, that are scared shitless because they’re losing hair, don’t listen to that dumb motherfucker.

A sh*t attitude like that instantly makes you less attractive than the lack of hair on your head.

No, not all the same women will want you/find you physically attractive without hair. And no, you might not have a different model hanging off your arm every week. But some of the most beautiful and kind girls I’ve ever met are dating fellas with far less than full heads of hair.

Why would you even want a girl that doesn’t love and accept you for what and who you are anyways?

There are plenty of things that a bald/balding man can do to improve his physical appearance. These include:

-Growing a beard/facial hair
-Scalp micro-pigmentation
-Training for a better physique
-Teeth Whitening for a nicer smile
-Learning how to dress

I would be SHOCKED if a man who did all or most of these, who also had an interesting personality, could not pick himself up a nice lady
The thing you dont realize is every guy is different. Some guys can pull off the bald look because they have good facial features (like Bruce Willis or Jason Statham). But if you dont have that you're SOL.

You can do all the tanning, gym training and personality work all you want, but it wont make a lick of difference.
How do I know this, because I tried it already....LOL

That Guy

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Looks are part of that social status. On channels like Tinder, Instagram etc looks are the only currency you play with and the only thing that signals social status.

It's not about signaling "social status" this is dumb. If someone is with you because "social status" they are not with you for anything pertaining to you yourself. It's about signaling sexual viability.

What do you think the point of being good-looking is? How many rich, fugly dudes have not been cucked by their wives with some younger, better-looking guy? The "pool boy" trope is a thing for a reason.

Men who are better looking are so that women will want to be inseminated by them. Women are good-looking so that men will want to inseminate them. That is biology.

This desire is present whether you are rich or poor, famous or a nobody.

Now, it's true that in establishing a long-term relationship, having social and financial status add to your appeal, but none of these things make up for no sexual attraction. Why aren't Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates married to the best-looking women on the planet? It's because they're smart enough to know that any supermodel woman who'd show interest in them is only interested in what they have.

Funny how it's only ever men who are so certain about what women want, when the actions of women have always said otherwise.

Fact is: Women won't want to be with you if they find you physically unattractive because sex is the tie that binds in romantic relationships: Sex, love, dating, etc. producing children is supposed to be the end result of these things. Guys who don't get this are in for a world of hurt.


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It's not about signaling "social status" this is dumb. If someone is with you because "social status" they are not with you for anything pertaining to you yourself. It's about signaling sexual viability.

What do you think the point of being good-looking is? How many rich, fugly dudes have not been cucked by their wives with some younger, better-looking guy? The "pool boy" trope is a thing for a reason.

Men who are better looking are so that women will want to be inseminated by them. Women are good-looking so that men will want to inseminate them. That is biology.

This desire is present whether you are rich or poor, famous or a nobody.

Now, it's true that in establishing a long-term relationship, having social and financial status add to your appeal, but none of these things make up for no sexual attraction. Why aren't Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates married to the best-looking women on the planet? It's because they're smart enough to know that any supermodel woman who'd show interest in them is only interested in what they have.

Funny how it's only ever men who are so certain about what women want, when the actions of women have always said otherwise.

Fact is: Women won't want to be with you if they find you physically unattractive because sex is the tie that binds in romantic relationships: Sex, love, dating, etc. producing children is supposed to be the end result of these things. Guys who don't get this are in for a world of hurt.

Serious question. Does that mean average or below average men should give up on dating and having relationships?


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GUys.....shallow gals worry about hair.. Laughing is more important. Good sex is VERY important. Dated a baldy for 18 years. He wore these awful wigs and obsessed over his hair. His gut was far more unattrative and interfered with good sex. SO, I tood him, no gut no me. THe gut was gone. I begged him to shave off that frair tuck fringe but he was so emotionally attached to it that it affected his total being. How stupid. You are what you are. Relish in the great assets you have. If you are obsessed about the hair...that (and the inferiority complex YOU LET GROW IN YOUR PSYCHE) will turn off a gal sooner than hair loss. How many times have you seen a great looking gal (or guy) at a party and smoozed nearby. And, finally, you two talk. Egads (s)he's only great if they keep their mouth shut. Or they turn out to be mean, or a thief is so empty. I talked to some friends who have seen my (thief) ex and they and their friends were laughing AT him because he wore a wig and you could tell I went on a blind date once and the (rich) guy wore a hair piece. I fet like telling him to take off the wierd hat.........

This poster is your relationship ceiling if you look like nosferatu

Don't worry, in 10 years there'll be nothing but polyamorous communes and VR waifus anyway