psychological and psychiatric treatment


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I red here a lot pf posts of people that their life are really infected of hair loss and their life are damged.

i want to ask if someone here was tried or consider any psychologial or psychiatric treatment to dael with our condition.

im try to understand if my simptomps are BDD( or OCD

in my specific story i gat 50% white hair in 1 only 27.5
cant deal with it,not working,almost stop studing,
day light is my biggest enemy,
i afraid to meet people that didnt see me 1 year..all me ex girlfriend,friends.i didnt see anyone with whitning like me.from beatiful hair to f**ing white hair in 27!!

and the most big problem is no people to tlak too..there is so much balding in my age but no white hair mans.and even no clue for cure,and its just getting worse.
in 1 year ill be 70% white hair i think.
dye hair make me more sad and it problem to dye every 2-3 weeks.

picture added.remmber that 1 year and half ogo i had not even 1 white hair

any help will appreciate


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Dude you dont have 50% white hair, you dont even have 5% white hair. I dont know whats wrong with your eyes. :shock:

Count yourself lucky to actually have hair, many of us dont have that luxury.


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it a good didnt see the back side.
i get comment from people,bald people dont get so much like me,cuz it is normal,even in young age.the f**ing white hair is rare in my age with that amount and this rapidly.
next year from now im 70% white,even no chance to other result,and no hope for cure..
life is difficult.i must find girl that dont care about this issue


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confuseman said:
it a good didnt see the back side.
i get comment from people,bald people dont get so much like me,cuz it is normal,even in young age.the f**ing white hair is rare in my age with that amount and this rapidly.
next year from now im 70% white,even no chance to other result,and no hope for cure..
life is difficult.i must find girl that dont care about this issue

Grey > bald trust us.


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as a teenager i already had about as many grey hair as shown in your picture and it didn't bother me much. and that's not 50 % not even close. don't be a silly tit, we balding guys would love to be in your position.


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Grey hair isn't too bad really, plus you can always dye it. In no way does it compare to balding where treatment results range from bad to worse.


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Rival said:
lol you are complaining about white hair and you come to a hair-loss forum to do so?

that would be like me breaking my legs and going to a parapalegic forum to ask for advice.

Dye your hair. Problem solved.

Any one of us would love to trade positions with you.

Rival,as a hairloss forum mamber i expect you will understand that there no one problem all over the world and it is hairloss.
my picture is not very well,and belive me,no picture can show what the % of white hair,and how visible is that in a regular day night.

In addition,i am mamber in this forum cuz there is no forum for young white hair people.
a lot of teenagers have some gray,but in my case is alot of white,in 1 year-every month i see the advance,and even now i get some comment from people.

Balding men have alot.white hair young men are only few.cuz if i was got it 5-7 years later i could deal with it,but now,when everybody know me as a man with mine regular less than 1 year i cant see my self go out like that..

And about the dye.."Dye your hair. Problem solved" - is like to say-put a wig or hair piece,and problem solved..

When you dye hair,2 big problem
1.after 2 weeks,any one who sparte your hair can see 30% white and immediatly understand you dye your hair..and in my age is totaly NOT accpatble.
2.when i meet new girls with my hair dyed,i know that when i go to and private moment with her,like lay my haed on her-she immadiatly get her shock that the 27 man with her dying his hair.(it is equivalent for hair piece when you afraid girls to touch it)

Thats why if find this forum helpfull with the psycholog area for me.and even some treatment of hair loss can repair color(but in very few cases)

Ok i can dye..but is like to live in a lie.i feel like i hide really big secret..and is really rare 30-50% white hair in this age..and with this rapidly.
people think i dyed my hair to white!

and about the &,this picture will clear that is 30-50% depend on the area


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uncomfortable man

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Yelling at you won't get my hair back but jesus GTFO. You won't find any forums for greying hair because all you need is a f*****g five dollar box of Just For Men. Only five dollars to fix your "problem", whereas thousands upon thousands of dollars and cutting edge science won't get a guy like me anywhere close to your level. f*** you man.


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Im sorry to say but you see only what you want to see..
hair loss is the only hair problem in the world?
for the 5$ bottle,i worte just not the money,is the poor can use wig too no?how much is it?1000$ a year?is nothing..but these solution is poor.

go and ask any girl in the street what she think about 27 y.o that dye his hair every 2-3 cant think out of your box and understand other problems.
there is hair loss,alopecia areta,white hair,starge texture hair..there are many hair problem and diffrent reaction about them.

i have a good frined with alopecia..he had 1 bad year and now he dont give a sh*t..he even doesnt have eyelashes.but yes,he dont think about 20-24 girls cuz they still looking for something else..and it is f*cuking the last month i sleep with 50y.o women that i didnt belive i fall this deep.

girls dont looking just for hair..they wnat it to look good.
BTW,i will post some pics of couple that the man is bald and the women in hot.

every one and his see only his problem.


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confuseman said:
hair loss is the only hair problem in the world?

On a hairloss forum? YES


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Dude, if you think dying your hair once every couple of weeks is bad, many of us apply all kind of crap to our heads like twice daily. Don't even get me started on drugs as well. And all that just to maybe delay the inevitable. Comparing hair dye to a wig is just wrong.


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Exsodus-so what you recommend in case that nothing can do?
and Dudeman-what kind of terapy they suggest you?
and how you get out of the bad contidion that you was?

uncomfortable man

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confuseman said:
Im sorry to say but you see only what you want to see.. And you are not guilty of the same thing?
hair loss is the only hair problem in the world? See looseitall's response..
for the 5$ bottle,i worte just not the money,is the poor can use wig too no?how much is it?1000$ a year?is nothing..but these solution is poor. W/E man, your solution is a trillion times better than mine. How would you like to pay thousands of dollars to have the back of your head chopped up in the hopes of recovering enough hair to look normal again. How dare you compare the two.

go and ask any girl in the street what she think about 27 y.o that dye his hair every 2-3 weeks.. SHE WOULD TELL YOU THAT AT LEAST YOUR NOT BALD!!!
you cant think out of your box and understand other problems. I have and your problem is a cake walk. But you can't even fathom what I and others here have been through as a direct result of going bald.
there is hair loss,alopecia areta,white hair,starge texture hair..there are many hair problem and diffrent reaction about them.

i have a good frined with alopecia..he had 1 bad year and now he dont give a sh*t..he even doesnt have eyelashes.but yes,he dont think about 20-24 girls cuz they still looking for something else..and it is f*cuking the last month i sleep with 50y.o women that i didnt belive i fall this deep.

girls dont looking just for hair..they wnat it to look good.
BTW,i will post some pics of couple that the man is bald and the women in hot.

every one and his see only his problem.
Everyone here is telling you the same thing.... that you don't have a problem.


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Ok,i accept what you trying so say.
But still you can see in my saw in the second picture how much white is it..and how strange is look in my age.
3 point you can not ignore. situation is ZERO chance to get solve is really bother me and damge my life(feer from seing girls in knew in the past and avoid day light). almost lonely with that problem in my age and my rapidly(until i had 20% white i didnt care about it).tour problem is 1 million common then mine-and you HAVE some solution like propecia that give you the hope that i havent,and you have hair transplant and stuff.and you are NOT alone as mine.

yesteray i was in wedding with 5 friends,2 was bald.1 good with girls and 1 nots o the class in the university i there is 20% balding and they is so common that girld look at this as a "no adventage" and not as a disadvantge(more and more girls see i in that way).
bald is not disgusting like teeth and nose caould is lack of something,
white hair is disgusting.

you get comment from other people?cuz i do.
what i answer for girl 22 y.o that i used to go out with her justt as a friends and ask you "you have so much white hair!what haapend to you?"

or in south americe one of the wh*re there make me head massage(in almost dark)-and tell me "white hair?"..and then stop the massage..
It is so uncommon in my age.


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XD @ UCmans reponses. I knew it was only a matter of time.

I'm going to call this guy out as a brilliant troll, absolutly brilliant. I mean, going onto a forum where guys talk about losing hair ruining their lives, and complaining about grey hairs is absolutly genius! Successful troll is successfull, his grammar is even terrible.

If you're being serious, wtf dude. Thats like going on a midgets support forum and compaining about being 5'8. Anyone bald guy here would kill to have a FULL head of gray hair. Dye it, get the f*** over it. At least your youth has not been stolen, you have a $5 solution. For guys like UCman, millions of dollars couldnt get their hair back.


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Sylent-English is not my first language.

its ok,i get your point.i can even agree with it if i must to,but,
the subject is about psychological treatment.not about white hair.there is no natural solution.

the white hair is fact,and it is bother me and it is fact too.
i just want to know if someone here try any treatment cuz bald dipression and white dippresion based on reallty and not like "real" crazy people .thats why i see big similarity between the two cases in the pshicological aspect.

i could came here and say i going bald and ask the same question.but im real.


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Ah,and sylent.

tell me what you would say to girl in intimic moment when she first ask you(when you at the beach,day light,and plaing in your hair) :"did you dye your hair?!"

tell me what you gonna do in this case.maybe ill use it if ill dye


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DUDE, grey hair is cool! play the witcher or the witcher 2. Geralt has gray hair! and as everyone else is saying, you can just dye your hair if it bothers you that much. Seriously man! jeeeez


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btw, the fact your even complaining about grey hair on a hairloss forum proves you really are a "confuseman" lol. That's like me going on an acne forum complaining about a totally different skin condition.