Psa: Women Do Not Magically Drop Their Standards As Soon As They Hit 30


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Jesus Christ dude. You're an ultraChad. What was it like in your youth? Actually maybe don't tell us. LOL f***

Haha I don’t know what constitutes an “ultra Chad,” but yeah in my prime years (17-23; after that hair loss started to get more noticeable but still not a huge issue until around 28, and I also put on a LOT of weight after 23), I got quite a ridiculous amount of attention. In high school, girls used to snap pictures of me when I was walking down the hall, and used to tell me that I look like I belonged on a soap opera or Beverly Hills 90210. I used to get asked if I modeled very frequently.

Part of what really burns me about my hair loss (particularly my super high forehead - definitely not an “Ideal Forehead” ;) ) is that it’s literally the only thing stopping me from having a ton of success with 18-22 year old girls RIGHT NOW as I approach age 40 in a couple of months. Even with my hairline/hair situation, mid-20’s girls still check me out quite a bit. But when I have a hat on, the amount of attention I get from 17-23 olds is ridiculous. Feels bad man. :( Even at nearly 40, there are very few men of any age who mog me if we both have hats on. I’m probably still a mid-high 8 for men of any age when I have a hat on, and certainly above a 9 for my age with a hat on, because my face has aged very well and looks ~27-30.

I remember one funny story: when I was 17-18 or so I was ice skating in NYC with a friend of mine who is an awesome skater, and also has a huge ego. There were about 50 high school girls there on a school trip from like Virginia or something. As I walk inside on the line to get our skates, all these girls who are on line are grabbing my *** as I walk by, giggling, taking pictures of me etc. My friend had his own skates so he was already on the ice and didn’t see this. So I finally get on the ice and I’m skating around, and a group of these girls grab my friend (who wasn’t always with me since he skates so well), and he’s feeling like the man because he thinks they want to talk to him. :p He told me later that they went up to him and said “Hi. Who’s your friend - he’s really hot”. So then he called me over and we got off the ice and like 20 of these girls surround us and start taking pictures and flirting. They asked for my address and I actually had a few of them writing to me (actual snail mail since this was circa 1995) for like a year afterwards.

A big part of why it burns me now is that I was too trapped in my head between age 15-25 to even realize the power I had or care to do anything with it. I certainly wasn’t asexual, but I had personal issues/depression and was really looking for love at those ages, so I did literally nothing with almost all of that attention. It’s almost like I’m living my life in reverse. In many ways, I was more mature at 20 than I am at 40 lol. :p :(

Please take this more as mid-life crisis ramblings and reminiscing than braggadocio lol. :p :)


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Haha I don’t know what constitutes an “ultra Chad,” but yeah in my prime years (17-23; after that hair loss started to get more noticeable but still not a huge issue until around 28, and I also put on a LOT of weight after 23), I got quite a ridiculous amount of attention. In high school, girls used to snap pictures of me when I was walking down the hall, and used to tell me that I look like I belonged on a soap opera or Beverly Hills 90210. I used to get asked if I modeled very frequently.

Part of what really burns me about my hair loss (particularly my super high forehead - definitely not an “Ideal Forehead” ;) ) is that it’s literally the only thing stopping me from having a ton of success with 18-22 year old girls RIGHT NOW as I approach age 40 in a couple of months. Even with my hairline/hair situation, mid-20’s girls still check me out quite a bit. But when I have a hat on, the amount of attention I get from 17-23 olds is ridiculous. Feels bad man. :( Even at nearly 40, there are very few men of any age who mog me if we both have hats on. I’m probably still a mid-high 8 for men of any age when I have a hat on, and certainly above a 9 for my age with a hat on, because my face has aged very well and looks ~27-30.

I remember one funny story: when I was 17-18 or so I was ice skating in NYC with a friend of mine who is an awesome skater, and also has a huge ego. There were about 50 high school girls there on a school trip from like Virginia or something. As I walk inside on the line to get our skates, all these girls who are on line are grabbing my *** as I walk by, giggling, taking pictures of me etc. My friend had his own skates so he was already on the ice and didn’t see this. So I finally get on the ice and I’m skating around, and a group of these girls grab my friend (who wasn’t always with me since he skates so well), and he’s feeling like the man because he thinks they want to talk to him. :p He told me later that they went up to him and said “Hi. Who’s your friend - he’s really hot”. So then he called me over and we got off the ice and like 20 of these girls surround us and start taking pictures and flirting. They asked for my address and I actually had a few of them writing to me (actual snail mail since this was circa 1995) for like a year afterwards.

A big part of why it burns me now is that I was too trapped in my head between age 15-25 to even realize the power I had or care to do anything with it. I certainly wasn’t asexual, but I had personal issues/depression and was really looking for love at those ages, so I did literally nothing with almost all of that attention. It’s almost like I’m living my life in reverse. In many ways, I was more mature at 20 than I am at 40 lol. :p :(

Please take this more as mid-life crisis ramblings and reminiscing than braggadocio lol. :p :)

Wow. That's pretty wild stuff. Sounds like you've lived your life like a celebrity or rock star.

Well, you just convinced me to get my revision jaw surgeries done next in maybe 6-10 months. I've always wanted to do them. But the older I get the more I ask "Why bother? Even if I get better jaw symmetry/jawline/etc, I'll just be too old for it matter". But obviously that's less of a problem the better looking you are. Your age obviously isn't slowing you down much. It seems good looks never stop giving you the gift of a better life.

I could never be a fraction as good looking as you. I hope you realize how lucky you are. But I could get to a 6-7 range facially maybe if the jaws go well. I'm sure that will still change my life, even if I'll be pushing into my late 30s by the time it's all done, since it's a long process.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's helpful.


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Wow. That's pretty wild stuff. Sounds like you've lived your life like a celebrity or rock star.

Well, you just convinced me to get my revision jaw surgeries done next in maybe 6-10 months. I've always wanted to do them. But the older I get the more I ask "Why bother? Even if I get better jaw symmetry/jawline/etc, I'll just be too old for it matter". But obviously that's less of a problem the better looking you are. Your age obviously isn't slowing you down much. It seems good looks never stop giving you the gift of a better life.

I could never be a fraction as good looking as you. I hope you realize how lucky you are. But I could get to a 6-7 range facially maybe if the jaws go well. I'm sure that will still change my life, even if I'll be pushing into my late 30s by the time it's all done, since it's a long process.

Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's helpful.

“Rock star” status was from 17-23, then it tapered off due to weight mostly at first and eventually hair loss catching up with me (I’ve been receding/thinning since age 16, but had super thick hair to begin with so it wasn’t noticeable for many years). I’d say I stayed in the 8.5+ range until around 25. And yes, I do realize I’ve been blessed with many things that I’ve had no hand in developing. I respect people (and myself) for what they do rather than what they are genetically. I respect character/integrity, hard work, and intelligence when it’s manifested as sound reasoning and emanates from a desire for bettering oneself/others and raising the level of discourse among people.

Regarding your other points, I’m definitely an advocate for bettering oneself in any way - be it mentally, professionally, or physically - so best of luck with that. I’d caution you to not take any huge risks, but I’ve read your posts over the last several weeks and it seems like you’re intelligent enough and have done enough research to not do anything too crazy or anything which will ultimately harm you. All the best in your pursuits! :)


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As far as partying is concerned, this growing out phase is often exhibited by people that were never desirable to begin with. I often see beautiful women going out every weekend who are in there thirties. the validation that comes with being wanted is what fuels people to continue a young lift style. which men also exhibit if they have great hair, and nice physique in there thirties. it's men who let themselves go, and bald that will spew the same bullshit of settling down. where as the real reason is they are preumptively disqualified from there lack of desirability.



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As far as partying is concerned, this growing out phase is often exhibited by people that were never desirable to begin with. I often see beautiful women going out every weekend who are in there thirties. the validation that comes with being wanted is what fuels people to continue a young lift style. which men also exhibit if they have great hair, and nice physique in there thirties. it's men who let themselves go, and bald that will spew the same bullshit of settling down. where as the real reason is they are preumptively disqualified from there lack of desirability.
True. I know guys in their thirties who do it to themselves: going to clubs although knowing that they will most likely end up empty-handed. I don't do this to my ego anymore. However, going alternative routes doesn't change much with regard to the outcome. Yes, you may be in demand where things like conversation play a bigger role for girls. But you are in almost all the cases just that for a woman what she is looking for in such an environment: good conversation and stylish/presentable company. If you are sexually desirable in a genuine way it becomes visible where women look for that: clubs, Tinder.


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Can you really date 10 years younger as a handsome 30 something? How would you pull it off?

My little brother does. Hes 2 years younger than I and goes out with 20 something year olds all the time. He has perfect hair though and could pull off early 30s. Funny thing is he sees a girl just a bit younger than him as well who also very hot......
Meanwhile my relationship life sucks, I have had technically 2 hair transplants, still recede and wish I was dead every time I have to look at him.
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A lot of 23 year-old women on apps won't ever see the profiles of men in their 30s. They can establish that in their settings. A man past their maximum age can never send them a message.

One guy I know is lying about his age on FB, he's lowered it by 2 years. I didn't ask him why, I assume it's so that he can present at a lower age on apps.


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in all honestly I dont prefer girls in their 20's I actually like around 29-35 as my optimal age. Even when I was younger. To me a hot 30+ year old is hotter than a hot 20 something because it takes good genes and hard work. Any b**ch can be hot in their 20's with no effort.... if not youre doing it wrong. I also think around 30 women get more comfortable in their self and the sex was always a bit better. Most younger girls arent really that into sex, or dirtier sex. I mean there are some but its more rare, in my experiences anyway. I was always the one sort of pushing my younger ex's to do weird sh*t.


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in all honestly I dont prefer girls in their 20's I actually like around 29-35 as my optimal age. Even when I was younger. To me a hot 30+ year old is hotter than a hot 20 something because it takes good genes and hard work. Any b**ch can be hot in their 20's with no effort.... if not youre doing it wrong. I also think around 30 women get more comfortable in their self and the sex was always a bit better. Most younger girls arent really that into sex, or dirtier sex. I mean there are some but its more rare, in my experiences anyway. I was always the one sort of pushing my younger ex's to do weird sh*t.

We have a simpler term here..newly married women/girls.
Top ranking search on

Even college girls feel jealousy from this..
Chads go for them.(Newly weds.)


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A lot of 23 year-old women on apps won't ever see the profiles of men in their 30s. They can establish that in their settings. A man past their maximum age can never send them a message.

One guy I know is lying about his age on FB, he's lowered it by 2 years. I didn't ask him why, I assume it's so that he can present at a lower age on apps.

I have one friend who opened Tinder from mobile number.. far better I think because on facebook,our indentity is revealed to the facebook friends who are using Tinder.(Mutual friends details are revealed.)


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A lot of 23 year-old women on apps won't ever see the profiles of men in their 30s. They can establish that in their settings. A man past their maximum age can never send them a message.

One guy I know is lying about his age on FB, he's lowered it by 2 years. I didn't ask him why, I assume it's so that he can present at a lower age on apps.

How do the Tinder, POF sites know about age? Can one give a false age? Any pitfalls to watch out for to avoid being "found out"'? And conversely, how do you check if the woman's age is real?

On this note, do you guys give your real name on these sites? Or an alias to protect yourself against psychos?


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They asked for my address and I actually had a few of them writing to me (actual snail mail since this was circa 1995) for like a year afterwards.

So, what will red pilled guys say: "meh, at 25 their tastes change."

Riiiiiite. It must be the holy spirit instilling wisdom in women when it is more convenient for men :rolleyes:


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Thanks for the reminder OP

Here how it goes

Smart and beautiful women: (Definitely out of our league)

Beautiful but dumb women: (We might trick them into relationship with us due to their low IQs but since they're beautiful some Chad will go after her at some point and we will be cheated eventually)

Ugly but smart women: (They know they are ugly and have little chance with Chad so if they ever get tired of chasing Chad they might be with us. But there are still chances of them preferring being forever alone to be with us baldites)

Ugly and dumb women: (Our best bet since Chad has zero interest in those kind of women so they have no other option but be with us)

The Curse of Dolkite

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I'm cruising towards 41 and I'm not optimistic about dating. I'm not interested in older women (how many of you bald guys have been advised to seek out "older women, who aren't as picky"?) and it worries me that even in shape, younger women won't be interested.

I find it interesting that when men complain about being bald on a website, they are harshly told to "man up".........and to seek out "real women" (i.e., older, less attractive women) who "don't care about looks."


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Women not being desirable as they get older is a myth like many.

Haha I don’t know what constitutes an “ultra Chad,” but yeah in my prime years (17-23; after that hair loss started to get more noticeable but still not a huge issue until around 28, and I also put on a LOT of weight after 23), I got quite a ridiculous amount of attention. In high school, girls used to snap pictures of me when I was walking down the hall, and used to tell me that I look like I belonged on a soap opera or Beverly Hills 90210. I used to get asked if I modeled very frequently.

Part of what really burns me about my hair loss (particularly my super high forehead - definitely not an “Ideal Forehead” ;) ) is that it’s literally the only thing stopping me from having a ton of success with 18-22 year old girls RIGHT NOW as I approach age 40 in a couple of months. Even with my hairline/hair situation, mid-20’s girls still check me out quite a bit. But when I have a hat on, the amount of attention I get from 17-23 olds is ridiculous. Feels bad man. :( Even at nearly 40, there are very few men of any age who mog me if we both have hats on. I’m probably still a mid-high 8 for men of any age when I have a hat on, and certainly above a 9 for my age with a hat on, because my face has aged very well and looks ~27-30.

I remember one funny story: when I was 17-18 or so I was ice skating in NYC with a friend of mine who is an awesome skater, and also has a huge ego. There were about 50 high school girls there on a school trip from like Virginia or something. As I walk inside on the line to get our skates, all these girls who are on line are grabbing my *** as I walk by, giggling, taking pictures of me etc. My friend had his own skates so he was already on the ice and didn’t see this. So I finally get on the ice and I’m skating around, and a group of these girls grab my friend (who wasn’t always with me since he skates so well), and he’s feeling like the man because he thinks they want to talk to him. :p He told me later that they went up to him and said “Hi. Who’s your friend - he’s really hot”. So then he called me over and we got off the ice and like 20 of these girls surround us and start taking pictures and flirting. They asked for my address and I actually had a few of them writing to me (actual snail mail since this was circa 1995) for like a year afterwards.

A big part of why it burns me now is that I was too trapped in my head between age 15-25 to even realize the power I had or care to do anything with it. I certainly wasn’t asexual, but I had personal issues/depression and was really looking for love at those ages, so I did literally nothing with almost all of that attention. It’s almost like I’m living my life in reverse. In many ways, I was more mature at 20 than I am at 40 lol. :p :(

Please take this more as mid-life crisis ramblings and reminiscing than braggadocio lol. :p :)

I lived my life like this from 15-25 also. i AM only now getting out of it at 26, and realising my potential.

I dont understand how having a high forhead is hindering your success, unless it abnormal and to the point where you look like you are all forehead. I have a prominent forhead, and its not a big deal outside of not having the slick back option. There are two scenarios here that I feel you fall under, thinks his naturally prominent forhead is holding him back or he genuinely does have a big forhead with recession. receded temples on a big forhead can be a game changer. This happened to me, and it totally threw my facial aesthetics off considering the big forehead issue before recession.

Whats your norwood?


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Women not being desirable as they get older is a myth like many.


I lived my life like this from 15-25 also. i AM only now getting out of it at 26, and realising my potential.

I dont understand how having a high forhead is hindering your success, unless it abnormal and to the point where you look like you are all forehead. I have a prominent forhead, and its not a big deal outside of not having the slick back option. There are two scenarios here that I feel you fall under, thinks his naturally prominent forhead is holding him back or he genuinely does have a big forhead with recession. receded temples on a big forhead can be a game changer. This happened to me, and it totally threw my facial aesthetics off considering the big forehead issue before recession.

Whats your norwood?

I'd estimate I'm at or very near to NW3 right now, possibly even a bit more. 2.5 years ago I was more like NW2.25-2.5 with more natural thickness, so when I combined it with concealers and my combover style, it looked way more natural and more "modern"/convincing than it does now (e.g., I was able to put some spiking glue in it and give it texture/style whereas now I can't because it's too wispy). Yes, I have temple recession along with total hairline recession which has led to a large forehead overall (my center hairline has receded as well, so I don't have a widow's peak or any kind of "forelock", which is why I sport the combover). I also have an unusual pattern of thinning where my center front hairline has been completely decimated, which is another reason for the combover.

I know for a fact that if I had even a thick NW2 right now I'd be killing it with any girl above age 20 based on my success 2-3 years ago when I had even slightly more/thicker hair (and of course my success at other points in my life). Even now I have good success with girls in the 25-28 age range despite my forehead/hair issues. Girls usually think I'm 28-31 even with the hair issues, so I know I could pass for 26-29 if I had more hair since that's really the main thing that shows my age.


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How do the Tinder, POF sites know about age? Can one give a false age? Any pitfalls to watch out for to avoid being "found out"'? And conversely, how do you check if the woman's age is real?

On this note, do you guys give your real name on these sites? Or an alias to protect yourself against psychos?

You can give a false age and people do.

My profile has my first name.


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You can give a false age and people do.

My profile has my first name.

And you leave the last name blank?

BTW, who takes your tinder photos? Any tips for the pictures?
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And you leave the last name blank?

BTW, who takes your tinder photos? Any tips for the pictures?

I take photos whenever I can in the hope that one of them might look ok. I don't have good selfie game. It helps to have a friend who can take pictures of you, who can take lots of photos and not complain. A good camera will help as well, cell phone cameras have a tendency to narrow the face, which will make you look effeminate.

@doubleindemnity is an expert on photos, how to pose, etc.