Propecia's devastating effect on neurohormones


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cuebald said:
I just took 25mg of finasteride (5 5mg Proscar tablets) i will report back if anything happens

You're the first person I've ever read on any of the hair loss forums taking more than 5mg at once.



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well, i felt a little light headed an hour after i took them (could this be the infamous "brain fog" ?), but it was time for bed then so I slept.
woke up in the morning and so far I feel normal. didn't even have watery semen. (though when i first started finasteride it took a few days for semen to go watery).
will see what happens tomorrow.


and what makes minoxidil??

when i take it i am so tired-dizzy-headache
powerless-breathing-Heartracing and I could sleep all day

minoxidil is worser as finasteride!


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Since DHT is inhibited by roughly the same percentage at 1mg and 5mg, I doubt you will notice a difference. If you noticed any side effect 1 hour after taking the medication, I can almost guarantee it's in your mind, since it takes longer than that to metabolize, let alone actually act on your DHT levels.

I recall reading during the FDA trials that a number of men were subjected to (IIRC) 30mg over a 3-4 week period in a clinical setting. Their DHT levels were inhibited by roughly the same 65% and no additional side effects were seen.

All that being said, recent studies are indicating that Finasteride may act on an unknown mechanism that may be quantitative. This means that it is causing something else to happen in our bodies other than just DHT inhibition. So this might mean that side effects are actually better/worse depending on dosage, even though the actual levels of DHT inhibition are not dose dependant.


How long are the FDA trials?? 5Years??

i have take it nearly 18Years and ruined my live with this Drug!

minoxidil and finasteride :puke:



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recent studies are indicating that Finasteride may act on an unknown mechanism that may be quantitative.

And those studies are? Pls provide sources.


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Mew said:
recent studies are indicating that Finasteride may act on an unknown mechanism that may be quantitative.

And those studies are? Pls provide sources.

Well Wuffer, still waiting for your response with links to said studies.


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Sorry Mew I should have been clearer; these conclusions are what I’ve reached myself based on these studies, but not an actual conclusion within the study. As far as I know, there is no evidence to support what I said, but it was simply my interpretation because it makes sense.

My rationalization is that studies have shown DHT to not be responsible for sexual function in adult men (Testosterone takes care of these functions) so there must be another unknown mechanism that takes place when you take finasteride. It's not just simply a result of lowering DHT levels that causes sexual problems.


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Wuffer said:
Sorry Mew I should have been clearer; these conclusions are what I’ve reached myself based on these studies, but not an actual conclusion within the study. As far as I know, there is no evidence to support what I said, but it was simply my interpretation because it makes sense.

My rationalization is that studies have shown DHT to not be responsible for sexual function in adult men (Testosterone takes care of these functions) so there must be another unknown mechanism that takes place when you take finasteride. It's not just simply a result of lowering DHT levels that causes sexual problems.

Only by the fact that you said that a physical quantity can drop above 100%, proves how accurate your ''interpretation'' is.


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Sorry Wuffer, it was mistake to quote your message. I was trying to reply to Enden for claiming that a substance's quantity decreases below 300% in the human body.


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Whats scary to me is usually when one of these studies is posted you have at least one guy coming on here saying "Yeah but its bullshit because XYZ.." or somehow disagreeing or discrediting the this case..I didn't see anyone offering any explanation or reassurance about this study not being as bad as it looks.

The guys who started taking Propecia when it first came out in the 90s are JUST beginning to reach the age where these brain issues would become noticeable. Sadly it'll probably be another 10+ years before anything is done about it (if in fact finasteride does cause, or help cause, things like alzheimers). It seems with thing like this it can take years before people notice side effects..then a bunch of years before there are enough people talking about side effects for the general public to notice...then a bunch more years before it becomes so obvious that something has to be done about it..then a bunch more years before it is studied and they can finally say "ok taking finasteride does f*** up these neurohormones and does cause X Y and Z" and by then these pharmaceutical companies have made so much money they dont really care and they can always throw their hands up in the air and say "we did studies, we went by the best science we had at the time!"..meanwhile a lot of people get fucked up.


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Then the pharmaceutical companies, in this case Merk, will hire the best lawyers to fight the claims and mount a PR offensive to discredit the claims like the tobacco industry did for decades.

This is the scariest thread I've read on this site - scarier than hairloss, manboobs, etc.

So men who have taken finasteride because of hairloss end up losing their minds.


Enden said:
Merck is going to lose the Propecia case.

Hmm I don't see how are they going to lose it? They have appropiate side effects warnings listed on the leaflet.