Pretty early success???? 11/1 NEW PROBLEMS! SHOOT!


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

Well if you loved my last post you'll love this one even more. The reason my nuts ache is because I'm frantically jacking off every 5 minutes to try and find watery jizz. I looked into it and it's actually not my nuts that are sore, it's the "duct" which is a muscle which transports the semen. The reason I'm tender there is because I'm ejaculating way too often when I'm not even horny constnatly hahaha.

I'm sure I had some mild side effects from doing 2mg a day for a few days in a row but mostly I'm just paranoid and jacking off too much haha. Been holdin off lately and I feel much better. Live and learn.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

I want to update one last time because I've been doing some thinking which has clarified a lot of my thoughts and I realized my posts have been impulsive and unpredictable so here is the summation for those who don't want to read through the jungle of non-sense that is the past two or three pages of this thread.

1. I did not know about "Post-Finasteride Syndrome" until recently and it scared me half to death but upon sobering up a bit I'm realizing since I've been on 1 mg finasteride for six months now I'm pretty much screwed anyway so there is no point quitting. If I am one of the people who gets P.F.S. then I'm going to get it. Stopping won't help so I'm just going to continue and hope I don't get it. Hopefully I won't get struck my lightening either.

2. I have been on the "Big 3" for six months now and have regrown all my hair except for a bit at the front. I began Adderall and lost a ton of hair, especially once I hit 50 mg a day, but after quitting the shedding stopped within 5 days. It must be the stress hormones Adderall produces because I got back acne too. Anyway I can feel small pricklies sprouting up all over my head so I know those hairs are coming back full force. (It's the feeling I had when minoxidil first started to work.) I was about to update my picture when my head was devastated by this medicine so I never did but once I recover from my shed I will post a picture. Probably will in September/October.

3. I have moved to 0.5mg but only because I'm curious if it will work, not because I'm afraid of P.F.S. like I originally stated. I've had no sides on 1 mg but I'm going to try cutting my dose in half just out of curiosity. I mentioned I was going to increase my Nizoral usage or start Revivogen to compensate but I've decided that's stupid. Finasteride is all that matters. If 0.5 mg doesn't keep my hair then I'll either quit entirely or just go back to 1 mg. Nothing else will save me so why waste money.

4. I am tempted to crush my Proscar and then dissolve it in Everclear to get more precise dosages. I hate how inconsistent they are. I'm not certain if this will work and I've contacted Dr. Rassman from asking him about it but who knows if he'll get back to me. If this is alright I will actually go to 0.75 mg. That is what I originally wanted to do since it's not quite as big of a jump down but it is absolutely impossible to cut Proscar into that amount. If I start doing this I'll update.

5. Don't be an idiot like me and take 1mg of finasteride morning and night like I did. It doesn't do anything for DHT levels and can only increase the chances of side effects. Also don't start panicking and frantically jacking off looking for side effects. You will quickly produce them in your imagination.

Thanks for following my thread, all your feedback, calling me an idiot, etc. etc. This thread is a mess after my panic attack but oh well. That's my personality unfortunately. Unless anyone has questions my next update will be a picture of a good looking head of hair!


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

Interesting update. I told you guys I started taking adderall and I lost a bunch of hair, got acne, started grinding my teeth at night etc. etc. Guess what? I was looking up "testicle aches" online because I had been getting them lately and I read that Adderall can actually cause that. So interestingly enough I thought doubling up my finasteride like an idiot caused some testicle ache but it may actually be the Adderall since apparently I am so sensitive to it. Finasteride messes with sex hormones but so does Adderall. Sex and stress hormones paticularly. I wonder if that's it.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

Remember how I said my doctor thought it was overstimulating my adrenal glands?

"...and as an adrenal response in men, it pulls up your testicles (as if you were cold), as soon as it wears off, they go back to normal, but it is kinda weird having them seem so small for a while. "

That is not a medical journal just an experience of another Addreall user. I'll bet you anything that is what happened to me. Since finasteride and Adderall both mess with hormones, finasteride mostly sex hormones and Adderall mostly stress hormones, I'll be there were a bad combo for me. Even though my nuts ache I've had no loss of labido, no watery semen, nothing. Every side effect I've had has been Adderall related not finasteride related, so I'm blaming testacle aches on Adderall.

(It's weird that my testicles still ache even being off for over two weeks but I still slightly grind my teeth at night too which I don't normally do so maybe it's still having an effect of my system).

I love being the human guinee pig for you people.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

j3321 said:
Remember how I said my doctor thought it was overstimulating my adrenal glands?

"...and as an adrenal response in men, it pulls up your testicles (as if you were cold), as soon as it wears off, they go back to normal, but it is kinda weird having them seem so small for a while. "

That is not a medical journal just an experience of another Addreall user. I'll bet you anything that is what happened to me. Since finasteride and Adderall both mess with hormones, finasteride mostly sex hormones and Adderall mostly stress hormones, I'll be there were a bad combo for me. Even though my nuts ache I've had no loss of labido, no watery semen, nothing. Every side effect I've had has been Adderall related not finasteride related, so I'm blaming testacle aches on Adderall.

(It's weird that my testicles still ache even being off for over two weeks but I still slightly grind my teeth at night too which I don't normally do so maybe it's still having an effect of my system).

I love being the human guinee pig for you people.

the teeth grinding is from adderall i get that when i take it every once in a while .. another possible cause for aching testicles could be do to that fact that adderall makes you last longer before u bust a load or ur just masterbating too much ..


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

I said I'd update if I got an update from Dr. Rassman about dissolving finasteride in ethanol since I was wanting to go down to 0.75 mg.

Check this out: ... n-ethanol/

I actually just started cutting my Proscar into 1/8ths to get 0.625 mg before he got to my question and I'm pretty happy with that. If I ever wean off finasteride I will dissolve it probably.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

My mild nut ache is gone. Looking back I bet it was doubling up the finasteride. Several posts I've read have spoken of the experiencing of using 2 mg of finasteride or more in a day and getting mild/dull nut aches for the next week or so.

With that said, I still think Adderall caused a lot of my problems. I reacted very strangely to that drug. Whether or not it was because I was on finasteride as well I don't know, but I called the local hospital's drug research center and they said they hadn't had someone with the side effects I had on Adderall since 1980. Weird eh?


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

Did it work for you dissolving the finasteride in Everclear?


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Re: Pretty early success???? 8/27 *Cutting down to 0.5 mg finasteride*

I haven't tried it yet. I talked to the doctor on Balding Blog and he said it does though.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 10/25 *.625 finasteride DOES NOT WORK*

I tried .62 of finasteride like I said I would for 7 weeks and I lost a ton of ground in the front. I didn't really realize it at first but the last week or so I started losing like crazy. 0.5 has 80% effectiveness? Not true. More like 0% effectiveness. There's no point going down to .62 let alone 0.5. Stay at 1mg if your going to do finasteride.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 10/25 *.625 finasteride DOES NOT WORK*

and I hope I grow this back!


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Re: Pretty early success???? 10/25 *.625 finasteride DOES NOT WORK*



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Re: Pretty early success???? 10/25 *.625 finasteride DOES NOT WORK*

Awesome. Exactly right.


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Re: Pretty early success???? 10/25 *.625 finasteride DOES NOT WORK*

It's weird becuase .625 preserved my hair thick as ever everywhere else...just not the front. But I was a diffuse thinner. Maybe the front just requires more finasteride than anywhere else?


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Okay this sucks so I went on .625 for 5 weeks and lost a lot of hair, FORTUNATELY I grew it all back. I've been back on 1 mg for probably like 5 or 6 weeks now.

Here's what sucks: I never had any problems with finasteride my first 6 months on finasteride but now that I'm back up to 1 my nuts have been aching for the past 5 weeks! Very dull. Not noticeable...but seriously! It's like my body got used to .625 and doesn't want 1 mg anymore! Not cool!

Going to the gym and running makes it go away...weird...but then it comes back....I hate this...


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Are you sure that this thing will work and good in only 3 months.This is very good news,Congrats man.I think that it will happen because you start take care very early and use appropriate things.Thank