Platlet Rich Plasma: New Treatment


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Platlet Rich Plasma: New Treatment which has had a grant and is FDA approved been on the news has pictures and seems to have alot more credit the most things posted here. So for anyone unfamiliar with this check inform yourself with Dr Grecos Blog:

I have no idea why people are being so negative, hes had a research grant, hes had results and if you can't take propecia it seems a good shot, and yes this is the first time its been used for hairloss but so was all the rest used:

Propecia was for prostate
Minoxidil was for blood pressure
PRP is FDA approved for surgery

The bottom line is its attacking hairloss from the same lines as Follica and Acell, its wound healing!

I dont like the idea of Greco's PRP Plus there should not be gimmicky better versions that would be like having propecia plus!

Dr Fuller from New York will be offering it this summer aswell, I am going to have this done this year because i cant afford to lose more hair because i cant take propecia!

In continuing to research PRP as an option to prevent hairloss I came across this from an IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon. I don’t know much about the various certifications for hair transplant docs but it sounds like IAHRS is credible and there have been some questions raised about Greco having a PHD but not being a medical doctor.

“PRP is not new, but it’s application to hairloss is as far as I know.

I read about PRP for wound healing a few years ago when it was brought to my attention by a dentist who came to me for a transplant. I read the papers and the theories, and you know what…I think it really works.

Just recently there was an article in our hair transplant trade journal “The Forum†and PRP applied hairloss was discussed. This rekindled my interest in the field.

I will be offering this simple technique to patients before the end of the summer. My protocol will be one treatement every 6 months.

It is safe, relatively inexpensive, and probably the best medical treatment for hairloss since propecia. I actually believe in this and will be committing time and effort to it.

Dr. F
Dr. Alan Feller
Feller Medical, PC
287 Northern Blvd., Suite 200
Great Neck, NY 11021

The big question for me is that while prp contains all of the growth factors, that unfortunately includes TGF Beta which is a follicle killer, at least under certain circumstances. I believe Greco’s position on this is that while they still don’t know all of the details on exactly how all of the growth factors work together to affect follicles, he believes the positive growth factors overwhelm the TGF Beta. But I am hesitant to take that chance unless he has a sterling reputation. I think prp is used by a number of hair transplant docs and it doesn’t seem to hurt and likely helps at least as far as the healing. And he did get a grant to study prp. On the other hand, the Greco websites seem to over glamorize the “biotech†pics and are maybe a little too slick for my taste from a sales perspective. And, not sure, but I believe Greco owns a piece of OroGen Biosciences which makes the machines and tools that create the prp. So maybe a bit of a conflict. Once you report back, I may give him a call.

Heres a link to Xconomy were some interesting points have been raised: ... -approach/

This has been on the News for christ sake, it must have some credability you dont see sham products make the news that often, there must be some belief init, or else the media wouldnt run a story, if they did they'd have story every day with dr lees this proctor that saw palmetto this.. bla bla bla

Oh and has alot more merit than........ A&G at $200 for bottled water!!!


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This could be a really interesting development. The pics on grecos site are doctored imo, but despite this, everything I have read looks quite positve.

See below for Dr Cooley's opinion on PRP

"Graft survival and the use of platelet-rich plasma in hair transplantation

Jerry Cooley, M.D.

Over the last year (2008), we have been testing the use of platelet- rich plasma (PRP) in hair transplantation. Our interest was stimulated by two previous hair transplant surgeons, Carlos Uebel from Brazil and Joseph Greco from Florida, who reported improved healing and graft survival with use of PRP. Before discussing PRP, it is useful to take a look at the hair transplantation process in general.

Although we may sometimes take it for granted, it is quite amazing that hair follicles can be cut out of one area of the scalp and placed into an incision in another part of the scalp, and survive. Graft survival has been an interest of mine for many years, and I have written textbook chapters and given numerous lectures on this topic. We can divide these factors into three main categories: 1) follicle trauma 2) biochemical factors and 3) vascular factors(oxygenation/revascularization).

Follicle trauma refers to the transection, dehydration, and crushing that follicles can be subjected to during the surgery. Use of microscopes and follicular unit techniques minimizes transection. Keeping grafts moist throughout the process, especially graft placement, helps eliminate dehydration. Careful graft placement by an experienced placer will reduce crushing and damage to the graft. Most surgeons agree that reducing follicle trauma is the most important factor in determining graft survival.

Biochemical factors refer to the stress the hair follicles experience when they are kept out of the body for a period of time and then returned to the oxygenated graft bed. When tissue is outside the body, it undergoes “storage injury†due to cut off of oxygenated blood, lack of nutrients, and temperature/pH shifts. When this tissue is then put back in the body, it is re-exposed to oxygen, which sets off a spark of free radical production that may effect graft survival (“ischemia-reperfusion injuryâ€). In our clinic, we use tissue holding solutions which contain buffers, nutrients, and antioxidants which have been shown to reduce storage and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Most doctors use normal saline which lack these ingredients.

Vascular factors include the immediate post-operative oxygenation and successful revascularization of each graft. Unlike organ transplants where the transplanted organ is hooked up to a new blood supply, hair transplants are “free†grafts which are surgically implanted without re-attaching a new blood supply (because that would be impossible to do with hair follicles). Until this process is complete, the graft must survive by passively absorbing oxygen from the surrounding tissue. We have been using and testing a variety of techniques to ‘prime the pump’ so to speak: topical hyperbaric oxygen, vasodilators, and angiogenesis stimulators. This is where PRP comes in.

PRP was developed in the 1970’s but has only recently become popular in many fields of medicine. It is being widely used and studied in orthopedic surgery, dental/maxillofacial surgery, and regenerative medicine to name a few. Basically, platelets are isolated by first drawing the patient’s blood and spinning it down using special centrifuging techniques. A small fraction of plasma enriched with platelets is drawn from this and then reintroduced at the surgical site. Because the entire process is carried out with sterile, disposable instruments and devices, there is no chance for contamination.

How does applying PRP help transplanted hair? Remember that platelets are key players in the body’s wound healing mechanism. Whenever there is a wound (e.g. an incision to place a hair graft during a hair transplant), the platelets are trapped in the clot and are activated to release various growth factors that stimulate the healing process. These naturally occurring growth factors include:

-PDGF (Platelet derived growth factor)
-TGF-a & b (Transforming growth factor alpha & beta)
-EGF (Epidermal growth factor)
-FGF (Fibroblast growth factor)
-Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
-PDEGF (platelet derived epidermal growth factor)
-PDAF (platelet derived angiogenesis factor)

These factors stimulate new blood vessels to form (angiogenesis) and collagen to be produced. Cells are stimulated to divide and go into action surrounding the wound. In addition, white blood cells present in the area help eliminate bacteria in the area. PRP merely amplifies this naturally occurring wound healing process by providing increased numbers of platelets and white blood cells to the wound. It is important that the PRP be concentrated enough to have a therapeutic value and some techniques and devices in use by some physicians today may not accomplish this. Our system (Harvest SmartPrep) has been shown to produce at least 1.5 million platelets/1ml, well above the therapeutic threshold. This represents about a five-fold increase compared to the platelet count in circulating blood (for 10 cc of PRP). This is significantly greater than other commercially available devices

Technology Platform
60 ml Process Volume
7 ml PRP 10 ml PRP
SmartPRep 1,3 7.6x 4.6x
Magellan2,3 5.1x 3.6x
COBE Angel4 4.3x 3.0x
Fresenius CATS1,3 3.4x
Biomet GPS 1 3.2x 2.3x
PPAI Sequire1 2.0x 1.4x

1Kevy, et al, Comparison of Methods for Point of Care Preparation of Autologous Platelet Gel, JECT, 2004; 36:28-35.
2Kevy, et al, Center for Blood Research; Presented at AMSECT - Hemostatis in Blood Management Meeting; April 2004
3Stammers, A.H., Trowbridge, C.C., et al, Establishment of a Quality Control Program for Platelet Gel Preparation: A Comparison of Four Commercial Devices - Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology Meeting: 9th Annual Update on Cardiopulmonary Bypass, March 2004
4Cobe Cardiovascular, Angel Whole Blood Separation, 2004 306700000 Rev A 10/04 5x increase in 10% of whole blood volume processed 5x in (0.10 x 60 ml) = 5x in 6 ml PRP

Both Uebel and Greco have found that coating the sites and grafts with PRP appears to speed up the healing process after a hair transplant. My experience over the last year has been the same. Redness and crusting are markedly less and everything just looks better quicker. Is the overall growth rate improved? Uebel and Greco have reported that this is the case. In general, I get excellent growth so it is hard to tell if there is a small benefit in terms of graft survival, but I think there is.
So why aren’t more surgeons doing PRP? There is a cost factor: the centrifuge costs many thousands of dollars and with each case, hundreds of dollars of disposable supplies are used. Because PRP is still relatively new, many surgeons are not that familiar with it and there is a natural tendency to resist change, especially when it involves more time and money. More research needs to be done to provide convincing evidence of the benefits of PRP. Based on the impressive healing with PRP, and armed with an understanding of the documented benefit of PRP in other areas of medicine, I intend to keep testing it to further define its role in hair transplantation."


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PRP adds weight to the fact that inflammation plays an important part in male pattern baldness imo.


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I checked into what Dr Rassman might have to say about this. Being that he is in the forefront of hair transplant surgery and responsible for beginning the proceedure of FUEs , his word has merit attached. His opinions are sobering to say the least and thats a good thing. At his baldingblogsite he does not support nor does he rule out the application of PRP. Makes sense. The test of time applies to everything. here is his link: ... hair-loss/



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Well, if I remember correct PRP research have been founded by one of the med. societys Rassman is a member of. Rassman is only pushing finasteride/minoxidil because of the FDA approval and really bash down on other treatments that have scientific backing because he isn't updated on research and new studies. We all know that their is no cure on the table yet, but one can attack hair loss in many ways and attacking hair loss in many ways is better than just one.

Rassman is a nice guy, but his not one of the best docs in the hair transplant biz, hasn't been for years. His blog is mostly free marketing to NHI, but serves as a good hair transplant faq site. Bringing Farjo to the blog is ridiculous, Farjo has the rumor of being a real bad hair transplant Doctor.

I wonder how much one treatment with PRP at Dr. Feller would cost!? Any one knows?


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ill agree with you on your reply to my Dr Rassman assertion. Ill state again that Rassman's opinions are established educated experienced and sobering. No sugar coating or false must give him that. he will be the first to promote PRP if and when it is medically PROVEN to work. Believe me,,I WANT IT to be a successful treatment ASAP. It sounds viable to me and Ill book my flight to Tampa if it can be proven to work.


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chore boy

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I swear to God, folks need to start getting violated for hollering scam all the friggin time... do you even know the definition of a scam?

As far as the modest hair shaft diameter gains, what can you say about your progress? Are you gaining hair shaft diameter?


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I agree. If those are real results that are consistent, then it's at worst maintenance for 1 year. That's absolutely not a scam, a lot of people would happily pay 1k a year for 1 treatment a year that would let them keep what they have.

chore boy said:
I swear to God, folks need to start getting violated for hollering scam all the friggin time... do you even know the definition of a scam?

As far as the modest hair shaft diameter gains, what can you say about your progress? Are you gaining hair shaft diameter?

chore boy

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Anyways... here's a few pics. I had some bandages placed on my head to go underneath my hat because I had to go to work afterwards. Sucks that I guess I sweated off some of the PRP that they sprayed on afterwards from the hairline area... oh well.





Here you can see the PRP that was sweated off onto the bandages from my frontal areas. I recomment taking the day off if getting it done... hahah



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chore boy said:
Anyways... here's a few pics. I had some bandages placed on my head to go underneath my hat because I had to go to work afterwards. Sucks that I guess I sweated off some of the PRP that they sprayed on afterwards from the hairline area... oh well.





Here you can see the PRP that was sweated off onto the bandages from my frontal areas. I recomment taking the day off if getting it done... hahah


is this a h/t that you got done or what?

chore boy

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Negative on the hair transplant. It was a PRP treatment.

Kind of a mini transplant with all the needles and shiit but the whole thing is over rather quickly. Me personally, I hate needles with a passion but PRP would probably be a breeze for someone who doesn't mind needles.

Lets just hope it grows hair, eh?


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chore boy said:
I swear to God, folks need to start getting violated for hollering scam all the friggin time... do you even know the definition of a scam?

As far as the modest hair shaft diameter gains, what can you say about your progress? Are you gaining hair shaft diameter?

1. a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, esp. for making a quick profit; swindle.

I am not on any treatments, so I am not making any progress. Don't get me wrong, I envy your willingness to try things. I'm not as willing to get my hopes up. I honestly hope it works for you, and your hair situation does not deteriorate over the next year. When I call something a scam, I guess I should be more articulate about what I mean. PRP is not a classic scam, like A&G is. PRP may in fact work, and I really hope it works for you. Very small gains in hair shaft diameter, to me, don't seem to be worth $800, but, I guess if you're constantly gaining hair shaft diameter, as opposed to losing it, you're no longer losing your hair. I hope that those gains are not an average, and that they are gains in the areas where there need to be gains (for example, a 30% gain in the back of the head and a 10% loss in the crown, with a 9.7% gain all over as an average. I know my math is bad...) Really, I hope it works for you.
If the mods want to kick me off, thats cool.
By the way ChoreBoy, you look absolutely fine with a shaved head. You're definitely one of the guys that "suits it". Seeing as how you're in Florida, if you added a little color (from the sun) I can't imagine that you'd get any less women because of your hair.


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why did you give up on A&G? Did you feel it was a scam? I can't imagine why you would quit the product only 4 weeks in when in fact, they claim you'll see most of your gains between 8 and 12 weeks. Why wouldn't you hold off on PRP for 1 more month?

chore boy

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real quick as I"m about to be late for work...

No bad blood Clayshaw.

I didn't quit the A&G... I still have 2 vials... I only took about a week off. as far as waiting it out, i don't feel like being bald any longer than i have to.


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i suppose its possible you just wasted $1000 on PRP.

We'll have to see based on others results of A&GHC alone.


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Chore Boy, do you live in Florida? If so what part?

chore boy

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My fault, MDbaldeagle... I didn't know it was my purpose in life to try only one thing for a year and then give a report before trying something else.

Dochouse... Tampa Bay