Philosophical thoughts about the wig…


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CSS, thanks for the detailed analysis, I agree with many of the things you wrote, though not all (for example, she wasn't happy at all with how her new boyfriend treat her, I saw her SMSing him to never call her again, she wanted to let him understand that he's hurting her. I simply didn't understand why she's trying so hard with him, I couldn't understand how she could fall for looks so hard, but I suffer from the same problem, so can't really blame her for not knowing better. I was simply under the assumption that women care less about the look of the guy, and search for other things too, in comparison to guys who put much more emphasis on the looks of the woman, I was told that by several female friends).

She knows what she wants. She wants the best of both worlds: you buying her dinner and good times, and his body. No indecisiveness here at all.

You hit the nail on the head so hard, it’s painful to read.

I should have known better, but she acted so well. For example, for my birthday (which was 2 weeks after we met), she bought me a pretty expensive cake, with a dedication (something that usually all the co-workers buy together, she bought me alone!), and then we ate lunch at a restaurant and she insisted to pay since it’s my birthday… At that point she spent more money on me than I did on her... at that point my friends told me look how she acts around you, look what she does for you, she wants you there is no doubt... I thought they were right...

Yes, but she got me hooked really well. For example, we decided that we’ll meet on Saturday (this was the day before I told her I want to end the friendship) so I can help her with something, and then we’ll make some fun together. Anyway she called me on Saturday and I told her I was with my father, and she told me “don’t come right away, you can stay more with your father if you wantâ€, meaning she knew that she’s so important to me I’ll stop whatever I’m doing and come to her, the moment she asks (even though she told me the day before she has a new boyfriend...). She knew she had this power over me. At this point I understood just how bad my situation is...

It has been 9 days since I told her that I want to end the friendship (she told me it will be painful for her, but she doesn't want me to suffer and she understand that the current situation doesn't do me well), and we didn’t talk since. I kind of hoped she will understand what she lost and come to her senses. Not going to happen I guess…

The bad part is that we work at the same place, and in a week or two I’ll have to see her again, and not only that, I have to work with her (teach her something)…

Then why aren't you still with her?
Regarding why I’m not with the one who wants me, there are two reasons:

1. She doesn’t give me enough air. Even though we’re not together, she calls me or SMS me almost every day, wanting that we’ll meet or at least talk for hours on the phone. I’m a bit scared how things will be if we’ll be together, she might demand more than I’m willing to give.

2. She does look good, better than me, and I am attracted to her at some level, but, for some reason I don’t feel extreme attraction to her.

To be honest with myself, if I was attracted to her as I was attracted to the other girl (the one who didn’t want me as her boyfriend), then I believe I could totally overlook reason #1, I might even saw it as a positive thing, not negative…

I know, it seems that I’m not much better than the girl who didn’t want me for my looks, but I understand this, and so decided to improve my looks. I know that my female friends are correct in saying that some women look for more than looks in a man, but I don't like this underdog approach, especially if I can do something about it.


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Hey Peter, haven't seen you since the old days on HLH when I ws banned for questioning Armani, seems like I was right as he has been exposed on the HTN


after reading this post I'm not sure if you are the same Peter from HLH who was a hair transplant tech, let me know


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HT55 said:
Hey Peter, haven't seen you since the old days on HLH when I ws banned for questioning Armani, seems like I was right as he has been exposed on the HTN


after reading this post I'm not sure if you are the same Peter from HLH who was a hair transplant tech, let me know

Hi HT55,

Indeed, different Peter...


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I think getting a hair transplant or hairpiece is like getting high,its a social taboo,but a lot of people do it and like it, the ideal is, is that you should feel good without it, but feel better with it. Its your own personal choice, but as long as your hair transplant or hairpiece dont negativly affect you or the ones around you it should be considered as a good thing,sure a lot of negative things could be said, but that goes for alot of things,all people that have a hair transplant or hairpiece should think positive and those that dont should too ideally, just a thought.


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I think getting a hair transplant or hairpiece is like getting high,its a social taboo,but a lot of people do it and like it, the ideal is, is that you should feel good without it, but feel better with it. Its your own personal choice, but as long as your hair transplant or hairpiece dont negativly affect you or the ones around you it should be considered as a good thing,sure a lot of negative things could be said, but that goes for alot of things,all people that have a hair transplant or hairpiece should think positive and those that dont should too ideally, just a thought.

Hairpiece is a social taboo, yes, but hair transplant not. Most people who wear a hairpiece don’t feel good without it, if they felt good without it they would have never gone through the enormous trouble to wear it in the first place.

Society taught us to feel disrespect toward men who wear wigs (unless they are sick and preferably dying), this is why most men will hide the fact that they are wearing, and the act of hiding will have negative effects on their lives. Still, for some men the aesthetic benefits of wearing might outweigh the negatives.


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Peter_mac said:
Hairpiece is a social taboo, yes, but hair transplant not.

What makes you say that?
I certainly dont go around admitting to my hair transplant's. I think most people see wigs as a bit pathetic. The stigma is due mainly to the old hideous looking ones from the 70's/80's that make it seem like an ancient solution to hairloss.

But even so I think that a hair transplant is about as socially acceptable as penis enlargement surgery, as long as its not your problem its viewed as pretty pathetic, we men are just supposed to deal with what nature gave us, anything else is insecurity or vanity and they are not masculine traits.


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s.a.f said:
But even so I think that a hair transplant is about as socially acceptable as penis enlargement surgery, as long as its not your problem its viewed as pretty pathetic, we men are just supposed to deal with what nature gave us, anything else is insecurity or vanity and they are not masculine traits.

Dot on, i'll never admit to having a H/T to anyone, except you guys obviously, but that's different.

I feel that not admitting to weakness around women is the right way to go, a little vulnerability can be attractive to women, but that's all.

Insecurity/self conciousness is not attractive in anyone imo


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OK, this is off topic, but:

If a woman you are dating says,
You are the best guy ever! All the rest try to get in my pants, but you are a real gentlemen and get the door for me and buy me dinner!
That is not a compliment. She is manipulating you, making you think you have scored points and have a lot to loose, and can keep scoring points if you say something like,
Yeah, I don't know why those guys are like that. Such jerks. I'm nothing like them.
, and then buy her more stuff and don't put moves on her.

A better response:
You don't want me in your pants?
This forces her to end her game right there, or leave the door open. Most likely, she will answer with voice tone, and a question, trying to get you to be the one who must decide whether to risk losing her.

Another response:
Just don't be available for a while. Or at least don't smile about what she said. Make it clear that you don't think you got any points based on what she said. She will probably then ask "what's wrong?". Her goal is to make you submit, but still try to win her. You can keep dodging it and showing that she does not do it for you, or you can be more direct about what you want.


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Or you can go tell all your friends that you were right and they were wrong, and that she just told you you are the best guy out there. They will ask if you boinked her yet, and you then reply "that is none of your business. She is special... more special than you. And she said I'm special too." Maybe they will let you hit rock bottom, or maybe they will think you are happy thinking you have something, or maybe they will try to "rescue" you, by telling her to quit leading you on.


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Or you can go tell all your friends that you were right and they were wrong, and that she just told you you are the best guy out there. They will ask if you boinked her yet, and you then reply "that is none of your business. She is special... more special than you. And she said I'm special too." Maybe they will let you hit rock bottom, or maybe they will think you are happy thinking you have something, or maybe they will try to "rescue" you, by telling her to quit leading you on. If you don't want them scaring her off, you might not want to be friends with them anymore. Some women gloat at their ability to break up men's friendships. Put her first, but only if she is treating you right, not if she is just leading you one.


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CCS said:
OK, this is off topic, but:

If a woman you are dating says,
You are the best guy ever! All the rest try to get in my pants, but you are a real gentlemen and get the door for me and buy me dinner!
That is not a compliment. She is manipulating you, making you think you have scored points and have a lot to loose, and can keep scoring points if you say something like,
[quote:1dh3vf34]Yeah, I don't know why those guys are like that. Such jerks. I'm nothing like them.
, and then buy her more stuff and don't put moves on her.[/quote:1dh3vf34]
Even though the lines we used were a bit different, this is more or less what went on with me and that girl.

You need to understand though that I wasn’t up her standards in terms of looks. It was a compromise for her, and I needed to compensate (if I acted like those other guys she dated, who treat her like they can find 10 like her in a heartbeat, she really had no reason whatsoever to stay with me). Maybe it was doomed for failure right from the start, but I couldn’t let it pass without trying.

Not all girls are like that though, some girls do appreciate good qualities in the man (other than looks), and can compromise somewhat on looks. I thought she was one of them, but was wrong. I took a gamble and lost. I don’t care about the money and time I spent, I do care about my feelings that got hammered, and the fact that 10 days after I dropped all connections with her, she's still too much in my thoughts. I wish I could erase her from my memories, I want my life back.


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Peter_mac said:
Even though the lines we used were a bit different, this is more or less what went on with me and that girl.

You need to understand though that I wasn’t up her standards in terms of looks. It was a compromise for her, and I needed to compensate (if I acted like those other guys she dated, who treat her like they can find 10 like her in a heartbeat, she really had no reason whatsoever to stay with me). Maybe it was doomed for failure right from the start, but I couldn’t let it pass without trying.

Not all girls are like that though, some girls do appreciate good qualities in the man (other than looks), and can compromise somewhat on looks. I thought she was one of them, but was wrong. I took a gamble and lost. I don’t care about the money and time I spent, I do care about my feelings that got hammered, and the fact that 10 days after I dropped all connections with her, she's still too much in my thoughts. I wish I could erase her from my memories, I want my life back.

I predicted every word you wrote. The reason you don't want to erase her is because you are imagining what it would be like if she DID like you, instead of not like you. The thought is to wonderful to let go of. Women make you fall in love when they get your hopes up, not when they get your dick up. A really smart move they make is buying you dinner once or twice so you think they actually like being with you and don't need to be bribed; then you really don't want to blow it, and can't say no to them later.

When a woman "compliments" you for not wanting in her pants, she is basically telling you not to ask or else. Your mistake is you think maybe she won't be too concerned about looks over personality, but she has already told you otherwise. Who she wants sex with is who rates higher. If she does not want you after 7 quality hours with you, she has told you her decision. Your second mistake is thinking that going for what you want is treating her like you could instantly have 10 of her. Not so. Self respect and ambition are not disrespect to her.

Men and women wonder why the spend so much time suffering with bad matches. The answer is they don't dump them fast enough. And when they do, they stay home and don't meet other people. You got to stop being so afraid of single and sexless. You get a lot better from people if you don't need them. When you need something from them, you are unhappy until you get it, and they have power, and they sense you are just around them for that need, so it hurts the relationship. You just got to drop the neediness, and be willing to see other people until one of them shows genuine interest. If a woman wants you to commit to her when she does not want to commit to you, run the other way. She is a horrible person. If you just can't get anyone decent, then improve yourself somehow.


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I might be able to get someone decent now, depending on how picky they are. Some average women are not picky about looks, but are about money. They think they deserve someone better than themself. I just don't want to put up with that kind of attitude from them. I'm working on making money and getting in shape and doing other stuff to improve myself, and I'm not wasting any money on women. It mostly goes to laser hair removal for now. By the time I'm up to the average woman's standards, I'll be way out of their league and dating much prettier women. That is just how life is, with people and their whacky standards.


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I predicted every word you wrote.
I have to agree you are doing a very good job of understanding my situation.
The reason you don't want to erase her is because you are imagining what it would be like if she DID like you, instead of not like you. The thought is to wonderful to let go of.
So true. I already analyzed the situation and came to a conclusion she will not change her mind, damn it she has a new boyfriend, she’s probably sleeping with him as we speak, not giving a second thought of what happened between us. I know all this, yet the thought us together keeps jumping to my mind, this is so fucked up !!!
Women make you fall in love when they get your hopes up, not when they get your dick up.
She did both…
A really smart move they make is buying you dinner once or twice so you think they actually like being with you and don't need to be bribed; then you really don't want to blow it, and can't say no to them later.
Wow, if she did this on purpose I will be stunned. I hate to think that she did it on purpose. On one hand this might be good for me to think this, because maybe finally I could start hating her for having such a lousy character, which will help me get over this, but on the other hand, I have to work with her (very closely) in about two weeks from now, I don’t want to hate her, how could I work with her then ?

Who she wants sex with is who rates higher. If she does not want you after 7 quality hours with you, she has told you her decision.
Yes I guess you are right. Simply from meeting to meeting she gave me the impression it’s going to happen. Every meeting she added another thing that made me think this way. For example, two meetings before the end, she wanted me inside her bed when we watched TV, right next to her. I guess if she wanted something to happen it would have happened right then, unless she thought I should initate something, that’s what I told myself, until at the end I’ve learned she already had her new boyfriend at that time… Then at our last meeting (when she told me about her new boyfriend, and told me he treats her bad and she wants to leave him), she danced with me real close, people were sure she’s my girlfriend. I don’t understand, she was “selling†herself to me just so she could keep me as a friend to give her good time and help her ?, this was the last thing I thought of her when we were together.

Men and women wonder why the spend so much time suffering with bad matches. The answer is they don't dump them fast enough. And when they do, they stay home and don't meet other people.
True, and because they stay home and don’t meet other people, once they do meet someone they like, they won’t dump fast enough. This is me.
You got to stop being so afraid of single and sexless. You get a lot better from people if you don't need them. When you need something from them, you are unhappy until you get it, and they have power, and they sense you are just around them for that need, so it hurts the relationship. You just got to drop the neediness, and be willing to see other people until one of them shows genuine interest.
Even though this is not my nature, I agree. This is the better strategy by far.
If a woman wants you to commit to her when she does not want to commit to you, run the other way. She is a horrible person.
This is exactly what she wanted from me. Everytime we said goodbye to each other (whether on the phone or in person) she told me call me later today. When I called her later, when we finished she said call me later today. She wanted me all the time to be around her, yet she didn’t want to commit to me. She can’t be such a good person I guess.
If you just can't get anyone decent, then improve yourself somehow.
I don’t know if I can or can’t get anyone decent, I need to get out more and search more. The thing is, I hate to have the lower hand. This is all a game, and I know that I can look much better, and hence be much better at the game. I have decided to become a better player over this next year, but in order to change the things needed to be changed (and the wig is just one of them), I need to do things that will make dating really impossible this year (with anyone half decent). I just don’t want this year to be a long remorse over that lousy girl… (which I'm forced to see at least until July !!!)


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I plan to write a book: dating advice from a 30 year old to the 20 year olds --- read with a grain of salt to get up to speed, and then take your self further when you are done. I figured out a lot over the years. Still got more to learn, but it would be a waste if it were gone now.

Back to your situtation. It gets good. If you are a 6 and she is an 8, appearance wise, then she is calculating all this. If you are an 8 and she is a 10, it is very possible some of that was not faked. She may be physically attracted to you, and was enjoying the close dancing. But she is picky about who she sleeps with. You are fun to be around, even physically, but she only sleeps with the sexiest. Or something like that. Maybe you had a chance of something short term, but it disappeared the second she met another physical 10.

My point is, 6's get lead on by 8's all the time. But 8's get led on even harder by 10's, because they get more bait and it seems more real. But the 8's got it easier too because they can go get other 8's for a breather at least. But then their 8 partner might cheat on them with a 10, or think they have a chance with the 10 and leave them. It can get frustrating. But some of them do fall in love with each other and leave the 10's perminently. If you are an 8, you can make them fall in love. The lower you are on the scale, the harder it is to find someone at your own level who will fall in love with you. It is possible, but it won't be the same sexually as the higher couples. To get someone to fall in love, you have to get their hopes up, and the more you have in common with them, and better personality, and better looks, the easier it will be.

As for getting out and meeting people, it can feel like a grey area. The better you look, the easier it is to meet people, and have them actually want you. The less attractive you are, the more rejections you get, and harder it is to bring yourself to leave your house. But don't dispare. Looks are not the only factor. You need to be good at conveying to the women you like that you like them, and at the right intensity at the right time so they don't think they can use you, and don't think you want to use them. You need to get good at reading if they like you, and must realize that whether they send a signel depends on if they know how, if they are excited by knowing you like them or if they are unaware you like them, what dating book they read, etc. Basically, don't get scared off just because they don't jump on you immediately. And do realize you have to put your foot forwards or you can't know anything.


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Another good one: you think that just because you wish that hot woman would drop her pants and jump on you, that she should feel equally inviting to you if she is as attracted to you. Not so. Men doubt a woman is strong enough to rape them. Women know men can control the situation. If a there is anything at all a woman does not want to do with you physically, she may worry that you will want that and she will have to find way out of it without sounding rude. Social awkwardness is a bigger worry than rape in some situations, but even if she is less attractive than you, she still might not want to give you head, and might be afraid of you raping her in that way. That is why you got to know how to put the moves on. There is a way of finding out what she wants, without making her feel like she is being judged or signing a blank check. I don't know the procedure, but I do know it exists, and in some ways it trumps looks. For example: if you know the procedure, you can dance with almost any woman you want, though you might not get sex with her. If you know the procedure, you can get what little she wants to give you. If you look as good as her but drop your clothes immediately, probably 90% of women will run the other way, even though you look good. You have to be just super looking to get away with that often, whereas merely above average looking women can get away with it. Got to figure out the procedure. It goes something like this:

Start small in some way. Gradually up it if she accepts your small way. Don't look like you are searching for the blank check. Look like you are just doing what you feel like, so she does not feel judged. And know that you might not get all the way with her. You are just seeing where her limit is. She will let you go further as long as you respect her signals and don't jump your tongue down her throat the second you think you see one. As long as the rate you up it is the right speed per her signals, she will feel safe that you don't think she signed a blank check, and she won't be afraid to give more signals.


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If you don't want to get ripped off 3 dinners, don't give 3 dinners. Simple. Only spend money at most at the rate you can sustain a long time. If you can only afford one dinner per week, do not take her to two in the same week. And once you take her to one, do not take her to another until she starts acting a bit more like a girlfriend instead of a queen. Otherwise you establish the precedant that you are her slave. And that is the most you should spend, if you think she is interested right. If you want to get laid by a hot woman, you can offer a bit more than that, but not at first. You need to show her you are willing to do that, but don't do it till she really shows that she is not just going to use you.

I'd like to say: do not fall in love with people who are better looking than you. But the fact is, the better you look, the longer a better looking woman will be with you till replacing you.

And a big fact: All women I've been with, whether they are in love with me or jump me the next day: they all say "I love you" and a lot of other romantic formalities like that. It is just dating custom for them. Some get detailed and sound sincere. It can be confusing, and annoying. And they will ask you if you feel the same way, and why you are not acting excited. And they can dump you soon even if you do act excited, just because you are not buying them enough or you ask for too much sex. Be aware of this so you don't just accept what you see.

Finally: Less attractive people search for clues that will prove the other wants them. And they give them many chances. They want to find the proof. 8's look for clues in 8's too, but give each other fewer chances. People look for excuses to reject 6's. A woman will say she does not care about looks, but will search long and hard and always find an excuse to reject the 6. And it is not by accident. She pretends to be swayable so he will buy her stuff, or at least give her attention or tell her she is god and he hopes she saves his worthless life. But when she has had her fill, or is no longer getting what she wants, she levies the finally excuse. And hot men do this to women too. Call it being a jerk, or call it rejection. Just be aware of what is going on so you don't chase after that carrot and torture yourself.

Trust that she is smart, and leave her if she does not want you. But if you want her too badly, you will want to believe she is just mistaken and you can clear up it. Trust me, she is just giving an excuse. Move on. If you can just get up to 8, you got a good shot and finding love, but also a good chance she might cheat. So you got to read her state in live to know if she knows what she can get and if she likes to chase or settle down. The ones who like to chase them all or make money from them all probably have STDs.

And if you are a 6 who has sex with a 10 for money, that is prostitution and you probably will get herpes, even if you used Mystery Method to avoid paying her. So getting lucky might not be so lucky. I say get the piece, get muscles, get a job, and get an 8 who knows her place and wants to settle down and fall in love with you. You might be there now. If not, don't waste your emotion on people, but get out and learn a little and don't take my word for it.


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I say get the piece, get muscles, get a job, and get an 8 who knows her place and wants to settle down and fall in love with you... don't waste your emotion on people, but get out and learn a little and don't take my word for it.

Good advice :)


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Peter_mac said:
Thinking of going this route, I find myself spending more and more time thinking why is there such a negative attitude in our society against the notion of wearing hair.

The first reason for the negative attitude (that I am going to discredit) which is very popular in this subforum, goes along the following lines: balding guys who choose to wear hair to cover the problem, are pathetic, insecure, lack self confidence, and not men enough to accept mother nature’s decisions with dignity. The advocators of this reason (who are very vocal on this subforum), continue and say that what women hate the most, is seeing such lack of self confidence in a man, as being shown by someone who dare to hide his hair problem, instead of accepting it, and showing it for all public to see without a hint of shame or regret. These advocators continue and say that hiding the hair problem with a wig will solve nothing, because the problem is totally within the balding guy’s mind, and once he will solve his insecurity problem, then lack of hair will not keep him from getting what he wants (no matter how bad a balding head makes him look).

At first glance, this reason seems legitimate, yes, it surely makes sense, if this is the reason why society has bad attitude against people who wear hair, maybe we have hope for our society for seeing things so wisely. But sadly, in reality, this reason doesn’t have legitimacy. Firstly, society in general treat balding guys as second grade people in some manners (and I won’t get into this, see no reason) so while it’s true that self confidence can take you a long way, there are still things it won’t get you, for which you need to simply be more attractive. Second, the *double standards* issue - simply visit the hair transplant forums (here and on other websites), why isn’t this same reason (lack of self confidence, etc) being shouted there as it is being shouted in the wigs forums ?. A guy who choose to go through hair transplant, with all due respect (playing the devil’s advocate here), is pathetic, insecure, lack self confidence, and not man enough to accept mother nature’s decisions with dignity. It is not impossible to tell someone had gone through hair transplant, you just need to know where and what to look for, so why women aren’t searching for that to eliminate all the guys who went through hair transplant, I thought self confidence is important to them… ?.

A guy who contemplates going through hair transplant, is just as “bad†as the one who contemplates to solve the problem by wearing hair. STILL, I can see men openly talking about getting hair transplant, and the general feeling around these talks is that it’s cool that they want to look better, and that it is nice to see men who are bothered by aesthetics (in contrast to those guys who don’t care how they look, and just sit on the couch fat, bald and unattractive).

The more I think of it, it seems to me that the real problem society has with wigs, is the following (and I’m going to be harsh to make the point, sorry): by choosing to go with a wig, society take that you are making the following statement: “I am smarter than you, I can fool you to believe anything I want, and you’ll accept it, because you are dumb, or at least have less IQ than me, you thought what I show you is real ?, in your face idiot !, and remember, you ate it only because you are dumb, if you had half a brain, you could have seen that it is a wig and not real hair. I could have gone through an hair transplant and look like I never got bald, but why, when most of the people in the world are as dumb as you, I can simply save my money. I am simply a cheap, dishonest person, and because you are dumb you fell for my liesâ€.

Now, you could theoretically solve this problem, by telling everyone that you wear hair (and explain the reason why hair transplant couldn’t be an option in your case). For those who can do it it’s great, but you really need a thick elephant skin, and preferably be married. The problem is that there are a lot of mean people around us, and it might backfire on you eventually (jokes, etc.). Also, even if there are no jokes, you can’t greet anyone you meet (like some cool girl you met or who knows) with the line “hello my name is baldy and I wear hair, I did it because aesthetics are important for me and I look much better with hair, I didn’t have hair transplant not because I’m cheap or I think you’re stupid, I simply don’t have enough donor area, in the future I will definitely get HM thoughâ€, sorry, but that’s the only way you’ll never “scam†people…

My thoughts are that if you choose to go with the hiding strategy, society will accept the wig as a much more legitimate solution, assuming the following will be true:
1. The wig must look flawless. Extra care should be taken that the hair will be indistinguishable from real hair (and today this seems to be possible, in sharp contrast to the past). If this is done, then even if you decide to tell someone the truth (or they learn somehow), they won’t feel as stupid, since it really looks like real hair, and nobody could ever tell the difference. You didn’t try to disrespect their intelligence.

2. The guy who wear hair should not make the hair his strongest (or one of his strongest) selling points, attractiveness wise. He needs to keep a very good look, work out, stay thin, dress well, smell well, etc. The haircut should be decent, it should say “I’m not bald, I have decent hair, but don’t base your thoughts of how attractive I am mainly by looking at my hair, it’s nothing out of the ordinary, except for the fact that it exist to frame my face, and doesn’t subtract points of my total appearanceâ€. If this is done, then even if someone finds out your secret, it should largely reduce the “I’m dishonest†factor.

Yeah, thats why I took mine off and decided not to wear one anymore. It just made me so paranoid and uncomfortable. Even when I had the hairpiece on good and knew it was not detectable, if someone looked at me I would feel uncomfortable thinking they "detected" it. I really think its not worth it and its a big hassle too with maintenance.