Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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michel sapin

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so you would recommend duta for finasteride non responder?
What do you think of duta twice a week in term of side effect ?


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Ok man, but are your budy taking aromatase inhibitor ?
with such an amount of duta this is hard not to get gyno .

would you recommend dutasteride 0.5 mg as a first line of attack instead of finasteride ?

Don't believe everything he says. I don't even think this guy is a real person anyways. Anyone on Dutasteride wouldn't look like him unless he's also on the juice.


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Well then I must be an Alien or something... wtf bro why the hell would I lie about taking juice.I have no sponsors or any reason to lie.For many reasons I don't take juice, but mainly it would f*** up my hair big time and money.

Don't believe everything he says. I don't even think this guy is a real person anyways. Anyone on Dutasteride wouldn't look like him unless he's also on the juice.


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Exactly what I was thinking. It's getting long now especially the fringe. I'm just gonna grow it out like crazy !!!! Should I go to the barber for trims to keep it neat ?

Just keep the ends cleaned up and it should grow out just fine. You'll go through a weird bastard stage where you look kinda like a lesbian, but you just gotta push through that sh*t and have it styled once it's long. If I had that head of hair, I'd go full-on Pitt from Legends of the Fall and never look back.


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Made a full recovery I'm blown away by it.

Even in bright bathroom lights when hair is wet you CAN'T see any scalp

dutasteride rules


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About 5 months of dutasteride ..and yes I take 1mg of finasteride with 0.5mg dutasteride every morning

I use liquid minoxidil at night

Yes I guess that is a worry and I did have someone mention it looks like my facial bone structure has changed!!!Was probably just the angle of the pic ...I've not noticed a change.

Yeah I had a 2200 graft frontal 6 years ago which was a huge success and now it's easier to maintain mid and crown (hairline is so hard to keep with meds)

Really great results. Can i ask:

How long have u been on dutasteride?
What dosage per day?
When did u first start noticing results?
Did u/do you take finasteride with it?
And my MAIN CONCERN have u noticed/are u worried it could change ur facial bone structure because it is inhibiting the type 1 enzyme that is present in bones? I really dont wanna mess up my cheekbones (lol i know it sounds irrational).
Also, could i see a front view? Has it helped the front at all?
Have u had a hair transplant?

Thank u again in advance i am just starting dutasteride but am only 20 so i have A LOT of questions!

michel sapin

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wow man insane , you are sure that only dutasteride could achieve this result ? the combo minoxidil and fina and maybe duta once a week coud maybe do the same result ?

How much minoxidil do you use on your vertex -crown area ? you use the liquid ( the white residue with it are really annoying)

thanks man


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Hey I use about 2ml

I would say a combination of everything worked

wow man insane , you are sure that only dutasteride could achieve this result ? the combo minoxidil and fina and maybe duta once a week coud maybe do the same result ?

How much minoxidil do you use on your vertex -crown area ? you use the liquid ( the white residue with it are really annoying)

thanks man

michel sapin

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for someone who get a slight gyno because of fina/duta what would you recommend ?
AI and SERM ? or gyno surgery ?


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Yes I feel I need the mornings my hair feels dry almost like straw from the minoxidil so I shampoo and use a deep conditioner (leave in for 15 minutes )

thanks man , i really need to find a proper routine .
you wash hair on a daily basis ?


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I saw somebody that u posted that u dont use steroids because they will f*** up your hair..ok i believe you..but i know a few people who takes test,tren with fina,someone with duta and they have remain all hairs,so if somebody say that steroids ruin your hair guarranted,thats a big lie.Im pretty sure that many of these youtube "nattys" take finasteride alongside with steroids,too.Rich piana was taking only propecia and he was heavy steroid user for example,and he was holding hair pretty damn good.


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I saw somebody that u posted that u dont use steroids because they will f*** up your hair..ok i believe you..but i know a few people who takes test,tren with fina,someone with duta and they have remain all hairs,so if somebody say that steroids ruin your hair guarranted,thats a big lie.Im pretty sure that many of these youtube "nattys" take finasteride alongside with steroids,too.Rich piana was taking only propecia and he was heavy steroid user for example,and he was holding hair pretty damn good.

Finasteride/dutasteride won't help with DHT derivative steroids or steroids that aren't 5ar reduced. Rich Piana had hair transplant(s), and I doubt finasteride helped much considering all the sh*t he was taking. Some people can get away with more than others, Mark Bell uses steroids and he has a NW0 hairline (but he shaves his head). If you lose hair from steroid use you were going to lose it eventually anyways, you're just speeding up the process.


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Finasteride/dutasteride won't help with DHT derivative steroids or steroids that aren't 5ar reduced. Rich Piana had hair transplant(s), and I doubt finasteride helped much considering all the sh*t he was taking. Some people can get away with more than others, Mark Bell uses steroids and he has a NW0 hairline (but he shaves his head). If you lose hair from steroid use you were going to lose it eventually anyways, you're just speeding up the process.
Dunno what to say about this, I think every person has a level of follicular tolerance to androgens. Some people may get away with normal levels of DHT without triggering the process of balding, some don't. But for some artificially increasing the androgen levels may be enough to trigger male pattern baldness. Ofc there are guys who have nuclear resistant hair, you can actually inject uranium in every follicle and they won't go bald. Just my two cents.


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Dunno what to say about this, I think every person has a level of follicular tolerance to androgens. Some people may get away with normal levels of DHT without triggering the process of balding, some don't. But for some artificially increasing the androgen levels may be enough to trigger male pattern baldness. Ofc there are guys who have nuclear resistant hair, you can actually inject uranium in every follicle and they won't go bald. Just my two cents.

True, pretty much what I was trying to say but I worded it bad


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Opinions please on a good haircut??

I love the long bangs mainly cause it hides my hair transplant hairline which looks great but short can look a little pluggy perhaps

I'm not a fan of the really short skin shaved sides umm

Or just let it grow ?


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Wet hair haha


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Opinions please on a good haircut??

I love the long bangs mainly cause it hides my hair transplant hairline which looks great but short can look a little pluggy perhaps

I'm not a fan of the really short skin shaved sides umm

Or just let it grow ?
You need to get your hair more texturized. Too many hairs are the same length. Ask your hair stylist to texturize your hair. Hopefully they know what that means.


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Ok awesome but I'm wondering if I should touch the sides grrr maybe just scissor cut

You need to get your hair more texturized. To many hairs are the same length. Ask your hair stylist to texturize your hair. Hopefully they know what that means.


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Ok awesome but I'm wondering if I should touch the sides grrr maybe just scissor cut
Sides look fine to me. Unless you like a a more buzz look there.


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@DoctorHouse a few people have asked if I'm wearing a toupe
I think its because they think you juice since you are huge and figure you lost your hair so you must be wearing a hair system.
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