Oral Castor Oil And Oral Aspirin Combo


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Hey, i just want to inform you that my shedding already completely stopped on aspirin/castor oil/niacin combo (i don't take niacin every day, only 2 times per week).

I think this combo is very promising. This is the first time i manage to stop my shedding. Even oral minoxidil and finasteride didn't do that for me.

I want to add that i have DUPA + hair line recession

But there is a huge downside, aspirin reduces my sex drive and my semen production for sure. I can tell without a doubt that my testicles are smaller than before the treatment (there are studies showing that aspirin reduces testosterone production, sperm production and receduces testicles suze) . If the testicular atrophy continue even further i will stop the experiment.

I value my balls over my hair
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Topical aspirin on the hairline might work against topical Dutasteride effects of damaging the front
Hey Capone, i saw one of your post in which you were saying aspirin stopped your shedding and improved your hair quality. Why did you stopped?


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Hey, i just want to inform you that my shedding already completely stopped on aspirin/castor oil/niacin combo (i don't take niacin every day, only 2 times per week).

I think this combo is very promising. This is the first time i manage to stop my shedding. Even oral minoxidil and finasteride didn't do that for me.

I want to add that i have DUPA + hair line recession

But there is a huge downside, aspirin reduces my sex drive and my semen production for sure. I can tell without a doubt that my testicles are smaller than before the treatment (there are studies showing that aspirin reduces testosterone production, sperm production and receduces testicles suze) . If the testicular atrophy continue even further i will stop the experiment.

I value my balls over my hair
Are you sure that it's working against DUPA ? Nothing work against dupa even dutasteride or finasteride


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Are you sure that it's working against DUPA ? Nothing work against dupa even dutasteride or finasteride
The only thing i can say without a doubt is that my shedding completely stopped for the first time since dupa started. And yes finasteride and minoxidil didn't work for me


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Topical aspirin on the hairline might work against topical Dutasteride effects of damaging the front
We'd have to see how much T it reduces. Tho if @StayPositive is in fact starting to see some sexual effects then it might be sufficient against dutasteride. Interesting theory. With Castor oil already boosting PGE2 levels, I just need a PGD2 suppressant for a decent experiment. From the posts on here though, I kinda gather Niacin reduces PGE2 as well(?) which I'd rather keep as high as can be.


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Hey guys, do you think it's possible to keep balding and receding even if the heavy shedding COMPLETELY stopped?


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Hey guys, do you think it's possible to keep balding and receding even if the heavy shedding COMPLETELY stopped?
Well considering this corner of the board is a bit "bro-scientific", my take on this will heavily reflect that. It basically depends on your type of shedding imo. If it's a consistent years-long shed, I'd say that's definitely androgen related. So in theory, a drastic halt of that might just be a good sign.

However, if you've just somehow suppressed an otherwise temporary, natural phase of telogen effluvium, then who's to say miniaturization isn't still in progress? Sure hairs are staying but unaddressed androgens could still be binding and shrinking the follicles of those "cemented" hairs.

Nonetheless, I hope we can find something of substance down this route at the end of the day. For lack of scientific research though, the only way to explore these supplements is for us to consistently run and monitor their effects. That said, you should try to follow through with aspirin and the rest of that regimen. Your reports so far are kinda promising o_O


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Well considering this corner of the board is a bit "bro-scientific", my take on this will heavily reflect that. It basically depends on your type of shedding imo. If it's a consistent years-long shed, I'd say that's definitely androgen related. So in theory, a drastic halt of that might just be a good sign.

However, if you've just somehow suppressed an otherwise temporary, natural phase of telogen effluvium, then who's to say miniaturization isn't still in progress? Sure hairs are staying but unaddressed androgens could still be binding and shrinking the follicles of those "cemented" hairs.

Nonetheless, I hope we can find something of substance down this route at the end of the day. For lack of scientific research though, the only way to explore these supplements is for us to consistently run and monitor their effects. That said, you should try to follow through with aspirin and the rest of that regimen. Your reports so far are kinda promising o_O
Thank you for your response

Yes it's a constant years long shed with miniaturization. It's possible that aspirin just inhibits telogen phase but does not prevent further miniaturization (i read somewhere pgd2 put hair in telogen phase) . God i hope not. I will see in several months


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We'd have to see how much T it reduces. Tho if @StayPositive is in fact starting to see some sexual effects then it might be sufficient against dutasteride. Interesting theory. With Castor oil already boosting PGE2 levels, I just need a PGD2 suppressant for a decent experiment. From the posts on here though, I kinda gather Niacin reduces PGE2 as well(?) which I'd rather keep as high as can be.
Studies show 325mg aspirin reduces total testosterone level by around 20%. I am taking 1000mg

I am not sure if Niacin decreases pge2
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It’s not good for continued usage due to blood thinning and internal bleeding etc
For how long did you take when you tried? Do you remember?

I am 1 month in and don't have any sides for the moment


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I am thinking about trying topical aspirin instead of oral. I just saw a study showing topical aspirin is more effective that oral aspirin for relieving local inflammation. With topical aspirin, the serum level of aspirin is 8 times less than with oral aspirin, and the skin level of aspirin is 3 times more elevated than with oral.

This means it will greatly reduces the sides effects. i don't have any gut related sides effects for the moment, but the testosterone reduction i am experiencing with aspirin is very annoying


Background: In this study, the efficacy of oral aspirin vs. topical aspirin in moisturizer (Vaseline Intensive Care Lotion) was studied in an open, randomized, parallel trial in patients with acute herpetic neuralgia.

Methods: Thirty patients were evaluated in the trial, with 15 in each group. The patients were randomized to receive either oral aspirin, 375-750 mg three times a day, or 75 mg topical aspirin/mL of moisturizer (5-10 mL, depending on the extent of involvement), three times a day, for 21 days. Pain was assessed daily by means of a self-rating visual analog scale and physician assessment. In addition, the skin and plasma levels of aspirin were measured in both groups.

Results: The mean time to onset of pain relief was 44 min with topical aspirin and 110 min with oral aspirin. The mean duration of pain relief after a single application of topical aspirin was 5.4 h, whereas it was 3.5 h with oral aspirin. The mean visual analog scale scores for pain with oral aspirin decreased from 68.2 +/- 6.1 on day zero to 43.1 +/- 8.7 on day 21, which was not significant compared with the baseline score. With topical aspirin, the baseline pain score was 77.5 +/- 3.7 and decreased to 6.8 +/- 3 on day 21 (P < 0.001 compared to the baseline score and compared to oral aspirin). The mean plasma and skin levels of aspirin following oral administration were 16.21 +/- 1.1 microg/mL and 1.97 +/- 0.3 microg/mm2, respectively. After topical administration, the mean plasma level of aspirin was 2.29 +/- 0.5 microg/mL (P < 0.01 vs. oral aspirin) and the skin level was 5.96 +/- 0.4 microg/mm2 (P < 0.05 vs. oral aspirin). Treatment tolerance was excellent in both groups.

Conclusions: This trial has demonstrated that topical aspirin in moisturizer is clearly superior to oral aspirin in relieving the pain of acute herpetic neuralgia, and that the analgesic activity of aspirin is largely due to its local effect.

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Hair fall count down to 0-2 when i wash my hair. It's usually around 50.( I wash my hair around 4 times a week ). So happy. Just hoping it will translate to an halt of my recession and hair thinning.

@pegasus2 from your experience and knowledge, does completely halting the shedding means no further recession and miniaturization ? I read something saying pgd2 controls telogen phase. So i am afraid the shedding stopped but miniaturization slowly continues. What do you think?

And guys, i stopped oral minoxidil around 1 month ago when i started Aspirin/Castor oil/Niacin protocol. I have noticed 0 minoxidil related shedding for the moment. I never had any shedding when i started 10lg oral minoxidil 1 year ago and i had absolutely 0 effect from it on my head hair (but it made my body very hairy)

Am I saved or can the shedding sill happens after 1 month?
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Over a month into castor oil. Beard and hair still grow a bit faster than naturally, yet to see any regrowth though.

I forgot to take it on 2 separate days (both hairwash days coincidentally). When brushing my hair out prior to showering, it seemed like there were a solid 30~50 more hairs falling out that day. Didn't count it precisely but I got a noticeably bigger pile than what I usually get. Still none of this is scientific ofc, just reporting my experience.

On a side note, just learned how easily Cetirizine is obtainable over here - basically over the counter for relatively cheap. Both oral and topical. Might mess around with those as well. The concept behind that would be to reduce PGD2 levels while boosting PGE2 with castor oil.

Even if any of this helped tho, no one should consider these as stand alone treatments. In the meantime I'm on finasteride 1.25 mg daily myself, just to be clear on that. Peace.
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Regarding aspirin, it may be best not to use it if you're also using topical minoxidil. The following study found evidence that low-dose daily aspirin may reduce the effectiveness of topical minoxidil by inhibiting the sulfotransferase enzyme which is necessary to break down minoxidil into its active metabolite (minoxidil sulfate): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30226287/