Once And For All; Can Dutasteride Make The Front Worse?


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Thanks. So If I am already on Dutasteride (and losing ground slowly) this would be a good addition to my regimen? In other words it is not just doing the same thing As Dutasteride?


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Thanks. So If I am already on Dutasteride (and losing ground slowly) this would be a good addition to my regimen? In other words it is not just doing the same thing As Dutasteride?
RU58841 is a rather strong anti-androgen. It binds to the androgen receptor in your hair follicle to block other androgens from binding to it.
Meaning, it blocks every androgen from binding to your follicle, unless that androgen has a higher binding affinity than Ru58841.

In simple words: It will block both DHT and Testosterone on your scalp. But you have to use it daily and make 100% sure its getting absorbed

Be aware tho. Its rather expensive and i dont know if stopping the drug can cause hairloss like it does with minoxidil


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RU58841 is a rather strong anti-androgen. It binds to the androgen receptor in your hair follicle to block other androgens from binding to it.
Meaning, it blocks every androgen from binding to your follicle, unless that androgen has a higher binding affinity than Ru58841.

In simple words: It will block both DHT and Testosterone on your scalp. But you have to use it daily and make 100% sure its getting absorbed

Be aware tho. Its rather expensive and i dont know if stopping the drug can cause hairloss like it does with minoxidil

Lmao whattttt??!!!!!?

Ru has a binding affinity almost a 100 times weaker than t and dht.


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A recurring subject, still no definitive answer.

I have been on dutasteride for 4 months now.
My front is much worse, the mid to back is maintaing/maybe even improving so far.

SO, can dutasteride make the front worse?
Anybody on HairLossTalk.com who had bad experience with DUTA and the Front?
Sanchez can we get an update? I’m about 15 weeks in on dutasteride after 5 yrs on finasteride and experiencing the same.


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You fucked it up big time, you were shedding and would probably come out on top of it.

Same with me, I had a bad shed on dutasteride. Came out of it and my hairline is better than it was before dutasteride. Patience is key.
how long did it take to come out the other side? been on Dutasteride for 7 months (finasteride for 5 years) and make it through the shedding phase (months1-3), but I feel like my hair is overall thinner and I"m definitely thinner in the front behind the hairline compared to when I was using finasteride.

I'm going to wait a year to give Dutasteride a real shot. I'd love to hear more about your experience.


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how long did it take to come out the other side? been on Dutasteride for 7 months (finasteride for 5 years) and make it through the shedding phase (months1-3), but I feel like my hair is overall thinner and I"m definitely thinner in the front behind the hairline compared to when I was using finasteride.

I'm going to wait a year to give Dutasteride a real shot. I'd love to hear more about your experience.

My hair did get better after a year or so. Keep going. 7 months is just a start especially for antiandrogens. Hair needs some time to recover.


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My hair did get better after a year or so. Keep going. 7 months is just a start especially for antiandrogens. Hair needs some time to recover.
Thank you! seriously needed to hear that. I went through the normal shed on Dutasteride the first 3 months and felt like I should of been over the hump by now. I'LL KEEP GOING. When I hit a year I'm going to document my experience for everyone. I've been taking photos since I started.


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Yeah keep going. 5 years later tho? 10? Impotence? permanent enzyme damage? At what cost brother? At what cost I say.

Been on antiandrogens for 10 years, NW2 and no sides.

Unicorns do exist on this forums, I guess.


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@Calikid what do you think about the testosterone theory? Still trying to figure out my poor Finasteride response + sides + low DHT. Maybe testosterone is doing the damage?

what’s the best way to block testosterone at the follicles with out sides, RU?


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why are you in this forum then? Nw2 isn’t even a true Androgenetic Alopecia stage for most. And there are antiandrogens and antiandrogens. Which ones are you taking? Sides occur on 100% of people, some experience then faster and on a bigger degree. You can’t deplete DHT in blood and not have side effects. It’s the fcuking word, side-effect. Delusional

Sure dude, show me studies with 100% having sides or shut up. Have no time or energy debating this sh*t over and over again because some dude on forums knows it all.

If you think it's bad for you just don't take it. I'm just sharing my experience, that's all.


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Sure dude, show me studies with 100% having sides or shut up. Have no time or energy debating this sh*t over and over again because some dude on forums knows it all.

If you think it's bad for you just don't take it. I'm just sharing my experience, that's all.
Agree! Dutasteride has been FDA approved for the prostate for almost 20 years now (finasteride much longer). It comes down to the individual T levels, DHT levels, Free T levels, etc... It's important to get baseline bloodwork.


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I mean it takes two seconds to move your fat as& and go check. Apparently propecia especially avodart can completely ruin the enzyme so then you just can’t make DHT. Same thing for pituitary where some experience nasty sh1t. Same for brain and gab receptors where people stay foggy for ever. How can you possibly run a study on that? And why would you? The study is right there, hundreds report the same sh1t. Is there a better study than actual people? They’re the lab rats.

You’re not very smart are you? Is this some compulsive need to convince yourself you made the right choice? Because I’m sure not only your penis is dead, I actually think you’re having a lot more sides but somehow you’ll stick to the drug. Why would you possibly be this stupid otherwise? Merck isn’t going anywhere because of me and I don’t need them to, the drug has its uses. But to turn around and focus medicine and research elsewhere for hair loss is mandatory. PLUS... when someone lies about a drug being safe when it’s not, that’s wrong. In the end, we both don’t know how a person is gonna react to it precisely. Better be alarmed tho. Cause when you claim you’re fine, when you’re not, it’s wrong. I bet your penis doesn’t work, I bet your hair is fine and I bet your have gyno. Prove me wrong, go post pictures holding a sign with my name on it to be sure you didn’t photoshop anything. If you don’t have propecia fat or gyno, I’ll buy you ten packs of propecia, not the generic one but the real one. Go ahead, shut us up.


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Nice source buddy. Are u Pigeon's brother?
if its worth anything.
I was on dutasteride for 10 months and it completely deleted my libido. its been 3 months now without dutasteride + very high dose TRT (300mg test) and my libido increased from 0% to 5% (out of 100%).


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I'm not sure tbh man. I have low DHT levels as well and was continuing to lose. I started taking a low dose of spironolactone about 5 months ago (Only 25-75mg). I recently stopped taking it bc of gyno (shows how low my T already is). I am waiting to get ralox and I will start again. But, over that 5 month period of a small dose of spironolactone my shedding did not decrease. A lot of people say, unless you take 150mg of spironolactone it won't do anything, I also don't believe that.

However, I believe that unless you are just very unlucky like myself. If you lower your T levels with already low DHT this should benefit your hair...

@bluecyclone If were you I would try 50-100mg of spironolactone and have ralox ready just in case you get gyno. If you start to get other sides or cant get rid of the gyno, just stop and the sides will go away.

But like I said, I'm not sure about anything as nothing works for me.
I dont think gyno=low T. Gyno is caused by increase of E levels.

As for lowering T and DHT, this should and will stop your hair loss. When you have sufficiently low levels of the main male androgens, your hair loss will stop. You just have to be patient and avoid Telogen Effluvium.
I feel you man. I wish I could just say f*** it. I have serious bdd. I may not start spironolactone again. The time I receive the ralox ill be three weeks off it. Im desperate to stop my hairloss.
There are better options than spironolactone, if you’re desperate enough :p


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I wonder how stupid people are when starting messing with this drug. I include myself in that because I was stupid to try it and went through a lot of trouble to reverse every last bit of it.

Friend upstairs talking about his DHT being low and still losing hair. Now he starts taking estrogen drugs (spironolactone). Now he’s waiting Black Dough to deliver him his ralox. Which FYI has the same stupid mechanism as Nolva. It’s gonna tank your igf1 that’s how it goes on about blocking estrogen. Yes in tits too. It doesn’t travel through an underground subway to your tits.

so it begs the question: why would u do all that? It’s not something you can take for ever. Not even for more than a year. It’s gonna fcuk u up big time. And then you’ll have to stop. And then bye bye hair. Why not just enjoy hair you have and go be normal instead of feminizing yourself and ultimately regretting it all? That’s basically the same sh1t with propecia and avodart. Who can take it for ten years and say “I’m normal”? Don’t mind the 4-5 lunatics here who have lost touch with the earth. Go ahead and check the thousands that curse the day they tried it. Thousands upon thousands. Why isn’t there a similar forum for the ones who swear by it?

wake up guys. Buzz it. Few years later trim once a week. Then shave it. Be free. Fly.
Dont think you can be “free” after your ugly looks been nuked by loosing your hair. You can try to be free. You can fool yourself to be free. However, having objectively not good looking face aesthetics with low confidence and hair loss, even with the best coping mechanism you can adopt, your quality of life will certainly be negatively affected.

And yes, you can take finasteride or duta (they dont lead to feminization) for decades with no serious consequences. However, there will always be extreme cases under every drug’s name. Its a f*****g drug after all. Add to that, only a small minority experience sides. And its a vocal minority thats for sure.

We dont necessarily like those drugs. But they are what we have for now. Either take a decent chance to fight balding and be one of the first men in human’s history to actually “fight” back hair loss, or go f*****g bald and cope for the rest of your life. But I guess I already know what you chose.

My point here is to stop fearmongering, and see the truth of this harsh world.


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I dont think gyno=low T. Gyno is caused by increase of E levels.

As for lowering T and DHT, this should and will stop your hair loss. When you have sufficiently low levels of the main male androgens, your hair loss will stop. You just have to be patient and avoid Telogen Effluvium.

There are better options than spironolactone, if you’re desperate enough :p

what happens if you haven't avoided telogen effluvium and it was triggered when you started taking AA, do you wait to recover or is it likely whilst your on an AA it's not likely to get better?