Obsidian's Story - (age 21) *** UPDATE***


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Obsidian said:
Still I need to wait the full year to see the results, but I am defiently going nowhere but up. :punk:

Glad to hear that. Wish you luck.


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Ehh I don't know now man, I really hope what I am going through is a shed and not deprogression, but if it is a shed, this is possibly more brutal than my six month shed. Wish me luck guys, either way I am going to start minoxidil soon.


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I am just amazed at how much ground/volume/density I have lost in almost three weeks time.

Here is from the 18th

And last night

I did the same thing with the wide toothed comb and it I amazed how fast it went in a little over a week.

The 25th

and last night

The crown seems to be okay I don't really know, it feels thin though :thumbdown2:

The 18th

And last night

Now my hair dry, it might look like I have volume but that's only because I learned this comb trick that gives this lifeless hair some volume
The top from today

My hairline from last night, I had a bunch of blackheads I popped that's what those red spots are

The crown dry

The hairline this morning

Like I said, I am at a loss here and it is making things kind of depressing that's why I have been posting like a bi-polar maniac. I notice since yesterday my itch has come back but I hope that is just from wearing this hat too much along with the oil on my forehead although it doesn't explain the back oil. I have to wear the hat because like said it is just thin and lifeless, especially the sides which scares me even more.

I guess the good news is I see a lot of vellous hairs popping up and feel quite a bit but I just don't know.


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it's honestly hard to tell you even lost density but only you know for sure

after all you are your own worst critic

your on the big 3 now ... right?

keep up with you treatments thats all you can do about it

i stress about my hair soo its hard to tell you to relax when im just as guilty about stressing and obsessing about my hair

but stressing isnt going to help your hair ... it may have actually caused Telogen Effluvium which sounds like it from the sides thinning as well

im thinking your hair will continue to improve within the next year


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Yeah I mean I am not trying to make it sound terrible but the density on the sides and back are low, it does kind of make me nervous to be honest along with the fact some body hair that had thinned out is now growing back in fuller and just most of my gains have been destroyed along with the fact I see all these week miniaturized hairs (some dark and weak looking, others almost blonde/white :thumbdown2: ). I mean I had a nasty shed at month 6 but I remember by the end of that month my temples and temple points were getting back little terminal hairs again.

Just wish me luck, if it just continues to slide downhill then I know it's probably RH


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Obsidian said:
Yeah I mean I am not trying to make it sound terrible but the density on the sides and back are low, it does kind of make me nervous to be honest along with the fact some body hair that had thinned out is now growing back in fuller and just most of my gains have been destroyed along with the fact I see all these week miniaturized hairs (some dark and weak looking, others almost blonde/white :thumbdown2: ). I mean I had a nasty shed at month 6 but I remember by the end of that month my temples and temple points were getting back little terminal hairs again.

Just wish me luck, if it just continues to slide downhill then I know it's probably RH

Good luck man, hope you keep us informed of all your progress, I'm afraid i might have RH to, if by RH you mean that reflex hyper thing.


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Obsidian said:
Yeah I mean I am not trying to make it sound terrible but the density on the sides and back are low, it does kind of make me nervous to be honest along with the fact some body hair that had thinned out is now growing back in fuller and just most of my gains have been destroyed along with the fact I see all these week miniaturized hairs (some dark and weak looking, others almost blonde/white :thumbdown2: ). I mean I had a nasty shed at month 6 but I remember by the end of that month my temples and temple points were getting back little terminal hairs again.

Just wish me luck, if it just continues to slide downhill then I know it's probably RH

I looked at all the pics... they all look the same to me. "responding" to finasteride looked like you had grown your hair longer...
Did anyone actually diagnose you with male pattern baldness?? Did you get a miniaturization test? :dunno:
Not trying to offend you at all, but judging by the frequency with which you post/take pics, you might have a little OCD going on... And I only feel that way because I've got it myself. It runs in the family. :thumbdown2:
I think you're one of those guys that might have male pattern baldness, but the kind that really shows at around 45 or so. My dad thinned a little in his late 20s/early 30's and developed a prety high hairline, but that held for another 16 years or so... You look like a guy who never really had thick hair. Like a thin haired metal dude :punk: , just like you did in that pic of you at 19. Just someone with fine hair. I've seen more scalp on a 23 year old female coworker's head than I do in your pics.. She doesn't have male pattern baldness!
If you got mapped for miniaturization and diagnosed by a pro, then I'll eat my words, but... you're what, early 20's... with a slightly receding hairline (no where near NW3 territory) and a full head of fine hair... Sounds pretty normal to me (not that male pattern baldness isn't normal, didn't mean that)....

Bufo boreas

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stress can play a major factor if this is a straight up case of male pattern baldness.
I use to wear my hair long too (not as long as yours though lol) and it was a pain combing it and watching hairs flutter into my sink.

you're better off keeping it short though like in this picture.



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Tomorrow is my ten month update but I will give it anyway.

I am just amazed at how fast I have thinned out within 1 months time. The hairline, vertex, crown, and even the sides looked so much better one to two months ago and now it just looks bad. The areas were the diffuse was the worst (the left side of the hairline and vertex) are pretty thin along with just everywhere else. I know it's Reflex Hyperandrogenicity due to the bodyhair that was thinned out coming back along with new ones on my arms, chest, and face and the greasy forehead/face.

I guess the good news is that the sebum production seems to be slowing down but now I have massive flakes. I could scratch the side of my head and it looks like Maine in December. Also my scalp is very inflammed, especially the crown like it was when I first started and my scalp is burning along with some tingling and itch all over like before I started finasteride. Plus all the hairs I am shedding are not dark thick hairs but now thin hairs and blondish/brown hairs. :thumbdown2:

I really don't know what to do, it's just so frustrating just to see good results at 5-8 months and then take a major nosedive at nine months due to this R.H. crap. I mean it sounds like the only thing you can do is get off it by slowly weaning yourself off and then try again to see if the R.H. sides start again.

I wish that my diet or sleeping schedule was causing this because before this happened I was on a bodybuilding diet and getting ten to twelve hours of sleep a night. I felt great, looked great, and my hair did too. Ever since I got out of the hospital due to acute pancreatitis my diet has been sh*t (not meaning healthy but just I can't have vegetables or anything that is high in fiber so basically no wheat bread only white) and since I have been trying to catch with school work, I probably only get four to five hours of sleep a night. I try to tell myself not to stress out about this and school but it's hard not to.

Next week is gonna suck because it's my sister's wedding and I know it will be windy outside. :thumbdown2:


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are you positive its RH?

did a doctor diagnose it?

i really sorry to hear about you hair loss downward spiral

you we an inspiration of mine to start hair loss treatments

i hope things improve for you

maybe a little hair spray may keep your hair less wind blown
i do the same thing to keep it down on windy days

cheers mate


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Well for me the classic symptoms are there, the three I mentioned the oily skin, increased hairfall, and increasing/returning body hair. My libido has been fine which is the weird thing, you think my libido would be through the roof.

I was lucky enough to not get side effects other than this (I thought so in the beginning but hell read the boards and you think you almost have every symptom caused by Propecia). I thought I had brainfog but I think I just convinced myself I did.

I am going to get a blood test after school to see what's going on, it might be pointless in some people's eyes but maybe it can point out what went wrong.


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no man its not pointless

it's a great idea to see you free testosterone levels and dht levels

that hard part wold be waiting to see results

please be sure to post your test results


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Sorry to hear bout it maybe being R.H, just seems weird though that it would start now rather then when you first took finasteride, hope the test results go well. Keep us informed, also keep in mind what BodyDysmorphic said about T.E, if your feeling seriously stressed about all this you could induce a T.E shed or may already have, but yeah take the test so you can have come clarity on the issue.


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Obsidian, can you take a picture of the flakes. You should use Alpha Cade. Its a cedar oil shampoo. Its very strong and powerful. I've severe dermatitis and i have to use it once or twice/week for prevention. But it helped me a lot to treat bloody flaky and rot scalp skin that i had for many years.

Also cedar oil have anti-androgenetic propeties like ketolonazole.

If you want i'll send to you some bottles for you to try.


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I suppose I should give you guys some picture updates for ten and a half months.

The weeks before the shed happened in March, my hair looked pretty good short and wet.


Now currently, it looks like it might be recovering finally compared with the beginning of the month. I feel hairs popping up all over




My concerns at the moment:
1. The fact that body hair that had thinned out has come back.
2. My left temple is in bad shape.
3. I still have weak/thin hairs falling out
4. My hair even though it has volume feels weak/waxy.
5. My front and temples have just taken a hit.

I hope I will be eating my comments when 11 months rolls around.


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Obsidian, your hair looks fine. You have more hair than most of the posters your age on here. You just have very fine hair like myself. Your posts over the past months sound just like mine when I started using Propecia. We basically have the same exact complaints happening. Sometimes I question whether people with a full head of hair should use Propecia since it seems to work best on people with obvious signs of balding. However, starting early treatment seems to be indicated if you have a strong family history of balding. I have a strong family history on both sides. You don't have a strong family history so I think your in better shape than those who do. You have developed an obsession with your hair just like I have and you will always look in the mirror and not be thrilled with your hair unless you develop a thick dense NW1. Unfortunately, not going to happen with fine hair. Just take your meds and stop worrying. I am sure you will have a full head of hair for the next 10 to 20 years.


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DoctorHouse said:
Obsidian, your hair looks fine. You have more hair than most of the posters your age on here. You just have very fine hair like myself. Your posts over the past months sound just like mine when I started using Propecia. We basically have the same exact complaints happening. Sometimes I question whether people with a full head of hair should use Propecia since it seems to work best on people with obvious signs of balding. However, starting early treatment seems to be indicated if you have a strong family history of balding. I have a strong family history on both sides. You don't have a strong family history so I think your in better shape than those who do. You have developed an obsession with your hair just like I have and you will always look in the mirror and not be thrilled with your hair unless you develop a thick dense NW1. Unfortunately, not going to happen with fine hair. Just take your meds and stop worrying. I am sure you will have a full head of hair for the next 10 to 20 years.
:agree: Your hair looks fine dude, you have to remember to if you keep convincing yourself your hair is getting worse then that's what you'll see when you look in the mirror and obsess over it, your mind and eyes will trick you into thinking it is worse then what it is, same thing happened to me yet to everyone else my hair was fine, stick with the treatments.


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I know but like anything the fact that I am thinning at a young age and my Grandpa started losing around the same time and was a NW6 by his early thirties concerns me.

I took some better pictures today and my hair is improving. To be honest, I think I have Telogen Effluvium because my density all over is just in bad shape.