No motivation in life need advice and help


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Guys i need help, i'm 27 and just drifting through life. I have no motivation to achieve or do anything.

I used to be so different. I used to study and read daily. I was in a career with big potential but then i started balding and lost my job. I also (regret this so much) had a relationship with a women who had a personality disorder (narcissistic/borderline) and she completely ripped my heart out. What she did was extremely traumatizing. I know everyone gets cheated on and sh*t but this women flicked a switch and threw me away like i was nothing in a really cruel inhumane way.

Anyway i used to want to be successful and 'do well' in life but i just feel like everything is pointless. If i had a better job, more money a better car ? who gives a f*** at the end of the day .. i exercise and eat healthy but everyhthing just feels so boring and pointless

peope my age are buying houses starting familieis whats the point. if i earned 150k or earned 50k nthing feels like it mattes.


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Not all therapy is the same. You are suffering from mental health issues. The best way to deal with this is with therapy.
thanks maybe i'll see a different psychologist ?

but ever since balding + this relationship that just destroyd me i just feel so meh about life now i just dont care.


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dude if you aware that baldness is the main factor that brought you to this point, are you trying everything you can to fight it?? treatments, transplant, smp whatever you can. I completely understand how baldness can cause you those issues and im the last one that will till you to "just get over it", but the question is if you really trying to fight it and get your hair back


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Agreed, you need help to overcome the pattern of negative obsessive thinking and get your life back on track. Trust me, I've experienced some very difficult circumstances in life which are admittedly different to the issues you face, but they will very significant nevertheless.

I have everything in life I always wanted, great wife, successful business, brilliant friends. Guess what, I still need to re-calibrate from time to time to stay on track.

There is life out there for everyone. Do not feel you have to conform or achieve a certain goal by any particular age or date. Just live freely.

See a therapist who specialises in CBT, take medication if you need it. Above and beyond this, start focusing on what you enjoy. Get out, experience nature and the world around you.

Personally, exercise keeps me focused. I also do cold water therapy, meditate and yoga. Be open to Immersing yourself in a different way of living and you may be surprised with the outcome.


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dude if you aware that baldness is the main factor that brought you to this point, are you trying everything you can to fight it?? treatments, transplant, smp whatever you can. I completely understand how baldness can cause you those issues and im the last one that will till you to "just get over it", but the question is if you really trying to fight it and get your hair back
yes im on finasteride
but balding + my ex girlfriend ripping my heart out = lost my life force.


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You are low t and low dopamine through finasteride, elevated prolactin (low libido weak orgasms I’m guessing?) is antagonizing your dopamine and testosterone. You are running on cortisol (overthinking, zero peace of mind) to compensate for your lack of endogenous androgen production

something like that

you think finasteride is a meme huh?


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Agreed, you need help to overcome the pattern of negative obsessive thinking and get your life back on track. Trust me, I've experienced some very difficult circumstances in life which are admittedly different to the issues you face, but they will very significant nevertheless.

I have everything in life I always wanted, great wife, successful business, brilliant friends. Guess what, I still need to re-calibrate from time to time to stay on track.

There is life out there for everyone. Do not feel you have to conform or achieve a certain goal by any particular age or date. Just live freely.

See a therapist who specialises in CBT, take medication if you need it. Above and beyond this, start focusing on what you enjoy. Get out, experience nature and the world around you.

Personally, exercise keeps me focused. I also do cold water therapy, meditate and yoga. Be open to Immersing yourself in a different way of living and you may be surprised with the outcome.
I'm happy for you bro

But this is my problem these things don't motivate me or i have no interest in..

what's wrong with me?

i keep waiting for me to get motivated and optimisitc again but ive been like this for 2 years nearly. Maybe it's finasteride?


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You are low t and low dopamine through finasteride, elevated prolactin (low libido weak orgasms I’m guessing?) is antagonizing your dopamine and testosterone. You are running on cortisol (overthinking, zero peace of mind) to compensate for your lack of endogenous androgen production

something like that

you think finasteride is a meme huh?
I was thinking low test could be an issue, do you think you can run TRT + finasteride?


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I was thinking low test could be an issue, do you think you can run TRT + finasteride?
Probably I think rob lowe is doing that or really any celeb who is on finasteride
Running only finasteride is delusional normie practice
finasteride doesn’t lower t on its own it just spikes your e and prl through inhibiting 5ar which in turn lowers your t
Lifestyle sh*t isn’t going to cut it if you are on finasteride so might as well pin trt i guess


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Probably I think rob lowe is doing that or really any celeb who is on finasteride
Running only finasteride is delusional normie practice
finasteride doesn’t lower t on its own it just spikes your e and prl through inhibiting 5ar which in turn lowers your t
Lifestyle sh*t isn’t going to cut it if you are on finasteride so might as well pin trt i guess
maybe ill go to an endo and see
i don't know what the f*** to do

if istop taking finasteride ill freak out when my hair gets wrose?


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I'm happy for you bro

But this is my problem these things don't motivate me or i have no interest in..

what's wrong with me?

i keep waiting for me to get motivated and optimisitc again but ive been like this for 2 years nearly. Maybe it's finasteride?
Could be bro - but it might just be depression. It takes away all the enjoyment in life. However it can be treated.

You'll think I'm an idiot but I was the guy you refer to as a 'chad' my 20s were crazy, I partied week in week out, I had many many great women in my life, some of whom when I look back, I treated so badly (which I heavily regret). But I paid for it. When I finally found love, the girl I was with how had been so loyal to me, could no longer trust me and she went and found another similar guy, however one who had matured - a man, I was still a selfish little boy. At that point all the partying, all the women etc, it all became meaningless and boring and quite frankly I lost interest in everything, for quite a long time too. I decided enough was enough, went back in to education (late in life), had much less money, in fact much less everything, but absolutely loved the new direction and simplicity in life. At this stage I wasn't really looking for anyone, but by making new friends from different places, backgrounds etc, it all just fell in to place.

Sorry for rambling essay, just trying to highlight that not everything is quite what it seems and we all go through cycles of despair. However you can change your life my friend, just needs effort, time and a new outlook.

In terms of fina, I have never taken it, if you feel that it is impacting you mentally, maybe stop or reduce the dose?


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You are low t and low dopamine through finasteride, elevated prolactin (low libido weak orgasms I’m guessing?) is antagonizing your dopamine and testosterone. You are running on cortisol (overthinking, zero peace of mind) to compensate for your lack of endogenous androgen production

something like that

you think finasteride is a meme huh?
@Feelsbadman I think @czecha has a very very good point here - low T low dopamine plus increased cortisol = hell


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Try some psychedelic drugs bro. I heard sh*t like shrooms and DMT can help with depression and might give you a new perspective on life


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i'm scared ill go cnnor murphy mode lmao
Connor Murphy went insane because he mentally couldn't handle sh*t like balding or being unattractive. He had lived his entire life being a tall Chad f*****g thousands of girls (3 new girls everyday according to him) and having tons of friends, popularity, money and fun. He never really had to struggle or develop any coping mechanisms to handle stress and getting ***-fucked by your circumstances, he never knew what it is like to be treated like sh*t or have absolutely nothing going for you

Call it a cope, but nearly all Chads, women and many Normies are much more mentally instable and fragile than Incels and low status men since they have life on easy-medium mode and don't really know what it's like to lose constantly and be the bottom of the barrel with ultra bad luck


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I'm happy for you bro

But this is my problem these things don't motivate me or i have no interest in..

what's wrong with me?

i keep waiting for me to get motivated and optimisitc again but ive been like this for 2 years nearly. Maybe it's finasteride?
Once you hit rock bottom, you might finally get motivated. Otherwise, you will living in regret everyday inside your own loop. And stop blaming the finasteride, and start blaming yourself. You keep creating these negative thoughts and with that you will never be motivated. I would definitely take a break from this forum as there are too many people on here in the same boat as yourself and they keep fueling your "problem".

The first step is to realize you and only you can help yourself. So far you keep wanting to do it every so often but then it's much easier just to say you have no motivation to do it. Get yourself a dog and go to the dog park everyday. You need to have an excuse to get outside. Maybe you just need to feel loved unconditionally.