New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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@ squeegee : if you have still most or your hairs or u get ur hair back,isnt it better then to use a dermastap or sth?I guess dermarolling on my hair would tear them out?


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New to Dermarolling, Help?

I have read this entire thread from the beginning till the end and am sold on the idea of dermarolling.<br>I'm 21 years old and have been thinning for two years now. My crown is extremely visible from all sides.<br><img src=";stc=1" attachmentid="22040" alt="" id="vbattach_22040" class="previewthumb"><br><br>I was considering ordering a 1.5mm roller to begin with.<br>Is it absolutely necessary to incorporate minoxidil in the regime? How often should i be doing it?


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Guys, I want you to evaluate a possible plan - if a person uses PGD2 inhibitor before starting DRing (say for 3 months like that guy did) and then start Derma rolling - dont you think more hair will sprout coz of less PGD2! i read that PGD2 inhibits healing and regenration of follicles ! and then while using DR , keep using PGD2 inhibitor and add PGE2 ,,,,
so 3 months before DR ->PGD2 inhibitor -> DR (while DR - use PGD2 inhibitor and use topical PGE2). => this could be the HOLY GRAIL ...or am i thinking too much? lol


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Guys, I want you to evaluate a possible plan - if a person uses PGD2 inhibitor before starting DRing (say for 3 months like that guy did) and then start Derma rolling - dont you think more hair will sprout coz of less PGD2! i read that PGD2 inhibits healing and regenration of follicles ! and then while using DR , keep using PGD2 inhibitor and add PGE2 ,,,,
so 3 months before DR ->PGD2 inhibitor -> DR (while DR - use PGD2 inhibitor and use topical PGE2). => this could be the HOLY GRAIL ...or am i thinking too much? lol

That was just breaking news from Internet Explorer.


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Just did my 6th dermaroll last night; 1 mm roller and then 1.5 stamp which gives light bleeding throughout (I recommend the stamp). I am also kicking up everything else as I just ordered Cet yesterday and recently started topical B-12. I still use finasteride and minoxidil, plus azaleic acid and keto cream 3X per week. I'm optimitic that the dermarolling, Cet, and minoxidil may be enough to let me try to stop using finasteride.


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I fortunately still have quite a bit of hair and yes I noticed that rolling was detrimental to the hair that I had because it just damaged the way the existing hair looked. This is just my opinion of how it looked on me and not indicative of results from anyone else. So I went to stamping my entire head and I still get good penetration and redness along with blood spots. Hope that helps.


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Well my 1,5mm comes next week so i ll try to use the DR as a stamp on my area with hair.

i think castor oil is really helping against that f***** fibrosis and hair growth....but im still unsure to take Dicoflenac again(used it like 1-2 months,had a pretty big shedding but some hair on the temples went darker etc...).
but its against the theory of inflammatory :/


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These pics are from you squeegee?

Nope, that guy is Casperz.

Well my 1,5mm comes next week so i ll try to use the DR as a stamp on my area with hair.

i think castor oil is really helping against that f***** fibrosis and hair growth....but im still unsure to take Dicoflenac again(used it like 1-2 months,had a pretty big shedding but some hair on the temples went darker etc...).
but its against the theory of inflammatory :/

I think that diclofenac would be fine, but just not during the first days. It's just that, as princessRambo said before, during wound healing the enviroment is almost completely different. We just don't know what could be detrimental or good during that time.


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Bull****. There is a reason why these pictures isn't taking under the same light. No matter how real it looks, it's still "fake". Trust me. Look it up under youtube and see video examples of people faking "more hair vs. less hair" with pictures. The same goes for "before and after" pictures with people getting a ripped body. You guys would be surprised of the difference. Don't be naive.

I'm not saing Dermaroling isn't helping though, because I don't know about that.


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Bull****. There is a reason why these pictures isn't taking under the same light. No matter how real it looks, it's still "fake". Trust me. Look it up under youtube and see video examples of people faking "more hair vs. less hair" with pictures. The same goes for "before and after" pictures with people getting a ripped body. You guys would be surprised of the difference. Don't be naive.

I'm not saing Dermaroling isn't helping though, because I don't know about that.

Might help if you read my post, as I said in that post these results are not from Dermarolling. These were taken from 2007 to 2009 using minoxidil/retin A, finasteride, etc,etc,etc. I've posted so many pictures here and these are just a few, you can see many more large pictures under all types of lighting under my success thread:

I'm not here to fool anybody, I'm just trying to find something that works. There are guys here and other sites that make claims and never provide ANY pics. I'm not one of those guys.

- - - Updated - - -

squeegee the lighting in those photos pisses me off so deeply.

Not intentional by any means, unless you have a studio getting the same lighting conditions is almost impossible. See my success thread for many more pics in all lighting. This at the height of my success in full daylight after 17 months of all kinds of crap:


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Week 6 (or maybe 7) and im seeing lots of tiny new hairs all over my head. They are only a few mm long but are starting to become visible by parting my hair and closely examining my scalp. I tried taking photos but the camera doesn't pick them up yet. Hopefully in a few weeks they will start to make a cosmetic difference.

This is working.


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Might help if you read my post, as I said in that post these results are not from Dermarolling. These were taken from 2007 to 2009 using minoxidil/retin A, finasteride, etc,etc,etc. I've posted so many pictures here and these are just a few, you can see many more large pictures under all types of lighting under my success thread:

I'm not here to fool anybody, I'm just trying to find something that works. There are guys here and other sites that make claims and never provide ANY pics. I'm not one of those guys.

- - - Updated - - -

Not intentional by any means, unless you have a studio getting the same lighting conditions is almost impossible. See my success thread for many more pics in all lighting. This at the height of my success in full daylight after 17 months of all kinds of crap:

How many of you guys followed that link and immediately googled "epic booty"? Lol


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Week 4 of rolling earlier this evening. The aftermath was redder and bloodier, yet again. Started using the 1.5mm roller; to build a tolerance, I start with the 0.5mm roller then switch over part way through. Can't tolerate starting off the rolling session with 1.5mm, it's unbearable and excruciating, but building up with the 0.5mm first helps a lot. I've noticed that the 0.5mm roller makes the scalp redder and more irritated, the 1.5mm roller draws more blood with less skin reddening, incidentally.


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to build a tolerance, I start with the 0.5mm roller then switch over part way through. Can't tolerate starting off the rolling session with 1.5mm, it's unbearable and excruciating, but building up with the 0.5mm first helps a lot.

Good idea. Never thought of that.
I shall try this.



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The trick is to go fast.. I can roll my whole head within a minute bleeding like a mofo.. Take a deep breath and go! I roll my head every 2 days.. yes I bleed every time with a 1.5mm and 30% glycolic acid. SO far so good! Built-up collagen and fibrosis are the enemy!
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