My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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I find that both copper chloride and Zix give me serious headaches and eye pressure.

I've decided to drop them both for the time being (the copper wasn't doing sh*t anyway), and then once I am sure that all the symptoms are gone, I am going to try re-adding Zix mixed in only water (without the ethanol).

I noticed poster above mentioning headaches as well. No idea what is causing them. It could be the alcohol but I doubt it. I've made other mixtures with ethanol and they don't cause this type of reaction, although I've usually balanced them with some propylene glycol as well. Hmmm.

Seems more likely that we are using a hell of a lot of Zinc, perhaps it is causing some disturbances as too much is being pulled in around the brain area. I have no clue, it's pretty strange.

@whatevr thanks for the feedback. Please drop the copper. I've never heard of adding copper to zix, nor it having it any positive effect. I really think copper counteracts zinc given the interactions I've read on the net. That's why I suggest just sticking to the formula. By using copper, you're not using zix.

I realize you want to get results, but copper is not an ingredient in zix.

Your recommendation /table on page 7 has actually motivated me to use 4 zincs, and I'm seeing massively improved results. Whereby I'm experiencing 70% less shedding in the shower in the past 6 weeks. I'm seeing less scalp and thicker darker hair.

I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but I'm a bit in disbelief as to why some can't just try the formula as is.....

Otherwise yes, please restart once the eye pressure disappears. Do not use copper.



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I thought I followed the formula on the first page minus the Ethyl. Just looked back and realized it said 40ml of distilled water. I don't recall if I added 40ml or 20ml. For the next one I'll start with 1ml of ethyl because I can always add more, can't remove it and go down though.

In regards to shedding, can't really tell. I don't really shed yet, at least not a noticeable amount. I lose maybe 10-12 hairs in the shower. More depending on how long or hard I rub the shampoo, but I always thought that was normal. Then again, I've read about people who take Finasteride say that they don't lose a single hair in the shower, so maybe it is shedding? I thought you were naturally supposed to shed 100 hairs a day, so I'm not sure what to make of it.

You were on finasteride right? Did you shed absolutely no hair on it? Aren't you supposed to lose hair naturally (to start a new cycle)? At what point is it considered shedding?

When I was on finasteride, there was never a point where I losing no hair in the shower. 10/12 hairs in the shower is good. Keep it up.


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@whatevr thanks for the feedback. Please drop the copper. I've never heard of adding copper to zix, nor it having it any positive effect. I really think copper counteracts zinc given the interactions I've read on the net. That's why I suggest just sticking to the formula. By using copper, you're not using zix.

I realize you want to get results, but copper is not an ingredient in zix.

Your recommendation /table on page 7 has actually motivated me to use 4 zincs, and I'm seeing massively improved results. Whereby I'm experiencing 70% less shedding in the shower in the past 6 weeks. I'm seeing less scalp and thicker darker hair.

I'm sorry to sound like a broken record, but I'm a bit in disbelief as to why some can't just try the formula as is.....

Otherwise yes, please restart once the eye pressure disappears. Do not use copper.


I wasn't trying to add copper to Zix or think it was part of Zix. I was using it at separate times as a separate thing.

But, even Zix alone causes the same type of response so I am going to simply drop it all until all the symptoms go away, and I do hope they will. Wish me luck.


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When I was on finasteride, there was never a point where I losing no hair in the shower. 10/12 hairs in the shower is good. Keep it up.

How is your situation atm? Do you have a bald spot anywhere or just general thinning?

I wasn't trying to add copper to Zix or think it was part of Zix. I was using it at separate times as a separate thing.

But, even Zix alone causes the same type of response so I am going to simply drop it all until all the symptoms go away, and I do hope they will. Wish me luck.

Could you describe this eye pressure thing a bit more, how does it occur exactly?

Been using Zix as per @worm 's instructions for 3 1/2 weeks now and I'm still shedding like crazy and the itch was never really gone. I will try to do the next batch completely alcohol free to see if it makes any difference. After that, I'm gonna give it another shot with the capsulated version of Zinc Sulfate and if that fails to work too..then I feel like there's only Finasteride left. And that sh*t is scary to me.

I do believe that I might be using Zix too much, but then again..with diffuse thinning all over scalp and long hair...I cannot just use 1-2 ml for total coverage.


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I will be posting more pics in a couple weeks, that will mark the 2 months point from when I upped my dose to 3x zinc capsules, and roughly 1 month point from when I jumped to 4 zincs, these dates are significant for me because while I have been using zix for 11/12 years now, the addition of zinc has decreased my shedding from 35/40 hairs to 20/22 hairs and finally to about 9-10 hairs in the shower (when upped to 4 zinc). Not only am I losing less in the shower, I suspect Im losing less during the day too. This to me traslates into 30-40 hairs less that arent shed daily - if my calculations serve me correctly, over the period of 5-6 months, that will hopefully translate into about 4-6000 more hairs that remain on my scalp vs down the drain. I think the near penultimate point will be at roughly 6 months, so roughly 4 months from now.

Already I am seeing some increased density from my baseline 2 months ago. It's still early, and by no means have I gained any Norwood's, but I am definitely seeing a cosmetic difference, thicker coverage and less scalp in just 6 weeks or so.
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thats why some people dont get result from finasteride,,,finasteride inhibit type 2 and 3 5ar,,,while dutasteride inhibit type 1...type 1 5a reductase expressed on non genital skin and type 2 5a reductase expressed on genital skin,prostate, and seminal vesicles....zinc sulphate +vit b6 inhibit type 1 5a reductase activity esspecially in our hair scalp...and type 2 5ar very very much less affected by zinc sulphate. ..

take a look at this study :

type of 5ar..

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thats why some people dont get result from finasteride,,,finasteride inhibit type 2 and 3 5ar,,,while dutasteride inhibit type 1...type 1 5a reductase expressed on non genital skin and type 2 5a reductase expressed on genital skin,prostate, and seminal vesicles....zinc sulphate +vit b6 inhibit type 1 5a reductase activity esspecially in our hair scalp...and type 2 5ar very very much less affected by zinc sulphate. ..

take a look at this study :

type of 5ar..


Super interesting, it's a bit dated from 1996, but interesting for a couple reasons, 1) my father went to med school at that university and 2) the impact of zinc on type 1 5ar is noteworthy. Specifically it seems that Type 1 is expressed in the scalp vs type 2. This maybe why @whatevr experienced benefits on zinc alone. Secondly, on pg 3/5, it states that dht has an impact on hyperseborrhea, which in my situation explains why my hair get greasy af, which also validates my thought that im losing hair due to extreme secretion from my scalps sebacceous glands which are probably loaded with dht. If by adding zix to my scalp, it reduces 5ar in the scalp then I see why I am experiencing these positive and more recently enhanced results. I just dont understand why companies arent using high concentrations of zinc as a method to treat Androgenetic Alopecia....?


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Just running low on my current bottle of zix so I mixed up a new batch today. I am using about 4.5 capsules of zinc now! :) Progressively Ive noticed my hair shedding go from roughly 35/38 to 20 hairs shed in the shower when I went from 2-3 zincs, and to about 10 hairs going to 4 capsules. I figure more is better.

What I have noticed however is that sediment does accrue at the bottom of the bottle. When I stick my eye dropper in there I tend to absorb from the bottom and as a result probably grab more sediment when the mix is newly mixed than I do towards the end as there is less sediment left. So the past couple bottles Ive noticed that my shedding does increase towards the end of a bottle. I for example lost maybe 16/17 hairs in the shower today, and 15 yesterday. By no means is there anything to worry about but it makes me wonder if that's because I am applying less of the vitamins do to less sediment being applied in the latter part of the bottle.

This for example happened in the last 2 bottles as well, then it went back to lower shedding as soon as i mixed a new batch. Anyhow Ive added more zinc in this mix, curious to see the result, I'll bump it up to 5zincs next bottle. Alternatively im thinking of adding a capsule of zinc once im halfway through a bottle to see how that works....


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How can you count the hair you lose so exact? I mean, I can understand that you're able to tell the difference between roughly 35 and 20, but 17 and 15? When I'm washing my hair, I'm pretty sure most of the hair I lose will get lost in the foam, and even without the foam I will miss a lot of them i guess. Especially all the small thin hairs.

Anyway, might also try to get a hold on a dropper, since I'm using a spray right now. It's very easy when applying on your head, but after less than a bottle my first sprayer already stopped working (maybe the zix is to thick).

The itch is still mostly gone. I use very little alcohol in this batch. The amount of zinc is still the same, because I didn't want to change two things at once. When I skip an application i notice the itch comes back very quickly (although not skipping an application does not mean the itch is completely gone). But, so far I don't think I shed less. Maybe next batch add a little more zinc. I'm also thinking about adding some RU to my minoxidil, but I have to read a little more in to it before I'll really consider it. Besides that, it's not like I've seen so many success stories on here about it.

My crown is getting very bad and when too wet it's very depressing to look into the mirror, so if this doesn't work, the next step will be asking the barber whether or not I can pull off a buzz cut I'm afraid (might as well already ask him/her haha).


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How can you count the hair you lose so exact? I mean, I can understand that you're able to tell the difference between roughly 35 and 20, but 17 and 15? When I'm washing my hair, I'm pretty sure most of the hair I lose will get lost in the foam, and even without the foam I will miss a lot of them i guess. Especially all the small thin hairs.

Anyway, might also try to get a hold on a dropper, since I'm using a spray right now. It's very easy when applying on your head, but after less than a bottle my first sprayer already stopped working (maybe the zix is to thick).

The itch is still mostly gone. I use very little alcohol in this batch. The amount of zinc is still the same, because I didn't want to change two things at once. When I skip an application i notice the itch comes back very quickly (although not skipping an application does not mean the itch is completely gone). But, so far I don't think I shed less. Maybe next batch add a little more zinc. I'm also thinking about adding some RU to my minoxidil, but I have to read a little more in to it before I'll really consider it. Besides that, it's not like I've seen so many success stories on here about it.

My crown is getting very bad and when too wet it's very depressing to look into the mirror, so if this doesn't work, the next step will be asking the barber whether or not I can pull off a buzz cut I'm afraid (might as well already ask him/her haha).

Hi @Elohim , to answer your questions, I can count the hairs by what ends up in the drain catch

mine has smaller holes. I suppose it doesnt catch every single hair, but I think 95% at least. Also it allows me to monitor how much is being shed, and seeing as I've dropped the number of hairs by 75% being shed in the drain to me is an indicator that it is having a definite positive effect.

I would recommend you try a eye dropper instead of the spray, it will get more sediment on your scalp and hopefully it will reduce the shedding, I use one like this:,!iIE8LNufJV7BPMYEv7RGw~~/s-l300.jpg

I am happy to hear your itching is down. How many zincs capsules do you use? How long have you been using it?
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So today all the ingredients arrived.I mixed the products like in @worm 's version.
It looks like a glowing green/yellow potion :D.
Will keep you updated on any progress(if I'll have any).

Yes it's a bright yellow color. How many zinc capsules are you using?


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Does your zinc totally dissolve in the water or does it also leave some residue? What I read is that zinc sulphate is water soluable but my zinc falls on the bottom of the bottle as a white residue.


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Does your zinc totally dissolve in the water or does it also leave some residue? What I read is that zinc sulphate is water soluable but my zinc falls on the bottom of the bottle as a white residue.

Not at all. I have residue at the bottom. I sucks some of it up with a dropper and it also gets applied to my head.


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I find that both copper chloride and Zix give me serious headaches and eye pressure.

I've decided to drop them both for the time being (the copper wasn't doing sh*t anyway), and then once I am sure that all the symptoms are gone, I am going to try re-adding Zix mixed in only water (without the ethanol).

I noticed poster above mentioning headaches as well. No idea what is causing them. It could be the alcohol but I doubt it. I've made other mixtures with ethanol and they don't cause this type of reaction, although I've usually balanced them with some propylene glycol as well. Hmmm.

Seems more likely that we are using a hell of a lot of Zinc, perhaps it is causing some disturbances as too much is being pulled in around the brain area. I have no clue, it's pretty strange.
Do you have any idea copper chloride, or as in Cu 2+, is a poisonous heavy metal used in pesticide?


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Yeah, I'm currently using Zix alone. The only reason I wanted to add green tea extract is because of EGCG. It's been shown to promote hair growth, in addition to regulate PDG2 which is elevated in balding scalp.
EGCG down regulate PGD2 by inhibiting the enzyme COX, thereby down regulates PGE2 as well.


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Do you have any idea copper chloride, or as in Cu 2+, is a poisonous heavy metal used in pesticide?

Copper is copper, a trace mineral, chlorine is chlorine, you get chlorides from sodium chloride.

Copper bound to chloride would get broken down inside the body to individual constituents. The dose makes the poison. I used it in amounts similar as found in nutritional supplements.

You can say the same about Zinc Sulfate - you can find similar kind of safety data sheets: