My Zix Experience - How B6 And Zinc Have Saved My Hair


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Quite a huge shed since I added the B6 and actually started using proper Zix. (660 mgs of Zinc and 200 mg P5P per 60 mL).

Normally a shed is never a good sign in my case as they were never followed by regrowth, it was just further hair loss. But this one is so sudden and strong that I am hoping it is going to result in stronger hairs coming out soon. Fingers crossed.


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Quite a huge shed since I added the B6 and actually started using proper Zix. (660 mgs of Zinc and 200 mg P5P per 60 mL).

Normally a shed is never a good sign in my case as they were never followed by regrowth, it was just further hair loss. But this one is so sudden and strong that I am hoping it is going to result in stronger hairs coming out soon. Fingers crossed.

I didnt get a shed, I am not sure why you're getting one. did you drop the alcohol? has the itch stopped? What good aspects are you seeing? Maybe you need to scale back to the original zix...

I know when I first started the orginal zix was working for me. Now I am under the impression I need a stronger concentration to get the same effects.


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I didnt get a shed, I am not sure why you're getting one. did you drop the alcohol? has the itch stopped? What good aspects are you seeing? Maybe you need to scale back to the original zix...

I know when I first started the orginal zix was working for me. Now I am under the impression I need a stronger concentration to get the same effects.

I thought things were going well with the Zinc alone, my scalp felt less sensitive and I had low shedding. Then since adding the B6 I entered this huge shed, and the next morning my eyes started hurting and felt lots of pressure in my eyeballs. I have this for several days now and I also get a headache here and there. Not sure if this is related but it's highly suspicious. I might drop everything for a few days to see if things go back to normal :(


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I thought things were going well with the Zinc alone, my scalp felt less sensitive and I had low shedding. Then since adding the B6 I entered this huge shed, and the next morning my eyes started hurting and felt lots of pressure in my eyeballs. I have this for several days now and I also get a headache here and there. Not sure if this is related but it's highly suspicious. I might drop everything for a few days to see if things go back to normal :(

Thanks for reporting your experience. I wish you were experiencing better results, but I gotta be frank, you shouldnt be shedding more which concerns me a bit. I agree that you should drop it as you say. You mentioned you were having good results with zinc alone. Maybe in 4-5 days when things stabilize, go back on zinc alone.

Otherwise, I am trying to think of my experience. And it was well over a year ago I couldnt get this brand of sulphate called cypress. I tried a couple other brands but nothing seemed to be as effective. I came across pluspharma, it finally reduced the shedding, but was not as effective. And so the past year or so, Ive only just realized i need more zinc to get similar effects. Ultimately my thought is that maybe not all zinc and b6's are the same.

So again, I would try the zinc alone again, and maybe this time slowly reintroduce b6, make it 20mgs and not 200mgs as you say you're using above. Maybe it's too strong, maybe your version for some reason is too much for your scalp to handle. What seems to be the x factor here though is b6 as you were experiencing benefits on zinc, so I would try tapering off again to zero, and slowly start reintroducing it

What I am starting to think this is that this is a case by case situation.

BTW can you please elaborate on your zinc alone experience? How much improvement did you see?
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Do you mind updating the original post to what ur using now and where i get it maybe all the way at the bottom? ( nvm i see its updated recently thanks)


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Somebody is having success with zix?
Without be the Worm.

I have only been using zix for 3 months and my hairloss isn't that fast so i can't tell you much. Altho i do have noticed that there are hardly any hairs on my desk, not even short ones. I also never had the itching sensation many describe.


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I have only been using zix for 3 months and my hairloss isn't that fast so i can't tell you much. Altho i do have noticed that there are hardly any hairs on my desk, not even short ones. I also never had the itching sensation many describe.

Great to hear, and thanks for reporting back. The best way I find to notice is the number of hairs in the drain catch. Have you been keeping track? I suppose after the fact it's difficult.

What I have noticed from others, and from my own experience, is that you dont necessarily notice that zix is working as you wont necessarily get a massive boost of new hair growth, and you just shed much less and assume that your arent really balding. That is until you stop, things degenerate, at which point I notice people go into panic mode and jump to finasteride, not realizing the benefits of zix.

That said, I am experiencing much less shedding with 3.66 capsules of zinc compared to 3 in the past week (only about 10-12 hairs in the shower now). Over the past month, along with the decreased shedding, I believe my hair looks less thin, is filling out and is darker. Im pretty encouraged as I thought I was fighting to keep what I had with a slowly expanding thin area on my crown. Now however I believe I am experiencing gains in density, and hope that over the months I keep a few thousand more hairs on my scalp instead of down the shower drain due to the decreased shedding. Not to mention, Im hoping my existing hair grows thicker in diameter as zix allegedly decreased dht.

Anyhow, I just mixed a new batch as Im off on a week long ski holiday this afternoon. I bumped up the concentration to 4 capsules of 220mgs, as I think the extra 1/3 capsules wont be detrimental, if anything it may help...

What I would like is to hear other peoples experience, and I want to get zix working for @whatevr .



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Thanks bunchies for yours progress.

I can buy the ingredients in a local store? or I can only buy this online,if so someone can give me the link the products from eBay.

Thanks again :)


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Been using Zix for two weeks now. No improvement in terms of shedding whatsoever.

A bit of my backstory. About 1 1/2 years ago started shedding A LOT. Hair on my pillows, laptop, everywhere. I hate washing my hair these days cause it's just so depressing to see all that hair going down the drain. It used to be most prominent in the crown region, but nowadays I'm shedding all over (sides and back too). I've got a severe anxiety disorder (self diagnosed tho) and I don't think I'm handling it as well as I thought I was. Just about the same time I entered this very stressful period for me - my shedding started so I believe that this huge/constant/chronic stress triggered it for me. No receding in hairline (yet) at all, but the quality of my hair is nowhere near to where it was 2 yrs ago. I went from getting compliments on healthy, thick hair to 30% of that density in the span of 18 months.


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Been using Zix for two weeks now. No improvement in terms of shedding whatsoever.

A bit of my backstory. About 1 1/2 years ago started shedding A LOT. Hair on my pillows, laptop, everywhere. I hate washing my hair these days cause it's just so depressing to see all that hair going down the drain. It used to be most prominent in the crown region, but nowadays I'm shedding all over (sides and back too). I've got a severe anxiety disorder (self diagnosed tho) and I don't think I'm handling it as well as I thought I was. Just about the same time I entered this very stressful period for me - my shedding started so I believe that this huge/constant/chronic stress triggered it for me. No receding in hairline (yet) at all, but the quality of my hair is nowhere near to where it was 2 yrs ago. I went from getting compliments on healthy, thick hair to 30% of that density in the span of 18 months.

Please remind me of what concentrations you're using again.?


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Great to hear, and thanks for reporting back. The best way I find to notice is the number of hairs in the drain catch. Have you been keeping track? I suppose after the fact it's difficult.

No, I'm not checking the drain. I'm not the only one using the shower and I don't want to become compulsive about this stuff. I will make a picture every few months and check if anything changed to the hairline and density.

Thanks bunchies for yours progress.

I can buy the ingredients in a local store? or I can only buy this online,if so someone can give me the link the products from eBay.

Thanks again :)

Maybe, you can buy the stuff online tho. Worm mentioned in a previous post that some brands might be different. I bought the brands that were affordable to ship to my adress. I did buy the same brand B6 that he mentioned in the first post but somewhere else.


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Hey as promised a quick update on behalf of my flatmate 'Ron' who's been using Zix for a couple of weeks. He says he thinks it is helping with shedding but still early days and he hasn't been 100% consistent tbh. The smell on the other hand is something he's having a hard time adjusting to haha. He says it makes his scalp smell sweaty after a few AM/PM applications and not washing hair. Is it possible to add some fragrance to the mix or would that make his mixture innefective? Thanks.


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Hey worm,

I was thinking of adding green tea extract, green tea contains ECGC and I believe there's a study claiming that EGCG regulates PGD2? (or something of that nature) which is found to be elevated in balding scalp. In theory, it -might- work. Also, there's research suggesting caffeine is good for hair growth.

Also, mentions a study:

Compared to control cultures, cultures treated with EGCG showed increased hair follicle elongation, increased hair growth, and stronger proliferation of dermal papilla cells.

The researchers also found specific chemical changes that promoted hair growth in the samples treated with EGCG.

What about the people that were treated with ECGC? This is how green tea alcohol tincture was applied to human volunteers:

Ten percent EGCG in ethanol or ethanol vehicle were applied daily to two regions of the occipital scalp of three normal human volunteer for 4 successive days, and then treated areas about 1 x 1.5 cm were excised.

Tissue samples containing hair follicles were cautiously dissected into single hair follicles. Dermal papillae were selectively separated under a stereomicroscope and isolated into single cells for Western blot analysis.

According to the researchers, “it was confirmed that the events initially observed in vitro actually occurred in vivo.” So, the same chemical changes occurred in human scalps treated using 10% ECGC dissolved in ethanol. They concluded below:

In summary, our data suggest that EGCG stimulates human hair growth via its proliferative and antiapoptotic effects on DPCs, and may prolong anagen stage.

The effects of EGCG on different hair follicle cell types and the molecular basis for its promotion of hair growth remain unclear and require further investigation.

Also this
Why is Green Tea Good for Your Hair?
There are so many green tea health benefits, including benefits for your skin and hair, fat burning, and mental benefits, too.

You can use green tea for hair loss as it contains some of the most powerful antioxidants and agents, which help strengthen your hair and these include:

  • Green tea contains B vitamin (panthenol), which you usually find in hair care products (especially conditioner); it helps control split ends, softens your hair, and strengthens your hair follicle. Drinking or direct application onto your scalp will help stimulate the growth of healthy hair.
  • Scientists found that green tea contains the antioxidant “EGCG” (or epigallocatechin gallate) that has the ability to stimulate hair growth. In addition, by applying green tea directly on the scalp, it results in a significant elongation of the hair follicle.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties in green tea help to stop hair loss and even promote the growth of new hair. That means that you can use it to cleanse your scalp and fight scalp infections that may weaken your hair roots. Remember that healthy scalp makes it more possible for hair to grow.
  • Green tea contains DHT-blockers called “5-alpha-reductase”. Because green tea helps block DHT “Dihydrotestosterone”, it helps stop one of the main causes of baldness. The good news is that unlike prescriptive hair loss treatments, it has no side effects.

The researchers used EGCG applied with ethanol and it resulted in hair elongation. I think that could be a benefit when added to Zix. Your thoughts?


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I actually added caffeine to my zix. not sure how much i should add though. i crushed a 200mg tab but i just realised that's barely anything in a 60ml solution. i wonder if i should be amazing for atleast a gram (5 tablets). Also, maybe i shouldn't be adding any caffeine at all. I'm not sure if it will effect efficiency . I could add it to my minoxidil instead maybe


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I'm still trying to recover from my Zix / Copper experiment.

I've been having severe eye pressure and headaches for a week now despite discontinuing all treatments.
Either I developed heavy metal poisoning from impure eBay powders, or I screwed up my zinc - copper ratio.
I am eating high copper foods and it seems to help a bit but I am skeptical that it will fix this entirely. I've already scheduled for an ophthalmologist next week just in case I have high eye pressure all of a sudden.

f***'s sake, this was supposed to be a simple topical experiment.


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Hey as promised a quick update on behalf of my flatmate 'Ron' who's been using Zix for a couple of weeks. He says he thinks it is helping with shedding but still early days and he hasn't been 100% consistent tbh. The smell on the other hand is something he's having a hard time adjusting to haha. He says it makes his scalp smell sweaty after a few AM/PM applications and not washing hair. Is it possible to add some fragrance to the mix or would that make his mixture innefective? Thanks.

That's good to hear, and thank you for updating. The smell is not bad, but it's not great. I think it wears off after a few mins, I think it's mostly due to the alcohol.

I would not mix fragrance in it, it may make it ineffective. Maybe once it's dried you can use a small amount of fragranced dry shampoo if the odour is too unpleasant.


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Hey worm,

I was thinking of adding green tea extract, green tea contains ECGC and I believe there's a study claiming that EGCG regulates PGD2? (or something of that nature) which is found to be elevated in balding scalp. In theory, it -might- work. Also, there's research suggesting caffeine is good for hair growth.

Also, mentions a study:

Also this

The researchers used EGCG applied with ethanol and it resulted in hair elongation. I think that could be a benefit when added to Zix. Your thoughts?

I am getting a lot of these suggestions, it could be that it helps, but I find that the formula i use is effective enough for me not to want to mess around with it. I dont want to potentially ruin my formula by mixing something that may counteract the benefits.

Have you tried the zix alone?


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I actually added caffeine to my zix. not sure how much i should add though. i crushed a 200mg tab but i just realised that's barely anything in a 60ml solution. i wonder if i should be amazing for atleast a gram (5 tablets). Also, maybe i shouldn't be adding any caffeine at all. I'm not sure if it will effect efficiency . I could add it to my minoxidil instead maybe

I would wait a bit on the caffeine. See how you respond to the basics first. Then add in a month or two once you see the benefit of the zix and minoxidil alone.

How are you responding so far?