My results with Divine Herbal hair oil


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I purchased a bottle and used it for the first time last night. Not much to say other than my hair did feel a little fuller but i have it buzzed at #3 so hard to tell? Will be using it around my frontal area (norwood 2a) including big 3 as an addition that I have already been on for years.
Will keep you all posted.

Ps: after seeing the miraculous before n after pic in an enclosed pamphlet that came in the box i cant help but to wonder if i have been taken as a fool.

Time will tell.

^I agree, that before and after is very misleading too good to be true and Duality looks like he put topik to make his hair thicker so you cant see the scalp.

I have been using Castor Oil like 2 to 3 times a week and everytime I use it at least 25 hairs come out on my hand.

I don't see how this herbal oil can actually help, maybe for women but not dht hairloss male pattern baldness

Keep us updated on your progress or if it doesn't work please expose this as another snake oil that is all gimmick thanks.


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Thepic I received in the pamphlet is not the same as the only one on their websiteand makes me wonder why they don’t promote this on their site as well? I havebeen tempted to try an oil based approach for some time now but without thetime to mix n match my own formula.

Tbh,if I get a little growth around the temple area ( big ask) and better hairquality overall, then I will be satisfied but not holding my breath.

Icant comment if Duality is wearing toppik in his pics but Ihope that he would have the integrity to come on here and offer people somehonest feedback and sleep at night with a good conscious???


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Thepic I received in the pamphlet is not the same as the only one on their websiteand makes me wonder why they don’t promote this on their site as well? I havebeen tempted to try an oil based approach for some time now but without thetime to mix n match my own formula.

Tbh,if I get a little growth around the temple area ( big ask) and better hairquality overall, then I will be satisfied but not holding my breath.

Icant comment ifDuality is wearing toppik in his pics but Ihope that he would have the integrity to come on here and offer people somehonest feedback and sleep at night with a good conscious???

I hope it works for you, keep us all posted on how it goes!


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Thepic I received in the pamphlet is not the same as the only one on their websiteand makes me wonder why they don’t promote this on their site as well? I havebeen tempted to try an oil based approach for some time now but without thetime to mix n match my own formula.

Tbh,if I get a little growth around the temple area ( big ask) and better hairquality overall, then I will be satisfied but not holding my breath.

Icant comment ifDuality is wearing toppik in his pics but Ihope that he would have the integrity to come on here and offer people somehonest feedback and sleep at night with a good conscious???

It seems like a scam, but the most it can do is make your hair stronger and healthier. The castor Oil I use helps make it feel better, but I still shed, I have like 25 hairs on myhands when applying it. I also got pimples :(

If this stuff really regrew hair than its worth it, but as far as I know doesn't oil clog pores? Imagine having dandruff and using this stuff acne will be all over the head and ingrown hairs from the dead skin and oil clogging the pores I would imagine.


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What stage are you at with hairloss (norwood?) and what are you taking to combat?

im shedding more often these days than usual, infact since june this year and only prior my hair was in great condition and maintianing well. Making it stronger or even reducing the shed (significantly) will be a bonus.

The other posotive in using this oil is that its relatively new (to me) and the very few reviews are promising so i can trial it with some kind of faith rather than testing a product thats been around for years with all these 50/50 reviews that confuse the **** out of me.

I hope it doesnt clog pores and this is certainly on my mind as well.

Rocky V

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to settle whether the product is a scam or not, everyone who is using this product should post a before picture now. then after three months, post an after picture.


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Okay how do we know it's guaranteed? your defense of this product along with the new member is fishy, if you don't have any ties to this why respond with anger and offensiveness? If it wasn't my product and someone didn't believe it but it worked for me,I would never get pissed off, I would just say oh well it works for me.

Seriously it's okay if you are pushing a product a lot of people do that, but don't get mad at us for being skeptical of it's capabilities especially going off reviews with no backing.

1. We know its money-back guaranteed cos it says very clearly on its website, 30 days from delivery!

2. I can bet my bottom dollar mate if someone was basically calling you a liar and rubbishing your results and pics for near 14 days staright YOU would be piss** off, big time!

3. Nobody is skeptical other then you and u havent even tried this product!

4. Reviews with no backing!?? There's 4 very authentic ones on MUA. One from a guy too. Those reviewers have trialled n reviewed a few dozen products over the course of years, hows that for backing?

5. A scam wouldnt be sold in 3 UK based business' including a well established hair loss clinic in Essex, would it?

Also, wouldnt a scammer be shouting bout it on all other forums?? Find us even one other forum that talks about this product! Find a single blog or anything cos thats what scammers do. They spam the entire 'net with stuff. All hairloss companies do it, this is the only one genuine enough not to, ive just spent 15 minutes Googling and there's nothing out there thats even remotely spam!

Bottom line... if it dont work for ppl im pretty sure they will have the common sense to return it!!

Now is there any chance u can allow others (3 at last count) to get on with using it instead of trying ur best to put them off by hinting at them getting pimples and spots etc etc from using it!? I would like to see others get results cos that was always my intentions; to help out ppl in the same boat on here and now additionaly so that all these accusations from u - against me n my results can be finally put to rest. Cheers!

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to settle whether the product is a scam or not, everyone who is using this product should post a before picture now. then after three months, post an after picture.

I agree mate! Brilliant idea.


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1. We know its money-back guaranteed cos it says very clearly on its website, 30 days from delivery!

2. I can bet my bottom dollar mate if someone was basically calling you a liar and rubbishing your results and pics for near 14 days staright YOU would be piss** off, big time!

3. Nobody is skeptical other then you and u havent even tried this product!

4. Reviews with no backing!?? There's 4 very authentic ones on MUA. One from a guy too. Those reviewers have trialled n reviewed a few dozen products over the course of years, hows that for backing?

5. A scam wouldnt be sold in 3 UK based business' including a well established hair loss clinic in Essex, would it?

Also, wouldnt a scammer be shouting bout it on all other forums?? Find us even one other forum that talks about this product! Find a single blog or anything cos thats what scammers do. They spam the entire 'net with stuff. All hairloss companies do it, this is the only one genuine enough not to, ive just spent 15 minutes Googling and there's nothing out there thats even remotely spam!

Bottom line... if it dont work for ppl im pretty sure they will have the common sense to return it!!

Now is there any chance u can allow others (3 at last count) to get on with using it instead of trying ur best to put them off by hinting at them getting pimples and spots etc etc from using it!? I would like to see others get results cos that was always my intentions; to help out ppl in the same boat on here and now additionaly so that all these accusations from u - against me n my results can be finally put to rest. Cheers!

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I agree mate! Brilliant idea.

In a way, I can see why you are a little bit upset. However, I can see the other posters point, he's just being a bit too antagonistic with it. If I were you and had great results and people kept pushing it. I wouldn't get upset, I'd just say 'suit yourself, worked for me, I was just trying to help'. When you start to defend it without any real motives, people's suspicion starts to raise, that's just the psychology of these things. Now, you could be just very passionate, and I'd admire that, but you can't really be surprised at any skepticism raised, your result and another one posted looks amazing, better than anything I've ever seen. Anybody who has been through the hype and ultimate failure of many hair loss products will be cautious of this, can you blame them? There's been a million of these types of products before and they are often very heavily pushed in order to make a quick buck. I have to say I am skeptical as well. If this man has a product that can grow such amazing hair, why isn't he charging more for it? Out of the goodness of his heart? If his product consistently grew that much hair he'd be able to charge 10x as much as he is if he wanted. Call me greedy, but if my product was that good, I wouldn't list all the ingredients to allow someone else to copy it either, unless I had to.

Furthermore, it's a bit naive to say that 'a scam wouldn't be sold in 3 UK businesses'. When we come to products that ultimately fall under the umbrella of cosmetics, I could go down to any boots or superdrug store right now and waste hundreds if not thousands of pounds on so call cures from anything from wrinkles or baldness to depression that do not work. We all know boots and superdrug are reputable stores but they still sell some ****.

I'm not calling you a scammer, or a tout, or anything, all I'm doing is trying to get you to realise that from an outsiders perspective this seems quite suspect. If I recall correctly you even said at the start that you wouldn't believe this if it wasn't your own story. If you're genuine, I can see your frustration in having people doubt the success, but we're a group of people who are constantly and consistently ****ed over by falses promises and hops of a solution. Please understand that baldness can put people in a very pensive state of mind. This manifests with cynicism, and in this case, unnecessary antagonistic posts.


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Thanks Tyler.!Finally someone has bothered to explain things. Its not so much the unbelievers in the product that get to me as thts their prerogative, its being called a liar that gets to me. And all ive been doing so far is trying to defend myself, its not like i keep mentioning its a miracle product or that people should go and buy it...thats totally their choice. BUT whatever passion i have for the results/product/company is from their genuiness with me. I have not recieved such outstanding cust service from any company as i have them. To see them being unjustly slated on here is a bit unfair and i guess my instincts just to defend them.

Best just to let folks try it who want to and post their own results as Rocky suggested. That way we can all know for sure! :)


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1. We know its money-back guaranteed cos it says very clearly on its website, 30 days from delivery!

4. Reviews with no backing!?? There's 4 very authentic ones on MUA. One from a guy too. Those reviewers have trialled n reviewed a few dozen products over the course of years, hows that for backing?

5. A scam wouldnt be sold in 3 UK based business' including a well established hair loss clinic in Essex, would it?

I have a big problem with these three, money back guarantee doesn't mean it's legit so many scams have that lol, and 30 days from delivery? seriously so this thing is supposed to work that fast? Not even Finasteride works within 30 days it takes 6 to 8 months to see early results.

LOL sorry but you said Make Up Alley as a legit review with Backing? stop dude just stop, so some reviewers are legit those reviewers could all be dummy accounts from the owner or his employees, when I say backing I mean case studies or scientific research on the product.

A scam wouldn't be sold in 3 UK based businesses? they have those type herbal products like shen min and other natural herbal hair growth remedies sold at bigger retail stores all the time and they don't even work on male pattern baldness!

Your answers sound very suspect and have me weary, seriously can you blame us for being cautious now? I am still scratching my head when you said MUA as a credible source for backing


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@Mistermister. No mate, the only thing suspect is you again and again! You pretend to sound like you know what ur talking about but you dont. If i wanted to highlight your inconsistencies and lies on this topic I could fill a whole page but you'd still never admit to it. You'd turn it around and hope everyone else has half a brain cell to fall for it. But like i said before, people arent stupid!

Clearly you are hell bent on rubbishing something you've not even tried and hoping other guys do the same. Putting ideas into ppls heads, putting words in others mouths, doing everything you can to stop ppl using it. Hows that fair to anyone wanting to try it? And more importantly what do you gain from that??


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to settle whether the product is a scam or not, everyone who is using this product should post a before picture now. then after three months, post an after picture.


The only issue i have is that im also taking silica caps which has thicken up my hair a little.

I will post a pic as soon as i can.


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I just received my bottle today, and just applied it an hour ago, I first came across this when my brother was painting the front room, and I saw an advert for this on the newspaper, i was skeptical, as literally ive tried everything, from propecia (although i didnt stay on it that long cause of the side effects) ive tried chinese herbal, acupuncture, rubbing ginger, rubbing oinion peel, emu oil, castor oil, etc etc. so I decided to call the guy from the website of divine herbal oil and he didn't seem to be a pushy salesman or anything, he even stated that i should finish the products i am using before deciding to purchase ( at the moment i am using a derma roller, then applying azelic acid cream, then using a minioxdil 5% with azelic acid mixed and other ingredients called lipogaine) he said that he would be lenient with the 30 days guarantee, saying that a customer said "i think the results maybe coming in but could you give me more time" and he said he extended it, he just said if you need any help or anything just call me or e-mail me. i told him I might purchase it on ebay (and yes its the same guy as the site) and he told me well we dont have the boosting oil on ebay, but if you want i can send you a sample bottle of it incase you want to purchase on the site (which i received today also)

now ive never had service like this before, but when i purchased the bottle on ebay he sent me an e-mail thanking me for the purchase and suggestive guide on how to use the oil and 5 steps on applying it (I can copy and paste the e-mail later if anyone wants to see it)

so my method of routine would be to use the oil for 2 hours, then after wash my hair out and then use the derma roller, azelic acid cream, and lipogaine. and see how i go from there, sorry about a long essay I thought id add my knowledge on this product, i came across this forum cause i was looking for reviews for this product aswell before purchasing it, but someone mention, we come on this forum to help each other out and thats what i want to do :)

here are some before photos

wish me luck :)
hairfall2.jpghairfall 3.jpghairfall.jpg


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I just received my bottle today, and just applied it an hour ago, I first came across this when my brother was painting the front room, and I saw an advert for this on the newspaper, i was skeptical, as literally ive tried everything, from propecia (although i didnt stay on it that long cause of the side effects) ive tried chinese herbal, acupuncture, rubbing ginger, rubbing oinion peel, emu oil, castor oil, etc etc. so I decided to call the guy from the website of divine herbal oil and he didn't seem to be a pushy salesman or anything, he even stated that i should finish the products i am using before deciding to purchase ( at the moment i am using a derma roller, then applying azelic acid cream, then using a minioxdil 5% with azelic acid mixed and other ingredients called lipogaine) he said that he would be lenient with the 30 days guarantee, saying that a customer said "i think the results maybe coming in but could you give me more time" and he said he extended it, he just said if you need any help or anything just call me or e-mail me. i told him I might purchase it on ebay (and yes its the same guy as the site) and he told me well we dont have the boosting oil on ebay, but if you want i can send you a sample bottle of it incase you want to purchase on the site (which i received today also)

now ive never had service like this before, but when i purchased the bottle on ebay he sent me an e-mail thanking me for the purchase and suggestive guide on how to use the oil and 5 steps on applying it (I can copy and paste the e-mail later if anyone wants to see it)

so my method of routine would be to use the oil for 2 hours, then after wash my hair out and then use the derma roller, azelic acid cream, and lipogaine. and see how i go from there, sorry about a long essay I thought id add my knowledge on this product, i came across this forum cause i was looking for reviews for this product aswell before purchasing it, but someone mention, we come on this forum to help each other out and thats what i want to do :)

here are some before photos

wish me luck :)
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You just join the forum guys are so obvious ! Scamss Lmao


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Well lets wait and see in the coming weeks as the results will speak for themselves.

Welcome to to forum and wish you all the very best of luck. In the package i received, there were no instructions, just a double sided pamphlet promoting their products but i did also recieved another, smaller bottle again with no lable or instructions, no idea what it was so i just assumed it was a smaller, pocket version of the same oil.

If its a booster then it would have been good if they had told me this?


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I dont know if that was a joke "patriot kid" lol and "azuri" thank you for the welcome, this is my first hairloss forum ive joined. yeah i got a double sided pamphlet (the photo on there isnt the one on the site, so it seems skeptical) also i got a another paper saying "has your hairdresser noticed your hair growth results?" its about if your hairdresser places a wholesale order, as a thank you they will give you any one product on their site for free, i can take a picture of it if you want?

I think thats the booster bottle as well cause my smaller bottle has no label either, where did you purchase your bottle?, I got mine on ebay, im suprised he didnt send you a message about tips on using the product, if you would like i can paste the e-mail i got here for you?


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Yes, soundslike the same pamphlet that came with my order and I purchased mine directlythrough the manufacturer, so even more surprised with the lack of info enclosed?Luckily you had brought this to my attention.

I will beapplying it 3 times a week and leaving it overnight. I have only tried it onceand so far seemed to not give me that overly oily scalp feel and furthermore,no stains on my pillow but again, its only been one application.

I look forwardto monitoring your results so be sure to keep all of us updated (as I will).


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I just received my bottle today, and just applied it an hour ago, I first came across this when my brother was painting the front room, and I saw an advert for this on the newspaper, i was skeptical, as literally ive tried everything, from propecia (although i didnt stay on it that long cause of the side effects) ive tried chinese herbal, acupuncture, rubbing ginger, rubbing oinion peel, emu oil, castor oil, etc etc. so I decided to call the guy from the website of divine herbal oil and he didn't seem to be a pushy salesman or anything, he even stated that i should finish the products i am using before deciding to purchase ( at the moment i am using a derma roller, then applying azelic acid cream, then using a minioxdil 5% with azelic acid mixed and other ingredients called lipogaine) he said that he would be lenient with the 30 days guarantee, saying that a customer said "i think the results maybe coming in but could you give me more time" and he said he extended it, he just said if you need any help or anything just call me or e-mail me. i told him I might purchase it on ebay (and yes its the same guy as the site) and he told me well we dont have the boosting oil on ebay, but if you want i can send you a sample bottle of it incase you want to purchase on the site (which i received today also)

now ive never had service like this before, but when i purchased the bottle on ebay he sent me an e-mail thanking me for the purchase and suggestive guide on how to use the oil and 5 steps on applying it (I can copy and paste the e-mail later if anyone wants to see it)

so my method of routine would be to use the oil for 2 hours, then after wash my hair out and then use the derma roller, azelic acid cream, and lipogaine. and see how i go from there, sorry about a long essay I thought id add my knowledge on this product, i came across this forum cause i was looking for reviews for this product aswell before purchasing it, but someone mention, we come on this forum to help each other out and thats what i want to do :)

here are some before photos

wish me luck :)
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You just joined today and your reply is suspect please its too obvious you can't fool us here, balding men who have tried many remedies are already wise to this stuff.

The bold part I highlighted tells me you work for the guy or you are the guy, because you just answered back to my comment on the 30 day guarantee, wtf at him extending the guarantee? LMAO that is shady, if he knows it takes longer to work than extend the guarantee to 60 days for all why one customer?

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You just join the forum guys are so obvious ! Scamss Lmao

Yeah, I knew this was a scam from the start and this Duality guy keeps trying to attack me like I am the guy selling a scam when all I am doing is questioning the product and the results, we have the right to question as consumers because we don't want to fall victim. And now with these new members popping up replying it seems obvious.


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The guy has posted pics and offered to trial and keep us posted so i think he at least deserves the benefit of the doubt. If you continue to accuse this early then the only result will be him leaving and we'll never know how far he went with the treatment? One of the main reasons most people are on here is to see proof of results and offer some kind of hope, so by you trying to convince yourself that he's a scammer this early then we're only going backwards.Unfortunately this site has encounted too many scammers in the past losing the trust of many and creating a lot of scepticism but fortunately the majority on here come with the right intentions.


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Welcome Wolfstar27. Keep us updated on how you get along. :)

Azuri - i got one of those small bottles too, it was a sample of their booster treatment. But i havent used it. also, i never noticed their initial email about the 'tips and info' for a few days til looking in my 'bulk/spam' mail. Im on hotmail and most stuff sent to me from a non-hotmail account strangely lands up there! i'd check cos there's some important stuff on it. I printed mine out, was easier that way.