My results with Divine Herbal hair oil


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Hello. I'm Alex. I'm 30 years old and as of the last two years I had had a receeding hairline at the corners aswell as hair thinning out generally all-over the scalp, especially near front. One side (left side) looked like it was vanishing quicker than the other!! Also a problem with the hair on the sides of my scalp, just above side burns.

Have used:

Regaine (UK name for 'Rogaine') liquid - not foam - 3/4 months from summer 2011, no difference as far as I can tell
Saw Palmetto - just one month, had to discontinue as it gave me really bad acne!!
Vitamin E, Vitamin A, B3, B12, Omega 3-6-9 etc
Also taken 1000mg of Vitamin C daily for three years and Nourkrin 'Extra Strength' for exactly three months.
Took 'finasteride' for 2 months but had to stop due to side effects.

After a 1 month break from finasteride I began using something here in the UK called 'Divine herbal hair oil' which was recommended to me by a female friend who had used it herself and had good things to say. I had already tried 'natural' things as per above without success and Finasteride - although I managed to get it very cheaply (£5 for a 4 months supply!!) and it would have fit into my budget just perfectly. Can't comment on the results as I didn't give it long enough due to the sides. Howevor with the hair oil I noticed results within a cpl of weeks. Hair stopped falling and then about 4/5 weeks later I noticed signs of new hair growth. No sides whatsoever. Its now been a month since I stopped using as I dropped the bottle and spilt everywhere but the results are still the same. Shedding has not increased or decreased. new hair still there. Will post some pics in a moment. :)


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Sounds too good to be true etc.
Lol I know what you mean. BS would be more apt for the first words to come to my mind if I had read read the above and it wasn't my own review. Anyway, here are pics below...

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before 002.jpg

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before 005.jpg

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after 003.jpg

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after 005.jpg


Senior Member
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Something better mix these leave over night.

Emu oil, castor oil, navratna oil and vatika coconut. Mix all these apply over night try getting the green bottle navratna extra cool.

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I'm might order it lol after seeing the ingredients.


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Sorry for being the unbeliever, but why would this work?

" For the first time, the potency of every scientifically proven plant oil & extract from countries across the world" - the the products site. Where is the scientific proof?


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I do too, hmmm. Is this a UK product only?

Sorry for being the unbeliever, but why would this work?

" For the first time, the potency of every scientifically proven plant oil & extract from countries across the world" - the the products site. Where is the scientific proof?

No idea mate! But im intrigued now myself. Will drop them a line and if I get anything back will post here.

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I'm impressed...i have the same thinning above my sideburns too.
Looking back at my pics from before, the sides looked quite patchy, im wondering if it was Alopecia I had? Never had it diagnosed or anything, just looks too patchy and not evenly spread hair loss. Hmmm


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Do have pictures before the oil treatment? I must say the ingredients are quite interesting and they seem to have a lot of confidence in their products.


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Guys hair oils do work castor oil for one is great with propecia regime, I beleive this guy maybe the company does not have funds to do scientific trials etc it's all word of mouth. I read last night alot of feedback I'm going to try this as I use oils and they do work so this looks great in the combination.


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Sorry for being the unbeliever, but why would this work?

" For the first time, the potency of every scientifically proven plant oil & extract from countries across the world" - the the products site. Where is the scientific proof?

Got a response back literally within the hour. I'm sure they won't mind me posting it so here goes:

Dear Alex,

Thank you for getting in touch. In the paragraph that you mention which contains the words 'scientifically proven' - these words are not referring specifically to being proven for hair loss, they are explained in more detail in the next paragraph down as proven in herbal medicine, aromatherapy etc. The 'unspoken' rule being that each ingredient 'scientifically proven' in its own field has now been combined to create something new for hair loss - due to their additional anti hair loss properties. I guess it would be clearer if it the two sections swapped place. However, looking at the wording again from a customers' perspective, I can see how it could confuse some people, which is absolutely not our intention to do. We strive to be as honest and ethical as we can.

If we receive any similar feedback I will ensure that the wording there is amended. So far, this is the first time it has been communicated to us.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Kind regards,
Syed Imam
for Divine Herbal

Now I guess you could look at that in two ways but I gotta say from my experience with them, they're genuine and straightforward. I have called them and emailed them a few times and always been a good experience. It's usually the owner himself who responds and he does come across as someone quite passionate about what he does which is a good sign! :)

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Guys hair oils do work castor oil for one is great with propecia regime, I beleive this guy maybe the company does not have funds to do scientific trials etc it's all word of mouth. I read last night alot of feedback I'm going to try this as I use oils and they do work so this looks great in the combination.
Castor oil and propecia sounds like a good approach. Only problem with Propecia is the sides, I do know people who have had results with it and no sides but I tried it (finasteride) for a couple of months and the sides were pretty crap so gave up. From what I could gather online the sides don't wear off overtime but the chances of them remaining permanent increase the longer you use them. Didn't want to end up having permanent feeling like burning pee, so quit. For those who don't get sides of which there are quite a few... jeez you guys are v lucky!

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Do you apply the oil every night once a week ?
I use it about 2 hours cpl times a week. My friend i mentioned used it at night 2 or 3 times a week she said. I think i'd be happier using in the day as dunno if it would stain my pillowcase overnight?! :)


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How will a hair oil with stuff that's been around forever stop dht based hair loss? AND regrow hair?
Yeah I'm a little skeptical.

I desperately need a hair OIL because my hair is dry. Heck my scalp is also. Plus my hair tangles. So an alcohol base item like rogaine and min are out of the question. I hope this works. I'll go back and read it.


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What if DHT wasn't the issue but instead PGD2 or something else we haven't discovered? Many people use finasteride/dutasteride and don't get results so maybe the answer lies somewhere else.


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I posted before that my hair is diffuse all over scalp. Maybe my diffuse is partly due to bad scalp condition? I can't see this stopping MBP. Something else, yeah.


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How will a hair oil with stuff that's been around forever stop dht based hair loss? AND regrow hair?
Yeah I'm a little skeptical.

I desperately need a hair OIL because my hair is dry. Heck my scalp is also. Plus my hair tangles. So an alcohol base item like rogaine and min are out of the question. I hope this works. I'll go back and read it.

Careful what you use mate. Not all hair oils sold are natural. Like that Morocan oil or argan oil which i tried some years back, they are full of silicones which feel good at the time but then strip your hair of moisture in the long run. I say always check the ingredients 1st.

What if DHT wasn't the issue but instead PGD2 or something else we haven't discovered? Many people use finasteride/dutasteride and don't get results so maybe the answer lies somewhere else.

Good question! whats PGD2 btw? Not come across it before.

True. Well i hope it works. it would only save me alot of heartache money and time.

Give it a shot. I dunno if you know but its guaranteed so all you've got to lose is the cost of the return postage to 'em if it doesnt work for you. Seems pretty fair all in all.

Armando Jose

Senior Member
My Regimen
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What are the ingredientes of divine oil??

Excuse, I made the investigation:
Avocado Oil (Persea Gratissima), Castor Seed Oil (Ricinus Communis), Hemp Seed Oil (Cannabis Sativa), Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia Chinensis), Sweet Almond Oil (Prunus Dulcis), Blackseed Oil (Nigella Sativa), Apricot Kernal Oil (Prunus Armeniaca), Lemon Oil (Citrus Limonum), Lavender Oil (Lavandula Angustifolia), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus Paradisi), Sage Oil (Salvia Officinalis), Thyme Oil (Thymus Vulgaris), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga Odorata Genuina), Cypress Oil (Cupressus Sempervirens), Vitamin E Oil (Tocopheryl Acetate), Cedarwood Oil (Cedrus Atlantica), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia), Peppermint Oil (Mentha Piperita), Rosemary Camphor Oil (Rosmarinus Officinalis), Glycerine (Glycerol) Cucumber Extract (Cucumis Sativus), Calendula Extract (Calendula Officinalis), Rosehip Seed Extract (Rosa Rubginosa), Burdock Root Extract (Arctium Lappa), Chamomile Extract (Matricaria Chamomilla), Dandelion Root Extract ((Taraxacum Officinale), Cinnamon Bark Extract (Cinnamomum Verum), Horsetail Extract (Equisetum Arvense), Nettle Extract (Urtica Dioica), Olive Leaf Extract (Olea Europaea), Sweet Basil Oil (Ocimum Basilicum), Bay Leaf Oil (Laurus Nobilis)

This is my formula:
Ingredients Hair Tonic: Jojoba esters (Aceite de Jojoba), Limanthes alba (Aceite de
Limanthes), Borago officinalis (Aceite de Borraja), Rosa moschata (Aceite de Rosa
mosqueta), Oenothera biennis (Aceite de Onagra), Persea gratísima (aceite de
Aguacate), Serenoa serrulata (Aceite sabal serrulata), Butyruspermun parkii (manteca
de Karite), Rosmarinun officinalis (Aceite de Romero), Lavandula officinalis (Aceite de
Lavanda), Melaleuca alternifolia (Aceite de Arbol de té), Origanum vulgaris Aceite de
Oregano), Thymus vulgaris (Aceite de Tomillo), Laurus nobilis (Aceite de Laurel),
Anthemis nobilis (Aceite de Manzanilla), Ocimun basilicum (Aceite de Albahaca),
Salvia officinalis (Aceite de Salvia), Mentha piperita (Aceite de Menta), Foeniculum
vulgare (Aceite de Hinojo), Citrus limonun (Aceite de Limón), Carum petroselinum
(Aceite de Perejil), Eugenia caryophyllus (Aceite de Clavo).

it is interesting.... I use myself more of 50% of these ingredientes


Established Member
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There is some similarites from what I can tell. Armando Jose what kind of hair loss did u have/experience? And has it improved? :)