My bitter ex-girlfriend


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Men = young women who can bear children.

Women = men (with money) who can support family.


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We want indicators of health like soft skin and long hair, and child-rearing success like hips, breasts, and so forth. Women want ambitious men who lead and who get what they want because it indicates higher survival probability for her and her kids. Male hair loss factors very little into this equation unless she has some sort of hair fetish.


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Its not that simple,
the fact is women want 2 types of men, they want it all! There has been plenty of scientific research both biological and pschological carried out on this very subject. To ellaborate:

Firstly they do want someone with great genetics. Someone who can give them children that will be strong and healthy.
Secondly they want someone who is nurturing, monogamous and a good provider etc.

This is where the problems occur, your typical type of male that they are firstly attracted to (what some of you guys on here like to call the Alpha male)is often not the type of man to fit into the second catagory (the monogamous nuturer).
This is really where the theory all women love a ba$tard comes from. As your Alpha male is not known for being monogamous (simply because he has the greater oppurtunity to sleep around).
In the end it all comes down to a compromise on the part of the woman. Most guys fall somewhere in the middle of the two catagories.

Bald Dave

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s.a.f said:
Bald Dave said:
I agree with Roki! If a women hits you then you have every right to hit them back!

Look on the bright side - Its better to be bald than fat! Many bald guys can attract hot women whilst fatties can only attract other fatties or those wierdos who have got a fat fetish known as chubby chasers!

Got to disagree on both comments. Men and women are not physicaly equal hitting a woman is like punching a child in the face. Any woman who attacks you just shows herself up.

Fatties can lose the weight with a bit of effort and self restraint, baldies cant do much to get their hair back.

So if a women (like the one mentioned in this thread) hits you in the balls you are expected to just take it? Hell no! If they can't take the punishment then they shouldn't dish it out! I think you should only hit them if they hit you first tho!


s.a.f said:
This is really where the theory all women love a ba$tard comes from. As your Alpha male is not known for being monogamous (simply because he has the greater oppurtunity to sleep around).
In the end it all comes down to a compromise on the part of the woman. Most guys fall somewhere in the middle of the two catagories.

I call BS.

Any guy can sleep with a bunch of women he wants, some just might be ugly. I've turned down at least a dozen who have been forward about it because they didn't meet my standards for a f***, and some were hot, too. I also am not really into casual sex, so thats part of it as well. I like having sex in committed relationships. But like, just because a guy has opportunities, like I have, doesn't mean he will exercise them.


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Bald Dave said:
[quote="s.a.f":72adc][quote="Bald Dave":72adc]I agree with Roki! If a women hits you then you have every right to hit them back!

Got to disagree on both comments. Men and women are not physicaly equal hitting a woman is like punching a child in the face. Any woman who attacks you just shows herself up.

So if a women (like the one mentioned in this thread) hits you in the balls you are expected to just take it? Hell no! If they can't take the punishment then they shouldn't dish it out! I think you should only hit them if they hit you first tho![/quote:72adc]

Err, yes its not the playground now, he'd have looked real good knocking out her teeth infront of a big crowd would'nt he? :roll:

A man cant hit a woman period, if he does then he's not much of a man. In this case she got a lucky strike but otherwise he was hardly in much danger of being badly injured.


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JayMan said:
s.a.f said:
This is really where the theory all women love a ba$tard comes from. As your Alpha male is not known for being monogamous (simply because he has the greater oppurtunity to sleep around).
In the end it all comes down to a compromise on the part of the woman. Most guys fall somewhere in the middle of the two catagories.

I call BS.

Any guy can sleep with a bunch of women he wants, some just might be ugly. I've turned down at least a dozen who have been forward about it because they didn't meet my standards for a f***, and some were hot, too. I also am not really into casual sex, so thats part of it as well. I like having sex in committed relationships. But like, just because a guy has opportunities, like I have, doesn't mean he will exercise them.

Well I suppose you have a point there.
But I'm talking about those (alpha) guys who can get almost any girl they want and women know their past reputation but choose to ignore it.


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i wonder what youd say after you'd get a nice hard kick in the nuts from someone that just embarassed you publicly, im not saying punch her in the face but a good slap is in order


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She embarrassed herself publicly I dont know what type of trailer trash women you hang around with but no woman I know would launch herself at a man in in a public place just because of a cutting remark.
She got lucky with the direct hit to the balls but I'd have forced a smile and said "I take it your advancing weight is a bit of a sensitive issue then?" before offering to give her the number of the local weightwatchers club.
Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can destroy someone with a sarcastic comment, resorting to violence as a comeback just shows that you are a moron.


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All I can say is "Dag - what a beyatch"!

(And as long as your life isn't in danger and you don't have to defend yourself to the max - it's not OK to hit chicks).

You took the high road in this altercation. Good for you.

If and when you bump into "Chubby" at the wedding - just ignore the b**ch.


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JayMan said:
s.a.f said:
Fatties can lose the weight with a bit of effort and self restraint, baldies cant do much to get their hair back.


Remember the NW7 to NW1 success story? It was draw made on Windows Paint!


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Exactly what can dutasteride really do? Slow/halt continued loss? Regrowth is rare frontal is extremley rare, you have to get on it in the very early stages of hairloss. Its not much help for the nw4+'s.


s.a.f said:
Exactly what can dutasteride really do? Slow/halt continued loss? Regrowth is rare frontal is extremley rare, you have to get on it in the very early stages of hairloss. Its not much help for the nw4+'s.

Yeah it did help me in the front but I'm not nw4. It also helped me more in mid-scalp and crown than in front, but it still did its part all over. I would have been happy with just maintenance and I think it can give me that for a couple of decades when paired with Revita/nizoral, before a slow decline. Hair cloning will be out sometime in the next 20 anyway.


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Folks, if memory serves me correctly, striking one in the testicles is an assault on one's person. Uh, now that is not only illegal, but it is classified as a violent crime. That is correct, assault. Now a coolly logical recourse for excellent cold revenge is to wait one day (that way she thinks no more of it) then go swear out a warrant for said assault. The police will (by law) track her down, find her, and then (hopefully in a public place) arrest her and haul her rear end down to the jail for booking, and a rather inconvenient interview with the magistrate. Who knows, maybe she will have some weed or coke on her when it happens (bonus). Then you may decide whether to drop charges later after she has had some time in the pokey (before being released on her own cognizance) to think about what she has done. Then you may elect to have a restraining order placed against her since this is a violent attack. Then the very notion of even coming near you (social gathering or not) is unlawful, and could land her another trip to the hoosegow! The pen is mightier than the sword. Logical recourse is orders of magnitudes greater than brute force.


harry_b said:
Folks, if memory serves me correctly, striking one in the testicles is an assault on one's person. Uh, now that is not only illegal, but it is classified as a violent crime. That is correct, assault. Now a coolly logical recourse for excellent cold revenge is to wait one day (that way she thinks no more of it) then go swear out a warrant for said assault. The police will (by law) track her down, find her, and then (hopefully in a public place) arrest her and haul her rear end down to the jail for booking, and a rather inconvenient interview with the magistrate. Who knows, maybe she will have some weed or coke on her when it happens (bonus). Then you may decide whether to drop charges later after she has had some time in the pokey (before being released on her own cognizance) to think about what she has done. Then you may elect to have a restraining order placed against her since this is a violent attack. Then the very notion of even coming near you (social gathering or not) is unlawful, and could land her another trip to the hoosegow! The pen is mightier than the sword. Logical recourse is orders of magnitudes greater than brute force.

The longer you wait the less likely it is to be successful Better start on it right away


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She felt humiliated and the only thing she could think to do was kick me where it counts. Many people on the thread have pointed out that it shows she isn't clever enough to defend herself with words. I would never consider taking any sort of legal action against her. It would just start a battle that I don't think I would win. She would put all her energy into making my life a living hell. And she already did that a few years ago when I broke up with her (about the time my hair started falling out).


baldkarma79 said:
She felt humiliated and the only thing she could think to do was kick me where it counts. Many people on the thread have pointed out that it shows she isn't clever enough to defend herself with words. I would never consider taking any sort of legal action against her. It would just start a battle that I don't think I would win. She would put all her energy into making my life a living hell. And she already did that a few years ago when I broke up with her (about the time my hair started falling out).

oh come on, you're no fun. sue the b**ch. she won't have any money and will have to cut back to only one Oreo package a day.


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One thing i dont understand why she kicked in his balls? What he did?


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IBM said:
One thing i dont understand why she kicked in his balls? What he did?

IBM - try to keep up :lol:

I think deep down she secretly still likes him (well maybe not anymore since he made that crack about her weight :D )