My bitter ex-girlfriend


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Last night, I went to a party with some friends I hadn't seen since college. I wore a hat because I haven't seen many of these friends since I started losing my hair. Everything was going good and I was having a good time until my ex-girlfriend showed up. She came up from behind me and stole my hat. She used to take my hat all the time to piss me off when we were dating (one of the many reasons we didn't work out). When she took off my hat last night I don't think she expected to see my NW4! She had a look of horror on her face and said, "Oh my god, you're bald!" She still had my hat and wouldn't give it back. I just had to stand there like an idiot while everyone stared at my head.

I noticed that she had gained some weight so I figured I should give her a tast of her own medicine and point that out. I said, "Looks like you've gained some weight. Should I shout that across the room?!" Before I knew what happened, she kicked me right in the balls. Obviously her weight was a more sensitive subject than my hairline. I tried to pretend I wasn't in incredible pain but I could tell from the look on people's faces that the intensity of the blow was obvious. She stormed out of the party with my hat in her hand so I couldn't cover up my hat hair or hairline. I left with my friend as soon as I could walk. The whole situation from beginning to end was pretty humiliating.

She's a stupid b**ch. She can dish it out, but she can't take it!


i lol'ed.

don't worry about her man. she's a fat hobag. maybe you should hope she gets hit by a bus or something.


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Buddy i'm sorry man . . that sounds horrible. Im sure she'll get what she deserves.


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Sounds like your a push over. Other wise why would she think she could just walk all over you without worrying about what you will do.

Do yourself a favor, after your balls heal, get some bigger ones.

I for one would never associate with a b**ch like that and would do what ever I could to make her feel uncomfortable enough to stay the f*** away from me.

Captain Obvious

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:lol: wow i wasn't expecting her to hit you in the balls. good story bro. maybe now she understands a little better why it's not a good idea to point out peoples flaws.


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Trebor said:
Do yourself a favor, after your balls heal, get some bigger ones.

What was I supposed to do? Punch the b**ch in the face? She's always been good at controlling situations. When I did stand up for myself (and I had a good point), she went straight for the nuts, knowing it would take me down. Once I was in the situation, there was no way for me to win.


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You could have shot her. It's frowned upon for a man to punch a woman, and people say you just can't do it, but I have never heard anyone say you can't shoot them.


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UK1 said:
That's a great story.

Yep, you're right it is. Once a relationship is over the competitiveness thing is really intense.

At least you didn't lose too badly lol, she went home thinkin she's a fatty lol.

You pwned each other :lol: :lol:


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baldkarma79 said:
Trebor said:
Do yourself a favor, after your balls heal, get some bigger ones.

What was I supposed to do? Punch the b**** in the face? She's always been good at controlling situations. When I did stand up for myself (and I had a good point), she went straight for the nuts, knowing it would take me down. Once I was in the situation, there was no way for me to win.


this is some strategic sh*t


Senior Member
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Awesome story, :lol: (there must be a few more of these going untold ...guys?)
I think she came off worse. I love it when people can dish it out but cant take it back. Dont worry everyone would have realised this, she got what she deserved and resorting to kicking you in the balls only emphasises the point.
Although if you wer'nt wearing a hat indoors in the first place she would'nt have had the oppurtunity to create such a show.


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if it was me the b*tch would be down on the floor crying and colecting teeth
basically your not suppot to hit a women but if she kicks you in the nuts
you have every right
oh and that's a great story, thanks for sharing


what i would do in this instance is a financial attack.





she deserves it for kicking you in the nuts.


Senior Member
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Just tell everyone you did her up the arse and she sucked your c*** afterwards. :wink:


Established Member
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embarassing for you at the time......but isnt that just typical of many women.

they can dish it out but dont like it returned to them....they just go crying to daddy just like a little girl and daddy will look after them.

pathetic....they got one thing going for them and if they didnt have that, would you really be bothered with them??

get them all in burkas


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s.a.f said:
Just tell everyone you did her up the arse and she sucked your c*** afterwards.

I might have to use that! I know I'll see her again in June at a wedding for a mutual friend. Might be fun to send that story around the room. One thing I know for sure, next time I'll cover my balls, not my hair!

Thanks guys!


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askas said:
Don't wear hats, it's your fault.

I don't understand this statement. I should be able to wear a baseball cap if I want. Most guys do!

She's just crazy, I've got a million of these stories.