Most Effective Treatment On The Hairline?


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I'm been on finasteride for well over a year now and it seems to be maintaining the crown and middle of my hair nicely but the hairline continues to thin, what would be the best way to combat thinning/receding hairline? I really don't want to start using minoxidil so would a transplant be the only other solution?


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I'm been on finasteride for well over a year now and it seems to be maintaining the crown and middle of my hair nicely but the hairline continues to thin, what would be the best way to combat thinning/receding hairline? I really don't want to start using minoxidil so would a transplant be the only other solution?

Yes minoxidil or maybe RU. T might be important at hairline/temples unfortunately nothing really fights that except receptor blockers which we dont have any official ones yet.


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Oral spironolactone and oral minoxidil have a significantly higher chance on regrowing or maintaining a hairline. Im personally on finasteride 1mg and 50mg spironolactone 2x a day and while my shedding is sky high i am somehow NOT losing ground and even have a baby hair where hair has not been in about 2 years... i am 6 months on finasteride and almost 2 months on spironolactone. I cant comment on oral minoxidil but that may be a venue i venture down if things dont get hairy! Oh the irony.


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Physically yes but i think its well established that it loses significant purity when applied topically so theres little absorption. I personally use S5 plus cream for the other chemical benefits it apparently offers... i guess crushed pills mixed for a topical is worth a try! Let us know how it goes


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Sorry to bump an old thread but don't want to make another one with the same topic. I'm maintaining the rest of my hair on finasteride but one side of my hairline is thinning rapidly, any suggestions?


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Sorry to bump an old thread but don't want to make another one with the same topic. I'm maintaining the rest of my hair on finasteride but one side of my hairline is thinning rapidly, any suggestions?
Hair transplant.


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Was hoping to wait until I'm 25 or so before a transplant
Then all you can do is wait. Minoxidil and finasteride together is all you can do to buy time. People don't realize this is the only true solution available right now. Some try dutasteride but for me, it was no better if not worse than finasteride. RU is very experimental still and if you are on finasteride, it is really not going to make a huge difference. If RU was so great it would be marketed to the public.


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Then all you can do is wait. Minoxidil and finasteride together is all you can do to buy time. People don't realize this is the only true solution available right now. Some try dutasteride but for me, it was no better if not worse than finasteride. RU is very experimental still and if you are on finasteride, it is really not going to make a huge difference. If RU was so great it would be marketed to the public.

I agree with what you said, although I still have hairs on the recession point, they're just getting very thin so I think extra treatment might be better than a transplant right now since it's always easier to keep what you have rather than regrow. I see your point with dutasteride, increasing the dosage by 20% or so isn't going to make any difference to my hairline. Using a dermaroller seems like bs from a logical point of view but I know two people who actually have had regrowth from it, could be worth a try since it's something with no risk (no shed and cheap as chips with no continuing cost), I'd imagine I'll have to add more to my regime though other than just finasteride though


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I agree with what you said, although I still have hairs on the recession point, they're just getting very thin so I think extra treatment might be better than a transplant right now since it's always easier to keep what you have rather than regrow. I see your point with dutasteride, increasing the dosage by 20% or so isn't going to make any difference to my hairline. Using a dermaroller seems like bs from a logical point of view but I know two people who actually have had regrowth from it, could be worth a try since it's something with no risk (no shed and cheap as chips with no continuing cost), I'd imagine I'll have to add more to my regime though other than just finasteride though
Definitely would give the derma roller a shot. You have nothing to lose there other than some drops of blood:D


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how do you expect to grow new hair when you have not added the growth factor which is Minoxidil?? Blows my mind why people don't understand the synergy between using both finasteride and Minoxidil together, it hugely documented on this site alone that finasteride stops the DHT attacking your hair and making it thin and fall out and Minoxidil makes hair grow and get thicker


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how do you expect to grow new hair when you have not added the growth factor which is Minoxidil?? Blows my mind why people don't understand the synergy between using both finasteride and Minoxidil together, it hugely documented on this site alone that finasteride stops the DHT attacking your hair and making it thin and fall out and Minoxidil makes hair grow and get thicker
Not sure if you have the wrong thread but who mentioned growing new hair? I stated that my hairline is continuing to thin on one side whilst the rest of my hair is being maintained on finasteride


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Does finasteride block DHT only while taking them or can you leave them out in the future? Or do you really need to take it forever?


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Does finasteride block DHT only while taking them or can you leave them out in the future? Or do you really need to take it forever?
Only whilst taking it, as soon as you stop taking it your hair loss will return


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If it's like that than I would much rather go for a hair transplant instead of eating pills the rest of my life.
When/if my hair loss gets more severe I would think transplant is the best way to go, if I do something about it at all. I don't trust pills or anything that messes up with your hormones etc.


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If it's like that than I would much rather go for a hair transplant instead of eating pills the rest of my life.
When/if my hair loss gets more severe I would think transplant is the best way to go, if I do something about it at all. I don't trust pills or anything that messes up with your hormones etc.
If you have a transplant without being on finasteride then the rest of your hair on top will still be prone to baldness, only the transplanted area will fully remain