More Evidence Of What Women Think Of Balding/hat Guys


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that must be photoshopped

uncomfortable man

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Well, maybe if society didnt view baldness with such disgust and didnt mercilessly shame and humiliate its sufferers, then we wouldnt feel obligated to hide under a hat.


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> It has happened to me TWICE! A nigga goes from a 10 to a negative 12 real QUICK!

> I have been hatfished, once I saw him without that hat..........I just kept walking and looking at him with a frown , as he tried to give me a ride!!!! Naw nigga I'll walk!!!!

> This has happened to me before i was devastated. I wanted to be like what in theeee entire f*** get the hell on making me look bad .

He lost a major portion of his confidence after he put of his hat...

This weekend I had two exactly similar situations in a row with girls I woke up (after drunk to blackout) – both did a mega push ups like +2 size. Considering their real size was like 0.5 it is a big difference.

I didn't care tho (no boobs is better for me than hanging big boobs) but it is related I think. Same with makeups.


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" I'm glad who ever made this is gettin the boys back for "make-up n fake stuff memes" hurting a few men's feelings.. but in all fairness he can't help the size of his head.... Try stay humble "

Jesus f*****g christ, comment from a woman who seems to have her lips done and wears lots of makeup. See her first and second profile pic. These people are pricks.


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More and more I convince myself that life isn't about to BE but to SEEM TO BE.


holy f***

this 2016


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It's social media what do you expect, we're dealing with the lowest common denominator here.


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" I'm glad who ever made this is gettin the boys back for "make-up n fake stuff memes" hurting a few men's feelings.. but in all fairness he can't help the size of his head.... Try stay humble "

Jesus f*****g christ, comment from a woman who seems to have her lips done and wears lots of makeup. See her first and second profile pic. These people are pricks.

Oh yeah, she doesn't look vain at all.

That Guy

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"Niggas be hat fishing females and be beard fishing females also. Niggas be having no chin and big *** heads and sh*t tf."

"This has happened to me before i was devastated. I wanted to be like what in theeee entire f*** get the hell on making me look bad."

"If this b**ch dont get one with that fake *** weave in hair trying to cover up her no edge having *** lol trying to talki about someone, but this b**ch got on fake lashes, makeup, drawn eye liners, and have on hore hairs, but you still walking lol Iswear these btiches silly"



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To be fair, his forehead could just look a lot bigger than it really does no thanks to a (possible) ultra-wide angle lens... like this:



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I see these type of guys at the gym all th time. From stud to dud within seconds.

I'm opposite.

Look good with hat on, better without

Party under a cap - surprisefish


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Men in baseball caps to me is like women in ugg boots to men...cute in your 20s maybe 30s but 40s and 50s not so cute.


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I legit hope this doesn't go viral. I don't want to be looked at doubtfully every time I go out with a hat on lol
I legit hope this doesn't go viral. I don't want to be looked at doubtfully every time I go out with a hat on lol
I legit hope this doesn't go viral. I don't want to be looked at doubtfully every time I go out with a hat on lol
My life would over if that goes viral. I literally put on a everywhere I go to hide my receding hairline.


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Anyone having a weird mix of emotions reading through the responses? I'm sorta vacilliating between being emboldened/pissed and laughing my head off at the craziness of some of the responses I'm reading. So many little sub-fights in this one meme! Look at this:

Niggas be hat fishing females and be beard fishing females also. Niggas be having no chin and big *** heads and sh*t tf.

Beard fishing? Never heard of having a beard as an act of deception ...

...Now that the laugh has worn off, I'll go back to being pissed off at the general trend of insensitivity people show toward men losing their hair. People don't get it. Allow me to preach to the choir for a moment in my indignation. Seeing your hair fall off -- not to mention land in your mouth (this has happened to me several times), in the sink, all over the bathroom -- is not a freaking joke. People responding to that meme (and in society in general) don't get it. Caring about hair loss doesn't mean you have some kind of double standard against male/female beauty. Men have every right to care about losing their hair, the same way women have a right to conceal their "flaws" if they so choose without shame or stigma. The problem is that makeup/eyeshadow/etc. is generally an ENHANCEMENT (sure, it can cover up some flaws, too). Hair loss is -- more often than not, and as that message board proves -- is a flaw. Applying foundation = beautification (and no judgment to that). Applying a hat or rogaine = damage control. I just felt this "men vs women" vibe the whole time reading that thread, and that pissed me off just as much as the insensitive comments toward something men can't control.

I'm done saying what you all know and probably feel anyway!


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I think the point of this meme was more aimed at black guys getting their line ups higher and higher rather than a joke at balding guys in general.

That said wearing a hat constantly is worst thing a balding guy can do. As soon as he whips it off in a bar people automatically assume hes wearing it to cover it up.. Which usually they are. Awful habit


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I have a lot of sympathy for the hat prisoner.
In a lot of ways you could argue that they are the true martyrs of society.

They cover up so as to not frighten the good citizens.

You could also argue that they are the most self aware of all hair loss sufferers.
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