Maintained Using Zix + Lllts (2+ Years)


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I am 34.


Started Zix (Jan 2018) - daily

Formula same as Worm's, which can be found here:


LLLT (May 2019) x weekly for 1 hour
Divine hair oil (May 2019) , x 2 a week


Hair was progressively thinning and I was getting very concerned.

I have been battling hair loss for years, first noticed the loss in my early 20s, Before Zix, tried Caffine shampoos (Alpecin Shampoo), Keto etc without success.

Never tried finasteride or minoxidil, refuse to. Scared of sides.

My hair loss is mild, but I remember by this point people were commenting on it at work.

'Soon you will be shaving your hair' an ex manager remarked

Fast forward, I was looking for alternative solutions to treat my hairloss.

I came across Worm's post on here, and although being initially sceptical decided to give it a try. A family member also suffering from hairloss then recommended LLLT at a clinic; where they are having success using it. After adding LLLT, I started noticing slight regrowth around my temple points, where the combination of the 2 has helped me maintain.

I have a dermatologist who I have 6 months check ups with, that has confirmed maintenance and slight regrowth

My goal was maintenance since my loss hasn't been aggressive.

Before pictures - Dec 2018:



You can see how my hairline was being eaten away, especially at the corners.

Major thinning area



Below is right temple point, you can see it is thinning , I was majorly concerned that I would lose the shape of the temple point completely.



hair slightly shorter , but you can see it receding

Now - June 2020:

Right hand side Temple point:


Definitely not lost any ground, and if anything may have had some regrowth.



Don't think I have lost ground in 2 years.

Thinning area



I was just expecting maintenance and not regrowth with this regime, so think this is a success.
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Where do you buy this Zix stuff and how do you mix it? Daily use?


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Where do you buy this Zix stuff and how do you mix it? Daily use?

Instructions are on the second post in Worm’s thread.

My formula is the same as his:

- about 15 mls ethyl alcohol
- 2 x 220 mgs of zinc sulfate - 2 x sulfate (I NOW USE 3x Zincs have much better results)
- 150 mgs of b6 p5p is use the brand pure encapsulations, you can find it on amazon
- 45 mls distilled water (must be DISTILLED NOT filtered or ionized or any of that)

This fits in a 2 oz minoxidil bottle basically.

I apply 1-2 mls twice a day.


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I just done some research and this can not be used in conjunction with Minoxidil.....? That would make Minoxidil inactive.


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I just done some research and this can not be used in conjunction with Minoxidil.....? That would make Minoxidil inactive.
Spread them 12h apart


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Can you post your prior progression of male pattern baldness prior to zix? So people will stop accusing


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What do you think a mature hairline is? It is just another word for norwood 2.

I don't think even derms or hair transplant surgeons fully agree on this, but a mature hairline is natural recession which all men develop between 18 and 30. I have a Norwood 2 hairline (according to B*sanga) but it is beyond mature because it is continuing to recede and miniaturise, and there looks to be miniaturisation in OP's pics.


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I don't think even derms or hair transplant surgeons fully agree on this, but a mature hairline is natural recession which all men develop between 18 and 30. I have a Norwood 2 hairline (according to B*sanga) but it is beyond mature because it is continuing to recede and miniaturise, and there looks to be miniaturisation in OP's pics.

Not all men have recession, and certainly not by age 30. If your hairline is NW2 then you have a mature hairline. That doesn't mean it can't get worse. If you have miniaturization behind it then it will get worse. OP has some thick hair. You probably don't have the same hair genes he has, but if you think you can maintain for years with zix and laser like he has then be my guest, it's your hair.


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Not all men have recession, and certainly not by age 30. If your hairline is NW2 then you have a mature hairline. That doesn't mean it can't get worse. If you have miniaturization behind it then it will get worse. OP has some thick hair. You probably don't have the same hair genes he has, but if you think you can maintain for years with zix and laser like he has then be my guest, it's your hair.
Well, alright - most men will develop a mature hairline. I'm in my 30s and see very few men my age or in their late twenties walking around with teenage hairlines. It doesn't mean they are going bald or even full blown NW2, IMO.

I'm not intending to try this because my hair loss is worse than OP's - I'm a diffuse thinner.


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I think you may be confused about what NW2 is. Most people seem to think NW3 is NW2. A lot of men hit NW2 in their 20s, most in their 30s. NW3 is pretty severe recession.

View attachment 144321
Yeah, most men will hit NW2 at some stage, but then most men will go bald to some extent.

The reason NW2 is included on the chart you posted is because it's often considered hair loss. Norwood originally said that NW3 is the first stage of hair loss, but if someone is NW2 and miniaturising, they are balding.

In my view, there's a difference between the mature hairline and NW2. For example, I had a juvenile hairline until I was around 23. I then developed a mature hairline, with no further recession, until around 27, at which point my hairline (very slowly) began receding. I have a NW2 hairline now, 7 years later, at least according to B*sanga.

In reality, most people won't notice the difference between NW2 and mature hairline, it's only people on hair loss forums that debate these trivial issues.


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I try to space out topicals and use Zix in the am + Min at night. That has worked for me.

Hey how do you mix the stuff? Does it actually work?