Life After Nw3: Hell Or Merely Purgatory?


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yeah man, I personally couldn't do it. I was dating a knock out last year when the horrendous finasteride induced hair loss kicked in full force. I had to end it immediately. I simply can't wake up in the morning, see my sink covered in 200 hairs, walk out the door with the feeling of termites gnawing at my decaying f*****g flesh and then simply go about eating f*****g crepes at a restaurant filled with happy suburban f*** tards, all primed and pampered and giggling like a bunch of f*****g *** faced b**ch monkeys. f*** that.

Couldn't have said it better. Baldness just kills any happiness and you just don't want to do anything anymore.


My Regimen
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screw that death has no hope or chance or happiness. at my worst i simply fantasize about having hair. fixes the unhappiness by hitting the nail right on the head, no bs about compensation or whatever.

obviously actually getting hair is what makes you happy but if thats not available i'll take what i can get