Laser Comb


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I was wondering if anyone have experience with the hairmax lasercomb that they would like to share. I'm considering buying one but does not know if it actualy works or not. Please let me know. Thanks


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hairtalk said:
I was wondering if anyone have experience with the hairmax lasercomb that they would like to share. I'm considering buying one but does not know if it actualy works or not. Please let me know. Thanks

I started using the hairmax like 1.5 month ago. I noticed my hair grows faster, and some areas have new little hairs growing.
I'm using it in addition to Minoxidil 5%.

I would say its definitely makes an improvement.


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The comb is rubbish. It doesnt work in my opinion, its just a clever marketing gimmick. I actaully fell for the hairMax lasercomb gimmeck and I spent like $700 on a delux compact comb or whatever its called. Used it for 6 months and my hair actually looked worse (marginally). But on top of that its very time consuming you need to use it like every second day for like 20 minutes twice per day. Do you really have that kind of time?

I dont want to discourage you, you may get results from it. If your desperate then i say buy it and give it a go. If your not very desperate but just want to try and thicken things up a little then i wouldnt buy it, its not going to do anything remotely cosmetically noticable.


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Thanks for the suggestions, it's still a draw for the laser comb for me. I'm going to wait a bit before ordering.
For the meantime can anyone give me reviews on other ways to fight hair lost. I'm still in my early 20's and it's devastating to shed till my hair is thin. About a year ago I could still have my hair in a ponytail but not anymore.

What's a good shampoo to use? I have try Nioxim shampoo for almost a year without any change.
I also took multivitamins with extra biotin, no help there either.
I started to use Curatage, haven't seen any result.

I have heard tea tree oil is good, any suggestion on that?


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If your interested in laser I would suggest you read this website, the guy has had good results with lasers and knows a lot about them, I don't think the laser comb will be sufficient, personally I would go for something like the laser max 90, this is a unit you sit under like at the hair laser clinics, it has the same power diodes as in the clinics as well (5mw).

The best thing about the website is he's not trying to sell anything!


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Save your money for hair transplant. Little red lights don't grow hair. Ever. OMG doesn't sell anything, but he links to people that sell crap and I would bet gets a nice kickback. If I had invested that much time in something, I may hold on until the end as well. But the unfortunate truth is it does not work.


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No matter what you think of laser therapy, you shouldn't accuse someone like that. He's a personal friend of mine and I assure you he get's NOTHING. He hasn't gotten one cent, one product, or even one diode. If you want to question him about it, PM him or go to his site and ask him.


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If he doesn't get $$ for selling others products for them, then:

1. He should. I would.

2. As a person, I think OMG is a cool guy, if he feels personally insulted by my opinion, I apologize, but

3. Still know little red lights don't work. And no one has ever proven it has. Futhermore if I throw up a link on a forum to some site that links to butt *** expensive products, that someone else knows does not work, I would expect to be debunked accordingly. I may rebut, as OMG himself has done in post on this very subject to me. Then again thats what forums are all about.


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That's a pretty good response, I must admit, Itnerverrains. I will say that I don't make a dime, and it actually costs me $6.99 in hosting a month to have that site, so technically it costs me money!

On a side note as well to address one other point in your other comment, remember... I waited until I'd tested my helmet for 5 months before I even thought of putting my site up (I only had that original build your own laser brush page before), and that was two months AFTER I started getting amazing results. I wanted to be sure that this stuff worked, and I'm on record everywhere last year saying that I would have no problem admitting if I spent all of this time doing it and it didn't do JACK! It's simply not personal to me.

I wish I knew why you are missing the boat so bad on this laser stuff though. I really don't know what to tell you any further than what I have on my site. Your signature would make me think that you'd be one of the first people to GET this! I'm sure you've already made the connection that I'm not talking about laser brushes and combs, so I'll skip that part. Yes, those don't work because it takes to long to get the energy you need, and anyone who knows anything about LLLT will tell you that.

I do have a couple of things though that I'll throw at you. First of all, there is a reason why you have to go in person to a laser clinic to hear the results. Manufacturers, laser clinics, or ANYONE that makes money off of lasers or LLLT CAN'T by FCC regulation say those things online and in ads! You, me, and everyone else in here are ONLINE PEOPLE. If we can't find the information ONLINE... then yeah, it seems fishy!

Now, the one benefit of me being in the position I'm in is that now I have access to -meaning cell phone numbers of- the TOP PEOPLE involved in LLLT in the country. Here are the numbers of what Dr. Maricle has observed in his LONG history of this being involved in laser clinics:

71% success rate over the first six months, 80-90% success rate over one year. When he and others have done follow up with the 10-20% that didn't get results, they found that MOST OF THEM had poor results based on user error... meaning that they didn't get their asses to the clinic three times a week or something.

That's not a study. That's real results from all of the clinics he has been a part in and manufactured devices for. They keep track of that, and those are the numbers to expect.

And here is something, too... the SUCCESS of high-powered laser devices is much different than the SUCCESS of minoxidil and propecia alone. Laser Light radically changes the texture, thickness, density, shininess of hair, and reverts it to a much more youthful shape and appearance AS WELL AS regrowing new hair and keeping your old hair from further balding (both proven). minoxidil and propecia DO NOT do this, in fact, most people say that their hair gets thinner and crappier using them, even if they do have a tiny bit of regrowth.

Now, this is where I might eventually be there to help you. Like I said, I have access to the top people in LLLT now. They obviously love my site because it's about the only site on the internet about LLLT and hair loss that isn't selling something, so I'm free to share results and proof. My original "mission statement" of my omg site was to be a "step two"... a place where you would go when you already did the digging and had the answers you are looking for, and you were ready to be an "ACTION MAN" and build one! Well, because they properly "buttered me up" with flattery and told me that I'm pretty much the only place that CAN talk about this stuff, I told them I would work on changing the site to a "step one" place.

I told them that it would require an asinine amount of info on their part, they would have to start taking part in forum discussions, and it would require access to their "panel of doctors" or "medical board" or whatever, too, and not just by me... but by everyone. So, eventually I will start amassing all of this stuff. I wouldn't expect this to be soon... we're talking 2009 here, but it WILL happen.

Look, in summary... the science and proof is out there. This stuff works WITHOUT A DOUBT, and it's not a secret. Laser clinics have popped up in every single city WITHOUT the consent of you, me, or anyone in the forums, and they are very successful! The only reason why this is still a mystery to people on the forums is 1) fraudulent Hairmax destroyed the market (and I'm "correcting" it), and 2) it is simply cost prohibitive! Damn, $4000 a year?! When you couple that with the miserable failure of HairMax, of course people are going to be slow to realize this.

I'll tell you two more things, and then I'll go back to my Regrowth asylum where you are free to contact me at whim (remember... I'm trying to slowly retire everywhere). First, BUSINESS 101... you don't charge an assload of money for a product or service in practically every decent sized city in the free world for years and years that doesn't work, PERIOD. Second... it's no accident that hair transplant doctor's offices are usually also laser clinics now. Those are the two greatest things to improve your looks and regrow your hair, PERIOD.

If I DID get free diodes or something, I'd be tempted to send you a free laser helmet! lol... Not because I want to prove you wrong or something, but because on a personal level I simply hate it that you really are missing something big here.

Oh, I don't know the original point of this thread, except that it's called "Laser Comb". I’ll recap what I said before… it’s to hard to get the energy you need with it to expect real results from it. If anyone wants to learn more, walk into a laser clinic! But don't let them sell you on their $4000 a year treatment. You can build a device better than theirs for $300-$400, and it'll last for YEARS. ...and that is where comes in!



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Oh, by the way, on a side note... I know that this doesn't necessarily mean anything to anyone, but I'm going to share it anyway! lol.... My girlfriend called a little while ago and I told her that I couldn't talk because I was working on a post for someone that thinks LLLT is a scam/doesn't work at all/etc. She was like, "WHAT?! Are you kidding me?"

lol... Listen, I'm not making that up, and I'm only saying that because it's funny to see that this was really shocking for a "hair loss forum outsider" and someone that's known me for 8 years, has seen the difference over the last 7 months from my laser helmet, and to hear that there would be people in existance anywhere that would still doubt this!

Anyway, take that for what it's worth, and for people that have seen the results of this, it's pretty much like hearing "cars don't run on gas" or something.

Ok, back to my retirement, and no... I'm not letting you horny, balding bastards talk to my girlfriend, the unofficial "laser Babe"!



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OMG, if you can convince Dr Feller, LLT helps to thicken and regrow hair, I would say that would be an astonishing accomplishment. I listened to him on the Bald Truth argue with Dr Bauman about the subject matter. I was very entertained by Alan vs Alan. I myself feel LLT does has some benefit because I have seen it myself first hand. But Dr Feller, thinks it just your hair thickens coincidently on cycles and people feel its the lasers doing it.


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I love your Avatar! That's amazing! If you've been to my site you know I'm a huge fan of animated graphics! I like "House", too, and I'm sorry... but I was glad the cold hearted b**ch was "offed" by the bus, no matter how nice they tried to make her in the last few episodes!

I don't know what to say about Dr. Feller, and I don't think he would change his position on it no matter what. He may be a nice guy, but I think his professional ego has caused him to paint himself into a corner. This is CLEARLY not a cycle, unless you want to tell me it's a 21 year cycle because my hair hasn't appeared this thick and shiny since I was 14.

I don't know what type of person you are, but I LOVE to pick apart arguments rationally and expose arrogant, fraudulent, irrational, and emotional statements. I'm actually going to update my paranormal site soon to include a "blog" section because I literally scream at the TV when people on paranormal documentaries and shows make asinine statements -either pro or con against the paranormal- and I'm going to rip them apart! I get great rankings for that site, so by god... people are going to see it!

The reason I'm bringing that up is because Dr. Feller sets off all of my alarms. When you read his opening statement here:, not only is it filled to the brim with arrogance and haughtiness -and a bit of childishness- his arguments are EXTREMELY FLAWED. For example, this statement:

Why is it that grocery store check out clerks whose hands are exposed to laser light all day do not complain of excess hair growth on the hands or forearms? Why is it that people who work in laser printer factories or laboratories that use lasers all day have not reported unwanted hair growth? The obvious answer is that there is no such phenomenon. absolutely ridiculous. Just for starters, 1) no one said that lasers grow hair where hair doesn't exist, 2) forearm hairs aren't genetically encoded to grow longer than an inch or so anyway, 3) they don't go dormant, and 4) they certainly aren't going to be re-invigorated when they are healthy in the first place. Also, Jacob started to debate him, and he accused JACOB of having motives with the LLLT industry!

[On a side note, by the way, I have recently been informed that actually it HAS been documented by NASA that people exposed to laser light DO get stronger, healthier body in the areas that get the exposure, so I was a little off the mark, but my argument still stands! lol...]

You get anyone that's built a laser helmet –or been to a laser clinic that’s using a machine with at least 100 diodes- and see what they say to his argument after they've used it from 3-6 months, and they will be like "WTF are you talking about?!", and they, like my girlfriend, will be shocked that *anyone*, much less someone that goes by the name "doctor", could still make freely statements like that.

On a side note... at 35 years old, it STILL surprises me that someone with a "Dr." in front of their names can be so petty in their arguments. It's such a let down when you've grown up thinking that obviously since someone is a doctor that they should know more than you and have an air of true professionalism about them, and then when you find out that they are actually subject to the same character flaws that most humans are, and are sometimes even worse (because a brick layer doesn't usually think overly highly of himself).

Anyway, Dr. Feller -for whatever reason- is NEVER going to let himself see that LLLT is effective. Therefore, for people like me that know for a fact that he's talking out of his *** and 100% wrong, he is absolutely irrelevant and inconsequential, and I think he's a dinosaur that will eventually go extinct. He's is the exact equivalent of the people that told Columbus that the world was flat. This will become more and more apparent especially since I've "opened the door" for many more people by reverse engineering the clinical laser devices and finding out we can make them and own them for a fraction of the cost of one year's treatment at the clinics (and the devices will last something like 16 -20 years with 1/2 hour a day, three times a week treatments). In fact, I've recently found out that most of them use the EXACT SAME DIODES that I use.

Like I said... he may be a great guy! He could donate half of his salary to crippled children for all I know, but he's failing to educate himself on this... for whatever reason you want to think. Reputation? Ego? Personal grudge? Something deeper? Whatever... I don't care. Ok, well that explains my feelings on Dr. Feller, and I'm free to safely never mention him again! Meaning, I'm through talking about him for good in the forums...

It's really funny hearing Dr. Maricle and a few other talk about what I'm doing. They want to comment so bad, especially about how HairMax hurt the market, but they are in a position that they could really rock the industry and make a lot of people angry at them if the endorse what I'm saying! lol... Also, they can't say things like "Yep, you can make this $20,000 machine for $200" to anyone in public, but they want to so bad!

Let's just say this though, they've shown the endorsement by lowering the cost of the diodes for us, and that's a big deal and a big statement.

Hopefully that “proof†stuff I was talking about will be up on the site before too much time passes. The best proof though is, jeez… go out and try it. What, $400 for a full coverage device or something?? The one I’ve been using was even cheaper. A full coverage device for me will be like $600 since I have a big head and I want to experiment with covering a greater area, but you get the point… that’s the price of a LASER COMB, and it’s for something that works! Yes, it’ll take a minimum of 3 months for you to notice anything, and maybe as long as 6 (with DEDICATED 3 times a week usage, even when you feel that it isn’t doing anything), but when it does start working, you too will think “What the hell is wrong with Dr. Feller, and how can someone get away with saying statements that are so inaccurate?â€

Ok, seriously though… I’m spending too much time on this! Lol… I hope I’m reaching some people, but it’s time for me to retire in peace!



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OMG, do you think out of all the handheld lasers, the aculas is one of the best as far as effectiveness discounting the fact that some have to be repaired due to failures. I have one but never have any problems with it.


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"LASERS!!!!" Love the Avatar OMG, good to see you post here again. (even though it is probably temporary). Although I miss this one......