Ketoconazole 2% Does More Harm Than Good?


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Update: Hair still looks horribly thin and I shed even a little bit more (Minoxidil involved?)


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Be careful with keto shampoos. At first it was great. The first application felt amazing on my inflamed scalp and made my hair instantly thicker. After using it 3 times a week I got somewhat dependant on it and went to every other day. After 3 or 4 months I was definitely shedding a lot more hair and my scalp was really dry. My advice is to use it sparingly once or twice a week and find a nice mild shampoo to use on the off days.


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Same as others, I tried 1%. No shedding that I noticed, but my hairline just melted away. Stopped it.


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Update: Thank you for your answer. I started rubbing it off less intensely and now I shed much less. However it seems that my hair looks incredibly thin (you can really see my scalp, even when it's dry). I ' ve always had very thin hair (I remember myself thinking "is it normal too see my scalp through the hair?") but now it looks horrible. Here are some pics, sorry if my hair looks greasy and unkempt. Has anyone some experience? Should I drop it? These pics don't show the reality. You can literally see my scalp. Even though studies show that it increases the density, it isn't normal to have such a thinning cosmetic effect

That happened to me, frontal forelock thinned out after 3-4 washes.


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That happened to me, frontal forelock thinned out after 3-4 washes.
Yeah, but I'm still using it every 3 days. I shed less than when I first used it, I even managed to regrow some hair lol (I would call it a miracle) and my hair is actually thicker (not much but I definitely saw some progress there)


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Yeah, but I'm still using it every 3 days. I shed less than when I first used it, I even managed to regrow some hair lol (I would call it a miracle) and my hair is actually thicker (not much but I definitely saw some progress there)

Are you sure it is not a placebo effect, always found with keto hair looked cosmetically thicker after washing


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Are you sure it is not a placebo effect, always found with keto hair looked cosmetically thicker after washing
Actually I was wrong, my hairline is still thin but thicker than the first time I used keto. But I'm 100 % sure that I regrew hair and I'm not talking about some vellus mini hair


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I used the 2 percent bought it shipped from Canada to usa, it was pink different than the blue liquid in the 1 percent

I used the 2 percent and it dryed my scalp bad, and made it itchy and made my hair weak I stopped using it.


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After 6 months of usage my hairline is getting worse lol, now I need to get on finasteride. But I definitely regrew hair , I don't know why it's not working anymore


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Hi Timmi,

Be careful. Ketoconazole must not be used everyday. Remember Ketoconazole as a shampoo is used to treat certain serious fungal problems, dandruff or certain infections. It must not be used daily unless your doctor says so or you really need it.

I´m a minoxidil user and I use ketoconazol just once a week or every 2 weeks besides the shampoo I normally use. I use Ketoconazol just to be free of dandruff. But that's my case and what my doctor recommended to me. Remember every body and human system is different and therefore each case must be carefully analyzed and studied by a professional.

I suggest you talk with your doctor to see what you really need man.



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Hi Timmi,

Be careful. Ketoconazole must not be used everyday. Remember Ketoconazole as a shampoo is used to treat certain serious fungal problems, dandruff or certain infections. It must not be used daily unless your doctor says so or you really need it.

I´m a minoxidil user and I use ketoconazol just once a week or every 2 weeks besides the shampoo I normally use. I use Ketoconazol just to be free of dandruff. But that's my case and what my doctor recommended to me. Remember every body and human system is different and therefore each case must be carefully analyzed and studied by a professional.

I suggest you talk with your doctor to see what you really need man.

Thank you for your suggestion but I use the shampoo only twice a week, so it's no big deal


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I’m young too so i just wanted to tell you about my experience with finasteride.I had problems with finasteride side effects when I started taking it at 18. Took it for 6 months and then took me about 3 months to recover, but since then I started taking .1 mg of finasteride topically every morning and I do believe it’s stopped my shedding with no side effects. (Only 3 months in) I would give this a try If your looking for a safer way to take finasteride.

Let there be follicles!

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Bullshit. That shampoo is useless. And it will fry your hair big time. Didn’t do sh*t for my dermatitis and we talk weird af dermatitis. Something is causing your dermatitis that you call fungus. If you don’t find what it is, you’re not getting away. For me it was computer / electrical devices. Desktop, laptop, tv. Phone doesn’t cause anything. You leave me in front of a laptop for 10 minutes though and at night I’m gonna have the first flakes. It’s insane.


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Keto can inhibit endogenous PGE2 synthesis.
I'm guessing you're referring to this

Ketoconazole suppressed prostaglandin E2-induced cyclooxygenase-2 protein and mRNA expression and promoter activation in A-431; the suppressive effects of ketoconazole were counteracted by cyclic adenosine monophosphate analog.
That really had nothing to do with hair loss.

Where do you get this from? Obviously, this sounds a bit at odds with what a lot of people are saying.
Hair loss is a potential side literally listed on the 2% Nizoral insert.

Be careful. Ketoconazole must not be used everyday.
This is true. Keto soaks into the scalp and continues to have an anti-DHT effect for 4 days. Using it more often can actually result in irritation and inflammation. The bottle says to use 1-2x a week for a reason. It even explicitly says never more than 3x a week.


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After 6 months of usage my hairline is getting worse lol, now I need to get on finasteride. But I definitely regrew hair , I don't know why it's not working anymore

You do not regrow hair with Nizoral.


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This is true. Keto soaks into the scalp and continues to have an anti-DHT effect for 4 days. Using it more often can actually result in irritation and inflammation. The bottle says to use 1-2x a week for a reason. It even explicitly says never more than 3x a week.

What are you referencing this from? Specifically the 4 days.

I saw a study done on mice comparing minoxidil and Keto 2% and they used it daily in their experiment. It's important to recall that the instructions for Nizoral are for dandruff, there is no guidance whatsoever for Androgenetic Alopecia. Everything I've seen seems to show that you have to use it at least 3 times a week to get some kind of effect.
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