justin biebers career at stake due to post finasteride syndrome


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Do you have tips for other medications ?
To be honest, I think my d*ick is affected by finasteride, but have somehow given sh*t about it recent year
Today I had rock Hard morning erection and was horny. That never Happaned on dutasteride.


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minoxidil + needling is by far the best option imo and I believe it's good for long term too, needling is a game changer.

Btw I'm not against anti androgens, I think there are methods where it's "fairly" safe to do it, read:

Go with the lowest topical dosage you can. The fact people still advise oral fina with the info we have now is borderline criminal imo.
Hmmm on reddit many write how needling destroyed their hairline after 8 months. I read many who had regression and worsening of hair by needling. Its not just positive outcomes. Also you cause alot of breakage and split ends when you do it. Happens to me also even doctorhouse.


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Yeah I tried needling alone and din't have any results but minoxidil and needling combined is a game changer imo but of course not everyone will get results, same with fina and other medication.
Well I took 10 to 20 mg oral minoxidil for 5 monrhs hair kept worsening, I did get tiny tiny hairs on hairline and hairy hands but thats it. Many who didnt respond to Topical minoxidill did respond to oral because its systemic so no need to needle for the minoxidil to penetrate. Im a bad responder to minoxidil but I keep taking it orally twice daily but I dont use more than 5mg a Day now. My high oral dose gave me heart issues and I had blood in my stool so yes its Dangerous. But having no issues at all with this small recommended dose for hairloss.


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Finasteride diciples are so mentally deranged. Why would you take personal offence to other people having side effects on your favorite drug. They get so f*****g mad and agressive about it without having any medical knowledge whatsoever. None of my doctors (endocrinologists and urologist) doubted the persistent side effects for a mere second, because they had already had several cases like this.
Yet the Merck fans tell already battered ex-users to kill themselves and that they are mentally ill for experiencing well know side effects to a drug, that changes your hormonal panel.

The audacity, egocentrism and arrogance of it. Like if a single person had a very averse reaction to benign stuff like aspirin; it would never occur to me to insult him or call him a liar. Biology and chemistry are incredibly complex and it's a vast universe. Everybody is ever so slightly genetically different. I'm certainly no doctor and it would not all surprise me if 1 in 50 million people developped blood clots on aspirin for some weird reason.


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Yeah I tried needling alone and didn't have any results but minoxidil and needling combined is a game changer imo but of course not everyone will get results, same with fina and other medication.
There was a Guy on here that did nofap and thickened up his hair ALOT. With picture proof even. Honestly im starting to believe that nofap helps hair. Too many say it does on the internet im going for it. Despite taking propecia and oral min.


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Always starts with "insignificant sides". Most of the time it starts with more watery sperm, slowly escalating over time. Read it so many times.
U know whats funny? Dutasteride even at 2.5mg made my sperm very thick never watery haha. But ofc it reduced my semen production like crazy and semen just dribbled and seeped out. But now on finasteride I can finally shoot out my semen with force and its definately more semen. Dutasteride is so so bad, finasteride is bad too but nowhere close as bad as dutasteride.


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Btw, this is a great video about pfs imo and yes it's reversable I believe;

Also as he said dermatolgists and most docs know absolutely SH*T about managing your hormonal system hence so many people experiencing sides.

So to the people reading this and still wanting to go the fina route (also if you go on low dosage topical fina btw), get bloodwork done first to check your hormone levels.

I don't agree. I think people with the most severe side effects probably have some kind of problem that is presently poorly understood and can't be treated, and is probably tied to epigenetic changes that happen in a minority of people exposed to the stuff. Derek's ideas won't work for those people, though they might work for people with other, less severe, side effects.


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Those guys cant take finasteride or dutasteride while playing. Its banned by the Antidoping Agency as it can it can mask use of anabolic steroids.

So, he had no other choice than hair transplants
Better off wearing a wig like Agassi did all them years :(


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Finasteride diciples are so mentally deranged. Why would you take personal offence to other people having side effects on your favorite drug. They get so f*****g mad and agressive about it without having any medical knowledge whatsoever. None of my doctors (endocrinologists and urologist) doubted the persistent side effects for a mere second, because they had already had several cases like this.
Yet the Merck fans tell already battered ex-users to kill themselves and that they are mentally ill for experiencing well know side effects to a drug, that changes your hormonal panel.

The audacity, egocentrism and arrogance of it. Like if a single person had a very averse reaction to benign stuff like aspirin; it would never occur to me to insult him or call him a liar. Biology and chemistry are incredibly complex and it's a vast universe. Everybody is ever so slightly genetically different. I'm certainly no doctor and it would not all surprise me if 1 in 50 million people developped blood clots on aspirin for some weird reason.
to me it seems that way more people here get salty over people like @20YearsOnFin for being on finasteride for several years without life destroying consequences

personally i think long persistent side effecrs definitely can occur but on the other hand i also think that there also many people who do fine on finasteride (which many here simply cant accept and accuse other people of lying about maintaining or the absence of noticable/horrendous side effects - which just seems a bit odd to me, like i have no problem with people like @20YearsOnFin doing fine, im just happy for him)
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Those guys cant take finasteride or dutasteride while playing. Its banned by the Antidoping Agency as it can it can mask use of anabolic steroids.

So, he had no other choice than hair transplants
yes ofc he didnt take it, and the doctors should have told him that his hair transplant results will look extremely sh*t


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Yup or even a bit more than that, I would risk 0.01% topical fina at 2ml/day.
are there any longterm studies (12month or more) on topical finasteride? i heard it eventually goes systematic…

how mg finasteride would be
0.01% solution 2ml a day ?

seems like microdosing might be safer bc you have more controll and insight how much finasteride enters your body..
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are there any longterm studies (12month or more) on topical finasteride? i heard it eventually goes systematic…

how mg finasteride would be
0.01% solution 2ml a day ?
Oral is better for diffuse thinners like me according to many. A YouTuber that tried it and even rob from perfecthairhealth said it. Yes topical goes systemic most definately. Right away infact. Experienced it first hand.


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Oral is better for diffuse thinners like me according to many. A YouTuber that tried it and even rob from perfecthairhealth said it. Yes topical goes systemic most definately. Right away infact. Experienced it first hand.
how much finasteride (in mg) would be in 2ml 0.01% solution again?


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I already saw a few videos on tiktok of young people having half of the face paralized (same as Justin Bieber), a few days or weeks after getting covid vaccine. I am quite sure it is related.


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Oral is better for diffuse thinners like me according to many. A YouTuber that tried it and even rob from perfecthairhealth said it. Yes topical goes systemic most definately. Right away infact. Experienced it first hand.
You have no problem with the oral finasteride?