Just noticed my hairline recession more under light


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Don’t give advice out mate if you don’t know what you’re talking about. You told me to drink my minoxidil and I I’m not entirely sure you know what you’re doing.
no, tablet minoxidil is very better but if you dont have the choice, you drink minoxidil as well, do you understand ?


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You can see how pronounced the V shape is because of the thinning on the left side. I have no idea how to thicken this back out? Dutasteride and Regaine not working.

under light vs no light



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He is receding. The bright lights show it much better.

I disagree. These photos are not sufficient at determining whether or not he's receding. The light awkwardly falls on his temples and he has light and fine hair so it's not going to be hard to see scalp on one of the areas due to how the light falls.

OP, post more photos with better light. Go into your bathroom and take pics under bright light, but take the pics from the top of your head, basically how the guys are drawn on the Norwood scale.


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I don’t think he’s balding yet but is guarantee to eventually since he is Scottish . Never seen a Scottish person not have male pattern baldness


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Alright Norwoody, can I just put a few drops of extra strength Regaine under my tongue and let it absorb, or do you mean tablet form?
I personally have not drank minoxidil. I didn't even know it was a thing until after I bought a year's worth of the tablet form. But there are several users on the forums who take a few drops in a drink. I'm sure it works, but there might be some that gets destroyed during digestion. Still, if you take 0.2mL that's equivalent to about 10mg which should be PLENTY. BTW, do you have any cardiovascular related issues or take medications for cholesterol/blood pressure? If you do, then I do NOT recommend oral minoxidil. I would only recommend it to healthy individuals with no cardiac history as it is actually an archaic blood pressure medication.

Chill dude

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I don’t think he’s balding yet but is guarantee to eventually since he is Scottish . Never seen a Scottish person not have male pattern baldness
This. We are genuinely top of the league in Europe for hair loss and drug abuse. No fringe AND no nose.

Chill dude

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I personally have not drank minoxidil. I didn't even know it was a thing until after I bought a year's worth of the tablet form. But there are several users on the forums who take a few drops in a drink. I'm sure it works, but there might be some that gets destroyed during digestion. Still, if you take 0.2mL that's equivalent to about 10mg which should be PLENTY. BTW, do you have any cardiovascular related issues or take medications for cholesterol/blood pressure? If you do, then I do NOT recommend oral minoxidil. I would only recommend it to healthy individuals with no cardiac history as it is actually an archaic blood pressure medication.
Drops in water? I’ve read you put it under your tongue so it gets absorbed into the blood vessels so it doesn’t get destroyed by the digestive system. I think I might just spend 400 quid and get PRP injections into the hairline.


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Drops in water? I’ve read you put it under your tongue so it gets absorbed into the blood vessels so it doesn’t get destroyed by the digestive system. I think I might just spend 400 quid and get PRP injections into the hairline.
I don't think sublingually is a good way to take it. What that does is immediately rush a bunch into the blood stream, but it also clears out of the system much faster too. It just gives you a short burst, rather than having a longer effect.

Chill dude

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I don't think sublingually is a good way to take it. What that does is immediately rush a bunch into the blood stream, but it also clears out of the system much faster too. It just gives you a short burst, rather than having a longer effect.
What is your opinion on PRP injection for the scalp. Hair transplants all over UK are doing them


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What is your opinion on PRP injection for the scalp. Hair transplants all over UK are doing them
I don't think it is completely useless, but I think it's way too costly when you could use that money on far more effective treatments.


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So if I put a few drops of minoxidil in a glass will I have to increase the dose if I have to take into account that a certain percentage of minoxidil will be destroyed during digestion? if I take a few drops of minoxidil, how long will it work compared to topical and oral minoxidil tablets? @Norwoody


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At this stage your loss is so minimal you could probably thicken those areas back up by dermarolling.


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@Chill dude, do you think you are receding? You know your hair better than any of us.


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do you have the decenc to delete your sh*t post if the mods are not capeable of doing so? take your body dysmorphia *** and post on a different section-if you really need it


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@Chill dude, do you think you are receding? You know your hair better than any of us.

As if that will somehow prove anything objecitvely lol. Many people are hypochondriacs and are prone to insecurities and paranoia so they can't really rationally assess their situation properly.

Wasn't there a dense NW1 that was posting for years (he still might) on here about how he's shedding and losing all of his hair. It was like one of the biggest threads on the other sub-forums.


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As if that will somehow prove anything objecitvely lol. Many people are hypochondriacs and are prone to insecurities and paranoia so they can't really rationally assess their situation properly.

Wasn't there a dense NW1 that was posting for years (he still might) on here about how he's shedding and losing all of his hair. It was like one of the biggest threads on the other sub-forums.
Blue cyclone, going bald in less than a year, I mean century