It's over for most guys. Hair is extremely important


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beside the point. you are distracting from the convo
Beside the point? Distracting from the convo? I remember 7 pages ago when you got buttblusted when i tried to refute your shitty attitude with irl examples and experiences and all you had to say was insults and some non-sense incel bullshit. And now look at him, being all mature and rational all of a sudden.
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I just joined this forum last week to ask a question about long-term hair loss treatments and older men. I expected the users here to be predominantly in their 20's and 30's (I'm 51) - that's the age you see on the Keeps commercials for a reason. So I see this thread listed in the weekly digest and I can't help but respond.

One thing I can say is as everyone grows older physical appearance is a less of a factor, for woman too. Not because people just let themselves go and don't care how they look anymore. It's because as you grow older, you get wiser. Part of getting wiser is you realize really what's "inside" is what keeps the attraction going in the long run. (Ya, I know, if your 25 and there's more guys than girls at the party, you're probably thinking that "it's what's inside that counts" saying isn't practical. But it's true to all but the most superficial women.) Now if you and your partner start eating Cheetos and Cheeseburgers 5 times a week and put on 100 pounds, it ain't going to be pretty - but that's nothing to do with hair.

Now if we're talking being attractive for the purpose of short-term relationships/encounters, I can tell you, on average, the most fun to be around and the best sex I've had 9 times out of 10 was with overweight women. For whatever reason they're less uptight, concerned about their appearance, and open minded/experimental.

I'm getting off on a tangent but my main point is, you'll learn, any women that would turn away because of your hairline or lack thereof is not a keeper. I'd worry more about your personality and how you treat people if you are concerned about being the most attractive. Just like women who get botox, stomach surgery, plastic surgery... if making yourself (in your eyes) look better, makes you feel better and act more confident, get a hair treatment or replacement surgery. But if you just think there is some bar to be met as far as hair and if you are below that bar you have no chance of being attractive, you're very wrong.


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If hair is extremly important, then do something about it, be ready to sacrifice something, if it's REALLY important. I don't understand such threads with these kind of discussions.
Just start a proper treatment and call it the day.
Losers cry about their issues more than they try fixing them. I know, i used to be one. Did the exact same thing. Another good example is that these people also always tend to announce big plans they make before even working on it. The polar opposite of that is guys who dont mention a word about anything they do/work on/plan to do and just work on it in silence. And some time later they arrive with a good paid profession, are built like adonis or suddenly have hair or whatever.


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Kinda funny, Homer used in that Episode the Dimoxidil -> Minoxidil and derma rolling xDDD
I really want to just cry lol. He haven't got the tsuji or stemson cure... so no predictions from the Simpsons regarding hair cloning oof


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The dude is criticising most people here and passing judgment on people he calls “losers” Whether they are bald, short, old, Etc list goes on.

Meanwhile the reality is that he’s spending his time Behind a screen googling and “researching” pictures of “chads” and confirming he has nothing going on In his life outside of these forums. Can’t help but pity him if I’m honest. I would hate to have a life like that. No offence.
where did i post pics of chad?
Losers cry about their issues more than they try fixing them. I know, i used to be one. Did the exact same thing. Another good example is that these people also always tend to announce big plans they make before even working on it. The polar opposite of that is guys who dont mention a word about anything they do/work on/plan to do and just work on it in silence. And some time later they arrive with a good paid profession, are built like adonis or suddenly have hair or whatever.
funny because everyone here is coping with nuking their androgen levels to grandpa status and getting sh*t tier hair transplants when I am going to fix my issue with a system, have a functioning dick and nw1. some can't cope with that apparently


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The dude is criticising most people here and passing judgment on people he calls “losers” Whether they are bald, short, old, Etc list goes on.

Meanwhile the reality is that he’s spending his time Behind a screen googling and “researching” pictures of “chads” and confirming he has nothing going on In his life outside of these forums. Can’t help but pity him if I’m honest. I would hate to have a life like that. No offence.


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where did i post pics of chad?

funny because everyone here is coping with nuking their androgen levels to grandpa status and getting sh*t tier hair transplants when I am going to fix my issue with a system, have a functioning dick and nw1. some can't cope with that apparently

read my post again. No one said anything about you having posted pictures of Chads here.

saying “system” and “NW1” in the same sentence is one of the most unbelievable things I’ve seen on this forum. I’m not even kidding.


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If you really are that concerned about hair:


99% of women won't even notice it.

And they usually use some sort of hair extensions as well.

Go for it if you are already too bald to get a good treatment of hair transplant.

And don't worry about it looking bad. It won't.


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read my post again. No one said anything about you having posted pictures of Chads here.

saying “system” and “NW1” in the same sentence is one of the most unbelievable things I’ve seen on this forum. I’m not even kidding.
if its nw1 for her its nw1 for me


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If you really are that concerned about hair:


99% of women won't even notice it.

And they usually use some sort of hair extensions as well.

Go for it if you are already too bald to get a good treatment of hair transplant.

And don't worry about it looking bad. It won't.
The only thing stopping me from doing that is the fact that everyone who knows me will instantly know im wearing fake hair.


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if its nw1 for her its nw1 for me

so basically you’re saying you’re a slave to what your woman thinks like an obedient dog with no backbone?


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so basically you’re saying you’re a slave to what your woman thinks like an obedient dog with no backbone?
the obedient dog with no backbone is the normie taking chads crumbs. or in this case, fake chads crumbs


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the obedient dog with no backbone is the normie taking chads crumbs. or in this case, fake chads crumbs
But not you right? You’re not like the losers on this forum. You’re a future Chad in the making, right?


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I'll be the fake chad mate
Unless the hair system gets pulled off or it becomes apparent you’re wearing one. And then what? still a Chad?


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i'm already shifting my career towards going international, too. so when im in my mid 30s i'll go abroad in a warm country with a shaved head, and run just be white and money game in a third world country. marrying a younger woman from a conservative household. I'm beating the system. Sorry


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Unless the hair system gets pulled off or it becomes apparent you’re wearing one. And then what? still a Chad?
yeah, I'll just use tinder and get the next one. no problem


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The only thing stopping me from doing that is the fact that everyone who knows me will instantly know im wearing fake hair.

You can always tell them you got a hair transplant combined with medication and it went really well.

Either way, it's you choice. Don't let your hair determine who you are, or how well you feel about yourself.

I'm a Spaniard. Here in Spain we have one of the largest bald populations in the world. Our men tend to be quite attractive, and then half of them start losing their hair.

And you know what? They still get plenty of women, and very attractive ones.

It's 2021. Don't worry about what people think of your "fake hair". Women today got cosmetic surgery all the time and they don't give a f*** about it. Fake tits, fake nose, fake belly, fake eveything.

Just go for it.