Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016

Armando Jose

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Look at Dr. CHRISTIANO. Did you see her hair? Whatever she says is 100000 more credible than this fat ugly italian liar. Look at her fkcing hair and so far as I know she also had some kind of alopecia
Yeah, I am with you. sadly Mrs. Christiano suffer from ay kind of alopecia,
There are enough times that a bristle comb contains hair density problems, IMHO excessive use of permanents in hair has a negative effect


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good evening to all I am the forum for several years without necessarily intervening.
there are many optimists who think to win 5 norwoods in 4 months and many depressive who think that nothing will ever work.
The truth lies between the two ....
Where are these depressive who at the time of the launch of minoxidil has hair use contrary to its basic use said rabble rabble rabble ....
Scammm scammer scammm snake oil blah blah.
they are applying this product every day in their big 3.
Same for the fina or are those who said rabble rabble ... scam scam ...
Same they use this product every day for some satisfied with the result.
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good evening to all I am the forum for several years without necessarily intervening.
there are many optimists who think to win 5 norwoods in 4 months and many depressive who think that nothing will ever work.
The truth lies between the two ....
Or are these depressive who at the time of the launch of minoxidil has hair use contrary to its basic use said rabble rabble rabble ....
Scammm scammer scammm snake oil blah blah.
they are applying this product every day in their big 3.
Same for the fina or are those who said rabble rabble ... scam scam ...
Same they use this product every day for some satisfied with the result.

Cant understand man

Armando Jose

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I’m sceptical and optimistic at the same time. One of the things contributing towards my optimism is that the homemade photos looks great and WHY would anyone fake this? My understanding is that these people are confirmed as being part of the homemade lotion GBs and has decent results backed by photos.

I found it from the Sitri presentation
I got the idea this morning, reading the thread of @That Guy that was missing the SITRI parts.


- " A lot of works published recently brought a lot to the hairloss matter. Many things are said in a lot of researches, but nobody says PRECISELY what is the MAIN and the LAST factor that causes all types of Alopecia. I said "all types", not a particular one. "

( Comments the slide "Factors that act on the microcirculation )

- " There was this research, conducted in 2008, which says that fundamentally many problems were found on the level of microcirculation of the hair bulbs. It talks about ICAM and ELAM, two molecules that may block microcirculation at all levels. When we debate with biomedical engineers who always pretend to find formulas regarding the circulation's parameters - I remember once when a bunch of them came to held a lesson regarding the mathematical aspects of the problems of the blood stream in the vessel, I let him finish, and then I asked him: 'and ELAM? And ICAM? What do they do in this?', and he answered: 'What are those?'. Well, he didn't know, but they are one of the factors that may completely shift all of those parameters. "

( Positively Charged (...) slide is now presented )

- "Well, we thought the molecules that we wanted to use { refers to his first speak in that morning } could have been incapsulated in liposomes positively charged. On this, a research exists, that I have reported here, and that says if we put a generic molecule into a liposome, on the order of 100nm, 100NM, and if we positively charge it, that attaches to the skin and carries beyond the substances. Our researches were made using radioactive compounds, so they were totally re-trackable after penetrating the skin, revealing their attachment and adhesion. "

( Slide PROMOTING EFFECT (...) comes up )

- " So, let's now see what we developed. Our first researches were carried using PGE1, which has the effect to stimulate endothelial cells, in particular their reproduction, bettering the local microcirculation. Is normally a molecule used in vascular surgeries. It just has a flaw, terrible: if I inject it intra-vena, when it reaches the polmones, the 80% of it gets metabolized and so lost. In our first experiments on ulceras, we directly injected PGE1 in-arteria, and in the follow-up of the patients we noticed that, if PGE1 survived, was able to dilate the vessel and the case went good, if PGE1 wasn't able to do that and got lost, the case went bad. "

( Shifts slide to the scheme )

- "Fast forward to the next experimentations, at that time we had a situation. First thing is, we had a product that was a drug. Being a drug, for its release, it would have had to pass phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 experimentations. That means that we could have talked here only in 5-6 years from now on, if not more, with a pharmaceutical company that must have spent 20-30 millions of Euro. So we asked ourselves: 'from where does PGE1 originate from?'. It forms itself into our bodies, through the action of a bunch of enzymes, starting from well known fatty acids. The fact is we produce too low of it to be beneficial for the matter. In particular, if we take Linoleic Acid, that normally has 16 Carboniums { noise in the audio } (...) and if we take DGLA, with a simple cyclooxigenasis it can become PGE1. So if we tried to put DGLA into the liposomes - oh, and, note that the experimentation on PGE1 into those was made by myself something like 6 years ago - we noticed that this system worked well. And the thing became bigger because a person put the remedy on his head and reported that his hairs were not falling anymore: this story became more and more famous and the entire Policlinico was literally obsessed with it. We prepared a topical remedy of it in our labs for a small bunch of people when we were preparing other products, but we didn't care much of this story because we knew for the reasons exposed before that PGE1 was practically unusable. Then we thought of using DGLA, which figures in good quantities in mais oil, it is a molecule that is not considered as a drug. Then we treated with that more and more patients - oh, and logically, all of these things, before being tested on humans, were tested on rats. I'm convinced that the quantities needed were very small - note that when we injected PGE1 intra-vena on diabethic patients, when carried into cathionic liposomes, only 1/7 of the canonical dose was needed. We were on the order of nanos, quantities used were extremely low compared to canonical doses. So, I was saying, we then used DGLA, carrying it into cathionic liposomes, and we used it to treat various people afflicted by all types of Alopecia. (...) "

( Shows "Quando La Lozione funziona!" )

- " (...) and after our experimentations, we gathered all kind of observations. First, alive follicles are needed for the hairs to grow; if follicles are dead we could apply even high doses, but only road in this case remains hair transplant, as your colleague presented before. Response of patients may vary: maximum efficacy is when patients are younger than 25 - this comes from the fact that we initially used the remedy on people affected by Androgenetic Alopecia, not on children affected by areata. We observed that in people over 30 years, the response was more variable to the time passed since the hair loss occurred. Focusing now on Alopecia Areata, if there are small problems, the response is always rapid and immediate. We treated a bunch of children and they responded after just 3 or 4 months. "

( now it's 9:48 of the video, changes slide to some tables )

- " So I carried an experimentation for a pharmaceutical company, so these are the results, comprehensive of pull test, videodermoscopy and trichogram, and we registered also the grade of satisfaction of the patients treated. A main problem was reported: the lotions needs to be stored into the fridge. Once the bottle is opened and the treatment begins, the liquid may decay and becomes unusable. "

( We are at 10:26, shows the first pic of the child )

- " This is the first child treated. I am a surgeon, when they brought her to me I didn't even want to treat her, I admit. But..."

( Shows next slide )

- " After 4 months..."

(Shows the rest of slides and the photos in range of 2 months each)

( Then, at 11:03 )

- " This is another child, brought to us in May, in this condition, I absolutely did not know how he would have reacted to the treatment. He was from PerdasDeFogu, historical city of Sardinia created near coal mines, and { shifts slide } this is how he is now. "

( Changes slide, 11:32, to show another patient )

- " This is a 20 years old woman, { changes } how was after 4 months, { changes } how she is now { changes }. She went the other day, on Friday, for the final checkup, now this woman does no more use a wig, and she got her hairs long approximately 5 centimetres. "

( 12:01, changes again to show another )

- " And this is a 40 years old woman, after having a kid she caught this Androgenetic Totalis syndrome. [Corrects himself] Oh, Areata, sorry, lapsus. { changes slide } This was her skin zoomed on the microscope, there was absolutely nothing. Since I am not an expert, videodermoscopy was conducted by dermatologists - when I was analyzing the first patients using the dermoscope I didn't even know what were they doing, then they even teached it to me. { changes slide } So, after 4 months, { changes } her situation changed. { changes again } How she is now, { changes } and how the situation evolved. { changes again but made a mistake and goes back } so this is how some of our patients evolved to give you a concrete example. After this congress to which I was invited, I didn't absolutely know such things you all presented because it is not my field and it didn't interested me before my discoveries, { points to a colleague, joking } when I listened to your exposition, those things regarding the brain and the scalp were the only that I knew, because I'm a close friend of a brain surgeon and he taught me them - Oh, and also, the practical exams. "

( 13:54 , goes back to the slides and shifts to the overview )

- " These are the results, see, overall it was an excellent experimentation. Just 2 patients were not satisfied, but since they were not from Sardinia but instead from Sicily, we firmly believe that the remedy got deteriorated due to the high temperatures - it was middle summer - and to the travel by plane. As you can see we have always positive results, I insist on the first child because she didn't have a single hair and regrew all of them. This product as I said was first tested on Androgenetic Alopecia, then in a particular case of post menopausal women afflicted by Androgenetic Alopecia and for that one was published an arcticle on the paper Il Dermatologo, that I didn't even know since I didn't publish on dermalogy papers, the last year on the first number. So, these are the results and there is nothing left to say for me, thank you all. "

( Applauded, Dr. Marliani comes back at 15:22 to moderate the public, people start askingnhim questions but the microphone was already shut down, a woman shouts for the mic, but the problem persists, diffcult to hear what the doctor says next, but I understood some)

- " (...) The only thing I know aside, is that a company is currently trialing the lotion on Androgenetic Alopecia in Milan, but I don't know much more."

( The woman then asks for the product's name)

- " It does not have a name, it will have it, after the commercial release for sure { unheareable speech } (...) - Oh, and a thing I did not mention: we added Equol to the formulation, which blocks the 5 alpha reductase, and so limiting the % of usable DHT circulating. The two molecules together, DGLA and Equol, work way better. We tested with only PGE1, then only DGLA, then we combined the products and put them into cathionic liposomes, so into them there is DGLA and Equol in the final formulation in the quantities of { couldn't understand } (...) , we used very small quantities. There is no effect of inflammation, no effect of inhibition on the functioning of any other organ, we did not experience any side effect at all in all of our experiments. Thank you for the attention. "


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I'm just buzzing to try something new.....I have no idea how effective it will be...but as a generally positive person, I hope this will at least offer some maintenance and possible regrowth.....watching some autistic retard like @Wakeup come on and spout negativity for the sake of it is laughable.....he knows no more than the rest of us...maybe Giuseppe Brotzu fucked his mrs?


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Hahahah guys deep inside y'all know that it does nothing and your savior @beps63 and his dog @Clockwise are afraid as fkck.

I have heard that beps already looked for a big house on the canaries.

This is the right time to come in and warn people. This fkcing scam pharma fidia is also shitting their pants. The most unprofessional company I have ever seen. These fkcers knew it already a long time ago that the brotzu also scammed them and then they realized that the fat italian guy raised awareness on the thread which lead to other well known hair loss Websites / forums.

The guy who commented a few pages ago is right. They will say that you have to use it at least 6 months before seeing anything. LoL it means roughly 600 Euro. If only half of the idiots who are active here at this forum over the last years are going to buy this sh*t for the next 6 months and these idiots told about the secret cure at least 10 other guys from the family and many other friends. Fidia and the bald guy with a fake *** reversed - 2a norwood will get a lot of money if a bunch of bald desperate clowns fall for this sh*t.

I am your savior, not this bald head. Thank me later.

Shiseidos results will come in a few weeks. Even a regrowth of 18 percent plus stopping hair loss would definetely be okay as a progression but dont come up with these fake dick hair pics from the sitri conference.

@Clockwise it seems that you are beps dog. Ask him about his illegal intentions on selling a mysteriius liquid from the canaries via amazon and about his reversed 2 norwoods and about his reputation as a famous scientist who subscribes to fat naked woman on facebook.

Hahahahah idiots try to think about this for only 10 seconds. This guy solves a problem of mankind? A fat liar who has 3 dick hair on his head.

Some of u might say that I am bit too rough. You know why? Because they deserve it. And this is the beginning. During the next weeks my anti fat italian liar campaign will continue because i will save some bald souls. Being tricked is way harder than wait and see the non existing effects of the dick lotion. This is the way you guys should call it. Italian turkish dick lotion 2.0

For all the retards another example:

Look at Dr. CHRISTIANO. Did you see her hair? Whatever she says is 100000 more credible than this fat ugly italian liar. Look at her fkcing hair and so far as I know she also had some kind of alopecia. Now it Looks like a dense forest. And in comparison look at this dickhead who lies about this Magical reversal of 2 norwoods.

Do you get the point?

Mods can we remove ban Royaume again?
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Another thing some people try to destroy the product by advancing the fact that a cosmetic product could not solve the problem of alopecia ....
In this interview the Doctor explains that triniv could have been a drug if PGE1 had been maintained in the initial mix.
clearly the Doctor explains (probably for practical reasons a cosmetic product takes less time to market) that the PGE1 was voluntarily replaced by the DGLA.
the Doctor adds that the DGLA is even more effective than the EMP1.
the argument to reduce this cosmetic product to a failure falls into the water.

Since PGE1 is considered a drug we tried to substitute it with its biochemical precursor, that is dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). The results were the same and even better than the ones obtained with the lotions containing PGE1. There are several scientific publications stating that in cellular cultures DGLA stimulates the production of keratin"

Something Else the press release fidia does not speak only of tolerance tests but especially of successful efficiency tests.
wait to see the final painting approach ....


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Another thing some people try to destroy the product by advancing the fact that a cosmetic product could not solve the problem of alopecia ....
In this interview the Doctor explains that triniv could have been a drug if PGE1 had been maintained in the initial mix.
clearly the Doctor explains (probably for practical reasons a cosmetic product takes less time to market) that the PGE1 was voluntarily replaced by the DGLA.
the Doctor adds that the DGLA is even more effective than the EMP1.
the argument to reduce this cosmetic product to a failure falls into the water.

Since PGE1 is considered a drug we tried to substitute it with its biochemical precursor, that is dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). The results were the same and even better than the ones obtained with the lotions containing PGE1. There are several scientific publications stating that in cellular cultures DGLA stimulates the production of keratin"

Something Else the press release fidia does not speak only of tolerance tests but especially of successful efficiency tests.
wait to see the final painting approach ....
i'm wondering if they can also replace that expensive S-EQUOL with another cheaper ingredient that can bind DHT in the same way.

so the lotion can become less expensive than with S-EQUOL.


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i'm wondering if they can also replace that expensive S-EQUOL with another cheaper ingredient that can bind DHT in the same way.

so the lotion can become less expensive than with S-EQUOL.

seriously even with the s equol i doubt it should be as expensive as 70 euro per 30ml. Heck group buys have been in equal or lower pricing (althrough I suppose maybe fidias method for the liposomes to have higher shelf life could increase the price) . Still considering a large production scale it should be way cheaper than this.

Your question is making me very interested though, I would also love to hear an answer from someone with more knowledge.


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Finally... we have confirmation.

All this doubt and negative outlook on the lotion is making me nervous though.. I didn't respond well to finasteride n Min so I'm hoping to God that this will actually work. Lost quite a bit of ground since the Sitri conference..
Looks like I'll be cutting down my expenses considering how pricey it'll be to buy this thing monthly.


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If this gives me maintenance - I’m getting a f*****g transplant.
Brotzu - show me that you’re the Lord.
XD go on guys and spend your money on things that dont work.

Send me the money and I will send you a fresh bottle of minoxidil and some essential oils mixed up. Haha this would be way better than this fake lotion.

Waaaaake up.

How many bottles are you ordering?


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About 4 years ago we developed a lotion containing cationic liposomes that transported PGE1, S-equol and carnitine and we started testing it on people with androgenetic alopecia and on a later stage on a girl with alopecia areata. The results were great and unexpected.

PGE1 improved microcirculation, s-equol stopped 5-α-reductase thus preventing testosterone to turn into dihydrotestosterone and carnitine entered the beta oxidation of lipid chains improving their metabolism.


You can observe that each hair follicle has a blood vessel reaching it.

Since PGE1 is considered a drug we tried to substitute it with its biochemical precursor, that is dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). The results were the same and even better than the ones obtained with the lotions containing PGE1. There are several scientific publications stating that in cellular cultures DGLA stimulates the production of keratin. As a consequence, taking these observations into consideration, we started experimenting with a lotion containing DGLA instead of PGE1 on female individuals with androgenetic alopecia. The results were published in “Il Dermatologo” Year XXXVII ‘ N’ 1/2015 ‘ March, page 26.
think he is asking if this will work or is it rabble rabble, scam scam
think he is asking if this will work or is it rabble rabble, scam scam

no I spoke of depressive I asked where they were after having announced the production of minoxidil that it would never work ....
they are all using it now.


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Come on buddy. You as well? What exactly you need to try here??????

Tell me please one good reason after 3 years of lies why the hell should we use this fake lotion?

Please guys, wake up. I really thought that you belong to those members who still use their brain.
stop begging, and go find something else to do, there's a lot other thing to do in life.


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About 4 years ago we developed a lotion containing cationic liposomes that transported PGE1, S-equol and carnitine and we started testing it on people with androgenetic alopecia and on a later stage on a girl with alopecia areata. The results were great and unexpected.

PGE1 improved microcirculation, s-equol stopped 5-α-reductase thus preventing testosterone to turn into dihydrotestosterone and carnitine entered the beta oxidation of lipid chains improving their metabolism.

View attachment 99986

You can observe that each hair follicle has a blood vessel reaching it.

Since PGE1 is considered a drug we tried to substitute it with its biochemical precursor, that is dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). The results were the same and even better than the ones obtained with the lotions containing PGE1. There are several scientific publications stating that in cellular cultures DGLA stimulates the production of keratin. As a consequence, taking these observations into consideration, we started experimenting with a lotion containing DGLA instead of PGE1 on female individuals with androgenetic alopecia. The results were published in “Il Dermatologo” Year XXXVII ‘ N’ 1/2015 ‘ March, page 26.

no I spoke of depressive I asked where they were after having announced the production of minoxidil that it would never work ....
they are all using it now.

Actually i don't know where you get your sources but Equol (R/S) binds directly to DHT and not 5ar, it doesn't prevent DHT formation


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I know it hurts now but nobody confronts you guys with the truth and facts.
Before you commit suicide after you have realized that your lord brotzu is an old retarded liar, its better that I save you guys.

time to wake up is it?


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@Clockwise Have you seen the full study of the lotion?

Apparently the admins at ieson have seen the full study (they mentioned a 3 year study) and they think it ain't that impressive. The full study has been circulating for some time now and many people have seen it . Have you had your hands on it and can you post it here if you have it?