Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Seriously how long does patent examination take?

It's all over facebook, I agree it's overused. The dude is Chad though.

On a different note: Doesn't this mean that development is finished since they are seeking further approval on updated patent?

Most likely, i don't think they can change the product composition during a patent examination, that would not make any sense.
They must have overcome their stability issue, good news anyway


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Would be great but imo update will be realistic in Q1 becausw trial will last until Q4 2017. So a release (means mass production) realistic Q3/4 2018.

And I think this sh*t works but somewhere in the between minoxidil and finasteride

Where does it say that trial last until Q4?
Fidias mystery game continues and continues. People spread false information without knowing anything...


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These may be old news, but ater digging through some patent documents from Switzer's link I decided that I should repost the comment I deleted since some of you asked me to:
International publication of the A1 Pamphlet PDF file page 5

Clinical trials that were carried out further demonstrated a surprisingly higher efficacy of the products described herin (Finasteride/Minoxidil was the only mentioned products in the patent document) in comparison with what is known, so as to make their use possible at concentrations markedly lower than those of already known products.

This is a conclusion from Brotzu's own clinical trials only.

Wait, did anyone not notice this, the patent talks about finasteride, that means this is 100% confirmed for Androgenetic Alopecia if we trust Brotzu.

I will repeat this, but here's Brotzu's 2016 statement in regards to the revival of follicles (I found this on Brotzu FAQ's 3rd page here):
Q: how aged can the alopecia be for the treatment to be effective?
To summarize another info from the past beps63 claimed that he witnessed growth of new vellus hairs which he believes may turn to terminal in a year.
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Believe it or not, this is going to be the real deal! God bless Mr. Brotzu and all the memes, we have had our fun, we will have it for a while but we will get back our hair. Best topic ever guys! #HypeTrain
What is the hype over? Just because they haven't removed their patent? That could still mean they're not planning their release until forever.


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I dont want to be too optimistic, but we will definetly get it before the end of 2018 if it works. It has already been stated that the trials would continue up until the end of 2017 so the chances of it coming this year are next to none imho. If it works and they decide to go ahead and launch it, then 2018 is a perfectly reasonable target imho.
Well man. I trust dr. Brotzus work. What I don´t believe in is Fidia. Their own employees are claiming how horrible this company is. Not only sales, but they also state, that they are really bad on research field. It may take them forever to bring it on the market, while some actually efficient company would fix the lotion in few months instead of years.


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Ciao ragazzi, scorrendo il forum americano ho visto che inqiesti giorni c'è stato un update allo stato del brevetto:

Dal sito dell'EPO, quindi ufficiale, c'è chiaramente scritto che il 20 Ottobre 2017 è iniziata la "substantive examination". Un altro utente spiega meglio cosa voglia dire, ma ciò che ci interessa di più è un dettaglio; prima che il brevetto entri in questa "tappa", viene notificato il candidato (in questo caso, FIDIA), dell'inizio di tale fase. Con le nuove leggi, l'azienda candidata ha la possibilità di ritirare/annullare l'annullamento del brevetto qualora lo ritenga necessario prima dell'inizio di questa "substantive examination" avendo diritto al 100% di rimborso spese su tutti i costi brevettuali.
Può essere quindi interpretato un buon segno il fatto che questa fase sia iniziata - cioé che FIDIA sta andando in fondo all'applicazione del brevetto.

Purtroppo non so quanto duri questa "substantive examination", sul sito dell'EPO c'è soll scritto che essa riguarda la sottomissione del brevetto candidato a una supervisione da parte di un gruppo competente in materia, per darne la validazione o l'annullamento. Purtroppo nom conosco le tempistiche.

Se qualcuno di voi Norwood sapesse di più, sarebbe cosa gradita se riuscisse a illuminarci a tal proposito.


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It practically says that they found out something on the "american" forums,this one, something about the patent. Then it proceeds to write everything talked about here. Just passing information.


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You know you fucked up, when the italians reference this forum as 'news' and then ppl here paste that as 'news coming from the italian forum'.

It would be even more entertaining and useful if they reposted our memes, and vice versa.
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This Thread and all the other brotzu threads are literally like a snake biting its own tail, sitting in a rollercoaster that is directly driving into hell.