Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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While I totally agree with what you're saying, this really doesn't need to be said anymore. Can we please let people who want to speculate, speculate, and everyone else can just wait for an official announcement. There's no need to continuously clutter this already massive thread with constant reminders like this. Keep in mind I mean no disrespect, but discussing this lotion, even without hard facts, is keeping some of us sane.

I agree with this, people can discuss their opinions to their hearts content, which is what a forum is all about.

I just think that when people start posting misinformation about made up dates and other non-truths, this is where confusion starts and facts end. For the most part, people are pretty respectful, however it just takes one or two posters to stir things up and derail fact from fiction.

Without trying to sound obvious, the only thing we can say with absolute certainty is that we will know when we know. I come here to see info posted by Fidia or people close to fidia. The rest is a lot of noise imo.

With that in mind, some good news is my girlfriend is a few months pregnant. Assuming we have a son, maybe we should consider Giovanni as a name! ;)


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No joke, please don't spam Elena as she has been polite enough to respond.


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I've got to say, the fact that the top trichologist in Italy thinks the lotion doesn't work has me worried. I wish @beps63 would chime in on this.


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That mail means nothing in my opinion.
Also, I thought "finger crossed" was a quote by you, not by FIDIA. It does not make any sense...

It's definitely very vague. I guess it kind of confirms they hope to have news out soon? "Soon" is very relative though, so for all we know it could still be many months.


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While I totally agree with what you're saying, this really doesn't need to be said anymore. Can we please let people who want to speculate, speculate, and everyone else can just wait for an official announcement. There's no need to continuously clutter this already massive thread with constant reminders like this. Keep in mind I mean no disrespect, but discussing this lotion, even without hard facts, is keeping some of us sane.

I don't mean any disrespect either, but what you are saying is a total contradiction.....

My post was basically saying to people - try not to spam nonsense, all this speculation is nonsense that we don't need to worry about, and we could do without having to come back from work everyday and read 5+ pages of this stuff.

You are telling me that I am spamming for saying so, but you want people to continue spamming nonsense for 5+ pages per day. It makes no sense.

People can do how they please, but even if others have said this before....I will say it again. You guys don't need to worry, this is supposedly relatively close to coming to market. I would not put your hopes too high or hopes too low. Just see what happens over the next year. Only really listen to professionals, Brotzu, Fidia or anyone proven to be related in some way to them or to the trials. No need to panic about what some nobody is saying.


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Daftpunk is posting new details of his appointment. By the way, quite strange.
Yes and I don't really understand what he is saying by using google translate.
@The 7TH Sense could you translate these posts by Daftpunk97?

"Ora vorrei esternare una mia ossevazione che mi fa sperare ma sto con i piedi per terra, vicino all'entrata c'erano dei pacchi un po' strani e le segretarie e un infermiera ne bisbigliavano parecchio, dopo le mie domande il Doctor e uscito un po' lanciato dall'ufficio e come sono uscito le scatole erano sparite... io voglio pensare fossero campioni della brotzu e tutto quello che mi ha detto sia perché forse ha pensato mi sia accorto dei pacchi, perché poi è proprio sparito non l'ho manco potuto salutare

Erano 2 scatole"

"E veramente sparito

Poi pensate quello che volete, anche io voglio sperare stesse solo buttando acqua al suo mulino"

"Una cosa che non c'è tra nulla, ma anche i derma dove andate voi hanno un programma che dalle foto conta i capelli e li suddivide dagli Anagen six ai vellus ? Ieri mi sono fatto dare tutte le foto fatte da lui nei controlli che mi ha fatto e io gli ho chiesto delle info e mi ha mostrato questo programma cazzutissimo con tanto di percentuali e grafici degli andamenti"


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In my opinion, these people are working their butts out so they can prove that the lotion works and that Fidia is a serious and respectable company we should trust and not another snake oil sellers. That´s what I think, they are taking their time to do everything right. Now they have to analyse their data and prepare different documents and photos, so we can check the real efficency of the product. Besides I think they will publish everything they will have at the beginning of the year and not in Christmas of course.

This is just me speculating, let´s called it a hunch but they know it works (maybe just a bit better than minoxidil or I don´t know, but this is going to help us to fight the f** Androgenetic Alopecia!).

The 7TH Sense

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Yes and I don't really understand what he is saying by using google translate.
@The 7TH Sense could you translate these posts by Daftpunk97?

"Now I'd like to tell an observation I made which looks promising , but I'll try to stay with my feet on the ground. Near the entrance, there were two strange boxes, and secretaries and nurses were mumbling around them. After my questions, doctor came out quickly out his office and when I came out the boxes were gone... I want to think they were samples of Brotzu's lotion and all he said to me was just because he thought I noticed the boxes, because then he vanished and then I couldn't even said goodbye cause he was gone. They were 2 boxes"

I don't even know wtf I am doing translating this. I repeat, it's not Google Translate's fault, this guy can't f...n type in decent Italian.
We finally reached the limit: after this, there's psychiatry, we are dealing with psycholabile subjects, how much credibility are we giving to this? It's the theatre of the absurd. This is PARANOIA.

I am only imagining the scene: this guy sees the boxes, elaborates his theory, enters the study with a visible schocked face and asks the doctor ossessively about this "Brotzu lotion". The doctor sees him and then starts to think "I bet for sure I can drive this guy straight to psychiatry", and then starts talking sh*t about the 40% of minoxidil... I guess he's probably winning his bet!!!

WTF are we even discussing about???


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In my opinion, these people are working their butts out so they can prove that the lotion works and that Fidia is a serious and respectable company we should trust and not another snake oil sellers. That´s what I think, they are taking their time to do everything right. Now they have to analyse their data and prepare different documents and photos, so we can check the real efficency of the product. Besides I think they will publish everything they will have at the beginning of the year and not in Christmas of course.

This is just me speculating, let´s called it a hunch but they know it works (maybe just a bit better than minoxidil or I don´t know, but this is going to help us to fight the f** Androgenetic Alopecia!).

Totally agree with this statement, and let's not forget people, this sh*t works for AA. This was from fidia. As @That Guy said, we have a reputed Doctor and company and claims that it works. Add the fact that it works for AA, we are 50% of the way there.

Feeling like a broken record here.

I'm sure fidia tracks this thread, and are shaking their heads and laughing about the amount of crazy speculation going on.

Armando Jose

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Dr. Rossi seems to know a little something about androgenetic alopecia: A[Author] androgenetic alopecia

Now the real question is if he got some insider information on the effectiveness of the lotion or if it only was his guess.

Paper from Dr Tosti

Arch Dermatol. 2004 Jul;140(7):857-8.

Evaluation of sexual function with an international index of erectile function in subjects taking finasteride for androgenetic alopecia.


Our results support the clinical impression that sexual side effects are actually much less common than reported in clinical trials. The sexual function of all patients remained stable during treatment with 1 mg of finasteride


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Daftpunk97 clearly is a f*****g psychopath. He never even confirmed if the doctor he saw was Alfredo Rossi.
Even if he did say it was this Rossi, doesn´t mean it is the truth. Though it is hard to judge his credibility without reading some of his former posts.
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What? So according to Daftpunk the doctor wasn't asociated with Fidia, but had samples in his office?

Is it even confirmed that the doctor was Rossi?


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It's not beps holy sh*t. Guys try to take a deep breath and and pay attention to what you're looking at and form an educated thought before jumping to conclusions.

yes, i deleted my post. Didn't notice that it was another stupid troll. I'd appreciate if you do the same where you quoted me. Thanks


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The sad part is if the lotion releases and works you're going to be first in line. Then you'll go on to the next forum with your next issue and sh*t on everyone there.

For the people liking his post that can't see the clues, he isn't beps... He's alexfighter with a new account with number 36 instead of 63.
