Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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To all the forum members who are now popping out of their bunker after hiding themselves while this thread was still going strong: you are getting RIDICULOUS.
Seems like now the users have changed from the original 10-15 and every new name is popping up just to say "hahahah I knew it!" while there's nothing bad told by FIDIA, apart from the fact that they doubt to market the lotion in 2017. Stop ruining this thread because the effectiveness of the lotion is still debatable.
I am sorry, but I do not think your way, which can be resumed this way:
" FIDIA delays marketing -> Brotzu Lotion snake oil ".
I am sorry, I think my logic is better than that.

Also, I suggest to those to get a life, because even if they suffer a common problem, they are now typing and acting like it is more important for them to be right on the fact that Brotion does not work instead of hoping for the opposite. Congrats. You must be fun at parties.

this whole thread has been a joke mate

i applaud peoples enthusiasm but like some other guys have said, concentrate on the things you can do now to treat your hairloss, dont put all your hopes into sh*t like this. most of the time it will fail

id love for u to be right mate, but i think this lotion is dead and buried. i guess well find out next year, or the year after, or the year after that, or the year after that lol.


and lol to being no fun at parties. stupidest thing i ever heard. im f*****g great fun at parties. that has got absolutely nothing to do with being pessimistic about hair loss treatments

perhaps when you have been around a bit longer and experience let down after let down after let down, youll become a bit more realistic
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As big of a letdown as this is, it really does serve a valuable lesson to some of the younger guys like myself. The old timers on these boards have it right - without concrete evidence and proof, there is simply no reason to believe a company has an effective treatment on their hands.

All the mental gymnastics I used to justify this as some miracle treatment coming out in a few months look really silly in hindsight. It's unbridled skepticism from here on out.


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Stop overanalysing. No one knows sh*t here.

350 pages of bullshit! lol

though if i was a newbie i would have definitely contributed to at least more 50 pages of nothing more than pure excitement.

sorry guys


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Alopecia (hair loss) is not a life-threatening disease, nevertheless it can cause serious distress in people. Fidia has made a strong commitment to research and development, to offer all patients who are affected by the problem, a real treatment option – effective, safe and stable – at the end of the entire study.

For this reason, neither exact launch plans nor time-to-market priorities have been defined for the product yet, although we envisage the development of the potential product candidate being completed by 2018.


hairlosstalk translation = lies, snake oil, burn brotzu at the stake

Sorry guys, but this statement is more about reassurance than than anything else I can imagine.


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Fidia never made any promises about when the lotion is going to be released beforehand, so i don't understand the outrage directed towards them on that front.

Granted this is taking quite a bit longer than i hoped. Maybe they're prolonging their trials? Wonder if they'll ever release the data....


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This is all just a f*****g joke now. They know if it works or not, they know the safety profile,etc. Brotzu himself said he dodoesn't believe the lotion could be improved anymore than it has been, and that he saw no reaso why there would be a delay with the release. Boom, now nothing until 2018.

Im glad they finally gave us SOME kind of info, but wtf. Every single f*****g treatment is due out "in 5 years" time and its been like that since my goddamn father started balding way back when. This sh*t is a joke now, nothing has changed in the hairloss world.


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Fidia never made any promises about when the lotion is going to be released beforehand, so i don't understand the outrage directed towards them on that front.

Granted this is taking quite a bit longer than i hoped. Maybe they're prolonging their trials? Wonder if they'll ever release the data....

i personally get pissed off by this, because its the same sh*t over and over. building guys up and letting them down. this has been going on for years

i dont know much about this broztu stuff, and i hope for everyone is does eventually come out and work for all of us. but dont sit around waiting. it might never happen. it probably wont ever happen

look into the things you can do NOW to keep or regrow your hair. if it comes out great, if not f*** it


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I can't believe this is over. :/

And FaucaultII you damn idiot, stop disliking every post. What a moron...
Yep, sure. Je suis the moron. Have you heard of the word "self-awareness"?
Look it up, please, for your own sake.

JC Wonder

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lol omg, I can't.