Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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"by 2018" means during the time separating this day from 2018. In 2018 means in 2018 (ahaha).

Not to be a downer but it states "development will last until 2018."

Which to me means that the earliest they expect to release it is 2018, not that it will be released by 2018.


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for the 4th f*****g time: the true traslation from the italian news is: until 2018
I don't know why fidia wrote: by 2018, is not the same

I guess fidia don't know anything about the lotion too


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So what do you guys think, they changed the word "AA" to"hairloss" (in general) because they made a mistake or somebody called them and asked if this includes Androgenetic Alopecia as well? I hope it was just a mistake and we can relax


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What a shitty company this is and what complete disrespect for us. WE have been the ones calling and emailing for an update and the only update they give they mention AA? Seriously? They're just going to ignore us like that? f*** this company. Hope they wasted their money and don't make a dime when they realize JAK is more effective for AA than their shitty lotion.


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Nah just wait 2 or 3 more years

Not really suprising news.

Yes. At this point just forget about it and move on. If it comes out working for male patterned hair loss then that'll be great. But it doesn't look likely anymore.

So on another note, was beps63 just a troll?

man i never really followed this thread too much, but this isnt surprising to me at all either.

ive read so many threads dating back 15 years or so with guys pumped up about the latest treatment that was gonna come out but it never happened. ever. i am enthusiastic by nature, but after all ive read over the years, i couldnt get myself pumped about this. looks like i was right

lol to waiting 2 or 3 more years. that sounds like the same '5 year' bullshit ive been reading for years!!

i feel for all you guys. i bet in 2 or 3 years time, nothing will have happened.

Captain Rex

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The fact there is still no mention of Androgenetic Alopecia despite the shitstorm there has been about the previous statement is not reassuring at all.

Vague words such as hairloss and alopecia, we know what that means when a vendor comes with those. It means it won't do jackshit for male pattern baldness.

yea u r damn right mate. u can even smell their f*****g intentions.
i am damn sure fidia is watching this thread and they feared the fact that they may lose some potential customers by using the term aerata
so they updated with the hair loss.
a great example of marketing schemes


f*** THEM

The 7TH Sense

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To all the forum members who are now popping out of their bunker after hiding themselves while this thread was still going strong: you are getting RIDICULOUS.
Seems like now the users have changed from the original 10-15 and every new name is popping up just to say "hahahah I knew it!" while there's nothing bad told by FIDIA, apart from the fact that they doubt to market the lotion in 2017. Stop ruining this thread because the effectiveness of the lotion is still debatable.
I am sorry, but I do not think your way, which can be resumed this way:
" FIDIA delays marketing -> Brotzu Lotion snake oil ".
I am sorry, I think my logic is better than that.

Also, I suggest to those to get a life, because even if they suffer a common problem, they are now typing and acting like it is more important for them to be right on the fact that Brotion does not work instead of hoping for the opposite. Congrats. You must be fun at parties.


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Do you guys want a non-conspiracy explanation?

Fidia has completed the data collection (six months is typical), but they have not completed the studies. It takes a little work for somebody to write up a paper, make it presentable, go over the error analysis, and submit it to a journal. They may want to submit to a refereed journal which will take longer.

When I referee papers I respond in less than 4 weeks, but there are scientists out there who take months. You then need multiple iterations. That said I don't know who they're submitting it, they might not need a referee process if it's an industry publication.

I assume the study was 24 weeks as that's typical, but the analysis and writeup following may take time.

Let's not forget yesterday it was shown they are applying for a Trademark as well. They didnt say that it doesnt work, it just seems that it's taking longer than everyone would like.

They are obviously reading our thread too, and changed their release to acknowledge this also applies to hairloss in general. Stop throwing a shitstorm their way for a company that's on our side, they need to do their due diligence before blowing the lid on this.

Some of you are acting like school children, with the "I want it now, otherwise I dont believe you anymore" attitude. Embrace the many good things we've heard as opposed to bringing the hate to a timeline you dont like.
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@Captain Rex Why would they lose costumers? We got a f***ing update which is better than them being quiet and not confirming anything. How bout focusing on the fact that they mention that they wanna do things properly and release something solid. I agree that the mention of aa was wierd but atleast they changed it.


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yea u r damn right mate. u can even smell their f*****g intentions.
i am damn sure fidia is watching this thread and they feared the fact that they may lose some potential customers by using the term aerata
so they updated with the hair loss.
a great example of marketing schemes


f*** THEM
Glad that at least someone here has a brain.