Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Since the evidence points to this lotion having no effect at all Fidia will have to try and sell it for a really cheap price.


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I think it’s because they were like “i hope brotzu have worst cancers”, “i hope they die” and etc. People basically cursed Brotzu, person who gave her daughter a chance to live normal life. People are ignorant.

Dont trick yourself. There are many cases of children who totally recover with
DUDE you moved from both extreme, from defending blindly BROTZU and attacking brutally all people who Doubted about the lotion, to wishing to BROTZU and his son to get a cancer and attacking all people who still talking about this lotion.

dude if you feel that hype about this JAPANESE thing go for it and leave this thread please,
by the way do you have any photos of this japan things ? of course NO ?
all the same sh*t and argument without exception : the Japanese are hard worker, reputation ... bla bla bla bla .....

I know in advance that your answer will be harsh

Sorry buddy but your are an idiot. Didnt you see the replicel safety results? AND IT was for Safety, not efficacy and all testers stopped losing hair and the best responder had like 24 percent increase in density and this with only one injection. Dont you dare again to even compare the clowns results with the clear dermascope results from. Replicel. Its like comparing a brand new Mercrdes with a Fiat that had 1000 accidents.

I am attacking always harsh if I know the truth for sure. As long as we did not have concrete evidence I always defended the brotzus. I also defended the turkish dick lotion but as soon the Brotzu clown was revealed its time to open the eyes.

You will never ever get anything from this snake oil. Understand it? Dont act like a 5 year old who still believrs in Santa Clause. They failed! Accept it. Now cry and thank me later.

I was stupid enough to even think about that these Italian fake doctors can reverse up to 5 years of hair loss xD


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XD you still have faith in the all mighty clown brotzu? Retarded as fkck. From now on his name is brotzu the clown. Wake up. How many times yoh want to be fooled again. BROTZU THE CLOWN ADMIT IT , that he never said that we can expect anything special. It was just him and one friend with the 5 year claim (yeah thatswhy your bald head looks balder than ever).

Italy lost it. Accept it. It would have been great if italy came up with a new treatment. But they came with pure snake oil.
Japan is in game and they will kick brotzus ***. They deserve it. And everybody else who is so stupid who still believes this.

Just look at the grandpa clown brotzus face. It is clearly written: I am an old LIAR and they are going to cut me in pieces. Old f*****

I still have not decided if I feel more pity or more utter disgust for you as a human being. The fact that you are also in your late twenties or something makes it even more disturbing.


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Thread turns out to be a dating platform for Xander. Don't know why anyone should wait for this until October, it's over guys book your flight to Japan and forget Italy

The first reasonable post after the revealing of the fake *** brotzus.

Learn from this guy, he is smart enough although you also can be a fkcing retarded idiot to know 100 percent that brotzu tricked us 2 years. One lie after another.


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Hahahaha everyone who dislikes my post has still faith in the holy fake *** brotzu xD cannot believe hoe stupid you are.


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The first reasonable post after the revealing of the fake *** brotzus.

Learn from this guy, he is smart enough although you also can be a fkcing retarded idiot to know 100 percent that brotzu tricked us 2 years. One lie after another.
Nope the first one was again mine when I've said that we should move over to Shiseido
The first reasonable post after the revealing of the fake *** brotzus.

Learn from this guy, he is smart enough although you also can be a fkcing retarded idiot to know 100 percent that brotzu tricked us 2 years. One lie after another.
Follica still alive?


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Hahahaha everyone who dislikes my post has still faith in the holy fake *** brotzu xD cannot believe hoe stupid you are.
I'm actually really impressed that you turned over a new leaf. Good work, soldier. I'm proud of you.

No doctor, no professor, no inventor or really any professional should feel comfortable presenting such pitifully low quality data and slides at a conference or anywhere! That is not normal AT ALL. It is 2018. Any old smartphone can take better pictures than the ones shown in the presentation - UNACCEPTABLE! Not to mention that only two patients were shown and so few were trialed.

If you want to show results for "5 years of regrowth" and "in group 1 all the patients report total disappearance of hair reduction areas that have been replaced by robust and shiny hair" then how about not showing ONE picture of some old f*** with long hair combed in different directions, with different head angles and "progress" that you have to squint and use your imagination to perceive?
And how about that woman? Really, you couldn't find ANY woman who didn't dye her f*****g hair blonde, creating contrast between the dyed hair and undyed roots, making it hard to distinguish hair from scalp?
And really? You just had to use 400x400 pixel images?

How the f*** are people here not having the common sense to stop for a moment and think, "Well if the motherfucker had every chance and several years to produce something - ANYTHING - palpable, and he fumbles yet again, well here's a novel thought - maybe the lotion isn't what he says it is"

f*** outta here with that believer bullshit. It's Brotzu's job to convince US. Afterall this is a product that we would pay OUR money to buy! It's not supposed to be the other way around with morons making excuses as to why it may still be plausible that the lotion works. That's not our fuckin' place!

Get a grip, people!


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I'm actually really impressed that you turned over a new leaf. Good work, soldier. I'm proud of you.

No doctor, no professor, no inventor or really any professional should feel comfortable presenting such pitifully low quality data and slides at a conference or anywhere! That is not normal AT ALL. It is 2018. Any old smartphone can take better pictures than the ones shown in the presentation - UNACCEPTABLE! Not to mention that only two patients were shown and so few were trialed.

If you want to show results for "5 years of regrowth" and "in group 1 all the patients report total disappearance of hair reduction areas that have been replaced by robust and shiny hair" then how about not showing ONE picture of some old f*** with long hair combed in different directions, with different head angles and "progress" that you have to squint and use your imagination to perceive?
And how about that woman? Really, you couldn't find ANY woman who didn't dye her f*****g hair blonde, creating contrast between the dyed hair and undyed roots, making it hard to distinguish hair from scalp?
And really? You just had to use 400x400 pixel images?

How the f*** are people here not having the common sense to stop for a moment and think, "Well if the motherfucker had every chance and several years to produce something - ANYTHING - palpable, and he fumbles yet again, well here's a novel thought - maybe the lotion isn't what he says it is"

f*** outta here with that believer bullshit. It's Brotzu's job to convince US. Not the other way around with morons making excuses as to why it may still be plausible.

Get a grip, people!
Did you read that an older woman who is Fidia's PR made the powerpoint, and an outside team for Fidia took the photos?
The conference was a f*** up. And I can tell a scalp difference without the hair being died dark


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Did you read that an older woman who is Fidia's PR made the powerpoint, and an outside team for Fidia took the photos?
The conference was a f*** up. And I can tell a scalp difference without the hair being died dark
NO. I will not accept this excuse. I am a graduate student. No respectable professor I know would fail this hard. It's his fuckin' presentation! He should know what he is showing. He is an ADULT and a PROFESSIONAL. He should have had a backup plan. He should have made or reviewed the slides himself - it's his f*****g work! And by the way, half the slides were from his 2016 presentation anyway, so he is at least responsible for that portion.

You're seeing what you want to see, dude. I am not here to convince you or anyone else. I'm here to stand my ground and point out how objectively moronic it is to put that presentation on a plate and expect me or any other level headed individual to consume it - no thanks! For all you know, the lady used minoxidil for a short period of time. That's the trouble - nobody knows sh*t, because the quality of evidence sucks! And after all the times evidence was requested, this is apparently the best that can be produced - think about that for a moment, in the context of how much time has passed and how much work was supposedly done.

I'm not going to argue the same point over and over. People should learn to tell the difference between bullshit and the real deal. And I can tell you nobody presents the real deal like that. Nobody.

And if @beps63 wants to come here and post some real legitimate pictures (f*****g @westonci has better pictures!) then fine. But last I f*****g checked, he expected us to lap this bullshit right up.

Yeah all eyes are on the penultimate slide now!
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Dont trick yourself. There are many cases of children who totally recover with

Sorry buddy but your are an idiot. Didnt you see the replicel safety results? AND IT was for Safety, not efficacy and all testers stopped losing hair and the best responder had like 24 percent increase in density and this with only one injection. Dont you dare again to even compare the clowns results with the clear dermascope results from. Replicel. Its like comparing a brand new Mercrdes with a Fiat that had 1000 accidents.

I am attacking always harsh if I know the truth for sure. As long as we did not have concrete evidence I always defended the brotzus. I also defended the turkish dick lotion but as soon the Brotzu clown was revealed its time to open the eyes.

You will never ever get anything from this snake oil. Understand it? Dont act like a 5 year old who still believrs in Santa Clause. They failed! Accept it. Now cry and thank me later.

I was stupid enough to even think about that these Italian fake doctors can reverse up to 5 years of hair loss xD

OK, i got it, i'm idiot, thanks for your kindness



so what next for you? are you gonna still in this thread hunting for every comment and insulting people or are you going for this Japanese thread repeating the same sh*t that you did for the BROTZU/Turkish lotion ?!?!?!


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Brotzu will turn out to be a very decent treatment without sidea and it will be usefule for some before the definite cure comes in the hands of Sir Kang Choi Yell.

Even if the claim of 5 years of regrowth turned out to be true after 1 year of treatment, all people's attention will incline towards Choi after August. So Brotzu is a dead lotion anyway.

I really cant wait for August 2018.

Fleece Johnson

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Brotzu will turn out to be a very decent treatment without sidea and it will be usefule for some before the definite cure comes in the hands of Sir Kang Choi Yell.

Even if the claim of 5 years of regrowth turned out to be true after 1 year of treatment, all people's attention will incline towards Choi after August. So Brotzu is a dead lotion anyway.

I really cant wait for August 2018.

The only thing I like about this post is your nipples


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I'll be honest, hair loss hasn't fked me hard in the head for me to go insane but man this thread is f*****g gold. It moves so fast that it should have someone pin past 12 hour recap. Come back to see that Royoum- however it's spelled going ham, to reading to about the lady who's daughter was cured by the lotion getting insulted. JHEEZ SOMEONE DO 12 HOUR UPDATES PLS.


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NO. I will not accept this excuse. I am a graduate student. No respectable professor I know would fail this hard. It's his fuckin' presentation! He should know what he is showing. He is an ADULT and a PROFESSIONAL. He should have had a backup plan. He should have made or reviewed the slides himself - it's his f*****g work! And by the way, half the slides were from his 2016 presentation anyway, so he is at least responsible for that portion.

You're seeing what you want to see, dude. I am not here to convince you or anyone else. I'm here to stand my ground and point out how objectively moronic it is to put that presentation on a plate and expect me or any other level headed individual to consume it - no thanks! For all you know, the lady used minoxidil for a short period of time. That's the trouble - nobody knows sh*t, because the quality of evidence sucks! And after all the times evidence was requested, this is apparently the best that can be produced - think about that for a moment, in the context of how much time has passed and how much work was supposedly done.

I'm not going to argue the same point over and over. People should learn to tell the difference between bullshit and the real deal. And I can tell you nobody presents the real deal like that. Nobody.
He's old as f*** and Fidia is the one with the photos, and he said that those photos were the only ones given.
Obviously when discussing the science and ingredients, they would use the same information as before.
It was a cosmetic trial and presented at Sitri, which isn't open to the public.
I do agree that the evidence sucks, but it wasn't a drug trial and done by some 2nd world outside team I believe.

Dude, the time has passed because of liposomes and changing the formula to be stable. And when you say evidence requested, well the areata people are doing fine with the evidence! Nobody gives a f*** about this forum and Androgenetic Alopecia men, at least the brotzus ave told us as much as they can under an NDA