Is there a link between hair loss and homosexuality?


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KeyserSoze said:
> KeyserSoze, I don't know where you've been hanging out or who you've
> been hanging with to have a perceptual link between the two.

Go to a site with pictures from any Pride parade and you'll see what I mean. There are FAR more bald heads on display than you will find in the average population. And I'm not talking about men with full heads of hair who buzzcut, but men with serious male pattern baldness (Norwood Scale 4 and above).

Ok done. Went to Yahoo and typed in Pride Parade and clicked on pictures. I saw a couple guys losing hair and going through baldness. But it seems like it's still the same ratio as it would be for straight dudes. Now, go to a gay website that isn't a gay pride site. Any site that doesn't have just men in their 50's and 60's but instead has all men of all types and ages. Is it the same as the Pride Parade site? Just go to or to if you're brave enough, go to a p**rn site and look at the non-nude gay pics. Careful though, it's tough for straights to look at that kind of stuff without becoming squeamish.


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Stumbled across this page...
Ignore the ad and just read the comments section. That says it all. Basically, if you're bald and gay, you have it made. Just shave or buzzcut and you will be considered as hot (or even hotter) by other gay men.

Now, if you're bald and STRAIGHT, you're basically f***ed. Women want a man with hair, end of story. Age, height, build... all take a backseat (look at male romantic leads in movies and TV -- you'll see some old ones, overly skinny/heavy ones, short ones, even downright ugly ones... but you'll never see a bald one. Hell, they even have to put a rug on Bruce Willis before he can be accepted in any role that is even remotely romantic [Perfect Stranger]!!) And long hair is almost always an instant girl-magnet (unlike in the gay world, where it seems to be considered unacceptable) -- look at the men on romance novel covers.

So, my fellow bald straight men, looks like the choice is clear. Either get rugs, drugs or plugs... or turn gay.


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0 ... d_RVDocSum

Serum T, E1, and E2 concentrations of female-oriented subjects were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those in male-oriented subjects (SEM: 1559 +/- 228, 46 +/- 2, and 15 +/- 3 pg/ml vs. 874 +/- 196, 40 +/- 2, and 8 +/- 1 pg/ml serum, respectively). ... d_RVDocSum ... d_RVDocSum

Maybe there is a link.For example....increased body hair growth(see study 1),is reported in male pattern baldness individuals to.

Estrogen is also important for hair health.

Why shouldn't hormonal genetics of homosexuality,not be genetics which causes/triggers baldness too?


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Thank you, tino! Excellent research!

IMHO, one would have to not be paying attention to not notice the vastly higher percentage of gay men who are bald compared to the number of bald straight men. These articles indicate that there is something to back up that observation.


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I got hit on by a gay bald man at the gym. He said my pecs had good defintion (I was wearing a t-shirt). I think he was trying to sus out if was gay or not :dunno:


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KeyserSoze said:
So, my fellow bald straight men, looks like the choice is clear. Either get rugs, drugs or plugs... or turn gay.

Oh my f*****g god... and I thought I was nuts. :jackit:


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It really just depends on how often they are having sex, naturally or self-improvised.

It's honestly... as simple as that!


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The studies you post are interesting, but I'm not sure they point conclusively to any relationship between homosexuality and hair loss. The first study (which, by the way, also kind of implies that homosexuals have higher IQs <grin>), did not say what the sample size was.

The second study was on rams, not humans, and also adds:

"DHT and androstenedione concentrations in the systemic circulation did not differ between groups."

The third study is from 1976. Doesn't mean it's not valid, but I tend to trust research (on hair loss at least) that's more recent.

Again, there could very well be a link between hair loss and homosexuality and there may be hormonal differences between gay and straight men. I'm just not sure these studies prove much either way. What's needed I think is a larger study conducted with solid methodology on humans. That raises the question of who would pay for such a study. It's an interesting topic to explore but I don't see any obvious benefit to community health. Of course, socially it could be significant since many people believe homosexuality is a choice. The more hormonal or other physical evidence to the contrary, the harder it becomes for people to make that argument.

And to the guy who said bald gay guys have it made, I wish. :) I think bald gay guys who look like Vin Diesel -- or the bald guy gay who *is* Vin Diesel-- might have it made. But who knows about the rest of us average joes...



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I think CCS need to tell us the answer to this thread. He would definitely know from experience. :innocent:


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> Of course, socially it could be significant since many people believe homosexuality is a
> choice. The more hormonal or other physical evidence to the contrary, the harder it
> becomes for people to make that argument.

I agree, mikemass, and this is why we'll probably never see such research anytime soon (except possibly in Europe). In order for research to gain any government subsidy in the US, it has to be trying to PROVE that:

1) Homosexuality is a choice, and can be cured through prayer
2) Global warming is a lie spread by global Communists, terrorists, and George Soros
3) Pornography causes otherwise normal, healthy individuals to become child molesters, rapists, and mad-dog killers
4) One puff from a marijuana joint will lead inexorably to cocaine use, then heroin use, then large scale drug smuggling, then membership in Al Qaeda
5) Capital punishment not only reduces the murder rate, but reduces illegal immigration, decreases government interference in the free market, and helps regrow hair


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tino said:

". Furthermore, in an animal model, "cognitive-enhancing effects" of "5alpha-reduced androgen [metabolites]" were recently demonstrated."

This is interesting. I think 5 alpha reductase type I is also in human brain. And dutasteride blocks it. What does mesmorphism mean btw?

As for gays having different levels of hormones, it is not new. Gays have different hypothalamus than both str8 males and str8 females.

As for baldness issue I dont know. Gays may have higher DHD which may cause baldness and lower something else which may promote growth.


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ChrisJ said:
tino said:

". Furthermore, in an animal model, "cognitive-enhancing effects" of "5alpha-reduced androgen [metabolites]" were recently demonstrated."

This is interesting. I think 5 alpha reductase type I is also in human brain. And dutasteride blocks it. What does mesmorphism mean btw?

As for gays having different levels of hormones, it is not new. Gays have different hypothalamus than both str8 males and str8 females.

As for baldness issue I dont know. Gays may have higher DHD which may cause baldness and lower something else which may promote growth.

This is interesting. I think 5 alpha reductase type I is also in human brain. And dutasteride blocks it. What does mesmorphism mean btw?

I had the same thughts about the 5-aR-1.5-alpha-R-2 apparently also.There is a new study(case report),which shows that finasterid can help in cases of tourette syndrome,a disease which makes neurological disturbancees(tics).I dont know what they mean whith mesomorphism in this context.

As for baldness issue I dont know. Gays may have higher DHD which may cause baldness and lower something else which may promote growth.

Interesting thoughts.I tryed to find some lower groth factors in homosexuals via E research....but there was nothing.Genetics and hormonal circumstance,is whith the exception of some androgenic factors/sexual hormones,not well investigated.

I think that there is also a opposite in the general gay population.I watched two types of gay man,some who tend to feminin/boyish,and some very masculine.The last category has in fact more body hair,and more baldness.....forasmuch i can evaluate it.



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KeyserSoze said:
Stumbled across this page...
Ignore the ad and just read the comments section. That says it all. Basically, if you're bald and gay, you have it made. Just shave or buzzcut and you will be considered as hot (or even hotter) by other gay men.

Now, if you're bald and STRAIGHT, you're basically f***ed. Women want a man with hair, end of story. Age, height, build... all take a backseat (look at male romantic leads in movies and TV -- you'll see some old ones, overly skinny/heavy ones, short ones, even downright ugly ones... but you'll never see a bald one. Hell, they even have to put a rug on Bruce Willis before he can be accepted in any role that is even remotely romantic [Perfect Stranger]!!) And long hair is almost always an instant girl-magnet (unlike in the gay world, where it seems to be considered unacceptable) -- look at the men on romance novel covers.

So, my fellow bald straight men, looks like the choice is clear. Either get rugs, drugs or plugs... or turn gay.

You just happened to "stumble" across that page....I think you are a gay troll trying to recruit some new blood to the dark side! :puke:


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> I think that there is also a opposite in the general gay population.I watched two types of
> gay man,some who tend to feminin/boyish,and some very masculine.The last category has
> in fact more body hair,and more baldness.....forasmuch i can evaluate it.

That's true in the "bear" community, in which baldness goes hand-in-hand with a large amount of body hair and body mass. But there is also another type of bald/balding gay man that is quite prevalent: Think fashionista Robert Verdi, hair stylist David Evangelista, etc. Unlike the bears, members of this group tend to be thin and quite effeminate. These are the types that I see most often here in southern California.


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You wrote:
> I got hit on by a gay bald man at the gym.
> He said my pecs had good defintion (I was
> wearing a t-shirt). I think he was trying to
> sus out if was gay or not

I get hit on all the time by gay men when I show my bald head. Of course, the people I want to have hit on me -- namely women -- want nothing to do with a bald man.

Here's an interesting bit from someone in England... but the observations could apply just as much to southern California:

"No gay man is supposed to have a haircut longer than a #1... Every gay man over 25 must shave their heads... This shaved head look, by the way, makes every man over this age easily recognizable as a ‘gay’ even by straights... [It is] the so-called gay ‘clone’ look. Once it was all mustaches and checked shirts, now it’s shaved heads."


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I don't mean to sound like a nudge, but all this talk of "2 types of gay men" and whatnot is a bit silly. As I'm sure you can imagine, gay guys come in all shapes and sizes, not just bald bears and fashion twinks. Imagine how it would sound if I said something like, "Well, I've observed basically two types of straight guy..." As with everything, life's more complicated than that. Even the definition of 'homosexual' can get murky. For example, would a prison inmate who has opportunistic sex with other inmates of the same sex count as 'homosexual' for the purposes of some study of hormone differences between gay and straight men? I'm not trying to get on anyone's case. All I'm saying is things aren't as simple as observations make them seem.

That said, I'm glad the tone of this thread has been generally respectful. I like to think that bald (or balding) guys have some empathy for what it's like to be singled out for a difference. Also, we've come a long way as a society to be able to talk about things like this openly.




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tino said:
I had the same thughts about the 5-aR-1.5-alpha-R-2 apparently also.There is a new study(case report),which shows that finasterid can help in cases of tourette syndrome,a disease which makes neurological disturbancees(tics).I dont know what they mean whith mesomorphism in this context.

Two isoenzymes of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme are recognised:

* type 1 - which is located on the short arm of chromosome 7 and occurs in all skin tissues
* type 2 - which is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 and occurs mainly in the genital skin ... 1953169455

So if it occurs mainly in the genital skin, I guess we dont have much Type 2, which Propecia blocks, in the brain.

This is why there should be no taboos in science since you dont know which discoveries may lead to what. NASA goes to space and we get sattelites and cell phones and all that and even teflon pans.

So if they studied the hormonal differences in homosexuals, they might have come up with something.

tino said:
Interesting thoughts.I tryed to find some lower groth factors in homosexuals via E research....but there was nothing.Genetics and hormonal circumstance,is whith the exception of some androgenic factors/sexual hormones,not well investigated.

I think that there is also a opposite in the general gay population.I watched two types of gay man,some who tend to feminin/boyish,and some very masculine.The last category has in fact more body hair,and more baldness.....forasmuch i can evaluate it.


Well, and then there is the third type which are in the middle, neither feminine nor very masculine. And most observations of gays wouldnt be accurate, IMO, since many (prolly most) gays are in the closet. Some studies say 10% of the population is gay. Assuming we know 1000 people, how many of us know 100 gays/lesbians?


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Two isoenzymes of 5 alpha-reductase enzyme are recognised:

* type 1 - which is located on the short arm of chromosome 7 and occurs in all skin tissues
* type 2 - which is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 and occurs mainly in the genital skin

5-a-R-1 is predominant in human brain,insofar the very limited investigations at time,can claim this.5-a-r-2 is also present in human and rat brain.Because of brain tissue specific differences,they see a secondarily function for this isoenzyme......insofar this conclusion can be draw from the limited data at time.Loss of libido is a potential side effect of the selective 5-a-r inhibitor Finasteride.Libido is like agression controlled by brain.

in other respects...the belittlement of 5-a-R-2 by side of MSD,under appointment of the week research ......i am no beliver of that.5-a-r-2 is sure not only useful for puberty development.

About gays and balding,you are right that this is very hard to bear up somehow.Hormonal or receptor specific investigations about gays are very limited.
