Is there a link between hair loss and homosexuality?


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The reason I ask is
1) I'm quite bald (horseshoe pattern) and shave it off
2) I'm straight, and on the market again (after a recent divorce)
3) Most of the bald & balding men I see are gay (and I'm not just talking the buzz cut or shaved head, I'm talking male pattern baldness)

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it just that a gay man will accept a bald/balding man better than a woman will (that seems odd, given the premium the gay community places on appearance) and so the straight guys feel compelled to cover it up via rugs, drugs or plugs? Seems almost like the gay guys use a naked or nearly-naked head as an identifier, as though to say "I'm not trying to attract women".

Being that I AM trying to attract women, I'm in a tough position. Wonder if I should do something about it...


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KeyserSoze said:
Is there a link between hair loss and homosexuality?
What a dumbass question.

I'm assuming you're joking, by the way.... Most homosexual guys are just as concerned about their appearance, if not more, than straight guys.

...or maybe you just live in an alleyway between two gay clubs and don't realise.


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i see lots of gay balding men all the time. they often go for the shaved look. but then again, i also see lots of balding straight men too.... but then again how do i know? :p


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Maxpwr said:
...or maybe you just live in an alleyway between two gay clubs and don't realise.


But yeah, there is certainly a link between homosexuality and male pattern baldness. Basically if you're sporting a chrome dome, it's your bodies way of telling you it wants some c0ck.


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Maybe they had to turn gay because they could'nt get any women with a bald head. :roll:
Or perhaps its just a side effect of finasteride. :gay:


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Maxpwr said:
KeyserSoze said:
Is there a link between hair loss and homosexuality?
What a dumbass question.

I'm assuming you're joking, by the way.... Most homosexual guys are just as concerned about their appearance, if not more, than straight guys.

...or maybe you just live in an alleyway between two gay clubs and don't realise.

You think everyone is a dumb *** but yourself. All you do is criticize other peoples posts without actually posting any of your own :shakehead:

I welcome any question no matter how outrageous. Stop having such tunnel vision about things. Obviously homosexuality does not cause male pattern baldness, but there could be a social link because I see alot of gay men openly showing off their norwoods with massive pirate earings. I even got hit on by one! Perhaps gay men find male pattern baldness sexy....who knows.

So try adding something constructive to the conversation next time instead of bad mouthing every question you see that you dont agree with :nono:


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Ok, I'm a gay man, so I feel the need to say something. I wish I was wise, so I can't really say anything too smart, except that there are a variety of gay men out in the world like there are a variety of straight dudes. Some are more excepting than others of their appearance and what their hair has become like everyone else. I haven't accepted it, I've been fighting it for several years now. So if there is a link, then I'm screwed.


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metalheaddude said:
You think everyone is a dumb *** but yourself. All you do is criticize other peoples posts without actually posting any of your own :shakehead:
Pffft, I don't bad-mouth any posts or threads which I don't see as being fit to. It's just that yours are usually the ones being criticized, due to their worthlessness. The fact that you've been verbally owned on so many occasions is because you speak sh*t, you have immature and childish views, and you come across as a looks-obsessed 14 year old who watches too much tv.

metalheaddude said:
I welcome any question no matter how outrageous. Stop having such tunnel vision about things. Obviously homosexuality does not cause male pattern baldness, but there could be a social link because I see alot of gay men openly showing off their norwoods with massive pirate earings. I even got hit on by one! Perhaps gay men find male pattern baldness sexy....who knows.

So try adding something constructive to the conversation next time instead of bad mouthing every question you see that you dont agree with :nono:
Don't get uptight at me for your inadequacies. You have been the laughing stock of these forums on more than one occasion so don't try to lecture me on "narrow-mindedness" or not being constructive. Welcoming any question no matter how outrageous? ...that's just a polite way of saying,

"I have no f*cking idea! let's compare notes!!"

I give my honest opinions and make no excuses for that. Period!

p.s. how's that master's degree coming along??

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


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Thanks to all those who provided an intelligent response... and, for the record, I am as serious as a heart attack.

These links will illustrate that I'm not entirely off my rocker:
(look on the page for text "how little hair there is in the gay community today")
(look for "bald means gay")
(look for "central casting call for Schindler's List")

And are you aware that the first company to sign an endorsement deal with an openly gay male athlete (John Amaechi) was HeadBlade? And are you also aware that BaldGuyz fired its athletic endorser, Tim Hardaway, for making homophobic remarks? Sounds to me like these companies are trying very hard to retain their key consumer base.

And as for straight vs. gay baldies in the public eye... for every Bruce Willis there seem to be 10 David Evangelistas, Robert Verdis, Christopher Lowells, Michael Stipes, Richard Fairbrasses, Rob Halfords, Mobys, Michel Foucaults, and Pim Fortuyns. Not to mention all the bald 'n' gay "best friends" and sidekick characters in TV & movies (Stanford from Sex and the City, the character played by Stanley Tucci in Devil Wears Prada, etc). Even celebs who aren't "out" are often suspected of being gay: Vin Diesel, Billy Zane, Patrick Stewart, etc... hell, even Mr. Clean!

It just seems that it is considered much more attractive by gay men than straight women. Show me a romance novel for women that has a bald man on the cover, and I will officially be proven wrong!

And it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that there is a biological connection as well. Not that being gay causes baldness or baldness causes one to be gay, but that the same genetic/hormonal traits that cause one can (but not necessarily will) cause the other.


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Is there a link between hair loss and homosexuality?

Ryan Seacrest
Julian Clary
George Michael
Dale Winton
Christopher Biggins
Ricky Martin (allegedly)

Then again ...

Elton John
Michael Barrymore
Will Young
Graham Norton

I guess the results are inconclusive. :dunno:

Will Young


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metalheaddude said:
So try adding something constructive to the conversation next time instead of bad mouthing every question you see that you dont agree with :nono:
Honestly, do you think that after all the wholesome conversations, arguments and debates we've all had, as well as the research, statistics, analysis, random testing, proven data, "drugs, rugs and plugs", romours, surgery, trends, hairstyles, men's magazines, Ashley & Martin commercials, hair on your pillow etcetera etcetera that has been served cold, that a question like this is even valid or serious? Well.... honestly?

If you think about it rationally, like your master's degree level should enable you to, you should notice a major flaw in the difference between a hereditiary genetic disorder and a particular sexual orientation. The two have about as much to do with each other, as a Jewish man has to do with a croquet batton... and any notion otherwise would be just random or grossly incorrect. Hairloss does not cause homosexuality, homosexuality does not cause hairloss or indicate hairloss or imply hairloss or even have anything more to do with hairloss than heterosexuality.
Come on, don't insult me... I thought you had a bit more insight. :shakehead:


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Don't insult US! Did you read my last post? I'm not making this up... other people have observed it.


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Just to reiterate:
I'm NOT saying that most gay men are bald.
I'm NOT saying that most bald men are gay (I have no way of knowing how many men I see use rugs, plugs, etc)

I AM saying that most (not all) of the men I see (either out and about or on TV, etc) who show their bald/balding heads (and, I should also have added, who are not in their 60s or above) are gay.


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Welcome back Ronaldkia. :thumbdown2:


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KeyserSoze said:
Just to reiterate:
I'm NOT saying that most gay men are bald.
I'm NOT saying that most bald men are gay (I have no way of knowing how many men I see use rugs, plugs, etc)

I AM saying that most (not all) of the men I see (either out and about or on TV, etc) who show their bald/balding heads (and, I should also have added, who are not in their 60s or above) are gay.

That simply isn't true. Most men who show their balding heads are definitely not gay, it's statistically impossible considering how few gay men there are compared to straight men.


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KeyserSoze said:
(look on the page for text "how little hair there is in the gay community today")
(look for "bald means gay")
(look for "central casting call for Schindler's List")

...These links will illustrate that I'm not entirely off my rocker:
Sure but they in no way back up your suggestions in the real world.

KeyserSoze said:
And are you aware that the first company to sign an endorsement deal with an openly gay male athlete (John Amaechi) was HeadBlade? And are you also aware that BaldGuyz fired its athletic endorser, Tim Hardaway, for making homophobic remarks? Sounds to me like these companies are trying very hard to retain their key consumer base.

And as for straight vs. gay baldies in the public eye... for every Bruce Willis there seem to be 10 David Evangelistas, Robert Verdis, Christopher Lowells, Michael Stipes, Richard Fairbrasses, Rob Halfords, Mobys, Michel Foucaults, and Pim Fortuyns. Not to mention all the bald 'n' gay "best friends" and sidekick characters in TV & movies (Stanford from Sex and the City, the character played by Stanley Tucci in Devil Wears Prada, etc). Even celebs who aren't "out" are often suspected of being gay: Vin Diesel, Billy Zane, Patrick Stewart, etc... hell, even Mr. Clean!

It just seems that it is considered much more attractive by gay men than straight women. Show me a romance novel for women that has a bald man on the cover, and I will officially be proven wrong!
It's nice that you can make these assumptions (and you raise interesting points there) but again, in the real world, they hold no meaning, explanation or validity to your suggestions. The media is all about exploiting stereotypical images and views, you should know that.... We hate the fact that it's always the Danny Devito or George Costanza types that represent the baldies, and that often the balding person in a duo, trio or even a whole set is always going to be portrayed as the inferior, or the comic relief. So of course certain things are gonna stick out too, including the "BAD" Vin Diesel image, the cool Patrick Stewart, the charismatic Sean Connery, which are now taken for granted. Any one or all of these three could be gay and it wouldn't make a difference. Homosexuals are just as affected by hairloss, both physically and emotionally. The fact that they may be more understanding of another man's baldness is probably a big help in some ways, but I'd never go so far as to say that it was "more acceptable" or more widespread in the gay community (even the overt gays). I don't know what gays you know or see regularly but last time I checked they were just normal people with the same social pressures and demands as any other guys...


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KeyserSoze said:
These links will illustrate that I'm not entirely off my rocker:
(look on the page for text "how little hair there is in the gay community today")
(look for "bald means gay")
(look for "central casting call for Schindler's List")

I only read the first article because honestly I don't see how it's relevant to hair loss in any genetic way. It just seems like observation from those that don't know very much about the gay world and have no genetic expertise in the field of baldness. For the record, most younger guys don't go to the 'Gay Mardi Gras.' In fact I've never even heard of it till now. I'd rather go to Fantasy Fest down here in Florida. The first article is probably right in the sense that a lot of "ugly" "balding" gay men were there. Usually it's the older ugly bald guys that have to go out in public places like that to have sex because they know it's sure deal. The younger better looking men don't have to go there because they can get good looking guys without liquor and the big surge of enthusiam that's present in a big gay parade. These guys that have hair aren't being seen. That is just one section of the gay community. If you want to see a better interpretation, then look at different gay outlets. Look at a gay club's website, or a gay charity site, or a help group for those coming to terms with their sexuality. Maybe the 'Logo' or the 'Here!' website, which are both gay cable channels. Usually they have pictures of the people that go there. A lot are in good shape, some are fat, some are bald, some have hair, some are bears, and some are little twinks that are so thin that they can be broken in half by a strong breeze. It's kinda like the straight community in the sense that there's all measures of people, not just one type. It seems like these articles are looking at the same exact population of gay men and aren't looking at the overall picture as a whole seeing the complete population of the gay community. Most of the people being observed are men in their late 40's to late 50's that are over weight from depression and are bald because they don't see any need to make themselves look better because they're stuck in a heterosexual world where they can't show any sign of their true sexuality for most of their lives. Now that they're so old and out of shape, they need to express them selves as best as they can in a stupid freaking 'gay parade' where other people get the wrong idea about how the gay population is. Sorry about that rant, but I get a little irriated sometimes at some of the older gay population and how the media seems to think that that's the representation of the entire gay population.

KeyserSoze said:
And are you aware that the first company to sign an endorsement deal with an openly gay male athlete (John Amaechi) was HeadBlade? And are you also aware that BaldGuyz fired its athletic endorser, Tim Hardaway, for making homophobic remarks? Sounds to me like these companies are trying very hard to retain their key consumer base.")
Dude, that's keeping people apeased for merchandising. The dude from Grey's Anatomy was asked to leave because of homosexual comments. Was that a gay show? Was a lot gay men interested in it? Honestly, no. But those gay men that were interested in it would have felt alienated from the show being that a homophobic jerk was on it and then the show would have lost some viewers. Not just the gay guys, but those that would have been sympathetic towards gay men. The same could be said of Hardaway. Baldguyz didn't want to alienate any of there consumers, including gay men.

KeyserSoze said:
And as for straight vs. gay baldies in the public eye... for every Bruce Willis there seem to be 10 David Evangelistas, Robert Verdis, Christopher Lowells, Michael Stipes, Richard Fairbrasses, Rob Halfords, Mobys, Michel Foucaults, and Pim Fortuyns. Not to mention all the bald 'n' gay "best friends" and sidekick characters in TV & movies (Stanford from Sex and the City, the character played by Stanley Tucci in Devil Wears Prada, etc). Even celebs who aren't "out" are often suspected of being gay: Vin Diesel, Billy Zane, Patrick Stewart, etc... hell, even Mr. Clean!")
Vin Diesel may be gay?! Are you serious! That is so cool, why did no one tell me this? I've never heard that at all. I know a lot of gay dudes like him cause he's really muscled up, but I didn't think he was gay. Billy Zane and Patrick Stewart? Really them too? When did this happen? And Mr. Clean? I really must be out of the gay loop on these guys.

optimus prime

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I will be honest and admit that I also noticed the amount of gay people who are balding. I personally don’t believe there is a correlation between homosexuality and hairloss though.

I however believe it is down to the fact that they feel that because they are interested in the same sex that they feel more secure and find it easier to accept hairloss because it’s something that other men can relate to. Or maybe that ‘coming out’ took so much courage that something like hairloss is trivial.

However, heterosexual men finding it harder to accept hairloss because maybe they feel that females won’t be so understanding. (Even if women are understanding about hairloss, I think many men are afraid what a woman they are interested in will think).

Hollywood is a perfect example; they all just hide their hair loss. It’s getting to the point where you have actors in their 60-70’s with a 30 year olds hairline.

Obviously this is not the case for all gay men and straight men. Some straight men can let their hair go without being insecure and some gay men will want to retain their hair.
Also, if there was a relationship between homosexuality and hairloss then the majority of men would be gay. Let’s be honest, hairloss is becoming more and more common.


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KeyserSoze said:
I AM saying that most (not all) of the men I see (either out and about or on TV, etc) who show their bald/balding heads (and, I should also have added, who are not in their 60s or above) are gay.
...dude, by the sounds of it you have no idea about homosexuals in the first place, so how can you tell? Do you ask them?

...or do you maybe watch a bit too much television as well?