Is It Worth Using Dht Lowering Medication To Showcase A hair transplant Result

The Baldy Man

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Like I have said before I feel sorry for people who get extreme sides on finasteride but I still believe it is a small minority unless I see some studies that show that your claimed 20-30 percent figure is accurate. I also feel sorry because finasteride is the only thing that can help slow down serious balding. You need to keep as much hair as you can to make transplants work, because then you will lose hair and be stuck with a diffuse look. So without finasteride, your only real options are to go for a very conservative thin transplant, just shave it, or get a hair piece.


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Topcat, what is a typical day of eating like for you? I asking about breakfast, lunch and dinner, unless you include some sort of fasting into your routine.


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Topcat, what is a typical day of eating like for you? I asking about breakfast, lunch and dinner, unless you include some sort of fasting into your routine.

Mr Hulley most of what I do has been a result of small improvements over decades. Each improvement builds on the next which makes it easy. I’m a big fan of certain foods for certain reasons that would require to lengthy and explanation to write into a posting.

Today I had a couple pounds of very, very rare beef heart in fact it was beef heart tartar. About 18 raw eggs mixed with some organic cocoa, about a half quart of fermented blueberries, a couple of avocados and maybe some more eggs later.

The average person could probably not eat this way. They are stuck with certain beliefs that would need to be overcome and were put there by marketers. It’s also the same reason many that have tried what the marketers were selling them and failed will tell you natural is not possible. These are the same guys that want to have their pizza and beer. It's takes a lot of work and a lot time to find truth........

I caught Joe Rogan’s recent podcast with Dorian Yates and it rang a bell for me. He mentioned how once very prominent bodybuilder Ronnie Coleman had double hip replacement. Ed Coan perhaps the greatest powerlifter to have ever lived and the same age as me also has had hip replacement. This is the stuff the marketers selling those magazines don’t tell you. There is a price for all that drug induced glory and if more were exposed to it they would be less tempted.

Drug free allows one longevity and results long term. The same applies with hair. You do not want to end up looking like the guy in the boat.
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Doesnt matter what you eat if you're on finasteride though.

this is the outcome:



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Also, the only reason I question whether @topcat is on test with that physique is because his profile says he's in his 50's. That's an achievable physique natty for dudes under 40....just requires lifting properly for hypertrophy and low body fat %

Big L

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Topcat has a history of sh*t posts and fear mongering on these forums. Look at any of his hair transplant posts and its complete and utter rubbish.
Same with this thread. Absolute sh*t and no facts to back up anything hes saying.


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Yes hard work was instilled at a very, very young age for me. Where I disagree with you is I believe taking these medications places a giant road block in front of anyone wanting to try. You need DHT for the aggressive drive to perform hard physical work. I don't believe that point is debatable.

Depends on what you want out of life. So it's just information for those struggling with making a decision. They still have free will.
I am lifting much heavier weight than I was pre-finasteride. I was extremely depressed and stopped lifting for a while. Been on finasteride 3 years, can lift more than 95% of people...think I am fine. You need testosterone, not DHT. Many bodybuilders actually use AR inhibitors in order to combat the hair loss effects of steroids. Read a study on effects of using AR inhibitors while also taking steroids, showed that AR inhibitors did not inhibit muscular development, and that the group on steroids with dutasteride and the group on steroids without had the same increase in muscular development.

Found the study:

This one study discredits your entire post. Sorry mate
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Sorry going to have to disagree. Yes some in the industry are going to push it especially if they are taking it. As the old saying goes nobody wants to drink alone. Young guys get the information you have a choice. Don't end up like this its infinitely worse that not having hair and if you end up with ED or can't perform to the max you may regret it.

To live life to it's fullest you have to be able to perform to the max..............don't end up half a man.............. performing and looking like half a man.

Many cancers are estrogen driven and it takes about 20+ years to manifest same as cigarettes and lung cancer. I think many that have been on this crap long term are setting themselves up for the disease. It's sad because they probably didn't think about it at the time and then once they did it might have been too late to go back.

You have to be able to look at all this critically. It's the same with the drinking alone quote. So many over the years wanted me to join them but I was aware enough to know it was for losers. I look at those same people now 30 years later and the ones that are still alive are complete f'd up..............think long term.

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I find it extremely hard to believe that that picture is a result of "gyno" fron finasteride, those are full blown tits. Yes finasteride can cause gyno (raise in test, excess test converts to estrogen) but if you notice you have gyno and you keep taking finasteride to get tits THAT f*****g big it's not finasteride's fault, you need a brain transplant after you get the gyno surgery.

Also plenty of cancers are androgen driven too, like prostate cancer, which people that have male pattern baldness probably have a higher risk of getting.
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Topcat, I asked what you were eating but I'd also like to know why. Like, why beef heart and why tartar and not cooked? What benefit does this give? I know why you eat a lot of eggs and avocado but why organic cocoa? Why the fermented blueberries? I'm asking for an education here.

And about your first photo, I don't think it's fair to show a pic of Jack Nicholson, who is literally an 80 year old man, and compare this to what one will experience by taking finasteride. Take a photo of someone that has worked out as much as you have an is on finasteride and put it next to your own photo and THEN you have a fair comparison.



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I'm asking for an education here.

It would be impossible to explain each nuance and the whys gathered over 40 years in a posting. I'm actually writing on that subject too because nutrition and fitness like just about everything else is driven more by profit then truth. Which is fine unless you are the person that suffers the consequences like maybe losing a loved one needlessly because the information they had was about profit and not truth.

Yes Jack Nicholson who does not use Finasteride but the body example is what one can expect as they become older in my opinion and yes others will disagree. These medications take away your aggressive drive so finding someone that works out with the intensity required while being natural I don't believe will be found. Yes maybe with exogenous testosterone but it's an absolute recipe for disaster and when the cancer is diagnosed it's game over.

There are thousands and thousands of experiences of others available online. One only needs to use logic to understand what happens after 20+ use of this crap. Turning oneself into a woman for hair makes no sense. Those that are trying to convince others to use this medication don't want to drink alone.

This is not my imagination. My hips are wider. Not fat, I feel the bones protruding more. Anyone else?

Yep, I notice the same. My body has feminized a great deal since stopping Fina. I don't think Finasteride can modify the bones, however you will notice wider hips when you lose a lot of chest muscle and getting "feminized" fat pattern at the hips. This is caused by Finasteride altering our endocrine asset like for example T/E ratio. Get your blood work done, however it won't be much useful if you did not have it done before starting the drug (which is my case unfortunately)

Yes I notice I have the same fat disposition as women with hips/ love handles. I used to be lean and this is not the case anymore, I am doughy, 20 lbs. more since stopping finasteride. Weight gain occurred in a month going off the drug and remains exactly the same two year later with much effort applied to change my weight/ diet. Before, I used to be one of those people that had trouble gaining weight and could eat anything they wanted. It's as if my whole metabolism has changed. Also, I experience constant bloating, even if I don't eat for a day, which I've tried just to see.
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I don’t follow bodybuilding so I didn’t know who this person was but I did see the headline and read the article. He is simply a victim in my mind like so many in life. I’m sure he was exposed to some type of information that was put out by marketer at a young age that led to certain beliefs and with those beliefs one thing leads to another and at 46 this becomes his reality.

It’s only when one fully understands information is programming and these marketers are programming for their gain especially to the young and/or desperate. Bodybuilding/fitness is about selling an image and with that image product. Most of it is harmless and simply a waste of money but the information/programming itsself can lead one down a path that can cost them their life. This can all be traced back to marketers making money by presenting lies over truth and it applies to almost everything.

Same applies to the hair transplant marketers. They work at presenting an image which is very often false but one can easily buy into and although death is rarely a consequence devastation for many is quite common. And similar to those who buy into the false bodybuilding image you do not hear about all the death and disease because it does not sell product.

JeanLuc’s appeal to young guys is that he is 22 and many are going to be close to the same age. But does his story add up and does his story serve young guys well long term? Is he real or simply a screen name created to sway the young boys? Observation over time.


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@topcat as an avid fitness enthusiast you must be shocked to hear the death of Rich Piana. RIP

Sad to hear, some of his sh*t was pretty ridiculous but he had some entertaining stuff and didn't hide his steroid use, but you could tell the guy wasn't going to live very long. There's rumors they found opiates/cocaine and the paramedics had to give him narcan