Irritating Leftists Scoring 33% Accuracy


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I'm 28, white, 6'3, balding, high in verbal intelligence, middle-class and 1st percentile when it comes to assertiveness (confirmed by several personality tests and well, my life).

28: advantage
White: advantage
Height: advantage
Balding: disadvantage
High in verbal intelligence: advantage
Middle-class: neutral I guess?
1st percentile in assertiveness: huge disadvantage

You forgot your bad-boy smile you bastard :)

/*Hearing Jordan Peterson in this post */


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Middle class is very advantageous both through financial capital and cultural capital.

Being working class - no matter what ethnicity - is a large barrier to success.

If you look at the data: children from poor families tend to stay poor themselves when they grow up.


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The biggest barriers to success in the professional world are having a low IQ and being low in conscientiousness.

They need to control for intelligence when it comes to those children from poor families. If you're rich and dumb, and you lose all your money (which is very likely to happen), you're fucked. If you're poor and smart, you have a way out.

My mother's parents were working class, yet she's managed to learn 4 languages and became an executive in one of the top companies in Belgium.

My grandparents don't have a low-IQ and they weren't lazy, it's just that access to higher education wasn't so easy in the 1940's. So it was hard for them to achieve their potential.

I can safely say that there are almost no barriers to higher education in Western Europe. If you don't have the money, don't worry, you'll get a grant, paid by my f*****g taxes. We didn't get a penny back for my fees at university, we were too well-off they said. While some of my friends whose parents were either unemployed or moonlighting barely paid anything.

This socialist system is great to make people who play by the rules bitter and resentful. Thankfully, we're moving away from that system, the Belgian people voting more and more right and libertarian. I'm all for helping people who are truly underprivileged and stuck, but this isn't my experience, I've seen way too many people try to cheat the system.
But in fairness I do think education should be free.

Its good for the nation to have access to high quality education.

I cant speak for Belgium but I've been to finland and Denmark where they do have great access to higher education and I was astounded by the general fluency of England, their political awareness, and their general intelligence.


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I brought this up to a friend yesterday in a discussion. We were talking about alt left and their reverse behavior. Now SOME of you might find it hard to believe, but online I can be quite the troll, no its true. I salivate at the though of a fresh debate where I can troll the person to a fine whittled portion of what they were then debase them with "you mad brah" memes.

Any way as much as people like this like to deny it, they are trolls. They are literally subconsciously, or maybe consciously just trolling. They know deep down in their hearts 95% of what they preach is utter horse sh*t and even THEY find it hypocritical but they do it because like me, they get a "reaction" and that is the art of the troll......

I also find it that growing up poor and white, in a minority driven area everything they say is nonsense and actually offensive to me. Slightly racist if you will. I ALSO find it humorous these same types of people who put up signs like this also will turn their heads and call someone an uneducated southern redneck..... but somehow that low income, uneducated, white redneck still lives in privilege.... Do they just have a nicer tin shanty?

I am by no means ultra conservative but MAN am I not liberal, the retarded nonsense that just flows from their mouths.... but I keep just telling myself....

Good Troll Brah! (high five), good troll


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Gender is not a spectrum but a bimodal distribution.

By that definition, the term gender doesn't exist and doesn't refer to anything real or measurable.

Sex was and will always remain the correct term.

I agree, lol at the justification "but he has good intentions!"

Look at the result when such ideas (here equity or equality of outcome) are applied and then infer the motivation.

We already know the result from what happened in the 20th century: 100 million people were murdered, and they're still dying under communist regimes who are alive and well, like Venezuela and North Korea.

A leftist policy has destroyed my city, many businesses are closing, but as one of my leftist colleagues said: "But, the elites who put that policy into place had good intentions, it's the people who ruined it!"

Good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Intelligence is also missing. Intelligence and conscientiousness are stronger predictors of where you'll end up in life than having wealthy parents.

If you're low in conscientiousness, you're basically stuck being a lazy f***.

And what about height?

What about weight?

What about extroversion?

What about being low in agreeableness?

What about being low in neuroticism?

What about age?

What about having a face that inspires trust?

What about having a face that scare people from messing with you?

Afro, look, it only takes 7 dimensions to arrive at the level of the individual, take me for example:

I'm 28, white, 6'3, balding, high in verbal intelligence, middle-class and 1st percentile when it comes to assertiveness (confirmed by several personality tests and well, my life).

28: advantage
White: advantage
Height: advantage
Balding: disadvantage
High in verbal intelligence: advantage
Middle-class: neutral I guess?
1st percentile in assertiveness: huge disadvantage

You see? You can play that game indefinitely, and that's why radical leftists love to play it, they'll never run out of disadvantages, they can divide the population into an infinite number of different groups that they see as oppressed.

We're all individuals with our advantages and disadvantages, you can't make everyone equal, and if you try to force it on them, it always leads to mass-murder. Let the 'market' decide, let people make their own choices, let people keep their freedom.

You made a valid point that I plausibly erred in suggesting "looks" as a single variable.

Looks is multi-dimensional, and the beneficial ingredients are context-dependent.


As for there being strays in the gender binary, there are and there's no point debating this. There are children, for example, born with ambiguous or mixed genitalia. It's likely due to a mistake in the womb. Similarly, people born with "XXY" chromosome start off very male but become more and more female as they get older, and this trait shows a spread. There are lots of such disorders and they're well documented scientifically, we don't need to list them all. It's also the case that non-gender binaries have been made explicit in multiple independent cultures, such as South Asian cultures and Native North American cultures.

Scientifically, the deviation from non-binary gender classification exists and is small.
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I brought this up to a friend yesterday in a discussion. We were talking about alt left and their reverse behavior. Now SOME of you might find it hard to believe, but online I can be quite the troll, no its true. I salivate at the though of a fresh debate where I can troll the person to a fine whittled portion of what they were then debase them with "you mad brah" memes.

Any way as much as people like this like to deny it, they are trolls. They are literally subconsciously, or maybe consciously just trolling. They know deep down in their hearts 95% of what they preach is utter horse sh*t and even THEY find it hypocritical but they do it because like me, they get a "reaction" and that is the art of the troll......

I also find it that growing up poor and white, in a minority driven area everything they say is nonsense and actually offensive to me. Slightly racist if you will. I ALSO find it humorous these same types of people who put up signs like this also will turn their heads and call someone an uneducated southern redneck..... but somehow that low income, uneducated, white redneck still lives in privilege.... Do they just have a nicer tin shanty?

I am by no means ultra conservative but MAN am I not liberal, the retarded nonsense that just flows from their mouths.... but I keep just telling myself....

Good Troll Brah! (high five), good troll

I think that they literally believe it.

From what I saw of the leftist community, this was a large component of the Clinton vs Sanders division for the recent Democratic Party presidential nomination. The Clinton wing was focused on identity politics, for example in the slogan "ImWithHer", whereas the Sanders wing was focused on economic issues.

A quote I once saw an alt-left blog went something like this:
"Liberals would be fine with the 1% owning 99% of the wealth as long as that 1% was one-half women, one-tenth black, and one-twentieth LGBQTI."

That statement is probably a correct description of many people who are with her. It shows how they care about "inequality", but only along certain dimensions of what characterizes us as human beings.

Separately, I suspect that a society like that is technically possible, but theoretically impossible in the greater sense. If there is a lot of inequality, then it has to manifest itself in a few different axes. Less inequality due to gender, etc without addressing the underlying meanness of some people would just shift the inequality to other axes.
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Jordan Peterson made this suggestion in one of his interviews: "It makes you wonder how much of it is just provocation (or as you say trolling)".

He linked the hysteria of the radical left to the rise of female authoritarianism, it's the first time we have so many women in politics or as political activists.

And I think he's onto something, I turn on the TV and see those naive leftists bragging about taking one or several Sudanese refugees in their homes, and the vast majority of them are women. They'll say things like "they're like my children!".

Most of the time, it's women who are behind those policies advocating that "we should be nice, we should welcome everyone, we're all human after all! We should all share everything with each other".

Well, how much of that is trolling the men in our society, to see if they'll stand up against it? And of course, we see what happens most of the time, most men in the political sphere or in the media just happily cuck themselves and will white-knight the women even if what they're advocating is just batshit crazy.

Arguably the most significant effect of mass immigration is that it decreases wages of low-skill workers.

That means continuing poor living standards for the existing poor, and cheaper avocados and housecleaning for the upper-middle class, who constitute many of these professional complainers in universities.

It's not usually poor whites making posters like the one I linked in the first post -- poor whites typically want to work.


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I think that they literally believe it.

From what I saw of the leftist community, this was a large component of the Clinton vs Sanders division for the recent Democratic Party presidential nomination. The Clinton wing was focused on identity politics, for example in the slogan "ImWithHer", whereas the Sanders wing was focused on economic issues.

A quote I once saw an alt-left blog went something like this:
"Liberals would be fine with the 1% owning 99% of the wealth as long as that 1% was one-half women, one-tenth black, and one-twentieth LGBQTI."

That statement is probably a correct description of many people who are with her. It shows how they care about "inequality", but only along certain dimensions of what characterizes us as human beings.

Separately, I suspect that a society like that is technically possible, but theoretically impossible in the greater sense. If there is a lot of inequality, then it has to manifest itself in a few different axes. Less inequality due to gender, etc without addressing the underlying meanness of some people would just shift the inequality to other axes.

This is why I said subconsciously. They may not know or realize theyre doing it but theyre doing it.

as for that portion in red. Theres a quote I started a while back and sadly some other person is prob getting credit for it but "no one wants true equality, everyone just want their turn"


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an Peterson made this suggestion in one of his interviews: "It makes you wonder how much of it is just provocation (or as you say trolling)".

He linked the hysteria of the radical left to the rise of female authoritarianism, it's the first time we have so many women in politics or as political activists.

And I think he's onto something, I turn on the TV and see those naive leftists bragging about taking one or several Sudanese refugees in their homes, and the vast majority of them are women. They'll say things like "they're like my children!".

Most of the time, it's women who are behind those policies advocating that "we should be nice, we should welcome everyone, we're all human after all! We should all share everything with each other".

Well, how much of that is trolling the men in our society, to see if they'll stand up against it? And of course, we see what happens most of the time, most men in the political sphere or in the media just happily cuck themselves and will white-knight the women even if what they're advocating is just batshit crazy.

thats not the trolling Im talking about though, thats altruism. The best explanation I ever heard of that was in the video game bioshock.... I wish Andrew Ryan was a real person lol (though he was modeled off An Rynd, but she never built a bad *** undersea city!)
These people act like they want everyone to be nice and welcoming to each other but all they really want is for you to see how nice THEY are. They want to manipulate you to thinking helping someone else is helping all when more often than not its going to be self destructive.
My GF and I were eating out once in a douchy part of town and there were these older white people at a table next to us being snoody. One of the women made an interjecting comment in their conversation about how she volunteered somewhere and how rewarding it felt. MY GF is as bad as I when she wants to be and we both made a loud enough comment about if its so rewarding why do you feel the need to have your friends praise for it (paraphrasing, it was a long time ago). This woman didnt honestly care about the people she was "helping", all she cared about was people knew she was doing it. Thats not trolling though.
People like this are walking c****.......

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thats not the trolling Im talking about though, thats altruism. The best explanation I ever heard of that was in the video game bioshock.... I wish Andrew Ryan was a real person lol (though he was modeled off An Rynd, but she never built a bad *** undersea city!)
These people act like they want everyone to be nice and welcoming to each other but all they really want is for you to see how nice THEY are.
My GF and I were eating out once in a douchy part of town and there were these older white people at a table next to us being snoody. One of the women made an interjecting comment in their conversation about how she volunteered somewhere and how rewarding it felt. MY GF is as bad as I when she wants to be and we both made a loud enough comment about if its so rewarding why do you feel the need to have your friends praise for it (paraphrasing, it was a long time ago). This woman didnt honestly care about the people she was "helping", all she cared about was people knew she was doing it. Thats not trolling though.
People like this are walking c****.......

Maimonides' 8 levels of charity, this is in the context of very religious Judaism but you can adapt it quite generally, one of the points is that anonymous charity is more meaningful, it's the second most meaningful attribute, other than enabling independence/subsistence:

[1] The greatest level, above which there is no greater, is to support a fellow Jew by endowing him with a gift or loan, or entering into a partnership with him, or finding employment for him, in order to strengthen his hand so that he will not need to be dependent upon others . . .

[2] A lesser level of charity than this is to give to the poor without knowing to whom one gives, and without the recipient knowing from who he received. For this is performing a mitzvah solely for the sake of Heaven. This is like the “anonymous fund” that was in the Holy Temple [in Jerusalem]. There the righteous gave in secret, and the good poor profited in secret. Giving to a charity fund is similar to this mode of charity, though one should not contribute to a charity fund unless one knows that the person appointed over the fund is trustworthy and wise and a proper administrator, like Rabbi Chananyah ben Teradyon.

[3] A lesser level of charity than this is when one knows to whom one gives, but the recipient does not know his benefactor. The greatest sages used to walk about in secret and put coins in the doors of the poor. It is worthy and truly good to do this, if those who are responsible for distributing charity are not trustworthy.

[4] A lesser level of charity than this is when one does not know to whom one gives, but the poor person does know his benefactor. The greatest sages used to tie coins into their robes and throw them behind their backs, and the poor would come up and pick the coins out of their robes, so that they would not be ashamed.

[5] A lesser level than this is when one gives to the poor person directly into his hand, but gives before being asked.

[6] A lesser level than this is when one gives to the poor person after being asked.

[7] A lesser level than this is when one gives inadequately, but gives gladly and with a smile.

[8] A lesser level than this is when one gives unwillingly.


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He linked the hysteria of the radical left to the rise of female authoritarianism, it's the first time we have so many women in politics or as political activists.

And I think he's onto something, I turn on the TV and see those naive leftists bragging about taking one or several Sudanese refugees in their homes, and the vast majority of them are women. They'll say things like "they're like my children!".

Most of the time, it's women who are behind those policies advocating that "we should be nice, we should welcome everyone, we're all human after all! We should all share everything with each other".

I agree as well. With women, it's mostly about the feelz. That is also the foundation of the viewpoints of the left. Screw logic, screw fairnness, screw accepting the fact that life is inherently unequal.

Cue Bald

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lol i remember when the picture of that dead migrant boy did the rounds on the BBC and all these leftie celebs said "we all need to do our part, I am going to give my room/second house/london pad and let a migrant boy live there".

well guido fawkes did a checkup a few months later, and guess what, no suprise not a single one of these pro migrant twatter morons had done a single thing to help a migrant, even though they all have second homes. they all either refused to comment, but one said "actually it needs to be done through the propper channels" i.e. we need to spend millions more on a state department (just like a charity, 90% of the income goes towards the charity beaurocracy, and the 10% may go to help people in need, if you are lucky. silly cow

they are all full of sh*t. any public figure on £100,000 telling us poor working folk off, should have their salary and house taken away, and be forced to live in a migrant area for a few years. see how they will change their tune then.


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My privilege is fine thank you. I feel no guilt being a white, male, heterosexual living in my ancestral land. Any immigrants who don’t like living in a majority white country can move back to their ancestral home.

As for “transgenders”, this nonsense will end given the fullness of time. “Transgender” surgery will one day be remembered as barbaric a practice as lobotomies now are.


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Reasonable people who still believe in borders, fairness and the social contract often ask on social networks: "what about our own homeless people?"

Now that has become a meme for the radical leftists who think they're oh so smart when they tell those people (who are often right-wing and therefore have a job) "what do you do for the homeless?".

I pay my f*****g taxes, and loads of my money is going to the welfare state to make sure we can keep as many people as we can from being homeless. And yes, I'd like my taxes to go to the homeless who are Belgian citizens.

"But we're all human!" Yeah, that's not sustainable, you keep this up and you're going to burn Belgium and Europe to the ground, then we're all become refugees in our own countries.

So yeah, trolling, basically. Some people are really housing migrants in Belgium. "We're waiting for the UK to let them come!" How delusional can they be, that's never going to happen. So how long are they going to house those migrants? What happens when they tell them "sorry, we can't afford to house you anymore" and they whip up the machete? But they don't think that far, and they're way too naive.

This is happening all over Europe. What have they done?

Most of Europe’s indigenous “homeless” are actually just druggies, vagrants and professional beggars. Law enforcement is the way to deal with them.

As for the fighting age Muslim men invading Europe, if virtue signallers want to take them into their homes then good luck. But really Europe should be robustly defending its border. I would rather a million Muslim men die than one European woman be touched inappropriately.


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This is why I said subconsciously. They may not know or realize theyre doing it but theyre doing it.

as for that portion in red. Theres a quote I started a while back and sadly some other person is prob getting credit for it but "no one wants true equality, everyone just want their turn"
You could also argue that true equality is anathema to the human condition.

And on the subject of racism; in my line of work I have worked with various ethnic groups.
Some from East Asia, South Asia and also from the Middle East.

You just have to listen to a few of their lunchtime conversations (those that are in English) to hear some blatant racism and overall narrow view points.


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You could also argue that true equality is anathema to the human condition.

The evidence for that is overwhelming. Progressive ideologues want equality of outcome not simply of opportunity. This is why, despite having equal rights/opportunities, white people still get the blame for blacks and Muslims failing academically and professionally. Progressives refuse to accept this phenomenon is anything but the result of white racism and “Islamophobia”.


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You could also argue that true equality is anathema to the human condition.

And on the subject of racism; in my line of work I have worked with various ethnic groups.
Some from East Asia, South Asia and also from the Middle East.

You just have to listen to a few of their lunchtime conversations (those that are in English) to hear some blatant racism and overall narrow view points.

well everyone wants to feel like they have succeeded and unfortunately thats not 100% possible without someone in a worse situation to feel better than. Its the same thing as the fullhead/bald discussion.

Either way, EVERYONE is racist. I grew up predominantly around blacks and latinos, not white people and theres so much racism there as well its hysterical. Neither really like each other, both claim to dislike whites, latinos will pretend to be white and hate blacks if its self serving, most latinos are racist to OTHER races of latin/hispanic. Its rather funny actually. Unfortunately people have this misguided view though that only whites are racist because they are somehow privileged over others. Funny though, I was reading an article yesterday that showed black males that are raised with white males of the same income and demographic have a general drop off as they get older, THOUGH black females in the same situation generally fair just as well as the white females they are raised with. So where is the actual blame?
Either way, everyone wants someone to sh*t on, and everyone wants someone else to blame. THATS human nature.
Funny though, do people think if tomorrow all of a sudden the roles were switched and whites were the ones who majorly faltered economically that black and latin people would not be racist?

Everyones a deluded hypocrite.
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